SUN LIFE OF CANADA "thats a fine home you‘re building/* gun LMWe Blog. â€"â€" George 1. Geddes Insignificant! In fact, it adds wery litle to the carrying charge of the mortgage. "Honey" Shelteon Next Door to Dymond‘s Drug would be a worry if any» ‘i-‘bapp::n-c. Nothing to it, my boy. The nrngu:nfl!sl‘nmï¬viï¬ o ns in mdqm 1 never thought of that, W has about the con? bring in those boots and shoes and get them fixed up for the bad weather that Nes ahead of us this Fal I‘m betting 1â€"2 that the Gas House team wins the Hip Pocket Championship again this 1946â€"47 season. YES, I thisk I‘m ] wish 1 bad a home of m Well, why not? ‘THE LITTLE SHOEMAKER" C8.80 west mam stacet H‘Ney E&on CGENERAL TRUCKING SEND IN YOUR ORDER DIARIES, CALENDAR PADS AND DAILY JOURNALs ou are a bomeâ€"owner, make -bn-doh:r . A SUN LIFE mas be 1 talk it over with you Phone Grimsby 73â€"w.12 Phone Winona 130â€"4 NOW believes Lhal !L LHER® iN MW TT TD improvement it must begin in efâ€" forts to check romance and guide it by scientific investigation, perâ€" mm.mâ€"dl!w wm"â€"ï¬ï¬‚u‘ selling and the employment of othâ€" cmdmAmm understanding of personality and ed personsy who remarry onnâ€"lnt"" choose for the second venture the former wife or busband. Dean Landis seys that it is plain that every divorce is fraught with some mdmmm rained often does not seem to have They fear that they may have to £0 through the same mill again and they abrink from it. What is the remedy* Dr. Landis tbeens wortk suamcomis SV C ;d w divorce enter upon riage is to give the maximum of happiness to those entering into it. When this is not achieved divorce is naturally sought. Statistics presented by Dear Landis contradist the common idea that sexual looseness is chiefly reâ€" sponsible for increased divorce. He sbows that not oneâ€"third of women whose first marriage bas ended in to the marriage institution as such It has discarded the belief that its sole purpos® is for the proâ€" duction of children. It defends the belief that the sole purpose of marâ€" modern family owes no to the marriage inst moner in the West, where the traditions are newer, and rarer in the eastern rural districts and the South, where families may have lived in the same neighborhood for of the enme_. . â€"S"_ SV iD# parents| $Frams, for "Poor Richard‘s Almsâ€" of the contracting perties. In many | NAC," which has been bu'u into cases the parents‘ choice was wis. the blood and bone of America er han the unfettered choice of the | Wisdom like this flowed from his ‘yon.ndhnnun ““"“'"‘"“"‘mmmu-uu. for marriage. The eyes of the par. GUStryY" . .. "Never leave that tin P PCP raniccicrns hcuud Wnn Biativecnls were often arranged by the parents ETams, for reafitctcnss . d . --‘-_\mhmw ,.n-.gmuhumu.;’l::lm-_ mmn'mum.m A was an ed ; umummm?flmwawm“' !unflywunum m‘““hhflg%. thloh*hfl‘“m} ‘n‘u‘mhfln“ m‘-my.nmmnu..lwh-num hnomnmhldtobb'h',% ltm.m with a ‘“mtontuuubdu"mmm loved truth Mmmmm busband Mw.h_um“_ and wife, unless for the exniicit Heved in the enia.~‘" "HC Who be What has come into exim.â€"c 7: C*AbCt® to his credit â€" â€" ~ *‘ . existence is | mmm««m&m:zwtzmm» m“&%m"ndrw;“u'“wl‘;?‘- ny.wmnumda.-.mfm“'m ..4‘: ::hmfmny. WM"““-““M:. is mt leant oot OB oC C, ~9Tmt it|_ As the first Postmaster General M-“MhmA“.,u.gih.M bhe foundad ... Mucagi ““ m-l 'h!b.“ °°.‘l into existence is Schanl g+» &n,"‘.ml Siakee ast roooed .35 ......v--_!-:.‘-.'l-:' C en im ionfte extent in Canada and other Into a thundercioud to prove cont :t-u"“'eu‘-':. muh.m,'_mw C ts seper mepptme i for the ie | e mares Pn in in E’.Nm COntamint .00s0 Twas 3cï¬ C ie uns Wcartei c s 36 ~â€" 4 uhh“,,u annul~ 8t figures simply indicate :‘““"d-:u_-us:: caus, ho cid@es are dissolved uny:\.mm:"â€' promis. i that in times the whar, .___ _"C+ 1 modern times the whole marringe raucu®â€"â€" 40007 ates _ _ "" HHly “'htflnm.._ m:dumfll in thac-:-.,-m’“"-l-n ..'.~.~h mmant ghoyy ooo anmul. of s oT the Uniteq Sl3 T LCE took place IDFAS REGARDING MARRIAcE HAVE BEEN GREATLY REVISEp Changing Times â€" V. McAREE, in and Mail) what was sacrificed to ry oneâ€"third venture the CUustry" . . . "Never leave that til wm'uenmmdow -.-“'nuMhu,u... mhm'..."‘m-nno U & 200009 C000 "HC WHV Deâ€" emaa},,,. «_ "CC 48 the serp. vices as uzen g EeHt® become accepted derstana ,, 7 ‘4HE people mvh..“wmm ser. '“‘L-.;..‘E"“'ll" ,____" "uu HOL ce the will be for them ":"_h‘:::q would be belpty; C _':-"“‘.-Ih-m&-;'{._““-"" BENJAMIN Fra "__ nd the 28t~ needs them. He was a writer of homely epiâ€" a q \ ** ‘5" Q,\ & ..."Anlym If young people k# :§â€" GR INMX omm tA 4M numu-mm her jaw 41,000 times each day. Or nearly as many times as a small Mm.ouf'_' # An oldâ€"timer is the one who can mmmmm side had a rioting good time in celeâ€", brating an election victory. -l'mm tramp) on a worm nor speak to an w: tues, thyself for thy vices. &mnu&.M‘m famous Saturday Evening Pos‘ He was a successful busines -n-!anm.wd ehur-_mm-u-a-_.., and soapâ€"boiler, he rose to be one ““‘Hï¬duhm His reputation is more universal than that of Voltaire, Newton or,.. cyclopaedia Britannica has given more space to this man than it has given to Washington, Jefferson and n-m.wo-.m and thirtyâ€"five places in the United mmu--.,q,m bear the name of Washington. only seventy the name of Hamilton. mmmm... ml“ummmgï¬ 1eZ es Aoum to compoete Ate own epitaph, he paid an immortal tribute to those who work with printer‘s ink, for he wrote of himâ€" fl.muamw Snmeecka 1 y P ie â€" _\ _ 7‘+ #HCnUst or philesopher, but penned instead these words: io. .. _ oo Poupith - & """"'“fl't::- i. We think that there came hardly one -’ -:’""“‘ thousahd * who who does not ..__."'“'.’mzfn-h.n. |__ _ _ _ * C "Z 90 Courae, en en en es friction arises the, ought to be the youn pes illigive advice, if 8 out of 10 will buy again.... Canada Sewivgs Bonds * says Dean Landâ€" INXEPENDENT is glippi Ever since October nmm.m.%ommm ing to buy Canadas Savings Bonds. Already of Canadians have become happy owners of these new bonds. Hurry!â€"don‘t delay another dayâ€"get your name in for your bonds now. P-nllyo-r‘pa-!udfuucuvi-riuoanda&vil Bondsâ€"up to the $2000 limit, of course. fyoutbulduodln money you can Cash Canada Savings Bonds at full face value, with interest, at any time at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. be able to call on everyone. 30 it‘s up to to But please remember this point. These are "Serve Yourself" be able to call on everyone. So it‘s us You can buy them at any bank; authorized investment dealer; stock hok«;mubumnmy-brmhu?thewy&vim Plan. Where your employer offers a Payroll Savings Plan you can buy Canada Savings Bonds by regular deductions irom your pay. Benjamin Franklin, Printer (Like the cover of an Old Book, nlm"-?-““ and its gilding.) Lies here food for worms. Yet the work itself shdall not be lost For it will (as he believes) n-uu-wnnn-â€"ll people to get up in time to see the duawn of a new era. It seems that everything that goes up nowadays isn‘t in a burry to come down. _ In a new And more beautiful Edition, Corrected and Amended It‘s just common sense to . . . Mmal_maw _ _ Our District Representatives y PETTIT & WHYTE Teronis, Hamilton, London, Ottawa, T. A. JARVIS H. K. WHYTE Residence Phone 258 Residence Phone 540 Buy Canada Savings Bonds Place your order through us. Metropolitan Building, Toronto Telephone: Elgin 0161 REPAIRS AND ALTERA Dunham Bros. «