'll L . woman-gm , W18“ 'eemtr.'rttebttrmotnee,trrhti. 1 _ "thtounattdtiita'iE,iiiirtir,"ttT 'hte1rtA-td-ioevernfmidee-r. 1tied-&att,natdtmed--t- 'bmruethe-trerfeettrtd-t0-. .e.-ier-gaa. gamma» 'r'll"rtafAit,TidldftrlUd COIION SENSE PAYS OFF Ttt-torymttheftmttt-oflhe htdekettthi_tltnt-tiaatttiJtioet, tin-of 2pi'pg,"na'g,gt2agtd Griuuby and of thewiulomofex WeMton. Archie Aiton ha been ettiogired in this alum before for the valiant tfiht that he En up to pumhue the mt Grim-by "roaketrie plant from the Hydro Elect- Me Power Commission of Ontario. Re luc- ooododin histVtttant1aa.tteyrttEopP it " move that it was the. beat )obAtlhltth. or "onehetodoiyet,it down and think ofwUt the present dame plant would 1','leN'll2"ik"iiliriiriiL?3a1nht?t,,,i,t 'l,"lltlj7liih,iii,tj2ilNtglNe"d,'hri iihtmd for $1.30: 1897. Sun we may â€and: tttttgt" up e mammmum Jrt'trniiirnriuute""" my other man. ever pat up for the better- mtnd development of Grlmlby. The In- dopaudcntstoryoftwowcohm ml the Gr7irTitriihiektuaueproietutottd thuhmontoeome. t,msnotathomeinttuowhamtletry- 1e,iiiiiiie,ientuggutttcitd'tl,',"gt -eilnndwaaatmetttem ybeckedbyex- iiiFGiiiieE9otutaoycAfthat.tiRelett serving in His Majesty's Forces. in the wilds of Northern Onul'io. Had I been ham] would have backed the pmject to the limit. Asitnms1%redttty ttottiertortvotefor the bylaw in spite of xxx: and highuter. A'iet-eeodCt-Mntt,Ptmtotnee Duct-among“ J. â€Lou â€Vim. W. â€any†’0;un the by]: She did. faiftiar. majority. It celled for In expenditure of "iiir,iiiiGriGiGi.Fiirriur.f?ytieP8f aGGt'iiGGc'hiirtlirytyrr,teq: 'aGr'ariri7iiriii.i0p.ttyMtr1ryltit wisdom immediately used that my - iiriiiriiiiiiEGikierGtAtytdts1A%tlt.t i;iLirttiiriG'rGraiGihratth.e.mtd,tfff? and " years. That system continued down "iiGriCiireFiihdeuteyeteP'r- iaTii"iuita%tttureteue. a; "IG' Cii'in an; arm a a... than has maul-tad peMU to the extent of -ttrtrrtn'att 'en. . . s,se,t,utt,mathn_tritt.tie.o.tttttt,t! erenttttuorrhe.re" We!!! fret Ne,.t-asmtr-.r.rrd.rf,fitsfygtit" ao,tpfihiiiii;itTiii5rGi0rhitly1ed?9 a Nell', Communion! Junu Ithmr M 11100:»:thme by " a'ltGikrtjriaTautrere1ttiUnr, 2'la',1Tnirr%'iiciiitiiFliEutttgitSt imrtirdrorgMB. "Griiiuriitutnoqt.it1 1lhl"nrtiri"iiriinii)ititityEeyyhe 'l'lltG'4"G';y7iiiiyGiiaiatir"""htr “Madam Ryan. I“ "I†I‘y' an"... _. _,_ Mutual. firlr"GiiGiriiaenettteiet 'lS'lll7iN"iEiiiiii'ahEiijeyg.tle. Tl'l'rTlL"ifti"tiG"iiiéjaeth"" . . . . There is no uncertainty in my mind but whet cannon sane union: the myâ€: prevailed when Aitemand John-on not out topardhleethepruentflydronkctrkSy- stem. Ap-tttts the complex ofthe people f,'fl"idll"il'GrkiifiiEiiiihntttyttey, - It's a good thing it did. It has proved simirerrste,t.utr.eeltU'ty. snstig"ii'iiitGka)Ltt1Pgey.'rt: when my (ether. awn-mot. ell-Reeve, ezauvetr of TGTa7iririiiiiii;r'iiuhiieete.t.tty, "i'"fiirirttii-ttrttrfe pound common - bto the pug-:0 purehsse the Grime- by elsctrlc pleat. in new from the Iste leek VsnDyke, whose plsnt now {onus the beds of the whole electric system. for the - sum of 81.700: then in 1914 when the vent could hove been purchased from the enDyke estate and the D.P. & T. for - yrtntiirtauy 824.000. No moon - in the citizen-uh“: in 1926 at "iitrhmtaryahetioet fJlrl"t"i'eClGiiiiFLGiiixj1ttyf.eee of price. but whether on we point to have Hydro or stick with the D.P. & T. Ext-Meyer Giiiir%kio-ttyt D.P.&T.msnsnd he gave my Dad an awful licking. That prov- 'iit"iiiiiiiittooreatttt, timedidnotwent Hydro. yet they kept ehewinx the re: shout - . -jL‘A a“... mum-Initial LIVIW‘I’ON and Lawton. MM MUS 8 "tttits mum. andâ€. mum. at m tttlor tyryitd by I met31etetiel “may. 1ta-idAsrltattttlidhtrattdhabedthetmt am» Forum:- nut-vu- W‘W- ttgutetut,tt,hlkttekl'i; - . . . " _ "iG7dr"iiiiiiiitiiiliiiihiiatttee"" "sn,c1'lft"a'l,"d,'l'fnlettW"m'll Pr'.' . . frgg1f,t','Jt,tetA'g,t,,t',tt,t.ttt 1tit,rttotattersrtelartrttetttrsE?? It wutobaform hMtontomdou mar1UG'iiiiriii"iWiiiGtiittt,"gh': MMdbyu-mlwmfmmyuflflmmMMIY“ lune. thattttittt_th-iratttttte ,'liril7GTariii'iuiiirii0iitttAy1tt eitQettatt-seetattttrimgtttgthettar "i"iitiiiLi'itfjiiiijetietegrgg= vent. the but!!!" my that, M with ------r----. _ -iiitHariiiuymdimeie".""'"'. CROSSING m BRIDGE BEFORE YOU GET " 'rt CttairmanitftheNtieeCmmttittee,atthe Novemttt-ttttrofamnell,haettedbrrV Bee Chief James, thatwkfumm might tte-tdtttintrfttrGiimatty.Tt-tl.ra very sensible suggestion brought up for du. ettiaimt.ttnmadfienaaedteod-ittmttand tuemmeithttta%adoett,nriahirtgtoNhe into m things that were for the basin of the tun-yer. sum taut I Bragg}?! Cunmvmmmn mom e peosthotritqhtrtieterioouttttrtrmrt.0at "faristtiUtt. AttheJonnory "saiuetofeetqnteitare. pnoentotive of the meter company would before council and dmttttetatmted I m. Council took no action out! bided their time until Mom Lewis could escort-in mom the ifiiioikfDmntrtrprttaqtorutpetiittttttey gonna take in halving}!!! twp i? win! 1333763." ihaTi,9aaiiiid --' advisable ' fir -piiilkiirttirt-timtuntttat-idttea question by itself. _ _ - The Independent has nevertaken a stand on thisparkinsnneteroneationanddoeanort intend to do no until layer [at and his Count“ have their concrete plane finished for the 'TdiiiiniruMainrtreetPtttatyItf1tt.ettte time to tell: about val-king mean. Why jump artGirAiiiifkttoreiatartetoeent. iirit.GiFt"rrrtklodMg.vorimrVtd.hy.ltt him with the Richter Department end the Ontario Hydro Electric Canmiaaion in not ting Main street widened. then argue about: parking meta}. - - _ And while on this nbjoct ex-lhvor Wat. son “Manon. n Ptmidemt of the Chunk! ofcotfuneme.mu6tte"r, proud of his organization. for at the mail meeting them wmonlym aiiiitia%ttheuttrhteltA8- ing himself. Motion: was pun-Id. Possibly quite leg-l. iiirAhaemotitatrper" forthe whole 'iGiitGaiirGfiit1heheryGt meme? If they do. God Help The Chamber of Gunmen. and God Only In"! the iuiiiiriGfeinGiireAtrdesruht't'"'. roouGeatot_ttterrtaeyedt1st_e sent iiGiiGGruiqtaniuretf9yeett Inn villi!!! to bet. a! iiiiaiiirieftrp.'tt walnut next year" poneh crop tint Main A%etianridmtard. Inna!" u the putting 21i'i',VUi"iiiiiiFeiCitFiii,efhe,1eet 'lTahraTiiiriiriii'4aaNtte1get 'lGl""d"t"iGFai7iiaNiiid,tt,ehtttt i't'%.'v'CrGiCiiiiit.t.i.aiilitiitNte,eee, itmldbethehltthhcforcrm.“ they -iiitfbeinatntu4. Munich iiiiioFio)tteeot" Jutllttilht anti iitit ham “LAND-BUN m 'v'TGriGtiidTiiiaiye mum- umtwmywfldxmmmm: ymmthmdrv "tttrt-r-ttn iiiiiiriUt ON THE. It/ull?! AXE Nowhmleor Mtraitsel, - dianirtturtnet'? nib†tiuit-tat*yt 'llri'll'lGGTiiUtiGiFiiluudi-' at. 'roumrr_emstiratteet nil sratqen, menu the Camilla melon-l. with! Giiroiiiiriiuiituedlt8Ltte.r but ',','lfl'l"l'GU','GlrciiiGiiiiiifiitteth! iiiiiiuoir.hei.tt. Firiiaukhehaat.? wound with 'i'GriinriiiiiraudEtl? 't'll'lTllU'tEGGGkitTiirreiet?,tt M0113)" unnatural in thx. ;4â€-.. 4“â€th 'M',,"..",',' NW Wallet-unw- - -.'_"-'" tariot 'tG%7iriiriiiit0iuh..ryr,rtet is and with very haw anon-dida- in the iGeiirMottnuitts ltiuaeoklwitw 'tIll",".',;":';;"';;;)"?'?]-!!".!.,'.!.,! “Mudflandmundo.winw still amends in slowing r'iiaiisgtt1'o'rali during more “at“ in Milt ttttit of tmftie. m than“: of "rlitgHta my iiuiia9rgiqytf.tirte. 'fhTr",u'GG7haiTt.i'iR)hiitieeeiee? menmndï¬vemmionmmwy. The thN.Rn-frghti" undulatin- emuriiiiaGriii1ty1tttttd!ytea".e',',','s', .__A_-, L- maul-mm. “BMW-w ..B..H.. ..._,-.,‘, t Wmmmuudumw 'lTlrGrariiGiiWiaiiiijetitttl Muhammmwsn ii'i'iiiiiiiiiiiifie"a"fftm tonal" nun. Envy â€Mall is not the only dummy tiraiiiiri?ititge,iea1'".',2',vh','r. l,'tu1".'iTGtGriituiikfite_aeetle!?: 'ii't'r"itiiriiUiGiivaAfte!,elittttet Imlinmhndomimtmlnmog: atiotu, the nub-um tamper-3mm of I dim winter mount the nihnyvmh afloat 'i'GiiiiitirFitr.iithettte! new. For ample. it is hard to maintain a {all head ofsuundnrin tiiiatuF.%mtharyo' was meet on LII-Inn 5nd nib. Lubricant: Iran eiiii2itht,tfptrgel'ltl make it difftetth up 0 'orbruke. “thick-in“. Wanna... "iiia'iiioiii4tions1rttri+" on.» What's In thh haunt-loo about puking Aw tioatutnadeinNmthtmet1 unwound!†JarmaBmid, than ii7iii," ,3... "" m. it, to 1mm!- .0! 'ttttgr-rp' Eng} yt..r.tt'le THE GRIISBY INDEPENDENT You will in. the not of your by: w- nnGiG"iiiiiiii/tia.Fiiitie,re.Ayet have time to paint airitit!ltett8rd'2 MV! cam, w “lulu \uu-uvu... -- - -VV, not scheduled for muf- eiinvettiemseP, that anyone ciao wouid have done the on thing (though you don't dare to tall my“! aha) that it wasn't murder, just on “out (an thooxh people hid themselvoa after an accid- ent). Them: will be trying. but not†bad command with the nights, when you lie awake with yogr condone: and. 1tey fal- tGt LL' GrA"iiiiirGiik no! Into your and i%litto-etthpt new. of shunt. Yes, iitTiiuit.t"1ltt"t". . THE SIMPLE TALE Athmt-ntrnrsrtoiliehdta": -erertatpuunte.t1reetf. “It“!!! tGrii'iia'ira'7i'"itFjiiirmaurt"" iiirit%Utyeait'tdttJt. " . um. Mr. Bimini-run Driver: You can get any with a thing! And you how it! .Conldwosuppooe. for the “no!†mmnt. that more I small “can?! You ,mmh'talimmthyt.. Yuma“: a"i'GirGU"'iiiiUGrCthe-ytyet iiii2.iGGirGanFihidrtuetteet alotof thinnyoumight have montwhile the fellows. who didn't do without them, on- joyed them. So, one day, you had the may, 'firiitiTtiriciiUGdiiuiidr-dah_ DUB. - I "nu-u. .". .-_... w___, with 'tre'"i%UiGiiCttiijkr+Mtlr, aGuri',7iit7yiiFiiiit.eetuatyLtLttt 'a7Gryi'rhiifFiis.t'teurolitteine iiiiiUi'GG"GiriiiiiiiiikyietrerAt G%"iiriiiUiGGiiltrttettey1tiUP2tt More. You were glad to ttnd jobs for than "ni'iir';ori'iiG%i'trirrrie.iaii.tr!iernueto pay iummoryaathey lea-negro“: But there we: a difference between them admit m’t theirmoneythntwu [Niki]! the [amine-I. They spentthatirtnoyet 'iriiG"iai'i,GiaTiaa0t.otet,tr1tt!.! mint the night, they went about then-m iiaGfliirittatioutityA1rertmttt iiiiriiiiadiidii'i.Yea.tyhPAtoIere iriGGYt%iGimgttaue,Youhadto.t 1uiiirii'trdGaFtiirdid1ryteenertP, "GTi'TG'iiwGii3orttdtrtuu.rtahettt 'iiii"iriitiGauaiinttrhyijse1et G'iiirnrTiiiiiiiWGikesnttrrhdr-tr lefthdlindtntherpe. - _ tt1utetulr,and,'edlt "idhiaeuiu,tte-hirttmtf mun 'mden-rrartddedtrtgottthetem. paeatam,th-mdtttstiomiet We may nmeltMtypftttytt-tt. _ _ 2tiig'ttt Him-ammu- exaetl 'hrh"filt,tT,h'l'le' Mltgtt,e. " my motive-ttlt-tmth-tttnth-eh trleeoftmettttttder_tanfemtditimts. homunuhwnthattoeonformwith the In" of pity-la, macaw/e reduction: ttgh,e,l,t','rgtig.t'grl,tet1v,,1t: thou-becomes .u_tttahpo1tttthepk. tun. In summer. out!!! freight locomo- tive will may haul ."t,tetlg,2', 50 fittt.vhmdedfr+hteam.Aa cum ,rdmtte,ttteahltityof this Itttmtttttvt to 1tettttttistemnaaettieomeatm-urus AtttmrY-irtg0tratttr so "ghtmtotCatttree.....lH' " 1tiatttrmtobrrt.......1Mh a geeotot0trdmr.......1M' " trt-tont-r.,.." 40 ttttdo.to6ttietw.,.titH' " 'ttt-to80titm....80q' " tnttitmto86ttdoqr...ttM' " ttittsimrto40t-...40' 80 41ttdmrto46ttdmr.....4t8 " 46ttimrto60behr.,....60% 15 admatorhtteriaumilteat.Waat. taettGie-tastdmedtlhattderett tate", and 1itt'tltd,','gtitd aw - mm; e no“ eftittUttt in the world. “not clung Natmordefnt phydulhwnhthh tietet,?,,'thtlta,Sitgt2,i1'trgl2t â€we! matei-ittur,ihtm ' j,?iiuettth,tiggtht,"tr'.'drtg,'t new thjgtl,hgtJ'grt,,t,g,'."t; "icLiiiiiiuGGiGF0r, Domino-in "iiie6'iiriiiaUiGiiaieittsD-rther, But, mar . whi.ie,petotef1hth meeiahowitsrtetas-. tteduetitmNtmttter in of from 09:) â€.10“ ...15‘l was ...86% ..Mor .....¢6% " " " 40 m------"'""-"-" I-trt- all that tpe up ,eytfttete.tfNf Just on; that In to; 'fl't"lllTai7iilii')i? 1’ has on thinking fl I'll" ddiar out of ilft"t. Is tet 'e hlg . t o-Irs-tttttttlute'.'.'.",',',' ,,u?,2ttTtll'lls,ll"iigiiit2iiit",t', t1'fl"h'd'llltr7Gilr7iiFiijy.teht you 'dt','?,','?',',')':"',""?;'""""""""'" was“. . I I. . ,,tu4etiesai,arieaet?.ey.tetta',,'llr. wwyouuduwâ€"thenonebrkr-W jmï¬oflof“*wm“°ww g-b-the Ut that you "can“ the "w MantdwhathehadMâ€"M CiiiriiiiGiiiiirtymereL?f..r; 3"" 'i'l,1hrnl'0'ih7iiiF5iiityittLtetht 'lll'lirllCliRiririiEtirLentgh ttis 'lhThittTilk'iiiirtEe,iiLegd"i< $0150 mtt.tfe"" $150 the tgdetts - m nu was: Sum-Wu for, mth" than m’ . LL- _..6 mint W'WW'" ___-- " tttNeeeP'"'""i"iT=u'uU'-, madman-mt- iuiiaitiihs+ masthead-thud!†Mt qrfth the iiiiaiiiit,ttt',tttS't mm anathema!“ -aniiaudtEetaiisl 'i"it"Gi'ririiiihiitG.iiiiu."'e"" _ "-.Doetttpm"rrN'r mast-ru), 'rrerrit'stoy"r" T - o q . rs,mn,reamtnesirdtorttithtttlt2 man's 'iririGti'iiii'iGajtieusaseryetett 'lllri"tit"eGiUar.riiCiiiuoit-tut cuttemGr+tBrMrnmNT, ' itrtts-mti-of9rtadie.Geter 1turGraii7iii'ireiifitaRthitre9hPf, iis"iG17G,"iiGraitiiuariiumtdde iiutgmrtttitertrtP. " . ftherettrghttt,ttt,P,iP,',gt swGiiiiTiiGiiuttuyttLdteivietrthpi lie-tho mort- tttat'r.BntmtCts, mail iJiiiitiii2if2jiitP""h""'""" ntaboutthelgmA - - 'rs-tati-troot-tttttttttttPe.- ",risi'iiuitTiiiCtiiiirqteirpfqttdiytrmi" iraaaiiiiiaturtnrdHtreitmasd- (mull -iee.Lnrttieh Int-lb expat-iv. diiv-te-toetfe". _ Tttetmiianettpriahogsirt-tmsi, g,"gPgggN2Utt ieid-htttp and chain“ MMMWMW iutt-oettttedotiidttaatoelon-t,- Canadian Gm. m an theiaitnt mm mm,“ 'iiifiitit,ii,ithi?,i we con our the Wig stock. ',,lfl'l'h1'lU"d'r' 'utst'a""ot"e""'tr'"otmt'tte'. mt-tmmttttq ' ha ' {Ml-in; Simpson: i,'li'i'iiiiiit'."i'i'iiii5biii' mil-the ,iirtt-eetfdifnetatty getthtghetts-to tyt1-ke.nrtttttekrtttmeaedemartdds ,Grarii, iiiihiftt, livery. burned MMcrn-noutorbothmns' tttIM that 1'st'yir/r,,','aft' gttit'; m m a a stocking none other type of mm... Croft: Jr"',',',".',','."','.') Mainly low mark- up. 0 we mulled or mucking, warehousing pn- nd muck! 1ur umry. â€up! an. ti,, ttqttried, wing: thud oninn's and immsii'i" iiikEfiiEhiiif. are. iemttartd gang my other has. 2e,'td',Tgyg,lttdRpNg,,ut tnrt-ttatom Mm u wont itttufottdd-trnatt. uumv manna no» ""f‘uum It u'tt'ettetttrtemttuttrt--in, nu,†ll“. ',t,2tWI,tggtS'Agrgig AH3ratoit. -tettr . mutmmammwmlm. MY P.t'tot'mrtoetuerhtomefieiserArir. ""eiraaTi7tao.s It"!!! -"--ira-.-arr=-=-z,-,, .'.!Poe+ttetietmssmtuoer-et- ttrNafiFiri'ii" muuAmumuuumh-y.ununn\ 1ttl1tl1PAtyerer-GetiiGiiTiii""iii _ tttttttt 1?yt't'ttttteetttrttrtrstirtou. 1r.toaramtrr 1tfeIeete8tee)HteeriG%ci'ieaiTl'. (VH1- Tt2ttf2u"i"""iaiii'i'ii7iirt M) Plan-«hm new an. an itkk'iltAttpttt eh".' m "'t-rtaiiiaiiii; It-ttttaaa".'.."."), Letters to the Editor “The old my")!!! AUtrfmerthrftmnatimtthttadiattthqter 'Gila a; tort}; lol- and My In the Ga"iiiiiiaistiit a,----"'"""""" "i"i","Tkeetth'lll “A *"unlom â€mu-m " hhrp"et “IIIOTII, LINN. 'ahaiirii a In. I. 1., "ottettt., '-d"h'tttsii., -iriiiiirrriizr-- 'l""""-::---------------,, f _ mm SUN urn " CANADA m ANNIVCHUK “1150“" C2E!1EIEi5il [DI-OVA. can. - HAM“ mum. www- $Mltttirt.timts iZaellXlll5l AW“ Mid-Id . “ALICIA?! mum-t “Baku sud-NT“ ' “In.“ â€u-Wo-u n “3115.!"- and-w. “WM-T G In. 'er. amino“ :4. u. ioa'aT, I an... " PM! I" " "