trudiirtir.ariiiTriri"i'irii'i"t' Nom-WMrotd tfo seiiiiiili1Jjl,Tll,'rttPuegttl to: tti Womébnoh Buck Pto. new ,'/ ttre, than .eheCoau-atlk%irG.' “minnow. thttgdiilt, this mud elm-u: in the '1tttitan0rmtsroitiiiiGiani'i"r. It Wizmmxnï¬mf‘m o a†mAguu Doatietimsotandtiiaaiii1 Til-Mg..." m“. Md . gun in at. iitEiiiiiyf7.'lh'Ad'tgt The Gmâ€? Independent -..,.__..,_,,_ - tririi""a'l'l'llt"aee'?'llttt2tt Inca-rs or nib: Mnrttmttrrt_e-e "'.tr.rfetreqi'Mldeqmtttrete q.tretxr'tttra_t-tttt-..etottr “Mum-m Maud-m â€myâ€. ' Wot-um.â€- In! - mmmmumw ou-. “Mun-pun. Wampum†no mum-(d “PI-WEMVW Womummmwm Po"ee-_ietiosastm. ms no EVEN 3mg NEXT MONDAY anmssv nous own MONDAY mulch-hula. ant-mm WWI-unconv- Mqeyiathe MUS 8 'Atltitt ,tartrgtamrt-tBtatN0'ttHtrumXte2HXRmr%Vtrmt oetgtrtmttt,aNma-olrt0rirmrtt"+ . mmmsucnox. """"eetvtEaia- v - - '"'tieityiiii",7aC.' Ivy-hm a. OILou memu. I... BETTER â€ma. Ihtat I“? an!“ ' “an...“ !"'t"atmmmaGiii" LETS DO um ADVIMIICIINT INNIOIID " "'rtttfAetrte out N EXT t .iura'"iTl - Wflzumï¬-fln TIM' mun-u w " “'1'“ can i. uuncuu... m m Trttasnroei_tti_ntor-thtrtrees. -rtttttn-midr1adtrdufoes-tfiatis Ititnt-darthatmtiahtsmtoetaum t,t,',tttt,1g't,tlNrtl"tNt2'gt2tdei,e 'gr,'tl',','trffi Mthh “WW“ and "ah-tia-nth/tee. titmeampttign. A Trtanptionof186mitB-tteeeattttt men hive been and to nerve when they were t1imdwhate.ntheefriettm,oftia fd'rall'l2!'r'i'l'l gar tytier leith "pant gr,', 'lille,',',',',','.',"`"',','.':',',",',:',',.")?,'.' Bttttt mt build-up, byC-nndn? tish, tt 2Stjfgii,i, riiiii'iji..rifiili,"i,' "t7iiii Ilana, alone . than: on ii)7.'tj'hr't'ili'Glfl'llTrgl'tl'ttu'l, MesifymoulyitattooidririaaiGii" Nreettotttot1eri-uat- """"'""t"' you? "Forum. hofr, h.eeu>stnrhrtitttt-uit 1eAgft'gtch't"t.otr'l"atgtt,fg,rg'ti,it What In deseittted alum htemdita statement. came 'lfll1'fldlh"l In!“ No- 2ghtt, speaking in ttaaUtehermn HI. o er t This chum hid down Mr. Bmattatt is not nebulous: it in 2d'a.N,'tdt with ?tAtPter.ot1ykiGaoiirii"ii's"da' other “Emit ttting, In 'trt-ed, an" with qtluetiv.t will". Minimum In": ofmvequforgudwwkotqnu 'pg'it,tr2rntiu,Pleaiiiiii t"tt may " g, m from which 0.1m Tlil be.†"Fug. Am INCREDIBLE In! Ingm- la mt min-am of ',','.tli'2'tlh!1ttte!A.ijiiiiiiii"ii7, In: the - ---"'.'.M. -_'.""" mos-Inca sound and not min! RMMmu-hutm tt Thythartrafiiii' and.“ ht; ttgettijfiii'it1iiiiii'ii'rGh'l'lrl'l'22'l ï¬mmmwmmmnrm or Mhette 'i"tuotfthtrtiitm)iiin.' gym of ootier" rrtGi'iiiiGirG'G' tieal variance Ind (and Itt 'ag'lliig :13); tugging“! ttahind It. gt was: . . . . "d? I.“ 'g1tte may with we... of od Man an J,,t..triteit .1NJ'Q'M “hummus-am- PeyqeytotsmesnetoaiitGrtUTa. 1et1Pt?t'tter-ratt.kiura wwwhmhuhnr. THE GRIISBY INDEPENDENT In in] minor. [WFWIUIIII' w" """ VII "I. “I. ’IW'INII'C g,g,trMtll'd yl',ltiiiihii1 and pull; M - - the . 'net-toft-UO/tthint. "lt-ut haatodtr%thttNtittteudm-d itttoatnNritqgrthtohayp. Thom "-utdqrttkhurtitittttttyhi1kft jug-honeS frgt,tfi?hJttt,'i Redo-Ilia}; iaiU"e"TGiile TLt'lt2'h2t, mth, 1'ddhhttt; 'dhtlttr,t',t an yum o ittqrhiettNraAtuittiertetetii all me- "i"' tin-4onttt.Beatti06t-1aatyaar, Canada“ 'ttttgit",'," 2t,ttttfgg'tttt “WWW can In. awar- rlu the uuhmlndmdmhlm off. ll. Ninth? "tattofae-ut-,attdheuttet) But, 2".dg,hQngpitfgfluhte,tlt ll watch uneven 10kg tthetystdieyrrheearries '. 1'll'atttgil'ttAtgg"tA/ge whom-d “tumor you; Itunmmnuc .m- 'k1'll'hA'duATr'l'il'l"Ard'l'td'lt CharngkrthttteiKUlBrrmta. AM 'lrr/',fg'tMNtttnttrt,t2ti [ml-phyla "ttaatt%dar,wanted 'ttunit-th-heart. nah-mo! WWII his mm. Afttrttakig-tyh.hetytorqittethe but. chm-ammo... - - . -o hawk...†'ueerttetett_seetietatte.e tl'l1Jvu'ft',"f'l8Mtfl'aitgnhid 'etesciircii'k"tci5d'li"'l'l';tpl'u'd “PIT? MAY .t.l.ttmtattutyharhqnd,rteateeragin 'rtattie-tmderm- haito litt-ftaltrt_ttuqiA ofmin. 1?ftattitt-tti-wtghMeofiaidruiiFii mth-ghttttpttmt1tthttstr. Thain-pu- t.aru.tttttrtMitat-thpuitmtmsu"ii. t,'t,htl.rA'iitittftPeiiieFt a: Tttefhtt-ehttatinmottike th who! Than, the.“ 1_iHh.traegrt-,thedeur. “out. "will: AGE FaahGaaria. 1tu1ottrttiyttietta.andattset,ee. '2fetrleratri..ttttuiitFiirriGiiia - --"_-__ --ev .-"""e""""""0. theme. NttttyitmfethikitriyGiiirir, the tretro-tttr-ttttids/air'. Quito themtnry. “mwhuhumto tcehythrje-ruiit.Giriiw"Ti'ai; mailman.†lamps-kg all of the Ofth 1rtIttt.ttatrorunt um]. i 'nau1t'lr'dllh'l'ltl'l'tl'tfl.'Llt'igtu't. "PM'mt,Matut,agtmgtnt" 1itMditieto4oetsetotmeeo,the Am- "ieeeWmtteemiiiliiriaaGriiGi"iiiia an other eountrlu, togetttermittt men than a qttrRerftttherinrridieetta ohtalrtahhemtly in for-In bulb-ls. Ton-hem Amman 'tttte-tttlie mqttirm the [mm of mom than woman-n 'eydtsttts hrettA6eeounteies. Hm are a few atrium facts about a?“ mu“. dew on the mat of PACE POI! ISOLA'I'IONIS‘I'S l, thtgattht'ttFttnttttrtt Must Choose Tlloir - Future-John Bracken... a,,lttfA"lu 'lgt'g'1"u',it,t,/uluntg,ggttrp,,t mute-perm! equttatt diArftiutitmathe national tnam- mm which it In stunned ? t.etedyetryyCnts)ithantettrikeent. 'uitttainhighC-diandmtandhr. tum unaud- 2,g,,t,ft."u'id"t'di'uiiiiri'ii"i'Tir"iiiar- D. Hamlin): foeeg1tdqtamthtretmtpextduets dmï¬nflbyu'wh 5'l'r,'t,",?,titll,': 1t'g'gML'e,gd',titf,i,i'ie In“. caulk! attqtqmtitret tax-nun making "etdeyrrrittemtt"oetiriiiirittiiiii. 'rghe1etateatemiiiuViGitTa.tue-- 'ereytrttby1tt-ettiteotatttriitiiiia' 't'll'lTerlA'u'u'l'S'e'lfJueflt'ltgtttt: Re-Elect Mae Lockhart in Lincoln JOHN BRACKEN’S AGRICULTURAL PROGRAM OF PROGRESS The Progenive Conaervative Party deplorea theopreaent poaition of Agriculture In the National Economy and pledgea release from the i.nttnrityof.htryiiivini,!te driftmtinlrmaiindthedepletioetotthe marvelloua uricultural reaourcea of thecountry. We've determined to secure a aquare deal for agriculture and recognition of its rightful place m Canada’a economy. mom â€RIVA“ was ___-___ . . . '3""'""' h’tltsm an Mm... that aad m"? 'iiii,ii,'i?iii'?ii'i?ii1iii1ts Ammfolh 0mm... Ind t'tddiliiitdiliii'ittt Wmmmvwï¬'ivh Trtaiii"itilli"'lM?dllld'2't, Sun- “MM-Hub. Victim. uncom- .attarttkrt acid I ,QJldl'el'd'ltlrtt,t2' tn 1 1t,t.hahtttrtiiiGtiiG7i'iikiii"i"il'. 'tliaremtethofiiil oqtpimnertt, than all :“anm"ll "I mtitte mean" n .x M â€nit 'ill'hllh4'l?lfkd '. tttt N The _ '7"_ H"-""'-..- l“ -- ii7uiiiULTi"ll1'l'l'f2'2'dl'l"M'2gSt Thee. .htt-.uesemnoonatit,a. 1el,'l.1'S1'l'hrgr,2,tg't,tgtt,,'rgt. India-Km men nah into but“ mï¬thldNut-mnrm F. TrrtMiornitamiitaiia gm my...“ It,", 1'f1gd"tPgttle “HwtoShflRnrOuhdnuci’bym Itarrtarwtttir. "dbl-1M. um. ter'" m Mn: mm In but BIC of m and?“ 9fi.iGiijGiriiu"Guq Jll'llLl'lll'li',"l,t my," “thing them. Winn Johnny can. minim home, 1eihhf,entytouitjii0uiiiiGi"iiirmiir,"iit' awardvhghflckwhuhcdulmï¬ - mun-1m, ï¬mmmphomhmhhhhnku, wmmmmamu the phyakal ijiuiii. iii." “Eâ€? "iii;iirii "5" um I!!!) VI‘IIIANS ESCAPE Mama-s Small III-luau In the not of alt business. r,,',uhitttft, 2tiagt (tttteta! o y o the tttg,'."" aratem all of the Genoa-nu: W e. Yes, PtuAhpnattttoun Mamet» unity. not: a high ample foe all who have hot 11ttth. Mind and qlriten, noninva- 'Say,did I want-km rim More?" ukedthobuber. "No," "new! Pan. “Hoot my um wheanuukid." '"thot'treyourtdegumou, nod-magma Wen.“ 'g of n'bgof,',gd all all {land oum. ta mote Hen we tiCi'eh1,'ifti'i'i'h1,,EEl,"if, Ion surveys. i'kiiiiiidiG1 01m s'."'g','pr,"dve"g tg,'tt',t ' com- m pastures. mm mu tllgl"dUn'll'lfgd'hu'dh'i' 1y22fgt,.itel,2gtt'agfu,1tprM','a ',ttt'r.tttfg'1tur, Want]! MM What-1mm - 'l'tth,haa2l,"2e2lt 'etaMttrDoentttioetftrtaneiat-tanee1nttoettittg 1tf,dtept'2regtgvtatgTggrgt. .__.._, oetnetarternait-eadeqt'atetti.1 pn- "tits-tee-tttr-tttter-tter-tn' --r'rot-q-eta-qitepmr-. at N. I. It. (MAC) UttMRAtl" Peder-l Member for [Jacob --""'* llama: Beortsvttt. . . 0m AUCTION“! a vamp... Me2iiitiiiiiillii'i"g11', SeAtiEiirii"iCllt8, a tall".'.' Iluu ' ___ l.ittiitik" L'ltlttg or} Harold B. Hatchet: “MIR“. â€neuron. in. We .1 “NERO Business Directory gun urn or CANADA George I. Geddes 'to" HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID m Vacuum Seams" Electric Floor Polishers WWuumm Central Vacuum m Cleaner Co. 1eyAeeyy new J. 'ruEte.ned, 1at'ttt'ttatt- m. 1- = "" Iii-"m“ - . M 'tpmt, N l - -,_____ MINNIE "0.0“th NONI ""