Pure Bred Yorkshire. Sign and and Gill ‘ wooLvEttTON AND RIDGE 'toADs-_r " "rt-r-to-d-et-e-c' " Kidd Am. NowrsrttTtttEityty21A.rcASE oiTatiiiE1trmtwmTER man's null m2.“ I'. an: nus ms #1351} wax "All: Td" a PIT‘I'ID DA!!! 3: e8MNett DIAS it: 21329: sun IAIPS 3.3.. " " I" I'm tl,'.'" a. Amulet 'tc," ,1: te, ilIDIII’ "e'lt' IL'." I. 1'0â€" and Tfd'." 31:. aiCRn.-ItAnP- w-tii-a-are-tr-fer". yum-Mb“- '-ttrB-r-tof.qM.s s?,?:,"))'",?.:":?":'"-"::"" 1.377;; t " non -' "an“ am PM cam ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Int lh sum m, m ... ... ... ... ... a; th 0mlltNia.1liBrRn11E$...1ths.ttt Snow m taMtmr-attrarihd, and McCallum Apiaries GRIMSBY RIDGE FARMS v “ '...LiFiu-st-eam-t - Le. . unhl-dh-hhu" LAW o--."- “ha-Marlaâ€. 2t1'Jili'ili'i"ir'iii5,2t. «an 'l'l"tl'Tl't'Pf2'i= we. turn» “In.“ “WWW-t is "l" soups #313: I" PM†Yul. ._.--_;,-.;... " Ko- 'RICHMELLO COFFEE M COO-J “V011. no; 'fd" " " 31 H.1mwu Wot-hill! -- M.“ V 7 in.“ _ 'ttt* Ptl" ...._‘V-Vi . - W W no N â€In“. Joann-EB} may.“ h!l~l“Ml-O moan-Hay. Anon-â€â€˜- â€ultimatum-0.! gunman-mud Whilth‘b VII ‘ mm and by! “tum-unann- “Mam-Inw- mm.†- a: It. “mar-mum“ humor-sputum.†mm..dan-m.-ul â€mama-â€0" mummumm; “mull. ct. - â€Written-nonun- stand-Lulu- 'ietaruirtnasett-iPer min-mum!“ “mum-cm m1- â€dag-uncom- "temfgsetrrtrrufene'tHrt nun-Id no a“. in“ murmur-mint; manhunt-WI". how. I anvmes m.lnwmlll ae-ttae-r-tp.' " -gsetMMrmt. " W mam-Maw III-Mme!†â€mum:- lbw-Wtâ€:- sumac-snail humans-among.- I’m-nullitmwm 'aim-tte-er.)- mmumcdmm loll-“M Schwhhbmlh -aatequ-tmt'.t*o-tt. Dun-I J‘mwngull v'nttPg,td.'t"get'rdl'ti hyd -.rrmatA- an m‘ mm It: Dar-m I M. “Tijuanaudmo â€Mt-minimum.- â€kiln-ulhlnmh mung-mm N'WW’ mum-yuan“: unmet-'1..sz www.msmu m.¢mzmm man-w: In! an -rr.-tttrteg.tr.emmttta_ mum-mm- 'r-raft-tmit-r. munch-1Wâ€. Mimo- mini-“am â€mummum lunch-8mm..- attrrt-aba-car.rrO. 2,'.,,tr""'"""t"""'" "an. aluminum-cunnin- d - *9“ I run-n - "on - b m u mama-mums.- o6atvi.4t-_.-V W_Imi‘-M In!!!“ smut-nut... tnro-omWTBtnmPhi ‘PIIX 0". no I. Ila M'm_n_¢ 'ttPte Mun-duh†Inn-MI...†Why-atldll‘d "ea-nr-sit-art-r', JOHN VIIILLV It'll" I“. MIN 'IMCI EWIIW aetheWEEEt. ALEXANDER HARDWARE Obituary -.ut--tq.- TEE GRINSBY INDEPENDENT qi],?,!!!,?),!!) mmdmmf mummy-n "toâ€: .re..-.--_- Ava-Inu- unmi- Iv atr--o"er.St GGU- tai. - ae3tiet. m "tBert'" - -., tTa4im.ii-tefitetf? 1LTiuiun-aetiNre" an. d manna-I1 (iiiihieiiiiiise.gr1',ut GiaiuGFui-uurefe. mummulm'Vu 1,ieisiliiiu"-i'"""'"'T" irGiiiririu--t 9"in aiiatir-ottttt*tetf2.t JiaGirtnerrrrr1et..ttr new " at u.â€- momma-tutu- mun.'l'hm-m.‘ mom-IMIW 6t-ghtterq- i'irEliht:eee'g2n..faW'l'.' m_c..mmzzd . Juliana-401mm EiaiiGrxr-t?r"et?11' aFtrt-to-ere1e â€mu-I'd m. M Ahggé'i-I-r'auuuw- mum-noubhhfffi“ 'mi-r-et-e-tttte â€camp-tummy. tun-â€mum I “mum-nun†Hawaii's-ulna iiiuaer-tiret mun-mun"- â€monument-Imb- mam-III“..- banana-um - marir--"weomtre- commutator-pig“ "tgttttrtFt _ 7 - teat"..""'"'""'" mumps-Md“: -utst..e-tr-6trt*. â€Wain-au- "..ta.ts.utrormrtr+ 'eT0FiGrtttortsotsytt- “walnut-ya!!!“ Quantum-CID!"- Gana. " I. ash and - " :1. My It. atâ€? -c--"r-.e"o. ink -- whim-limit mummy-vom- MIW?’_ _7 Imp-mam --atrte-tt.h.re.r many-moanin- 'e-o.:----." mug-acumen: â€manual-W" "yum-u but an! 'mI-u'iuiu mum us.- --cttatr--rtest -iiiiii-gar-r-tt- - "a pl. CHIC-l. "GW-a-e-ttr- Rrtasrasumtt--.%.t.tst* an aim "can: m Janina-n. all! u. [m nan-en. - w "_"- aa- “Mm - " mm . AUG. 2m - an. no “WMIW an “WM-1w "thin-Iv. tiETllElE© EXHIIIIIOI Inna-lam turbo-01†Wham» Caulk-SM mum 70m I â€a? I'm lie. ‘32. EL: rn mir-rr-e-re" H 17.1“... all-I: . - manna.†-._rwetrf..'fr' “lawn-tom?» "tg-iM-fee"'- 1... swan. - Ill-2 mgr-"Ingmg Hummus-t:- OMMW‘umw “nlI-u. “Ilium vu- an: 1... “Us: Mitr. 1007.81“ _' madman“: mmum:mm mm.et..e--trt-tt+ It“. can Mull. min-mm 'tsr8N--.e my to' um it _ hut-immunisation l'hcoemlamdm Ttrr-Net-ae" a: in. rst-i8et-attrtoitemrtr. “m_h’0w“ â€Rim-hailst- â€Walton-nuns! CLEMWW†-tqt-"8ie "nylon- tot-m - m In» bi gunman-cum." 150mm by mmtm' mummy-“henna“:- --dtart.t_e.s" “mmuml‘m mm.uuvm. maln- ‘mmmnbmau- usthiEQc-m'm mmumm' â€kWh-natal..- um .u-tltngt d an. tteh-t “human-61m nan-Mun aqua-dung!†m. - -,-_W,-’ -"- --_-_-_ V, Bmh0- Ptmt m, - - t N much-"hid.†L" Lions Club Lincoln Electric & Supply 1rtgttttittatsttttBtum"Mat60ttr' PHONE 010 Aarqrsreom.-r--te"m'"'te'" Win-M“ d and ta-eo..---'--), â€mud. nlv' - .tqb.ete.t' - “mfmmy-OWI â€mm -r-eorte-ertd-rtt"s..ti't-b" m. m " awn-nu "Wm ttttttttttttttstil-tttm ' MT“ Mummies PRICE per pair t 1 .49 PHONE 21 A. A. an!“ (â€ENABLE 'HMIESISTW mmmmnms A. HEWSON AND SON JOHNSON’S ‘15:“me “which†"new 'firi','rl. 'EASYIO In!!!“ Rudy-Thu"! "har-ch-er- Tttttim $19.00 Pet Toll . BRIQUETS Jud THE THING ForSummer Fun ---..."r, aaauikce-qAeg.t.: "res a “all “It†ting E? Taa-aa" h tF u " It“ nub “ti...“u-od-I iiaehqntWu%'l','. â€bi-“d†to DUO " 3mg!†OWW..GIIISIY “IAINâ€.