Thursday, June 8th, 1944. Time Table For Ration Coupons COFFEE OR TEAâ€"(Green) Coupons 14 uo 20 inclusive and E1 to E6 (Old Rook) Tâ€"30 to Tâ€"33 (New Book) are valid until deciarâ€" ed void. Couron ‘Tâ€"34 becomes valid June 8. Coupon Tâ€"35 becomes valid June 22. Each good for 4 SUVGARâ€"(Red) _ Coupons 14 to 20 inclusive (Old CANNI®:G SUGARâ€"(Blue) Canning Sugar coupons F1 to F5 (Old Book) mnow valid. Each good for one pound of sugar, BUTTERâ€"(Purple) Coupons 65 and 67 brâ€"ome valio June 22. Each good for 14 1b. butter. ERESERVESâ€"(Orange) Coupon D1 to D16 inclusive (Old Coupons 21 ~1d 22 become valid June 8 Good ijor preserves, sw eet spreads or sugar (se chart). Coupons 30 to 33 (New Bonk) Coupons #4 and 35 become valid ‘Coupons 62 und 63 now valid. Coupons 64 and 65 become valid Coupons 62 and 65 cxpire June Watch Clock And Jewellery Repairs Coupons 17 to 20 inclusive (New sok) are valid until declared 42 Main St. E. ‘THE LITTLE â€"SHOEMAKER We are receiving a limitâ€" »d number of New C.C.M. Wheelsâ€"Wartime Make â€"â€" your wants. _ Full stock of repairs and accessories on hand. * Repairing is a scientific specialty with us. TnearrE BULOVA, ELGIN, ELCO WATCHES NEW C.C.M. BICYCLES MHumphrey Cogart, MIC"*} Mor gan * "Tick, Tock, Turke Red" "Frad Â¥icher and Band". mMoN.â€"TUES., JUNE 1213 upasspott To ues‘ â€" _ e Biggest Little Jewellery Store in The Fruit Belt" "Mere Câ€"auâ€": Vr. Lerk" wEp..THUR, JUNE 1445 66 x h A nd tasy" W eresn 16 oz. J. â€" SAT., JUNE a.10 "Passage To Marseilles" â€" Wiliiam, Ann Saveg* Eric Liore Royal Interest In Our Paratroopers Airborne packs of Canadian paratroopers were it TBR PV "* * interest to Their Majestiés and Princess Elizabeth when the Roya! Family visited Canadians in the thick of preâ€"invasion manceuyres.â€" Canadian Army Overseas Fhoto). a4s WeW XERABReROE CCC BC a § Friday‘s meeting was taken b!l““‘.’w“';“â€'::'"“‘“d Baloo and Bagheera, ably assisted the Freemasons for se tm b’thM| As wueual Mre â€" Ressia Mrore Codmoe & An Animal Treasure which the Sixes imitated animals, proved ver * while another game, Th« Mm&ulmluud various |||l W'.[V .du“- while another game, The Hidden Jowels, caused a lot of fun. Ammmwe'fl' .abymm-mrwm the C _‘ shus closed wittk the Mouse How!l led by Dick Navy League News || mnets cadets. ‘ ta bis v! Lieut. p 5> day is over. i. ANM -nnud!""‘""'m.Ԡlection umâ€"(hl“iww w"n.mmnfl'flm‘ NMMWA"M““I of $300.00. c.,,.; _ The Royal Canadian 56A Band came th educate us iD am":mdmwm that is beâ€" m“ivenl-h-“""‘"'m Empire. AS y â€"utary work, The -.Amn-mfw outing mouths. OL "OU‘®® "" 7 b dverything that a ratior is 4uRDE The Licutenant, who is & a mastor and organist gives ';.'. wuwfllybmw“ tadets. They are definitely # Crubll ‘ta his work and their C Lieut T. H.LW' *""lur best thanks to the w * T. . SnA Minthn« t praim » only 4 4 â€" MB Loitiiing d re. As‘ y ~uitary work. b® was 29 strong under Lieut Thoaas. 1t was their second & + â€" 15 to 17 years, Some only wen in the band three namwm""' thing that a ailor is taught c Licutenant, who is a choirâ€" L2 asydl m“' “m m Cubbing pduowuflnxt Yigice,. Their: 8M !'“wm- wm-'l‘l‘.‘ ‘Mwm‘ neo‘s Institute, ADO A" // .. who, under the guidant George Warner, so splen: wndw“"““d‘m..; , after their LAeutent ; tribute to the ladies f0" fld love, hey wfl, ‘ the roof. â€Mflm Mra Baisiey at the plano Treasure Hunt, in of Canadian paratroopers were a major point of Star ‘The Sea Cadets were received by the Mayor support.<¢ by Capt. P. V. Smith. must do her share in the good work. In spite o. the theatre beâ€" ing full, room was actually found for 10 or 12 lads who had to vait an hour or more. Thank you Mrs. «ioore. We are gratefu! to those gentleâ€" men who kind‘y helped with the transportation of this big band. ‘Transportation is now a serious difficulty. * THE GRIMSEY INDEPE NDE N I The regular meeting of Grimaby Chapter No. 195 O.E.8., was held on Tuesday evening, June 6th, in the Chapter rooms. ‘The Worthy Hysert, Worthy Patron. Grimsby Chapter was pleased to welcome as guests, a goodly numâ€" ber of members of Dorcas Chapter from Smithville. One new member was received into the Chapter by conferring of baie: Adbstatatd The convener of the entertainâ€" ment committee, Mrs. Frank Anâ€" derson, reported that a Strawberry Eastern Star . Frank Hitchman preâ€" OOUUOOOOOOONOIONNET elected officers instailed. Charles A. "Dad" Farrelll will be the presiâ€" dent next year. wwmgommmlmmmmmmmmnm||mmu|mmmmmmlummummlmmmlmmmmmm Grimsby Red Cross RED CROSS MAY SHIPMENT ‘ TO TORONTO HMospitais 10 bed jackets, 3 dressing gowns, 18 handkerchiefs. Army and Airforce 2 scarves, 1 pr. gloves, 1 pr. gloves, 6 scarves â€" Civilian 5 baby shawls, 11 vests, 2 jacâ€" business fl‘;l our Bs‘ would like to take tomers of this stor '}_n be more than P quality merchandise Mr ".. .--o.noo.o-uooooo-o our business in the samo ! that during the past sove numerous friends. All the continued and * We would at this time particuâ€" l.u.l;ly point cut to you that some of the smartest lines of Lingerie, Hosiery, Dresses, Suits, Blouses, Gloves, etc.. that are possible to ouy are included in the new merchandise . 0:: expert buyer is continually in the market seeking now styles in quality lines and we are confident of satisfying the requirements of a disoriminating customer like your good self. Navy . socks, 7 helmets, 4 pr. ckings, 1 pr. mitts, â€" pr. EDCECOMBE KNITWEAR REG‘D ass frea our good friends,. MUr. and M like to take this oppbrtuntty of ex s of this store a gincere invitation be more than pleased to show yOu the w maranandise recently recoived. some (The Hudson Jay Store) PRUITLAND â€" OUTARIO C‘severnal years n ~SiVrQ TWE .*" 11 the lines previously carried new linss added, kets, 18 bonnets, 7 pr. alippers, pr. bootees, 12 girls‘ coats, nightgowns, 19 boys‘ sahorts quilts, 1 crib quilt, 20 girls‘ sw ic oo ak on Abmifineen t u7e ie ers, 13 boys‘ sweaters, 6 dresses, 9 boys‘ knitted suits, 2 pr. boys‘ knickers, 1 pr. boy‘s socks. same manner as Dear pussy with the pansy face, Fat cuddly body, lithesome grace, Why can‘t your mistress keep you Today I heard a feeble cry. | A baby bird, too young to fly, Was fasten&d by your cruel Jaws, Lay torn and bleeding ‘ueath your \ claws. And yesterday, in rosy dawn, I saw you alinking o‘er the lawn. Boon, by the feathered panic hea;*, I knew you‘d caught another bird! Not far nor long had I to search, You dropped her by a budding A mother goldfinch, in the mud, TO AN UNKNOWN CAT nesting time of birds is here ? Cordially. Having it Edgecombe Knitwear Reg‘d .. is our intention to conduct s in the past realizing s the store has acquired recently purchased the and Mrs. Crosbie, we of extending to all cus ation to visit us. No u the latest linos of FIVE rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml' Her sunny There seems so little I can do To keep my fledgelings safe froun My birds so beautiful, some tame, To you are merely jungle game. The worry that you are to me, (Who love the birds; their songs Dear ,s8Y, can‘t your sublime> And keep you home through nestâ€" A newspaper clipping of 25 years ago states: My Tuesdays are meatless, My Wednesdays are wheatleas, I‘m getting more enatless each day. My house it is heatless, My bed it is sheetleas, ‘They‘re all sent to the YMCA. The bar roc.» : are treatieas, My coffee is «weetioas, a Each day I get poorer and wiser. My stockings are feetiess, \l(ylmmm My gosh, how I hate the Kaiser, ing time? will be feathers stained with a t » mistress