\Fri.and wï¬t.'ï¬ith-:-M $1. JOSEPH‘S GARDENPARTY VYOL, LIXâ€"No, 5 BILL ROOKER VSITS RONME Impressed With Majestic Dear Mother, Dad and All:â€" The weather out bere atill is very bot, likely as uol it will conâ€" tinue until around September, they seem to have an awfully long sumâ€" mer season in Italy. _ §apy. ; Well 1‘ve been to Rome for 48 hours. They had a big sports‘ meet there, so I ha« a chance to look around the city. I will say Mother it was the most beautiful city that TI‘ve ever seen, we haye nothing like it is Cansada or the States, and 1 never saw any buildings in Lonâ€" don which were nearly as good as the ones in Rome. I was over to ane St. Peter‘= Cathedral and the Cathedral it is too, every where we went there were wonderful Sbulldâ€" ings. Huge Gold Statues, etc. ete. L se usns ies d cce en 0 .ndlm-tnmpcu-::oem Clarifcation Of Ceiling Prices dependent has had many calls from rull when :: to the F‘“ d w-..-... Llkatlaw Ar it really was a §000 WO Sorts good to see a besutiful, is Mamilton hospita) eran A ts eveniog consumer. Through the courtesy of K. C mma’ml.‘l‘“ lznownnum '!'o““â€-’“w' cents a basket. To the retailer, 74 cents a ! one of the three over the i" TM" limit then transportstion coste of aw.mmhm .-â€"---.-aâ€"â€"'.‘.'.'-_‘ Hands Out Some Sage Adâ€"‘ vice To The Boys At ll.-e.| To the consumer, 1f the fruit is Aotivered to V eteran Passes The Grimsby Independent (Continued on Prage 7) aoy LABA, Gnm»bÂ¥ L oi wa un â€"â€" my , Sgt. ruins of the Colisum, in Italy. July 17th, 1944. who passeds awey 09 cents a basâ€" a ButursAy vA» MORE THAN A NEWSPAPER â€"â€"â€" A COVMVMUNITY SERVICE Labor Situation Coupled With Busy Peach Season The Reazon â€"â€" Next Clinic Septâ€" Cancel August Blocd Clinic The Independent To Wm. Hewson, . imgby Blood h ... ArcvocdiamerieyA mhmhan p.: . anâ€" mwwmï¬uwhl blood clinic held in Grimsby in the . HMBDy o * on n‘ who has his finger on the pulse of CC _ mWw # * ‘anâ€" month of GEASE PUBLIGATION Cumnseet $+ CC C000 hold a clinic in August, but Wl the peach crop boing 98 in ult mmmamwmm ite~ situation being as it 1s, the eammmittee decided that it would be m-wwwmmnm- ne.. ===â€"t citait Will be held ir *frinity Ba" 4" tember 20th. P nflo.ucfloofl For One Week Only In line with hundreds of other weekly newspapers throughout the Dominion, The Independent is going to take # holiday. Labor shortage and other griefs that â€" ~ with the production of a Migh Class Newspaper and the operation of the BEST Job Printing Plant in the Niagara Peninâ€" sula, have fagged our staff out. We have decided to get away from it all. Therefore our printing plant will be closed down completely fromâ€", July clinic was 6 mmnzcew. Yruk 1t Our Business Office will be open for business as usual to receive your overdue: disseminate information. | Th isdAt THE INDEPENDENT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED Prize Winne SATURDAY , A i iA LA ne tou A ©o8), TS / the Mossfield Blanket ba) on Wednesiay, B7 soth. Be prepared to 40 was intended to Grimsby, Ontario, Thursday, August 10th, 1944. FS â€""*Fia Y .4 t. 09 , AUGUST Advertisers Must Live Within Law J U L y‘ 2 o t Sellers Of Used Cars Must \ ehicles. To prevent "bick whthl’" and Hllegal sales of used cars, the w.mmm.umm‘ have ordered compulsory price tagging of all cars held by dealers and a detailed report of each sale. v;\.wom:ucflownm ‘The Board appealed to the public wwumdï¬nm "black marketing" hy reporting \nkuwm“m Ms Justise Macksy RKules M Seven Points Ouilined By Defence !z. Lambert Insurâ€" ance Case. Reasons for judgment in the auit of Percy Lambert against the Waâ€" weness Mutual Fire Insuranto Company have been given by MY. Justice J. Keiller Mackay, who awarded th» plaintiff $1,150 of his $1,500 claim under & poilcy on uomomnytmwwm“ stroyed in March, 1043, ‘This case, la.t at me June uittings of tried at tno June mW‘ """ Bupreme Court here, has "su8 watched with interest by insurance men because of certain . points m“uuuaumw tion of occupancy of insured buildâ€" (Continued on Page 1) Give Full Description And Price When â€" Advertising udgment Cites Award Reasons « 1il the same as sales by deal» (Continuea on page 1‘ »iva te LINCOLN & WELLAND REGIMENT | s > NOW FICHTING IN NORMANDY| is ALL ISs QUIET ON MUNICIPAL FRONT Arm Amputated In Rail Accident Grimsby rcsident, now resiiding Al 36 Cancl Street, Merritton, "" seriously injured and narrcoowly esâ€" caped death when he was struck by a C.N.R. freight train sshunting cars onto a siding in the Merritâ€" ton yards at 2:20 Sunday rmorning. Di Sailvio is employed as a secâ€" \uonmbymc.un and was mat ssen hy the train creew until was immediate!y stopped and the injured man was pulled frorm under the locomotive by the cconductor af d engine crew. ind He was rushed to the Sit. Cathâ€" arines General Hospital, where he was treated for serious imjuries to the head and body and his left arm weas amputated above the elbow. He is reported to be resiting well, but his condition is still regardad as critical. An investigationn is beâ€" The "Lastest" Is Always "Bestest" Grimsby‘s Oldest Continuous Carnival Will BRe Held Next Week On St. Joseph‘s Reeâ€" tory Grounds. rud.ynndlchwdly evenings of next week, August 18th, and 19th, will witness the end of the Carniâ€" val Season in Grimsby when St. Joseph‘s Parish stage their «nnual Garden Party on th¢ grounds adâ€" Mwmmcwry- »ll the old features and several new will be found and a good time is assured to one and all who PMropize this local event, * In point of years Of continuous activity this Garden Perty is by far the oldest {a tOWB and has beâ€" come somewhat in th# nature of a Employee For years. uxture i1 town evenl® ‘This year under we capable Ch@bmaneaip of{ Mr. Waliter Phipp3, NCW sermanent booths have been erected ang ; }mehlocwbooflflorm deâ€" votees of Bingo has be@Dcopstrupt 0. _In addition to th# F8rylar draw there will be a #pScIQ) graw for a (Coniinued on 74§97 ) ge wioor > wht rout he » C ~ walt he mdwhfl-o‘*a"lun- ter, whoso death in A¢tâ€" jp Norimandy was reported .,; week. Pto. Cook pays very L«, tribute to CapL Hunter, 6 Avm.xdmlhlunmli Itailan campig0# *Â¥urped to â€" his hume in HamiltOfust week, |; in the person of PteAJbert E. [| soribing b.a as "ome of t awellost officers‘I ever sefy W as Welll.iked io Struck By In â€" Merritton '.ikedâ€"l Slitian and at It Was Mobilized Sept. 2, 1939 One of Canada‘s oldest nli-| ments, the Lincoin and Welland, mwmum‘fl“‘““‘ honors in France. It was anuouncâ€" ed Thursday by the Canadian wmmuonmuml this district‘s own infantry unit is in the thick of the tough fighting ..unnnm-morlnflumndv- Since it has been the practice of nrmy headquarters to withhold such announcements for about two ’wuh.ltwumodlun that Mmm.d;ydthlflflhln- niversary of the regiment‘s foundâ€" ingâ€"July 20th, Military sources here doubted that there would be more than 100 men, and very few officers from this district still with the old reg!â€" ment. Since it wes mobilized four years ago, its original complement has been fully trained and most of the men have been posted to other units which have been fighting on various battlefrons from Hong Kong to Italy long before France was invaded. However, it is known that there still are a number of boys ¢*â€"m Grimsaby, Beamsvillie, 8t. Catharâ€" ines and the immediate district sharing the new honors which the regiment will add to its regimental colors. Brig. 0. M. Marti,, E.D., formerâ€" ly Niagars ares commandant, visited the "Lincs" in Britain a little more than a year ago, nd‘ reported them to be in Aghting trim. At that time they wore evidently waiting to embark for France, and were bivouacked unâ€" der the treesa of southern Er !and Iz Figured That The "Lines" Went Into The Line On July 20, The 150th Anâ€" niversary Of The Unit. â€" Many Grimsby And District Boys In The Ranks. Brig. Martin flew back io *« ada and reported to officers <. the #nd Battalion of the repiment in Bt. Catharines that they "s "In lake Ontario at Kingston â€"â€" 1 inch higher than Junae; 16% inchas lower than July, 1948; 18%, inchea lower than the highost July; 34% Inchos highoy thas the lowest Juiy; 84. Inches higher than the ayerupe of July, Water :evels «i the Great Lakes and Bt. Lawrence River during July, as reported today by the Fodere: Hyd=â€"«raphic and Map Service: Lake Buperior at Port Arthurâ€" 44 laches higher than June; Ave in thes lower than July, 1048. Lake Muron at Goderich â€"â€" 14, inches kigher than Juna; 44, inches lower than July, 1948, Lake Erie at Fort Colborne~â€"Two inches lower than June; nine inchos lower than July, 10943, Mobolized Early In 1940 â€" Went Overseas A Year Ago After Service In Newfoundâ€" Lake Level Lower ORGANIZED IN 1794 (Continuea on Page , $2.00 Per Year, $2.50 In U.8.A., 5e Per Copy Things have become so qui¢. around the municipal offices and at town councit meetings that the pu-boy:muunlr'luoldto fll their apace. Municipal affairs are running sc smoothly that the local legislaters haven‘t a wurry in the world azsd wear the amile of biissful contentment. Last night‘s session of the coun« cil only lasted about 40 minutes, but in that. brief space council cleaned up a lot of routine matters, despite fact that Counciliors Bull, Baker and Phoips were conspicuâ€" ous by their absence. Councilior Inglehart reported that all known patches of polson 'lwuvomwm with a chemical mixture that kills Sentenced For Clothing Theft Provincial Constables Bowe a and Priest brought back from Toâ€" ronto on Friday afternoon Wm. C. Gallagher, of 8t, Catharines, pickâ€" ed up by the Queen City police on information supplied by the local constabulary. was that of at a quantity of clothing from h‘%o‘dflwy Beach. Ho ay~~red before Magistrate J, H. Cars.weli in 8t. Catharines police court on Saturdsy morning and was sentenced to onwe month in jJail when he pleaded gulity. isiness And Pleasure Cause Of Absenteesm A mong& lCoundllor- â€"â€" Nothing ff mportairce Delll‘l:f t« Attention â€" Town Affairs Running Like a Smooth Piece Of Machinery. Taken Care Of â€"~ This Weed Please Notify, Muzxicipal Office At Once. Serving: Overseas BERGT, LLOYO A, nayvynNnus, enliated with the R.C.AF, in Webâ€" ruary, 1043, taking his training in Toronto and Guelph and received bin wings at Mount !sh, Oe He progeadad overseas in October, 1043, Me is a Roeasr Aisâ€"Guacer, Mis wife asd two childron reside oa John atreot, Mra. HMaynes belng the tormer Dorathy Allen. ROUTINE MATTERS (Continued on page 8) ivy Gallagher