k ONE MILL ON THE ASSESSMENT . RECOMMENDED FOR HOSPITAL ottehrrtigtttH-rtier6tttar.--.dnma-t" mummmuuumm-admw 'dge,t.'r2tg,ditdiiiciheliiie,Stie m can†-tdtretHt-nl_ttmdBtgdloeettqm-. Mahmud-mm“ AME-My at no Mumthmulmum-mu-mnm 'era-rl-r-onto/tau-via-bil/aG-Gaia-it mm the “(I mummmmumm 'ett"dm'ttheoytere,irtNrrlr-s-gtqmoartaur-r 'Otters-er-e-nares-true-tet-a. 1heegun3Hr.aasdateotnm-t ummmnmum topmetieattrattme%tie.-t Ala-0M1! met In. P-ttrt-tRatt-tht-itat-tea..-.'-.- "Ast-th-ut-d-tttrt-ttteat-Meri" mutual-"mm. “WWI-“Ami. wmwpqmu,mummudmua “(numb-punc- idlmhduumw Crop Report Of Western Ontario --he-tr-t-r 'ttr-ta-tre-the- Meempnt M _ or umwwmmw, (“mama-whoo- WHAWUIM "oi nounmdlubddm atett_Mttsettetqgtalfortttn rndtettrattattha.rsditafta-eut mutton-mum. Ho 'IOQWonmoIO) - eoundls m an unani- 'etettrttrtmttrrttt-tt-- -tNrttaqtltatrtu- It. 13tttHarqMt-dtttnthenmaetattr -ttttgttteatrmtutletp.tttie.thnt 'Felt/ttttttttr-tom-ttate gtgitiMtttumttgidmu. tummy omr6r,tttt0.t-donttbea- mind population - d -shrrtunietpatltrfort"bim gel amudpnmy for 1M5. M -ttJttrttrettrhirstHattrtomts aatdtomtatttp.emtesemet+t" oeatupereqétattmtehamtttothe -artettmtMtrsemer-mitt him-tuning.“ -hrrtgtMtuatntghttrse qttHrttBerehlr-itm,afterA.R. mttt.agtdDr.3.gLMteMtttngt- -dth-stettarsrimtgthetrt th.t-r.rer-dNnrtMttnaate. 'ttqtht.atttqrttattnttteNtrrm,t+ atnMefHeaxrmaatae the Mb. '-rrroridtttqtts-t.nHett -iesasse-Aetremtt-. Mind-blown.“ " Sol Main Street ut-NN-Tot-ti- 'tme$teat0ttue%eeBtntkqt MNQ‘WIIII- v0LL3tn--li%M, ALL nous PRINT â€manna-1.x» null-mumm- 10 PAGES Grant (â€I-pp!) [an IIII B-en-C-ed m- 'rt'rt,2T,hltt “.3â€! The Grimsby Independent Here are three fine clusters of Grimsby grown' fruit-Bartlett and Keiffer pears and Wealthy apples. hummus-Mainla- ,mtattisomohirtett?qee- mwmwwm lir.Ti. Whammy “a 1trtotte"ttyef'eeet curl-H. “by. w m .marerruiesaeerr"9"tr"'eretr" Mountain Work lsrrogrmuzgr Whttemtttoeht.totti.ttttmetts -.--- mmxmmm Watt-null, and“ o-l11'l"l'1."ll'l'a"ld,U2l'Mfl'h' 'etitPe_tutt_t?oCP1et'ee1tet,oeMq_,mt_ And "brNtq a. Wetttt".tmtutuatttmteaatoetutmmtianttn Mtmrotrseg.gt-iottttlert_rttettr-ttseesttserm- mmmuuuumldnmgocN-mmm 'rests-ts-it-tlt-ar.----.. ummmumumunny. Ain'tâ€! ugh,_llo no I largo-at In {In â€damaging-am mad. for In! - Gun-hymn. who In: bong-dull“ tn Orin-by “manna-u My fawning-mudgua- muOM.lr.W “millennium toaet-to---3M. Onedthnoltdoulyguudod act-u d "4.1.. Bermuda. on October tr. no. that '0 launch- - my“. N from ttsou-dt-tee-ttrd"- rtetst-ntthtedtte_-t" ftmtetetarqttnotgtr launches. the and “11.1.3" which â€(and no Mali] In mm‘. not w “new. It. “and " in "11mm" on 0mm 22.1.“. GRIMSBY MEN BUILT BOATS THAT DEFEATED THE GERMANS Helped To Win War concur-mm“ Ch-tmet" M ltttfrer. Inn- KoYB.-Nh. 'tttmet" an tcuummmua-mu. Mini-“dun†numm h w I "am not, a It Co-plly All Giff": teht.rar+ n 'he-da- (On-thud an!) MORE THAN A NEWSPAPER-A COMMUNITY SERVICE I s Progressing Mr.uateaaur-idtttntPt- -lmigttteuimiete-settte Imu-ummtmnmum .onvny mu happen- In " l'.'r,l'Stltg,'tdU2"tgt,'a'g l,tohfr-tott.mthtot-trt gene. - mine-an sin. 'r-tte-tasm.--,. I“ Wan -- Mum __-P-_- -st t-uawt-ttrtre-, Suffers Attack While Motoring mmmmwmu CtomtAtteteoerB.H.1-r. We., In†In! "plenty at .ttvqm. tntttttettruammttrd from ttart mmumtu.mmtm- nonhuman action and the wince. The buying pub- tiehetutudtoperttreutm." mum.nmmuud ttntyPelnttttanmatto-ta, 'r"peefermdttrttseftuttt-et. 'ttattrmgtetttsethepeortneHtttov- -ttrtegtt. Contact at an, -0ttitq “that.“ by - In" puma-mummy}... mmm-mmum ttetttmnt-,tttanterP$ete-i. “13.83. I. Manna-tho uh.“- and '" "new motatrrMngtatmte Lites-p- talcum. Pays Pine For Facing Peaches Grimsby Weather Peter, " 3 na... My. marmalade-.0! a 'hahetn-Stt-tdrte. let. Wm than“) (Wanna) tWiinshy, Ontario, Thqrsday, Sept. 12th, f 946. 0.80 Inch .41.! 'rte"t"'Prt1tr.e.ote,tt "to-tttnts-ah'.'.-"')" mm.lldh-nbdoldt“Vln- â€It‘mmnm to 'tv-r-tit- 'utaeremnettetr-trtdt. mum-om". mint-moth. It. can. Hammad†willmbophdcm.htn tortetmttuttreNt-ttttutt thin-dilemm- will b eo_ttttatrnNrr-. New Basket Cover Made Of Plastic It we: back in the days when the sidewalk in front of i store- m the big display mud as this picture shows. It is . a long time since this photo was token. Of course, the picture shows you the name of the mm who owned the store, but who l, m the men in the doorway? Whnt became of the owner of this memhuididnx emporium? Where was this store located? l The goods in the window tell you it we: I grocery store. but. the dupes behind on that it was a wall paper shop and then ' spin the dieplu out front says it was a hardware store. Now what was it? Tell us all about it. l Just A Reminder RATION BOOK DISTRIBUTION TAKES PLACE ON SATURDAY when... at A. L M's-donalllulhnno- Muir-MGM“ chairman-now Micki-tad“-..- 500 Patients Treated ht Ilospital Since It Opened Here’s One For The Scrap Book WedPIbIcSchul u'Ne mmmduthcohlorl th-tmr-ht-tttu-tttBot,' ikri.ruLiuiiGaiiiinGuiitGl Annmmtholoandum? ma“dxp.-.Wm rreaetrfttetuirtrtttlradtba. "rtMatte-NMttaorHertntetitset “humane-Mm ©Mt.t'trfurat-r,rr-ttq'.t "Attrtteetnrrter-btrettt will-all I. m an" the WPrB6eetnmthitrtt-tt_t.' Rautatrt-thttettt-eottet. lulu-c to chock their m anon bod-huncnnthy contain (We-Ml) CttimataeteGetmabraatdKdteth Grumman: for.“ that "traerMrerethu-trlntttetHy tr_tRat*taBttttatteo.0grttttte 2t For'l‘m And Town- 'teu-tn-yet, Must “Yuma!†Monty, Ayn-[gig Ito = " j. [agin_Th§g ttttttt The Hoopla! Bond of West Lincoln Memorial Hospital on this wool: submitting a proposal to the municipal councils of Clinton-Bunnviile. Grlnuby-North Grimsby, South‘Grimn- by and lltf, of t?alttUet, whenby the mnintennnce of the Hon- Eintrfw be placed on a sound and equitable hula for 1947 ' The above six municipalities have I total pomNtimt of over 11.000 pom no! the services of the Hospital are well distributed and " and. In recent correspondence with the Department of Health, the Deputy Minister he: pointed out that the policy of this Deportment is to mist in the eatattliatttttettt of Hos- pitsls. after which it is the responsibility of the people to maintain this service. and in order to permit this to be hand- led by the local ttttmieipalitiets, legislation has been passed whereby I tapt ot up to tro mills my 1?e levied. - A - No increase ha been made in the price of Hospital are. in the he: of riaitttt coat of operation, and for 3 number of muon- cumot be raised at this time. the plan tsetiitr submitted all. for a maximum of one mill to be let up which the Hospital may draw against during the yea}. trtt may not gll btrequired. A - _ - - - 7 - In the eaie of the Ningira-on-the-Lake Hospital. Int year the Town mid one Ind three quarter mills and the Town- ship ongmlll. A - - 7 Last December in the general drive for funds, 1000 let.. tars sent out in Grimsby and North Grimsby brought in 940 subscriptions. which would be a good majority in any election. Since the How“! has been in operation. the public have had an opportunl to Mae its value and the many expres- uions of praise for the Hospital Service and its staff is a great source of satisfaction. - Fm s business point of View. needy 880.000 that otherwise would have been spent elsewhere ls being spent in this district. and travelling expenses sad time we sued to our people. To the end of August over 600 patients have used the services. and with I monthly "we of about too, it in pro- bgttgethtttatotaloft000wiht-ehed bytheend of the Since first mmneemenl of Fruit Proceed: to the Hoe- pltal (1046) the Dealer: have been contacted and pledged full support. The more have been contacted and already Nada from the pneeede of sale ot mm have been turned over to theWeet Lincoln MeenttruleNettmltak. .. . ... Me_.ee .. ... .. .. "The pun bidding in the maintenance of the Hoepltel in unite simple. The Mt Gamer taken e Iced of Inuit to his denier. He gives the deeler no older to credit the Bonita] 'al?.""""" homtttoaaieof fiveorteetttnauaot m . .. The Hospital Baud gratefully acknowledges the fol- lowing donations to " fund. Wither peddle m le- ports will he made. Adminiom Will be Made by End of The 'ur-- - mm Has loan Spent at Wmt Lincoln 'tutAgroatH-rtu-lbeaatEt-uear-. End; Time And Tanning Expat. Saved to People. Mark H. Ryclumn. Jordan I. We“. Mame .. . . C. McConuhy. Beamnville. FRUIT PROCEEDS 'tO [INITIAL "a-ar.et.geuUS.A..sePteC- "3tmtinq.d on pan " ALL HOME PRINT 10 PAGES