Women adjust to age better than the reason is because a 25 yearâ€" oldâ€"woman alvays remains 25. Will hail fruit to canning factories reasonable. Harvey Easson GCENERAL HAULAGE Phone Grimsby 73â€"wâ€"1 Phone Winona 130â€"M (Call After 6 pm.) “m-flm â€"Pen and Pencil Sets â€"Zipper Ring Books â€"â€"Loose Leat Covers ___ (all sizes) _â€"â€"Refilisâ€"all sizes "thats a fine home youre building/* I wish 1 had a home of my SUN LIFE OF CANADA My wite has the ides tha i# would he a gress worry if any thing happened to me. Nothing to it, . The nrn:.mml‘v?z'ï¬ ons ill clear the mort, in mdmuï¬ugï¬ï¬‚- 1 never thought of that, W hat Mxhu{i‘; Insignifcant! In fact, it adds Well, why not? tun Life Bidg. â€" George 1. Geddes very litle to the ca charge of the mortgage. on are a homeâ€"owner, make -mdclw . A SUN LIFE man be w talk it over with you. I thisk I‘m going to 79%18; Res. 78518 12 LINOTYPE MECHANIC MARVEL wWITH A MYRIAD MOVING PARTS / How does it take to concrete? mmu‘nï¬â€˜ Wm‘m.&c?“hflluflwt hdbd’u‘yuuo-‘: if van .ndm__‘mmmdy'.dhlwmunl.‘c’ â€"o L. 2 _ 4 @.te» Comndt if you have good DTBEU® O Ole "l, ~ Melore it stope. The total, 100 feet! Let Us Put It This W ay fodern Wa of expressing our~ _m_'u“_‘onl“.m from ue YH®"" " 00 «6h .h“amww.nuh color to things we offer a few 0E, pmnul""'"‘.'m Eerious situations in the good 04 Fiizabethan manner: in telephoning, for instant® ..‘:‘ -‘w-ï¬--fllb'-h‘““" 0,.“1\“&'“ 1 weit, chafing and impatient like 10 umâ€w’“‘ C CC Luctnns and untremâ€" ~â€"â€"â€" BRAKING DISTANCES 50mn 40»0: 50»1% "'"5&'2% .A.\\ vema Stowinls DistANCE ss cell!" _ x w:-‘mrfl""\ Q_.:‘:'m furwering succulent o no & uhsn Arerrppans s F4 & nlkoue-lnsarhw"" ection? Be off before I strike that addied pate from off thy shoulern or call upon the leatherâ€"legginged "uâ€mm‘u.““' Apolicâ€"kissed plains: Be off, MBâ€" foom! 1-..*â€â€œâ€œ"""""‘ leadest thou me the king of dia~ monds when my discard did plainly call for clubs? Truly thou art the Prince of Ignorance. Hadst thou led aright our enemies abould have been down to a greater depth than in the restless, mighty cburning socean‘ ‘Thou scatterâ€"wit! ‘Thou thriceâ€"blind fool‘"â€"Parke Cumâ€" mings. in The New Yorker. floor card to the production of a 24â€"paFe : edition of a lively and upâ€"toâ€"date: semiâ€"weekly newspaper )A mnmwdmb which visitors invariably are .Atâ€" tracted. is the linotype machine. people in Kirkland Lake who have [E OO oll, es ate mok ETc Td seen one in operation. We 876 !" / | Fing to try to be technical, for we Pouldn‘t if we tried, but perhaps a um.‘mmob-‘ tained by bundreds of cams ‘wmmmâ€ï¬‚"“""" _ ‘The linotype casts in metal a solâ€" id line of type. First operation is the touching (s very light instanâ€" tancous touch, utterly different from that on a typewriter) of one of the keys on & KeyDORN® /7"" releases from a magazine placed at ,.,..,.u.-wn-.m. or mould of brass, which slides down a channel into a sort of taneous touch, utterly CGH®TED*| _ _a ergporate durabdie from that on a typewriter) of one | m-nfl-mmm ¢mmulwmm“‘ today wl releases from a magazine placed at y the top of the machine a matrice, When your "line o° type" is cast. . n2ts of brass, which slides| it comes out with the Print M NC down a channel into a sort of verse to the way you will read it on paper. You read the type on the mmâ€"â€"mmw"“' y use N“m“mmflflm"""‘“mm ones to tighten up the whole thing, oc o n io oi e have reached the width of the line When you have a complet®e NeWs umdl“(um"w.m"“ .,_m" ‘Wcfl-jc-m-n- piece of "copy" set e‘ is fouble cCO * * / «elipned" / another story! THE GRIMSBY iwll.-"-"-’ umv-h-mc“.uwmm \ chute or channel, from which it will, in turn with others, later drop ..uaamwadunm- l Such is naturaily but & very rough description of one of the mtuin _ W 4. cocte â€" Merme Wb key, the matrice is release® ""*"" certain notches in its jaw meet cer tain gaps on the rod along whic umnh-m“udm:ï¬am ce en ak INDEPENDENT T h is A d v o r t is o m o a t W ant to Buy â€"» 'S';aâ€";:; Wite . ... Advertise in Ihe Independent And Get Quick Results. i\ | s Ew i is Sponsored by your Boar «F3