Grimsby Independent, 20 Apr 1944, p. 16

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SIXTEEN tt PPsterppe R Ehft T I E 51Wanted. . . It will“ magnum-onto! mun Dumm- a: rate bu bull " “Elam". . Hydra Damian-Ion Inc-u nut Mymryoop- _ wm your coll-cu“ - a . q t' --a-rtttcttnattLtte..e, W m maul: cyan. Don't 1m the Young M" an. m an run Behooi, mm up». wt-tsnaps-rits-else!".?",', "iriG.aGidrtsGeey1ef ECN. no ts Mound " Quint q . q 0::qu um "I" W to out! and and}! Mrm'w. can WWII“ mum m. V. W new. VII tttf M - " "I. W Cttttt ttmet-ttet In St. Outbuil- 0' My. . . . mm In walnut!!! it the wm. "ii"ii"iUiGi-ntltttstreer. i'iGiiiiiiGTG-vusr'""" mat. . Raymund. in George Warn" has receiv- a "a: um. her Ion Bgt. NW" War. I. wound to will!!! tn Ertginnd “a. It: injuries. . ".ms,r.esruoec?ere1fite,il, A"lr'aaiiuiiEtetttt.etrll, undue at m. G. hymn-hum in at. John'- Pmby‘emn church on mm . . I . -,t,t.etaieui!e.Ce"e'l ot,i"iiVrdrttstyeteee, has “at". 810,275,000. "was” max-nun tnat loan who "iiTaojstsot'Ye Amp-ovum: 3 W06 "="iriEiiis,tt11iteeye tTGGriiiiiiisEi?rieieetf 'lraiiraiiiriire-" . "Gi'"riiii-atee'---- --- q q q v-rt-ttelf.,"",' to td%;i7'iiirirrietteuet,'f 1"G7iEGierttit'e"',",'d 'ltG7hiikrjriie2""tt'" madman-cum. . O . umrddymm d _-_4___ am My. Atretl 20 “d TT. O I q Anny Wilcox. GM Beaett. may W6 timn the "my. In. anitated mu: the navy Ind n atntiemed at rules. am. in mum _ TVB..-""-"-'""," lld'G"riaisrJiyr?ttt!t",'lh' iii"iiir-e'r?e1e qtf M 'aTG1riuyeP'"'", tt81 "I. Ann-In- forth. mm tet gtntenntttsrBt.1"fff, My torttte mm! 1!."me my ‘I I. - m. TICK! ii'"iiiri-cueeeerefo" "3-m- --- I... mundan- Ticket-min out: c mm or ttvefor I tttttter. . o q The mm m of W M an in up "may WNW Won-Pk of the tna-ttMu' moan! 'treg-ter' W - now bun stated:..,..'?.?.':.',,'.',,.','.'-'?,',,','. mun m: qhiirMiiiitir"m your; menu. Wm Thom“ Smith. Mnrr.e "Bud" wnw Mud , dtatetert I magnum? We 1 an mm estrods ton city limits to Bt new”: the Cmtrtl "man an. mam-nu hull: Be would do nl In . IOIW w. mum burr. "I’m” 1.. mid m: mm Kam mwnmm‘" John. Meratsrtrertets. mamtmddluh! iurt.stnt'sfN 1.! IVENTSQMTOH“ “ MW!“ h "RUM...- “a - _.--- a II In.""."1'd'f -hnnt ALEXANDER HARDWARE MW“ u - - . all: maul-nee tho W Be' " atsenstd do In eight. . . I (mum-d "W "mm" mum In Ttatb '. N. m! littp Inhnfum“ o-en OCCOT‘I" nu -.-'- q o q M. “We! the a" h Tau: the may WNW Miami! . of the m-ttmn n was we unman- "upped, Thomas": “on“ . m. T' I" ttrs" SHAME Bud" mm no I'm a and“ - for the tre'.- [We 1”” or. " estrods from m”- mlu to M. tgtsttsnrtn". the County m tf Mum Haircut. but“ “and no rer m -_""-'"-'"" 1'Tl'llc'TGriiririiijriLiir.e.e.el' S,','ll'llGuTNiiiiiFii1re.t?ttA't mod 'ilrriiiiitruuaoriirtettte: ---- Le1tttm1tyM,t: G"asTiritrtit";ii.iiCiififdi] T m toG"G"iraaiutttrtte't. inuiixGi'rtUi'iiTiiilmeyitr"""r "u-lisa-rs-le'". mun madam lumen-D- GGiriiiiidi-t"EPl,' no 'selhTG"iiitiarurtettftt"'on riaiussliGiiiG,inttttre". 3M 0, 'f1'llorasmitetrEe'eee2,ti m. rx%7iiiiiririetetgLet'e 't',rLGiGi"Gisret1er"ee on W CUtiiiCG4tioe11t 'ttat a mad 'iiiiF'iGrG-ttrem""'1 all at momm- umzs “n, dolllr. com d “I paper Mu the 'i,,else..ttt.e",'f,'Cl', loudly outtttrtted nod hM" d an! Wk. Wm Mourrtntn “a Eittaabrttt “m" In have oiiTiGmta-twurtteeo""t- ie-re'.iedmtieterc.-,.-,,-,_-,a,r,, foam \Kastepgper How To Bundle It Jlu ,errmrrarmtscrtta_ttesAtl m In tnp W“) m u- mummnmvm iriiFaaesttt-"r"'tur m- nun. w "3 convicuc; on “an; KNOB 'e/let',',',','; a 12 Mm In vat Hill #_I-. and =-sie'ar.=Tatrera7au-tTtFrt ennui-rm” FtTerrt>mt" n,iris.Gt-at""""" mum... "uh. an “Gm und__m_ maettre-e"t"ef""E'J,rT the: an: vary “count. with . want nos-"v . teadtrte W’ "ut-r" In ttte "3mm“ nu, norm?- "u br, . “I an...” maxim out WM mum and poor am Inat m- o . . “all In be"! gesemutnted by _ ., n- Ward-III by ru-ai-ee,'."?, by 'l',,:tt.,i,'yiiiii,?ii,'ti'i,'1ii) sud JlidtrCiri'iujjrr't.tet'e, Mst. i... mm an”. for an ennui-urn: mm “mm" ge iiirirttrtret can a“ Gattsetstrttt “'3,me J'd",ti;';ii"iiitia?gtee'd'el Ingmar-atoll d W M -...._.u..nnm mum uoudmrw TG/Fit' "i'iiiiiiuusdtttntnl, ttttt ','l,tlCiiiiiiiaeeret,') Lattsetset?"' of tttn M 0"an nah-Hm T,'lT'rtiGiibi-ti"'ttr' He IOU oriargitiimt'.:, By JAN KINDEL School qua!!! . . . Colonel H. Spices 10.. d at. John'n Imbalance Anew wiil b- In M d the #tNt' Itrtnmtarttm" tn In held In school Thur-any all "ruus,' 4 M 3 " 2:00 pan. The Maud mu Rm It. simply!" a New!!! and “Mp Wuud". to In Mn In the And!- umun. Thur-day. my tt, " "tt m “and St. ml W seiiiehttettt_styetretf.Ptt tiririiaiiri-,-aioo.drieri mama-yum. All” mammwnuunnh maul-via. cum-mtwm -irin-tiititttot-t-ur. . . . ThnttgtmrdttomttMmtt, Tttl Bruce Sharer. In! neck“ I” munmmmmtoun not!" Nun. dttt {can gtne ‘couudiln m from 'r.tlc.R. tttnr,Mnrnittem, for whoa-W m.muwtnu um . com-u tar A Visual It‘ll-m Ocular. Cubed!!! ' . O q I ",tasrtmateGrsaras-tttr'yl,' mmxmmm niGikese-ettrttt"rul1t gloat at.” with I INP- "' "aGGri-tmrnnnirrrtrite iiGrteossntmttotterat1r..te ”you the an M Aliisd In“ mumgmnmlt GiTGnLtaremmtrr-irtrtt.udf: GGirtiiGiirtoieerel?/y or mun! was. and was" an, try ship III mammal an!” ir"rnaasait-ttseed iii',','."),',';');,)',;','?..':.)';!,:?,.?,':') mum. found w "my to amt Brit-In. Mmmlwymw n-tom In a“? in NM m mmme.m° mm otonlyllundfuldlhlll wttitttt hadnmndtt‘ “In “M “mud-mum miracu- i2GtVkGt.andnrtttietturmr1t tmiktreaat.Ande “hawking! Rays! Navy any tn “3 W' "C') built In". too {or the Altai who can to "tst with than. Oust Brim and: USA-- Pte, My. Mttimgttl, "m: -13” d - nnttetatntttMr' Ink! mp the United Ruled Nut-I. but _ -. H -u I.“ I- m- THE GBIISBY tanitt-tsrot-1eef'1',t 'non-n-to mm All“ 'G'"iaiiajtseeAtt"" mmdmlmdtb'“ . . q mun“ L (lawman) "a-ir-rss-k-tr-c"'" Around The High School _--' ton-wk. a,iiitii"iatnttiottnattrat" "a?” nap-rt In 've,Giairorruesm't'" ttrrut. cur v,,d'S'"r"u, "rd M Till About. un- um um - w mull! ught-bluou'ul All! iuueed tervaturaatt" ”WM. -.a,Gfiiiuaitt-h""" -ukrttior-. gunman-"H mm Tun "I ve.". - __ - ' Mr with: ma All a! than touch La - dun-0. - rwii"iGrountmrtt'"tt" in... "l "a. tte la aid: m- t m: )lc'l m W colour My . rouiG is, am the“ "an run dry. And but MI Moun- I my. will: "ttl m mum- "urttt-tah" enrriedd w-dat-ab-aaa ttw" tigV,-NWr" WIM- tutistntgtsthe'f mm m Verseti-ttrrr; "u,Giiiri'"'iGtudtt"""t' ”afghan-n. Arttttm a. M trt tttin "I 'i"ih'-snrqrrttad'n"t'""' mumm- ”113de mm mm Au eartrinthe 3 an mm incl "uin m mm - for minivan?" r.aa In. none awn-0'1- .n-holen tMt thal w in from! arried - " Me didn't - ron, Aid ttistiet a ambush“ ”an” “new!“ Re mumm- rsrd-u-I“ Nnid smagtantutaev, _ Fir,,ii'igggr"1' "YUM? ”yarn-IT match an?!" “d tt “Maw-am drug-Bt"". oruLttt1.raU,,i2, --i- w youth a!!! JyMWE-L In ""1.” can. mm“? m: W dogt't we." 'ttto-ttttat"" tn an “and tGtatiltroarmrrea-"nn, "regatta-Inn "" snout: Car-ii/r-ttset-des""- um Ir, III! are Ono Mun-bum mm; d .0“ dun fun at Grim High WI, ”Inning around do!!! _ on Friday. April 213:. All applicants. to!!! male and “ml. Invllod. Aeteerti- would an...“ you brlng along ' or . "but to no will! you not fur your dim. winch In the - Cor the awning. o Militant. Mtt "crud-MO?!- 'Gi,rruo ' alumnus-onl- l new!!!“ . in “b ._tgthratttttte; iiieinettePt-t"""""""' mun. ' on-ttnt-yur""""" -iiiiTs'Ear6" "agtmritumttrtu+'r'" EimmmI'IW-H' Guuilltmrrttratm't For Sale in we we" "atiii1el,l,li!:,,t,,,_ir, of count. N buying Victory Booa---doubh, what I bought ind you. Andthatdoo-‘I-Ikencuyhetmeilhor...luwuou;hol tho ha. in: abundant” hay will be "in; imagined” ii',"UJiriririilGien-iii1raiu-uhtr-11omt"""t. Inf-culdon’tfipreit‘OIucrifieentnn. thuestudoi-ithemtat 1otestthinrr-dtoth'mk-r-"r. Barman-Lonny -iL't=r"inv'rstorrreutir.yerrs"'. Thenwillln "uuotGetourthethinrMotU-dr, are doing without, one we lick Hitlu. and wunuiiu-eu-itumr-uek'. , Until than”: putting Victory find. What \ebewouldido? ind lot" 1%Attaett-ae otrntmntgttt mount: mm d mu out with mama in! d “me WOULD I DO , Fertile u-tatt-e-te-r,",'!!.".':','.', who have been spreading {the "new real-Ilia; this nursery, we wish to state that wallow! Housed by the We!!! ot Agriculture of the Province of On- tario, under Deena No. M, to new all " Nursery Stock in this Province. LINCOLN AVENUE NURSERIFS Your Hardware A' Pts in I ir, . "d e I © uma, bIIumch noun-z. MM- WW30M 11am“; Requirements - Bucco A. C. PRICE, Manager, April 'ttlute,; m"

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