bearers . On this continent there i8 only oneâ€"the opossutm. * "' @mwoâ€"thirds of Australian mamâ€" Tnea rrE 0 _ ~~ AUdGKA . "The Miracle Of Morgan‘s Creek" "Ali Baba And The Forty ' 7% u s'.~. Betty Hutton, Eddig Bracken Anna Neagle, Richard Greene Jon Hall, Maria Montez " O / mb E.E We wish to arnounce the opening of our garage and service station. We can offe‘ you prompt service and skilled workmanship at reasonable prices. _â€"â€" MODERNIZED GREASING â€"â€"â€" CAS'§§_.'MAN & COMPANY € mwmm» TELEPHONE 263 ONTARIO ST., BEAMSVILLE _ Oporates by Keith (Pote) Casseiman â€"â€"â€" zD. â€" THUR., AUG. 2 â€" 3 "The Yellow Canary" B â€" SAT., JULY 28 â€" â€"ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS v, July *7th, 1944. Grimsby Firemen‘s CARNIV AL Repairs To All Makes Of Cars, Trucks and Tracto‘"s PRIZE DRAW ING KITCHEN DINETTE sE7 _ .. ; _ ONE TON OF COAL MossP;ELD BLANKET ______ m * 9(4 «s PA THIOWDE PC | Wheels of Fortuse â€" Bink® Beoth t CHARLES JACKSON Comeâ€" TiSK, ‘Ritemgahied . by â€" high ctlass talent. § esA & FRL First Night , RRke _ _ Carni Nemer C Cl lcb CAcsvacmnt Sm JVULY 381 on Saturday NWight. AUG. 344 A STREET DANCE Mmumm at Grimsby High has «wung into mM"‘â€â€˜â€œ"“ toau-ullp-dlllb"-' of the best yet. A few difficulties such as &D overwnelming population, and4 those foot baths which would "corâ€" CBOsl "U C O â€" tamarrent"‘ have Grimsby Camp Of Farmerettes weelk Mehe C 00000A comfortably ecttled in their sumâ€" h hssmc imnteitirets,. . P ETAE event in which farmâ€" ecles uppeared as couples: Such brilliantly portrayed charact"t® "" uy CCC 20 C l floor and added to the RIAFItY., _ _ ‘On Vednesday, July 26th, "the neighbouring farmerette cam PS gathered at the High School for the annual playâ€"night, to which the growers and their fam:Mes ware invited. Among those pre ie es 72 L. e many others, so with such celebriâ€" ties on hand, the show was a sutâ€" Ceal (Eeeriti 200C 1nd make this column a regular event, bmmn‘d-mum' up at the high school. We all love it here in Grimsby, and hope you like having us as much as we "Dâ€" Joy being here. : Well, thats all from this corner until next time, when this farmerâ€" atte will ance more take up the or HOnse. o.“u..nd-lnnlll A ~_lo2l watelats farnie have quills measuring 16 inches in (By H. Second Night RUSS CREIGHTON Canadian Mountainse"" MOONLIGHT STREET DANCING and his NIGHTS THE GRINMSBY h. .220 M sodffccntstct ies incnt aectrcniins, SpeLeâ€" hortage mhu“".@:‘_ o o ETT 2 2 N e Nackan kh Canamans it 11007 77 _ 055 naker shartace. In 1 conscious in these days of acute wasté paper shortage. In the picture M.Mmmmumnï¬'m â€mmmbmï¬lflï¬â€˜m"mm RALPH WARREN BOWSLAUGH mw.m-.ummau AC. Raiph Bowslaugh, RCAF. (m)ndmm and grandson of John and Mrs. Bowslaugh, Ridge Road west, monâ€" F. MacDonald, Winona, died in Hamilton General hospital on Monâ€" day morning, at the age of nine weeks. Private funceral services were held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, on Wednesâ€" day afternoon. _ Interment in Queen‘s Lawn cemetery. MRS. CHARLOTTE McINTOSH widow of Donald McIntosh, died Friday night at a Campden nursâ€" ing home, following an iliness of several years. Born in England 71 years ago, she had lived in Canada for 58 years. After residing for some muon-ï¬y.uww ing employed by the late Mro. her husband went to Vineland, m‘â€iflll“ï¬hfl'fl' more than 30 years. The deceased was a member of was active in the women‘s organâ€" izations of the church, Her husâ€" band died three years ago. < tena Littler, Hamilton; Mrs. Mau®â€" ice Burns, Ebenezer, N.Y.; Mrs. Mrs. Robert CamMpDON, AMMUTT and Mrs. Harold Kennedy, Jordan; m_mc. Burns, Victoria, BC.; three brothers, Joseph Motâ€" mw:mflm,“ away at the Grimaby NUNM"W llalnolï¬ldlylutmrtllllfl" C L saios LCC TRk ing iliness. hhrfll‘!"""'r was the rormer Amelia Beli Wilâ€" ,.,mdmmuwm Isabel Wilcox, and was be » !n South Grimsby township ox J e¢â€" ember 3, 1882, y Married 34 years age she had rcaided here for the last . . yArs. She was a member of Trs ity Unâ€" ited Church and was a past presiâ€" “dmwu'Mdnldwu" in all soci¢ties of the church, She wrs also a member of 14n coin Loyalist chapter, 1.O.D.E., and had tal n an active part in the w,wnma.ndluham. hamo-nmum: also three sisters , Mra. Beatrice |=ufford, Roamaville; Mro. Androw Grassie, Port Colborne; Miss mwmmnmmm brothers, Thompson Wileos, South Grimany, and Wiwood Wilcox, Beamavilie, aPomannn iC Rev, W. J. Watt conducted pri« vate funoral services from her lato home on Sunday afternoon. meutens~<* j 21 i P I Cauadians in most sections of the Domuinion a~, PAPA!®®"!"""S~ Murray Leam Â¥red. Kitchen, pipailt, Cnaket bearers were! A. J. Paper Salvage Conscious Obituary . EMERY PATTERSON n Inter» is â€"Lawn 1INDEPE NDE NT ing a Bridge and Euchre at the home of Mrs. Leidens, 20 Robinson for West Linco:a ESUETD TT â€"â€";â€"'â€"'I oF I h August 10th at 8 e‘clock, Proceeds Women‘s Aosociation of JMMLYZ United Church are holding a piculc supper at 5:30 on the North Side of the" ChurcH grounds. , We are ankious to have all members and newcomers attend. Every lady is requested to bring her own plate, cup and saucer, and cutlery, Both hot and cold drinks are being supâ€" will be charged at the rate of i"“-' '.'~ “ or less. Over 30 words 1 cont per word. The Women‘s Institute are holdâ€" well, but the girls are anxious to raise a goodly sum. Date of draw will be A~~‘ded later. The pa‘s.‘ng is now on display in Bakers window. SALVAGE NEWS Coming Events Paper Shortage Is Very Critical MM;M 39 yO WATLL drinking water, we must have tons |! of waste paper. ; We fully realize that you £ro| m“nmmmfl J\'â€â€˜ fighting front, \ ‘We need y aper waste more than anything elso. We appeal to you mwulmulvmlfl‘“" centrate on paper 0f l1 kinds., Newsparer and magazines Aied up in neat bundles with fgood dle about 12" thick,. Paper boxes whoul] be fiattersd and tied in | bundles, Our Committes ean not | get the help to tie up paper, that | you send in loose. |* We will have a collection both in th« town and township in August, ..ophwhsnnllyourmvw' :| ar ready for collection. Vd on curcus chesflstes i. tBrutcin c o. dnc d n it NYold + u@wumhmnfllv.{ don‘t astay. When we advise you of date of collection bo ready to bave your bundles on the curb early, 1f our soldier boys are going to ‘ding Draw For Fine Painting Transportation and. help are m,mwwï¬- «en cce cce Oil CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AAPLLPLEEY CC un zow CR V FOR SALEâ€"Ico Box, 50 Ib. caPA® “.-‘hlm C200X Phone 334. #â€"1p p$LAERIV ESE BOEESE: _0 CC 0 00000 omcs insertion ï¬nm.n‘nwnâ€"-mfl e 25 cents. a‘ï¬mwbfl""’ on A charge of ten cents is made for boxes.. . . _ _ Wï¬iï¬n‘ Sss Mitmal, on im 567 FOR sSALE â€"â€" Qqui®t HO TD ""os, :..:'?Mcfltu-:d- Lavt tm Post morm;__ “Ih“'u wunery antique walnut Settee, Chester field and odd chair:. "nvalids adâ€" justable table. â€" 32 suntain St. Phoiie 200. *iP meAPPPPPPPPPPPAPENPEA® FOR SALE â€"_ Combuation Gas stove, Coal and Wond. White .“Mmll,"" “n:‘ o o 0 att .0. Box 5. ‘M FOR SALE â€" Orders taken. for PP eoney 0 w c han : L9 AiP ,,o.“-._.â€"._xmm{ lined, floor length. Color, green and gold, good as new. Also, mm“hm suitable for bridesmaid wear. Phone 41, Grimaby. 3â€"1p fl-_-r WANTEDâ€"Used furniture, stover rteirant beraday. ) Om ag 1. PAINT!NG AND P/ '“‘ were '. M Apt. C, Phone P9w. Poooofnt Geliver. Beamsville Tile. deliver. Beamsville Concrete Block and Tile, Phobe uin ie Em CC COL a ce a #% 6 LADIES‘ ATTENTION â€"â€" See our APPPPPPRELEIEE TS im un sy â€" Nikk â€" N PMA INCLUDE KLEEREX IN YOUR First Ald Kit. Relieves Sunburn, Poison l?. Mosquito Bites, Cuts, Eczema, Erythema, ete., while you work. 50¢; $1.00. (Medium and Strong). Recomâ€" mended and sold by Dymond‘s Fuawsw Ohare. #â€"1¢ Feather Co., one ene U 2 Ao ie c building, in accordanse with .n.odwmoavwn\ll Clerk‘s Office in th» V&fl RHeamaville, and at the OfE Wenders are invited for allers® tions and additi>ns to the existing CECT T \Soune suills *- Children‘s Felt Rugs, etc. At {:h‘.‘.." u'iv:tg aseamsyeter T00 ses 6t mmulcnn(x..on.ubr. Mmbrohdlboculudln a sealed envelope marked Tender for Alterations and Additions, Wast 1 Anooln Memorial Hospital", m]:y read over the contracts Torm, General Conditions and Spec!« Neations for all trades and ahall carefully examine the drawing8, all of which shall form the Cun« trac Documents, HMe shall also examins the alte and familiarize himself with all the local condi« Contractors may (ander on the whole or in part, and must submit Tander on forms provided. BH, H, Beott, Recretary, Brimaby Beach, Ont July 17th ,1044, WEST LINCOLN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Invitation To Tender g .. Combuation Gas r and WG"“-'"‘A“‘ is Matejelc, i....’.-nfl'. x 5. 8â€"3p 2 _7 _ . . s amnfne PP ~NOPPPLPA AMRAAPECC CA 05 Ceall â€"â€"Walnut Dining Suite, AND PAPERMANGâ€" >â€"a c txpdor~ »rinin ty dnnet : Quiet Horse, sultâ€" oT to ahail care« p m form, 327 8â€"1p emmmetmmmemmemmet® SnC es 0 ols . es To RENTâ€"Furnished Room with t one chind. Box 126, Incegenâ€" APMALLOPEIIEE . Cut s â€" cnmcnamnandk W FOR RENT â€"â€" Siz roomed house, #â€"_â€"i FrART TIME MAN OR WOMAN PE o2 . ~ _4 atitabad Sale Of Lands For ) Arrears Of Taxes TOWNSHIP OF NORTH Notice is hereby given that the udh-hhr-hmmd taxes, has been prepared, and that coples thereof may be seen in the mmmumu sns pr snn huguat and Sepe : for July, August and Sey Ave., ie _ m on m%. Grimasby "“-._‘_ vessue 2B T90 2e in Ad tember, 1944, and that in default ..,., for taxes on Saturday, October 14, 19044, at the hour of 2 o‘clock in the esnt CCA lsM (Fhamil WANTED â€"â€" For ostADNSECG Watkins route of steady cusâ€" tomers. Must be honest and reâ€" m‘m_â€' s June.17, 1944 fllo'-z Mable, have travel outAt or -u-e(m-'-""# " _ Cpmeviancs . vesnuired. The J. K. Watkins COZ Mo-p-l.nflll-l J. G, Pettigrew, Auctioncer, has ..,g-mmn-n. 3. C. hflzrfltm * tion, to the highest , the conâ€" tents of his home, 33 Livingston Avenue, Grimsby, Ont., on Saturâ€" day, July 29th, 1944. Sale to be« ie m AOgp e _ WWikn finL. m‘ufl Matiresn, 3 lo.!:: Mattreas, um m". Single Bed ( [Â¥ and Mattrcas, Loik. * Wicker Footstoot, Table, several Mirrora, Clock, Pillows and Bedding, Dropâ€"Leaf Table (small), AUCTION SALE Vacuum Oak Chifrobe, 1 Buffvt (amail). Kitchen Stove (coal or wood), Ouldmcuur.'rh&m- tub, Cooking: Utensilsâ€" Pans, Kettles, otc.; Electric Grill, Toasâ€" ter, Tron and two burner Plate, 3 Kitchen Chairs, 1 Stool, Ice Box, 3 m-uuu-.uum.m)m Ju'lâ€"'-mrh pints; Scales (will 240 lba.), 1 High Chair, 1 Rocker (child‘s). . P s _ HOUSENOLD FURNITURE Wrench, 2 Handsaws, 1 Ripsaw, 1 Plans, 1 Stanley Plane, 1 Brace and Bits, 1 Hacksaw, 1 Drawâ€" knifo, 1 Bucksaw, Tin Shears, Dusticas Ash Sifter, Pruning Saw, MHand Pruner, Pruning Clippe, Ax», Riko, Spade, Whovale l!oogl Box Bolts and ‘u-om'.:iur J G, Poettigrew, Ayctioncer, | J, C, Pentloud, Proprietor, Hilltoppers Are Still Winning 1 Rxtension Ladder (82 feet); In a well played game at Stop 60 on Monday night, the Grimaby Mountain boys won out hy the ucore of 4 to 2. Mounties scored their i.« runs in the fourth inning and held 8tep 60 acoreless until the seventh inning when they acoreid twice axd one more in the eighth, Wox on the mound for the M« toppers pitched a go«»t ;amo hold ing Stop 80 to one hit t« alx innâ€" No Reserve == Terms Cash Batteries : Orimaby â€" Pox and Morrischuis Stop 00 â€"O‘ltrien, Whithcld and 1 Osk Dresser, 1 $â€"1p 1 Pips