"limBtgY mum PUBLISHING t-ed-'rhttmdarftmttofNteof Iii- tltdf3lrd'lllr8Ml",'a','84l'2ll'r'f The Grimby Independent “MFWM‘ ifwmr in tn. Iodine!“ any: a tit but Peeeeet W Atthmottufmpttftxtit-ttrtfVt t-trtteein,theeeUve My bun n- poutlofoaiom price calling trouble. any: 'NertnaneiaiPtt.t. A PIES]! FRUITS DEFY CONTROL? The wholesalers on some markets claim that strawberries practically disappeared over-right when growers decided that the new My“: Mettettrt ttrt IftieeW. I'M" irvTiiFiise"i 6mm“ with of tie n,rititteauntriairtrindqsdifthioort ofthinxendnwith strawberries. u my tGtiiiG%Gikvitoeorne-tteapetlrthe macaw ' _ ' .. ‘Awsre 6f theae,'Doetald Gordon'snd his staff wisely avoided prlee ceilings on fresh fruits and vegetshles until consumer pres- sure threatened to explode lest tall, when ira'tisrxvoenemtryitrrlitrht and prices, nstnrslly. were high. Then s limited num- i,GGiuisiii-eg0nnottrtet1o1terPee sable lines but, pining eer.'Mende, ‘he enth- orities stepped in with both feet and the range has since been extended. Now the reel headache guru. A _ - The main diftieuities are the sharply flttetuating amply and the highly Mm nature of the goods. Moat berries must reach consumenwithipnmtter trf. hours; le, mull!“- “BUM-w". -- _-_---- - ifiiiirGGitGritiisdiiieGor.tyetyftet is not much more burly with stone from "aiGreiaikts,rgeundrymhea. Mom. irGF.arriitiu,e)iiiittntmrtnl muons. will GG"iilTTGViiiJrijieiee,ttyt.e.the Jill‘s Ill - usw w- ..m --- -eiiitamemeastahettett and then just as quieWsuhaide. TriftirturemrtAeqtioet, if77'hiii"iiiiifiruiiir'tha"" diatmrtinCedru, - - 1ttheauttorstie-idArtontinti1te1e jnutwhantheurimud an; in "We! ireretooastrand on what was. then they might do Miami“ ,g1eitUt!e aw) MMP""""??'"""--". _"--" 1'ii'r'k"et7GiriiGGiG1iiijiteuteo' a7eAiriiGkihreeuefrhin. h (gtgr,ttll,thflf, B price - m n " in advance of the - mag 1ndi- aiiGrthiitandhotdtut ceiling antil the Minna-unwant- when wewonldgo tTGiGriiunirnrortuais Thieeortotthing. however. only takes are of that portion of then-non when thsre in.enor=nel supply. Durhg the beginning and the taiiend, when it iiiiratm_attveyt the grower Murat iiutin-dirrttttrto haunt the ripening fruit, than supplies will elthe:_not he har- "vri"ti'daufitruohttothe, highest bidder. Tl1'U:Uriir"iiTtF.silPefitt,teeiS'd a duvet consumer. it in bully likely to he the regular wholeeel-z, whoee met-gins of spread ere on!†strict official. control. NAT“). ALWGME - ' W-., ' mg..- â€a,“ All! I -- -_-- - With its am flair for apt meta- phor. the Wartime Inform“ Boon! mail a new item in its clip-chad "The Jack Pct Grows." 'ht'""' tu., . 3 “On she int of July, Ununpioyment its. ---- -- u “a...“ n "mntUhrqtr+t9httePl'd,tl,f,t,'GC. t the Fund. which has been iitarsmii.r. 1'lL'%'ir7iiiiriiitiliilritfteea'St by employees emnloyerl end the mertietittet Government, has gone over the -,000,000 mark." . O . . The metaphor is accurate in - AV spec“. There is no “new: that those who hove put up the em will draw marking from the pot. U ter9il con tiara. home employee: can cub an: but my other employees all employers and the Dominion Government (in this eonneai an omeial FAG“ . FANCI“ no»: u. manna-n. M mum-o n. um. “an.“ a. on»: Luv'uggm. W. "Lttt-t'q%u"tqFttr" new Cam my, -- WE; “that...†-rr-tn9'ef_tereue â€mt. he rust 01 '"'9' vmrv-"r - and: will be three yum all. At e Full. which ha been multi- my. 1941. and i- made " of 'ret- by employee! imptoyer' and the Girvemtrnrrtt, ttttty gone over tbr mate in - ’0' MM that those who sill draw ggt,tt r eertain itiona, sh in: but many other In nnd the Dominion mammal W) in simply 'h'iretrtgitttttdrettiperfo. the fun of the Tttehouaemitoofriattottnattioeteditt tt-it-,utitetutainthefppttot iaiGiaiiaiiGdukiraiiikothdinor' "'ti'trth"r"' . . Wttatiantttotreit-tVueaiatltat the pot eon-MI My ot 1.0.1133. Money not needed {or when! all mm etntmaiomtmrtedhrtetttttest%. baton-ton tt-.ttmtdondthatr-rrtml I'm “Bahama! the Whinmmmm Sanedthcmmbodmhxtomhow ther-tttpit-ee., Inthe-ttue-ttwill-t overts,tr0trN0in6d-rurreett-rthe expense-01th) Uneerttltt-tt Insurance Communion. nut-mm twice u tuetoattsetymmttaaioetha-idinmtrte "et-taint-h-tttA-tr-Ad- miniatmtioeteoVirrex-dtuhtrtho" tttmer-r-trr-tith-a-t u the total amount puidjn beryflu. Worhem' ttegteftta to the and of limb hat mulled 32,455,043 01. Administration 'iia%rtheuirneierkdtotatud$tAum- Weamtivineintoostttteh hurry and Iikcalyvewilldicfheumeny. lutheold days if “yam mined n stage conch he was contented to wait two or three days for the next. iiaheutawt-wkifhetnuazs oeteseetioesof-tvintrdoot. Madmhimmeémemt oftGaaidrsmaneattmetia-thein. maximum. - _ lhe Amprior Chronicle, in I timely odi- torui,u_reiro-hutrr.ttttt.n" don‘t know where we're going but the time. "Wedodgethrmtgh tmftie; we at fiat; talk that; ride fast; walk fast; dance fast; live fat and die fut. What's all the hurry t" ash-the Editor. “Then ere still twenty-four hours in a day, even with daylight saving. We have the "iGGtiidGeener.rkriiiyttitirrefttttmVItr- where, but we don't take the trouble to en- ioy, it. Wednnm of Wyn we wot}!!! do if IP, ARE WE LIVING loo FAST? iafii,takmunerandemtidrytirtoft1te -iiaiiaGroti1dtretottt.or.1ifeciatyeely hadthe time, but All it needs is alittle unbi- iGiiraGehstogetmoeeoutof1ifetlt" we do. We have long summer evening! when we conlddollotofthimwewonldliketodo, but we lit mud the 1neieynnlAirttr poth- iEiiiinigyu-reyrtoo1utiee.toT airtGirimiostitet-tstiepetttrtf.int.e. iiiGaiGiGitnrishin-matinetltet-t honnofourlives." __ . A Atiot-rgttrofth_ephoveoffmeey ani'GiitiikhiiiitreiorEditorrnV â€humerus; . . Amman“: Artodmotytmytemnteretqtye+ ineGeii_eathftuyy.tthr.mqh..ttt iii"itiiiGe-ettrtthiidmy'ehiidrtt eiirvdayafth-elt. Nomnllytheeeold stettsitewitNd_trfotttted off with: look at "ttui-ttiid-tthy-tno-note/tr aiaiat-reekpightwrteItoitter we: needed. But now, with the father guy- ard "GriiuGikiGUt dome w work. in many funnies it's up to the minimum: to look me: the third gent atiory mes shouldn't be mow up by t committee consisting of a mother who works a%Giiittuttift,iirndnytttrrtthten,e" iiiGrG"GftiBikdtsrienberinrtutit> n't her my. and I grandfather who when Gaiairiienemmiisdttthtthrdpy toMy "ttehr-kitdty4oo" and set hit i dex W sawed. Hammer. We. have n V†of MV- itueiintheittetioetsyf.ttrty' .them.And the old people, although loud!) amtrlaining tutttte_tteingntr!rNFPar?'tf'1"S- ingupwith ulnbyuain. They unmet howling. mining. tyre-mice! evidence of their immortality 113M there in their very home with them. __ The huhnd who ate his wife's bowl of um. “um seeds!»- mistnke forum-Lumb- atgrfdsnomoreeltinsd than the one whiotade-rttwieltottt of the new dog Vault! J+artktq The sign: “Fine Tail-t my. 5 Cent." for months hung on the ' The ladies came and went each day but bought no mp at all. The sign was clawed: "Complexion Soup: Price Irtfty Cents I Cake.†Andtuiunierirttheneattfewveela liar- tune and! did make'. Penned aiig Pilfered '" Gunâ€! INDIPIIDINT "mmmmdh-hom cu :mmcmnummm ttear-i-tVit-tet- one“. manhunt.†tg-e-rate-ark"-""-", aes-rr-tbit-tn-ta., no. -raaruiettaiao--m-tuae"e" 'set-uit-ro-ao-te- 'sen-ee-tAH. [CHM mummuu‘mmmn “andâ€. “Dunn-en‘- "ma-Udo-r-tite'?- “mm-whammmm In.me RhmmchI-dhdur hchouuua-obdh-Ibu-I a be â€mmmmmwmu mum-d2. 110.0â€!an 'Au-te-tsu-ttro-trr mmmamum-mm mmmdummam â€dwmmmmp‘dbw mnmmusmw Mind -ttttirttea3t-sfmrrrtttrr_" unwmtm In! a r smith-form")... mall " bttater-tstaset-tnmtntgttii- mmbmhhbymMmh-v {Media-actual. 1!.de -euutttata-ttrtrae-dttt-eB" mammmmmmmmu hum-um to New. Bqhti, m mummmmumwtm mmgmmmmmmm -itrtrttemtrstt-itmeett-itt-. mmmuuMMan-d mmmm-mmumm. mmmmmmum who. -oereoNodMtttrM1-Dtshr-. new Mummmmmum ummmmmmmbm 'set-tM-rt-ttit-tMing. Lat-hum ttsever-ar-detest-est-ter-tterr-l mummhmm “has! inhuman-um “v.3. NebudMMInLLde Cttntqettoret-d,MtountorttMt4hret'rrt- Nam“ 'WAY BACK WIMM . GRIMSBY @IONS CLUB CARNIVAL 2 - NIGHTS - 2 JULY 13th - 14th Grimsby Lions Club Deserves Your Help Thursday and Friday '-gt6tarru» Municipal Grounds MAIN STRE Mammoth Bingo Games " Refreshments Pun and Frolic for All Ferris Wheel sGk"GriiiciGaiiiu. -'_"-" "tgt-too, “mud“ mum-sum... iiiGriikGarire"e'v"P' enttGi.uorrvertrtt,.tt.rtff_t tug7GGiidJeiumiraettteetrf1ty? 7a'7iFir,Friiriitti-i-""" , m “Olav-Ill d -- In. m ",ii'riuTua'ee1teeetter'ettt Grasaiiw'-e'eyP21te"ermrt "ar-r-treef/leper, “a ww____- 38m†in. at! when...“ new"! the Jidaio.-atr"ty'tr'et. baa-hm: wuuu-Wu-hl-IUhIM! mGuiiiu0-tut_1-tr"trPe't iiiaTiiurie-e""""rbt OLD-'MNMIDIOCKII “Mutt-lion!!!“ muddccu-ulnm a-tae-e-f'": "iiitii_-etyteey, ' Eiii"iiea-tnqitet""u", mutual...“ Tada-i-en-mart- “minus-WW iririuuaau-tint---, unwound-am“ mumnw-MW““"- (hummus-hut. GuiaGitit-tst-e-d""'r Multitude-lurk. Anmumuuulawm mummmmm -iGnusa-r-ra-atta*terrte" ta-er-tr-de-t run-pumanummmlm Tts.ttG'irrr-e-t-fhrtn. mull-tour†(“bismuthâ€). Autumn. duo-deu- aa-tture-rr-tter-ttF'" ManWWhu-hul. EET' WEST gmt-a-r-tur-te, 1 a-ttmt-ie-trt", mt.t--erettiurh-ttn_ruotle, I “gamma-u â€Immumumuu . M'Inw'IIIsz-lk " mummmmmmm mummwmrm. â€mam-9239): s.eyry novuooo on W! um 'nmrs-dttMttsAtf.1