He not only was the Rector. and for the past few months the Rector Emeritus of St. Andrew's. but he was the unconfirmed Ree. tor of Grimsby, North Grimsby and the sur- mundinz district. People in all walks of lite, alt denominations and hundreds with no de- nomination, enme to the beloved "Daddy" Bull-rd for advice. help and succor of every kind. None went “my tmpty_handed. In spite of thin thin the Government m au.1'o"ftg1ll'l"lk'iil.lii' tht and to 2'l','/L'ifi't7iitiiiE?ittte,t amid-ht. numJWflthoIhnymPnflndfl 1tltJ'tufl'lll'Jrl'ii"Gr'irii"m"'" Without a very studious check of the church 'eermunoimeeantetthttwmanypeo. ple, who did not belong to St. Andrew's. in iaitnttrtmor-tmtotnr-ti--msrretmreh,-- brought into this world by his prayers. bap- tisld _by high, married by him and in one: He never failed to - a all. no mat. ter where that all came from. In 40 years he gave his all to the people of this dim-let. and the Pal-h of St. Andrei. in all the bet- ter for it. The hour “I never too late; the night never too dark; the mad toolong. or the storm too hence, to deter Mr. Ballard when he was called ypon for he_lp. - Issued every Thursday ra, office of publi- cation, Main and Oak Sta, Grimaby. by Without going Into all the details of - compllshmcnt than are n number .of main pointl that might be Itmud. The Govern- ment has assumed 50% of the ovem11 out of . . " -- a--' manhunt of the pay- Without gum: mu: m. ...- __V, compllshmant them are a number .of main points, that might be atmaod. The Govern- ment has assumed 50% of the overall coat of education and the nut instalment of the pay- menta to the local school boards haa been Since the first United Empire Loyalist settlers came to Grimsby, in approximately 1780, there have been may fine men come to the Old Forty, the Village of Grimsby and the Town of Grimsby, and depart by God's Will. But the finest of them ttll came, per- for1nef his earthly: york!er npw _hats de- parted, Reverend hhriiirBiiiiid." Old St. Andrew“: in February of 1905. He departed this life on April 17th 1945. In that span of 40 years. you or I, or no other human being, can tell or estimate the great good that he wrought irrthis 4itstriet. Despite the {set that I was . very poor member of his church. " food members go, I do know from 40 yen-s o cont-ct with this man, as s newspspermen. that it would be impossible to enumerate on psper all the good and kindly sets thst he hss performed for the people of thu.di"1et. . . That the people were struck s hard blow by his sudden demise an be summed up in the words of I grimy faeed working men. when I met him on Wednesday afternoon, he said “this is s tere' blown. It, isnss greet I blow to In " Mr. Roosevelt's death was to the United sum." . I . . Mr. Ballad loved mm. He loved hone: and dogs. He gave insplrltion to them, He Wu u nun of faith and he instilled faith into his fellow man. He loved good clean sport of all kinds and he himself In a keen, good bowler on theel. - . Within " church his mgrlishments were manifold, but to the gene while no one can ever tell what he Accomplished In his quiet, 'iaiutntim"P"'"P"' way. St. Andrew's has lost s true and devoted Priest. The people of the Grlmsby distrlct " s whole, have lost s tme, helpful, inspir- ing friend. May the Gust God In Heaven hue "any on ills Soul. . . . . DREW “00.1) UNSUIPASSED . ,4-L‘_ n.- The Drew Government wpmuhu the coming election with an unsurpassed record of " month- of protreuive Inns Admininrla tion in which major strides have been made in the field of education. him, hydra. agri- cuitun. public hunk and Welfare and pllnl have been laid for postwar development and pawn! unplgyment. . . True Independence It never "raid " spear. 'eL1ertliet, “a. “-mm than Edam By hini. dw- to the iiiiaiGreiTiCiTeuil'e"e". 'rhefrinrha, Independent SutoeMptittes--tt.ttt per you In Cunn- lid 33.50 per W in 53°11'53““ mm- yr. _BaliarAea.ntef.tto the Rgcgggghipgf REVEREND J. ALLAN BALLARD LIVINOITON Bttd LAWION, MM Dumb-r ennui“ - New." Annual. mac-In my. Lam. it...†MW 1385 Nights. J. OILON LIVINGITON. "tter, iGoireiat'Giatit in to the There can be no let down in our efforts on the home front. The who is too great. and, in view of the lunar!) organization and the human live: at stake, let no one on the home front do less than the let best effort. The Victory Loan Campaign in sponsor- ed by our government-our government until a new one is eketed-and no effort should be ehlrked or ended Manse of politieal consid- erations. The election date comes later. Ind my antipathy to the government Ihould be expressed then, and not before, pnrtlculorly in response to the vjetory Donn appeal. the Monument Victory Inns," Replacing of the labor court by the On- tarlo labor Relations Board 'haa worked successfully in the settlement and concilia- tion of disputes. The pemnnel haa received unanimous praise from all political parties and interests involved. Labor legislation ha been passed providing for the 48 hour week and one woek'a holiday with pay while the Dominion Labor Code has been adopted and has been made applicable uniformly to all thr. tario industries. Victory Ian campaign: In I wartime activity into which any citizen should theme every last degree of energy without consider- ing the political implieations of " action. Victory loan bonds represent the common means by which all an harvest, in Mal {lithium the inner prayer and wish for vic- ory. - No government in the history of Ontario he: produced in a short a I of time. the legislature enactments for the benettt of the people that the Drew government has ec- compliehed. And the tegui.tive Bills that were on the agenda to be put through the House when Premier Drew's government was forced to the country by the Hepburn- JoliffeMeIeod "power or nothing ottMt", woulfl have been of still greater tmtettt to the for victEE. itTiGia"t"irrad Uni inyone on the home 'tot “lend tr Idea. ( THAT WORD "rtttACTtONArtY" that every hat pieedisruitiiiGiiit "tr inn-1M r-tif. ed to the lads overseas from the dollar: that are available here in Canada. . Speaking at 1 “ball nomination meet- Inz " Pordele. M. F. Hepburn declared: “There is no pine in modern clvlliudon for reactionary Toryiun and I will ththt - them in both .electigm." . . It is obvious that the word "reaction- ary" in going to be overworked in this On- tario election. If Sir James Whitney were alive. he would be undated today u a double or truper-reaetlottrw and, of course. he was quite Tor}. too; Alto med of it. You know the Answer on June the 4th. Vote Drew an} an: "m.inietkm. I GOOD CITIZENSHIP The home front In- an Important battle to win; it is the Victory boon Gunman. Victory Loans provide the than of I'll'. The obligation is strictly unto every indivi- d_ual to ."dit.r dow_n" to -the _ t comer to - That was mathnery Toryism on the part of Premier Whitney, which brought into the province the best law for workmen'e com- pensation which existed anywhere in the world at that time, and Ibo brought in pub. lie ownership of electric power in Hydro. one of the greatest Heeling: ever contend on And there he: been reactionaryiun on the part of Premier Drew, in remitting very large sums to take the tax burden off peo- ple's homes for school expenses. eleo in re- vising fairly the Io." "em in.i.hi| province. There has been good govemment in On- tario. After what the province suffered from in the apostolic summon of Hepburn to Conant to Nixon. 1 theme from chaos end uneertelnty to good sable government, of coum, with meatloaf» . iiiid prdirinee., m other words. in the View of Mr. Rep. burn, I good government which an be de pended upon and trusted to any out in pledges, is regetionixry. P no. on the wow“ ‘AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY . . . ' Once upon I time them I'll I Count and Council. who owned I vast mm In I coun- try belonging to I nee of "master" mu. Their main had over-run and ttttl the neighboring cannula. and had t buck “and- " “modulate folk who won iiir'rafihy tr GiMsoned. . One day miller- ftom acme- the an matched Into the town and freed the victims. Then the table- were turned on the wicked i'iii'i'itriedN/lu'l iiiihht tat, on m e e ','th'hllllX . . O . For the itrst an. In the yen: they nu .1 tl Jtfhat3rgLtrrM,1too,try.ttttt nttfr,rrrAityf AU over-eer- 1'l Letters to the Editor milk and can and meat. In fact, they ate STEAKS three times I day, and dept in soft beds instmd of stables. And now it wu the overseen who were frightened and nu for their lives. _ __ This is not a fairy tale. It in I true story of Poles. Czechs, and Run-ions freed by the Americans advancing into Germany. But this and other news stories with fairy tale end. in: unwise to outdo the 'deIn Brothers and on their own ground, Mot m. cylin- um llu. ' susGiGetuttsivtt-.-e.os-tomt a. a. M m “pl-aha" um replaced I"; _ nMumWAn“ml-mk.hn mgfwdunn‘thW?w: a.gH-eari-" B.-t.-dtMr--tttu.rt W30 KNOWS? mmdmmm ttr-att-qt. ‘PUIHSIIID " I'll PIOOIIISNI CONSIIVA‘IIVI mm 0' ONYAIIO â€Mbmecdonnlyfonhcmbmdmmedfomm hoatthttags'o,itlsheeeathetene. 'l'hcnmngmenuwhichhubm tmd-tvid-rat-red-e-tttteta" Spednl Running Client are My out-nu. Sending note. however, mm be done if on: voten ovens: in to know why In Ontario election) forced upon a u this time. llpponltoelch one of you who manhunt-alga to write now byainm'l. Give our men end women ovum. all the intonation you can and be sue to tell than the correct nune of the Ptovincid Riding in which they on "stttudtov-dtunameotth-dlate. Ttoiorfth-tatkrspoet. encebouuulomnyoithmhaunevuvotedheforenndthodil‘em between the new and bounded“ of Pmindni and Dominion Riding- tnekeitdoohiy necemqthltyonhomtogivpthuntheeuctnn-ed the Riding in which they nucntitiedmculthoit huliotonjue 4th. C 'tr-uv-st-ttrd-ru-lit?"'-".".""."."""" Oininyonrioulityendguthominlomtionwithontdehy. inc-anon . An Urgent Message from GEORGE DREW Apt-u w, "on. "WM: "year", was the "aid (on lull" will. MIMonm-wmwdAbl-mnd Dtstatmeta.'--Siit hull! “In putter“: mtutareretsoeotetti'rBddrttthati"_tt-te. Neteestutnrettmr-dir"tomiit".edt?e "ttmt-tttr/tseed"---'.'- mmpdmmm-w.m2 unu- manila-w with "who. nu mu". m ttteeleetrteet-er-tedbr"uwV'tn- met-tttttttant-mi-ttttM-tt “WWI. “nu: mrtrttr" was! I "tngt"esn",atatt-ttoit-1-t.dimet- trtretuthe'mteuer-tr'ct -- A - Yvtt-"-tioittei1mr-eom,ms "tmote-tit-tofthe-r TiuMttt.tt-nettterterttnt'ttttr"metm"tM"vtb no m‘wma nan 1m. Potent traffic ski: “Slow down before you become . Itatiatie'.", - When a mu: bu I birthdly. he was daft: when I mu In: one. the take- ' off. You: 'ttsmeetr, “GWEN-IO..-“ but“. â€www.5- mdanw-acmm mmumam sumac-Immune. tt-osotrMqoP"ttP11dtrt chum-Immuni- low. rand-momma. mtmummmun arm-Inc. mutilati- um""'"'.'".. . Thetiestrt-eretheGett- uubmbum giv- u hum m can: a! My â€we. humming Whitaker-unjust. hill mun. Mam-Idioms. Ila-“Hook “humankind†"Beoer"_tat'tyrm-tattttre Mghtat you an {new no. Whohth.thtit-erthatts hopping-mutual)...“ they-ulna that: um. In the mat-nudmnpuyn‘ -ggdemttg.tugtd.tttntit-tete ir?ett""'t'tmtrpo0estuittettuetter- “unduly hm on Illa Ind. “mean-atom“ unusual-alma- "ratt. Thai-Dynamo! We. “Iliad In Dublin tor-Wk. Dun-(Mum's. D-re-mutt-NW- f-ttet-tget-Ke-ttve. 'uhttototheiemterettt. qua-(loo. nu. noun-w u- Beqrttrtherttmpterto-utttt. 'ltrsemMm..ttr.mgrttirthmsrrttrv- tgtqtmetrtrttbeMHmL MAIN? STDEET