‘Telephone 428M REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS SHINGLING â€" CUPBOARDS FOR HIRK for Your Service and Convenience What‘s New at . .. THE "50" GARAGE! IF YOUR CAR 18 GOOD YOU ARE SAFE . .. IF YOUR MECHANIC 18 GOOD YOUR CAR 18 SAFE OVERHEAD SHOVEL FOR ALL TYPES OF EXCAVATION WORK. GRIMSBY BRICK AND TILE CO. WINONA 24 HOURS More New Equipment for Better Workmanship. Dunham Bros. 320 Bay Street More Help For Faster Service. + Specializing In .3‘:5.! Homes City Houses . L. LePAGE MEMBER NATIONAL AS§OCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS Now PROMPT AND EFFICIENT WORKMANSHIP Building Contractors HAMILTON, ONTARIO 10th, 1946. HARVEY GARLAND DAILY Phones 660, 480â€"wâ€"3 Realtor TORONTO ‘Telephone AD. 5861 Main §t. E., Grimsby PHONE 137 PARENTS SHOULD TRAIN KIDS HOW TO ACT IN CASE OF FIRE Protect\Y our Family Firemen have always said that "m good house is one you can get out of." It might well be added that a good householder is one who knows how to get out in an emerâ€" If this sounds trite, consider the case of two ‘teenâ€"age boys in a Western town who died just outâ€" side their bedroom door when their home caught fire. From their secâ€" ondâ€"floor bedroom they had only to step out on a porch roof, then drop safely to a garden below. But in their sudden panic they did what practically everybody does under the same circumstances: ‘They started for the main stairwayâ€"and never made it. jownithirs "fires simply becav W heat rises. When a fire gets under way, superâ€"heated air and combusâ€" tion gases, ranging from 800 deâ€" grees, to 1,000 degrees in tempera« ture, quickly flood the upper hall of m house People, roused from their sleep, who dash excitedly into that hall from their bedrooms are often felled in their tracks, dead long before the actual flames reach A little advance thought and training would have countless lives., If you wake up and smell smoke, don‘t jerk open the bedroom door. First, put the palm of your hand on the door panel above your head. If the wood is hot, don‘t open the door! it is too late, The hot wood (or even a hot doorknob) means that the hall beynd is charged with lethal heat and you can‘t possibly make the stairs. Although courses are well under way in the United States, the problem of teaching disabled veterans how to drive with specially equipped cars was not undertaken in Canâ€" ada until quite recently. The Canadian Red Cross Society has been active for some time teaching disabled men how to operate cars w.th standard controls. Men who have lost two legs or two arms or who are 'pnnlyud from the waist down, however, often require mechâ€" anical aids and some form of special instruction. Pioneering this type of work in Canada, John Labatt Limited, sent Fred Holm, their Toronto sales representative, to the United States to study and acquire information on the plan in that country. War Amputations of Canada was then apï¬muhed and when the Toronto branch of that ors:niution decided to sponsor the course here, the Labatt company loaned Holm for an indefinite period to inâ€" struct veterans. Here Holm, who lost a leg in the First World War, instructs Robert Mcâ€" Gregor, a doubleâ€"legâ€"amp veteran of the famed 48th Highlanders, on how to use the specâ€" ial hand controls. Instead, leave the door closed; escupe by a window, if posible; or at least yell for help from the win« dow, With a closed door between you and the fire, you have ever chance of surviving until nle‘l tiously, Brace your hip and foot against it, to be prepared in case you have to shut it quickly. Put the palm of your hand mcross the erack above your head. Then open the door an inch or so. If there is any pressure againat the doorâ€"or i# you feel an inrush of heat on nnirnuâ€"dnnnmnmdun Next to the knack of opening doors properly in a burning build« Ing is the business of closing the door. Time and again the person who discovers a fire rushes off in a frenzy of excitement leaving the door of a room wide open, Natur« ally, the accumulating heat and fumes are free to aweep upward through the rest of the house, un« impeded, If that door were instant» ly slammed shut, the fire and its wdvance guard of heat and gases would be bottled up for quite a few minutes, and perhaps the house could be saved, If the door isn‘t hot, open it cau The classic case in point is that THE GRIMSB of the young housewife who tried to pep up the coal fire in her kitâ€" chen range with some kerosene; tbouponcxploded.blowlnxtm all over the room. By the time she regained her wits the whole kitchen was in flames. Her first thought was for her baby, aslicep upstairs, so she tore out of the kitchen to the nursâ€" ery, grabbed the child and started back downstairs. Meanwhile, neighbors had teleâ€" phoned an alarm. The fire departâ€" ment responded promptly from a station less than a mile away, but ‘THE LITTLE SHOEMAKER I‘m betting 1â€"2 that the Gas House team wins the Hip Pocket Championship again this 1946â€"47 season. Pickâ€"Up & Delivery MEANTIME bring in those boots and shees and get them fixed up forthe bad weather that Nes alead of us this Fall and Winter, "Haor1ey" Shelton Next Door to Dymond‘s Drug Store STAR CLEANERS DYVERS Main West Casby 605 PHONE INDEPE NDE when they arrived they found mother and baby dead in the upâ€" stairs hall. Surviving the blast, which went off virtually in her face, she was killed by the lethal fumes which raced up the stairsâ€"because sahe didn‘t close that door behind her. Firemen agreed that thousands of householders would still be alive if they had put known and pracâ€" tised these simple techniques of openingâ€"and closingâ€"doors. Meet Erasmus Delegate At Large __â€"â€"A condensation of an artcle by Paul W. Rearney in Redbook Magâ€" azine. Some people are born to serve as delegates to conventions. If a man has a magnificent physique, a bland and contented physiogâ€" nomy and an important gait, he has what it takes, provided that he alsoâ€"has the one prime ~requiâ€" site of a delegateâ€"a great love for travel if somebody else pays his devoted the best years of his life as delegate for the local lodge, the Walrus Club, the Fireman‘s Socâ€" lety, etc., etc. Many a time Erasâ€" mus, tired and disheveled, would drag his tired feet home from the depot and kiss his wife,. Then she would tearfully inform him that he had been appointed as a delegate to something else. Without unpackâ€" Ing his suitcase, Erasmus would gather his wife into his arms again kiss her goodâ€"bye and hit it off back to theydepot, Erasmus believâ€" ed in his work. Erasmus always seemed on the point of saying something worth while, but he very adeptly sideâ€" stepped ever committing . himself definitely on any subject, He‘d bring himself up short with these words: ‘"‘There are always two aidâ€" ea to every question, you know." (Mis closest friends never did know whother ho was a Republican or a Democrat.) Probably the reason for his long popularity as a delegate was the qgrj }lnll. of his speechen. Take, for instance, when at a aweltering two weeks‘ convention in August, Eraamus didn‘t rise to his feet unt» i1 the last day. ‘Then, with the crowd Itching to go home, he would L0 pu0OCe 22 6P 22000, He Woud heave his two hundred pounds up» right and emit a few fitting words about our wonderful country and the noble men and women who got us to where we are, "Folks," he‘d aay, "I believe we have heard our share of Inspiring . speeschen, and nowlrmmnhotnl-m.l feel that you wil soneur in my opinion that it is time for this great convention to adjourn * ‘ ~â€"John Goodwin, in Christian i Bcolence Monitor, Things are who is a stuf have a shirt years ago, An oldâ€"timer ty . recall when it was taste to carry a ¢) My mother‘s cousin, Erasamus, & stuffed a} Shirt to his ® in the one who can was conaidered good a chaperons along, ho o# o % better. Many a man g speeches, and as hot as I am, 1 M coneur in my in time for this " °) many a man ahirt today didn‘t name a # m alh a4008 EEETT Grimsby to Toronto 10.10 a.m. _ 7.50 p.m. BUS CONNECTIONS at TORONTO FOR NORTH BAY â€" PARRY SOUND â€" mint; ""ROOFING VaAV t,111, 1,00 pcmc 4,00 p.m. 10.50 p.m Toronto C North Bay â€" Parry Sound n .;I‘-y:â€"n; 'ho-t now for early delivery. For further information, seeâ€" DeLAPLANTE AGENCY IF ITS CITIES SERVICE â€" ITSs GOC Our New Pumps are now installed and we are hu.,l;_y_ogg_!_uhwlthuhl_lindcrl'li ‘Telephone VICE PRODUCTS. LINEOLN AUTO SERVICE BODY and FENDER REPAIRS Duco and Enamel Spray Painting ag J ,, p, _ _\ â€" o If It‘s Envelopes Â¥ ou Require, Cal] 36 No. 8 Highway, Grimsby Beach, in Connection with Caribou Inn (English Inn) m a Ees ~ PRIORITIES WILL Bl;:n(ilVEN TO VETERANS * CHAPPELL BROS. PREFABRICATED HOUSES CITIES SERVICE MILLYARD‘S DRUG STORE loul Enjoy Going Oy Pus sIDING AND REPAIRS VETERANS sTONEY CREEK, ONTARIO Phone 186â€"râ€"14, Winona LICENSED MECHANICS ALL WORK GUARANTEED OTTAWA â€"â€" MONTREAL FARES ARE LOW GAS AND OIL Sure Start â€" Exide Batteries BUSES LEAVE GRIMSBY â€"â€"PHoNE 1 42 MAIN STREET Round Trip == Tax Included * : 290 Midland * $15,060 Ottawa * $11.85 Montreal Th.“l and |M.Om.u“ at (Daylight Time) 8.40 a.m. _ 4.25 p.m. 12.25 p.m. _ 8.45 p.m. Toronto to Grimsby Grimsby SERâ€" $ 8.45 $15.20 $18.456