Grimsby Independent, 10 Aug 1944, p. 5

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wl o C O ly " sn aatt TH Suite, FO'“L“-WM mwun'.u&-..&l“' k field and Odd Chairs, o i 0 V"" ._" es Mountain CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE â€" Couch, PUBi TX _ | burner Electric Fiate. Telephone 201â€"J4. bâ€"1p FOR SALE â€" Two Jersey COWs®: three and six years. Fresh. Teleâ€"| phone Winona 8$3â€"Kâ€"2. 5â€"2p FOR SALE â€" One Used Gfl-on‘ Fipeless Furnace. Casings inâ€" eluded. ApPÂ¥ 225 Main sns-w. 1ip FOR SALE â€" FUR SAE 0_ 20. nomnb Cash. ern, electrically equipped. e Apply M. Romak, Kerman Ave. «/ For saLe â€" Oak Dresser , "“‘” Tess style, Dnearly R#W!: * _ «+. 9 finle ADtS.. Careful tenamt wants furnished or unfurnished house. ummmdmnnyf«tbewhter â€"thudwoddlkebhvéynr'hcewelh&d after, 1 will pay good rent. Best of references. Apply Box 397, The Independent en 0 0 m“w' FOR .AL‘â€"‘-w-r Cual Oil Stove with good ove 1 2 “‘h can. _A n Sm s ts FoR sAiLE â€"â€" Moder® se W aile Enamel Cont ot . Wood Range with Warming Closst h0 Reservoir. Nearly NCW. C oo u. 113â€"wâ€"J §â€"1¢ C & ad t M 2C CC "a mm-mwwmummmw T®O COW ‘must accompr.ny advertisement to guarantee inserâ€" 4x 900, The Independent. S# wanmteD TO RENT â€" By m‘Sale Of Lands FO' adults; five of #©* roomed hos W C eveniencen in %flgbge;'\ Arrears Of T axes 3y Beach district by S°P | mewNg"IP OF NORTYU W FEATHERS WANTED â€" Feakkâ€" ers and feather beds of ali deâ€" seriptions. Higzhest prices pald. Write particulars to Queen city Feather Co., 13 Baldwin ’%’,Ml in NC â€" _ .i ted A charge of ten cents AApemnentennt C WANTEO TO BUYâ€"Bix or geven m»»n Bungalow or House. MoAâ€" ern. Grimsby or Beack district. L/ «r amall acreage, Particulars and |rwest cash price. Bon 140, 4 N Cbt 5â€"2p unm#)y UV""" / o *ten NR tembe: 30th Appiy Mr® k4 Ne"son WAM- bâ€"ip Realed Tend Hydro in Scho 10 Routh Gn Specifications + August 10th, 1944. 12h. L4# necessari}y T ender® Cabin trailer, JMn. d CCC k. n ce AS WANTED â€" "”u"\ feather beds of ali deâ€" ng. Hignest prices pald. aruculars to Queen City L. c# RalAwin St.. Try» Tenders 1JO° * School house «#f ! Grimaby. . PA m"nb‘ acen nders to be in WY CU EC Hs Am% uen wat Of 4 Iuov MNE-‘ sJlars to Queen City dare to Queeh ,m_\ 18 Baiawin BJ x6 for wiring o map «4 HB. No. y, _ Pans and he seen at mÂ¥ .s made for boxes. 46â€"tic a7 FOR SAL w C FOR SALE â€" Gray gelding, rising seven, weight 1200 Tbs. Ideal fruit farm horse. Sell cheap, or trade for young cattle, Jas. H. Monoghan, Grassie, . Telephont Grimsby 282â€"Wâ€"4. _______ _ 5â€"1¢ ditiou. Rexsonable. 40 Murray a 5â€"1p FOR RENT â€" Upper Apartment en uC e en )R SALZ â€" Solid English Oak | Wining Room Suite, Ave years‘ old. Buffet, table, four chairs, red leather seats. Reasonable. t on v e §â€"1¢ WA ‘TIME MAN C ANTED â€" For Watkins route of | spring mattress, coil spring. coal and wood range, fruit jars and chickens. Apply 3rd house east of cemetery gatles, north side of All conveniences. _ m;mAu. )6 A ocmnganti > nar d ud eP y a tomers. Must be honest and reâ€" liable, have travel outft | or means of getting one. No Capital The J. R. Watkins COMpPRLUY, Dept. Oâ€"Gâ€"8, 2177 Masâ€"on street, _ Notice is hereby given that tul list of lands for sale for arrears ~f taxes, has been prep»ised, and tha‘ coples thereof may ** seen in the Tresurer‘s off:ce, and thet the bst is being puriisheo :o the Ontario Gazette for July, August and Bepâ€" tember, 194+, and that in default "Bo¢> * lun la in Will be sold d P’lflflfl’t. the 18 suus for tax«es on Fabur«.s, 1914, at the hour 7 2 o‘ afternoon, in the Cou . â€"s, Town of Grimaby THOB. W. Jun« HELP WANTED Township of 17, 1044 Garage in gond conâ€" MAN OR WOMAN GRIMSBY Two adults. f 5â€"1p us will be sold _z, October 14, 2 o‘clock in the Counci1 Chamâ€" W, ALLAN, _ Trensurer, North Grimsby. 1f Bept. 28 5â€"1p Banker Ewing Being Moved Brevities |\ gt. Joseph‘s Garden Party, AUEâ€" ‘mn and 18th. 1 # # # ‘Township council meets Saturâ€" |d.y afternoon. | # + # | There will be no Blood Clinic \ nstd in Grimsby this m« *b. f # * ® | Reamsvilie High and Vocations § .c.wl'mopnf»rmtdlum | on m 18. Grimaby is to lose good bank manager. «hk :5 S good bank manager. Eric E. Ewing, manager of the Canaâ€" dian Bank of Commerce was notified on Wednesday of his transfer to Ottawa, where he will be manager of the Rideau street branch of the bank, which is the second largest branch in the Capital City. He wiil not be relinquishing his dutics here for at least two weeks. ;n.,“",' is closed Gown CUM!: Mm-weel. e & ® w.nrnowwm»- Pamly "Fek ale Famdl THE GRIMSB Y h 3 4 02 TL c cal . ntentrreiiinn l e paaudmd;.admdmfl‘ delivery agent for the CEEâ€"BEE Cleaners. See adv. in this issue. s # ® W'lmmw-wu.w the installation of a new vitro> lithic front on th stor: of Sammy Levine. It will be biack with white trim. A + ® * A local figure filbert ias it doped out that the morning after the the day of Hitler‘s unconditional mwrrender, there will be 6,472,018% County council meets next mrFeeniery M2C C000 0Cs a headaches and hangovers is Canâ€" m xee. c k % ~| giving Day is one of the six statuâ€" n|tory kolidays which the Governâ€" d| ment has recommended be generalâ€" :\ ty observed. e w * \* â€"â€" â€"| "Honey" Sheiton has «t Tong iaken a hollday. "The Little Shoéâ€" i\ maker" locked the store door last \ Seturday night and will open it _\ .gain tomorrow morning . ‘This is the first time in over ‘hreeâ€"quatr" ters of a century that "The O!ld RBack Shop" has been closed for he| four consecutive days. ZPAREBERHR PAz CC C h mnamm'% w.“u.wwaxm.u oawmmmmuxnw- Grimsby would sell the same deâ€" L.atura: ~* sbout 110. CE Eie s 0C Distributor for Hardie Sprayers®. made another large shipment of machines t* Alberta last week, In the cattle country they are used for apraying the herds for the preâ€" vention of warble fly. # â€" # * "Litle Whizzer‘ Kanmacher is mmmwm"‘ has already started to get The Dpay. lm"m‘“t!." w_”."'m’ and has no ill effects from trying to stop a bolt of lightâ€" £ memag =0C x served this y««r on Oct. 9, it Was announced Tuesday in a prociamaA~ tion published in an extra edition °> hn‘ (Canada Gazette, ‘Thanksâ€" Burlington Careless smoking was A Jeadiag | humoroumy _""F CR _**"""" ja cuuse of 7,860 fâ€"es which caused etUquette, Jean Rushton nndtndl $5,%35,141 damage in Ontario durâ€"| & Chopin waits on tie plano. img the Arst #!x months of this| Square dance" weye formed siter year, according to a repot «A thei i Jemons#ritiyn by the girln. Ontario Fire Mar.hall. To this are Bmm. y'l”l‘ and old, 'nru(_-‘. attributed 1,851 fNres, Matches | pated with musch hiterity 1 Aroemh« caused 261 Ares, electricity 424,| ments wourd up a very enjoyaln» »mi 16 were incendiary. Fire loas| evening afléy a alr gâ€"0008. in 4475 Ares during April, May 6 .%* * and June $2,302.556. \ Sungay, isugust 6 Re Mr. Malt4y m»*~., very kind!y Contractor John 8ts the ~xcltement provid street on Friday noon mmlun‘ a fair w on two trucks, from waw. Hand‘s coltage ¢ Iake ahore. ‘The turn pot streat was A tok e *# * t will be quict next " will be out of town. wing and backing up fixally negotiatod the in Stadelmier wnas provider on Main noon,. John was fair alzed cottage, friam Winona to tieklish plecs $47,000 olony 06 -m thr ttle Shoéâ€" door last open It ; ‘This is hreeâ€"quar« "The Old closed for| ‘ *- A a leadiag | hu ich caused | et ntario dure| & a _ of _ this| 8c ryt «A the i im To this are| E , _ Matches | p rcity 424,| 1 . Fire loas| # April, May delmier was| 1 er on Main|® Tahn wasl‘ INDEPE NDE N «l sonesâ€"CARPENTER At a quiet garden wedding, 08 Saturday, August 5, Jean Palmet, elder daughter of Mr. and MH, Gordon Carpenter, Winona, becamth the bride of Gor. Donald Jones, 801 of Mr. and Mrs. George Jon@® Winona. Rev. Fred Manning con ducted the ceremony. mm"mu.m of white needJepoint crepe and m.updhdfloflnmm' .Wdfndi white flowers. M NOCA nomammnt : minll The latest in fur fashions for out discriminating friends in 1944â€"5 . . . . we will gladly show you the many style creations that are available for this seaâ€" son in the fur of your choice. f ts D« gweek PSS®> mete e se oc t . Nora Carpenter, sister of the bride, \Sd idedhenrnt dntancrpAret wore a twoâ€"plece frock of aqua~ marine allk. jar!?‘y;wllh & "Than bouquet “rl A priceless pessession are aPeRame d CCC & Thee was sung by Mrs. T. E. Mcâ€" Collum. The bride‘s mother reâ€" ceived ln.m‘mflfl“m shadow print crepe with a corsage bouquet of violet sweet peas, @Sâ€" misted by the gr00m‘s mother in navy blue and white printed crep®, ludth a corsage bouquet of pink these attractive Atlantic Seals richly trimmed with Persion Lamb in fitted or semiâ€"fit styles. PARWeaeit CCE C L m“wubmflut. the tride Mmmffl"mml’ through Northern Ontario. FEATURING FOR FALL (by Dorothy Snider) Wednesday, August 2 ‘ The Annual Growers‘ Nighi was b«!d in Grimsby CaMp. Auditorium. A akit opened th¢ programme, humorously | depI¢Uing American etiquette, â€" J°AD Rushton "“‘”""’l h tass sdasia meened o ol FTE a Chopin waits on the plano Square danct" weye formed sls Te y whe o S sw Sungay, wougust 0 Mr. Maléyy, pâ€"*â€"~, very kindly provided _ {â€"=ansportation for & ulghtâ€"se0I0K tour for the farmerâ€" etton, _ Th® tour Included e vialt to| Ningar®a palls, which many of the girls Were seeing for the Arst trit, They were thvilled by Brock‘s Monument and Queenston . Park. The climb 14 the top of the monu« ment &AY® them a good appetite for the beaxty pienic lunch . They| returned t6 camp by Niagarmâ€"0n> theâ€" LAk®, after a very pleasant day. maman was Mr. Eric Carpenâ€" brother of the bride. efore the ceremony, I Love c was sung by Mrs. T. E. Mcâ€" Nuptials Carmerettes CHARGE ACCOUNTS OR BUDGETS IN ACCORDANCE wWITH WARTIME REGULATIONS, Agent for Hudson ‘s Bay Blankets Anider) Fruitland, Ontario Time Table For Ration Coupons Coffee or Tea (green) _ Ee Coupons 14 to 20 inclusive and EL to E6 (old book) T30 to 37| PreS (new book) are valid until declarâ€"| Co ed vold. hook Coupon T88 becomes valld Aug.| book 10. bw l Coupon T39 becomes valid Aug.| Aug. 24. Clg wmmoumo-uu!m' A sophisticated casual for the campus queen . .. a cosy loose fitting style (Clip this out and keep available) and lasting beauty. Sugar 1red) Coupons 14 to 20 inclusive (old Coupons 30 to 37 (new book) now valld. mumumvfld August 8, m“ll“‘flwwd Aug. 81. Kach good for 1 \b, sugar. Canning Bugar (blue) F10 (old book) now valid. Each good for 1 lb. sugar. Butte»® (purple) Cx..pons 70 and 71 now vallid. From Asgust 9th to August 27{th, inclusive, while Mr. Matchett is on vacation,. Pickâ€"up Every Monday and Priday. No more house pick up and delivery after Friday, August 4th, K;ROLD B. MATCHETT Will Be Closed CEEâ€"BEE CLEANERS WEST, THE BARBER HAVE APPOINTED AS THEIR GRIMSBY AGENCY The Law Office F1 An ever popular quality fur coat is the Hudson Seal . ... its smart smoothness appeals to all Aug, 10. mumnw..â€".m Aug. 24. Coupons 70, 71, 72 and 73 exâ€" pire Aug. 31. Each good for 14 !b. butter. Preserves (orange) ooupo-nthmihel\fln(dd book}, 17 to 24 inclusive (new m»mmmw cwpu.suuwmu Aug. 3. | Wumamm | Aug. 31. Coupons 72 and 73 beconie valid Watch Clock And Jewellery Repairs E. A. Buckenham 12 Main 8t. E. BULOVA, ELGIN, ELCO WATCHES st Little Jowellery The Fruit Belt"

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