MmPrsmaztimizn, 2 Mecs: s m. i under Te auanee, 88155 088| _ . " "uf the auspices of the War Serâ€"| STANYK â€" CRaAmMER SULLIVANâ€"HILDRETHâ€"On Satâ€" urday, April 15th, 1944, at 4 _ o‘clock in St. Andrew‘s Anglican The Bridge and Easter Services St. Mary‘sâ€"onâ€"Hill Basil Viadimar Ladyka, O.S.B.M., D.D., of Winnipeg, Titular Bishop of Abydo and Exarch of the Ukâ€" rainian Catholic Diocese of Canâ€" ada, cclebruted pontificial Mass in St. Mary‘s Ukrainian Greek Cathoâ€" a%amqnm’. During the mass, two students of Vernon, B.C., and wregory Chmilar, of Mundare, Alberta, were ordainâ€" James C. Eastcotl, 4 l sc 1 0 C Oe y C reragy to Frank Stanyk, Hamilton, son 1&-.4 Mrs. John Stanyk, _ Assisting Bishor Ladykn at this Easter High Mass were Rev. Fathâ€" er Nicholas Kobut, stiperior of the Grimsby monastery, and Deacons Orest Zasybida, O.S.B.M., and Jerâ€" ome Chimy, ©25.M., and the Basilian choir, conducted */ Brothâ€" er Plato Soroka. mmnnï¬-ww read in four Wâ€"Ml T atin. Old Slavonic and Ukrainian. muuunnvmudmw‘ ho.s, priests, deacons and altar mnmmm.m- €ual one. Awnctotbeimpullvnlfld the occasion was a sepulchr: at one side of the church, built bY the "" "motno Chmithars the W Brooks, Marjorie Alberta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hildreth, to William Harold Clinâ€" ton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sullivan, Main St. W., Grimsby. W""V mmupnchn!“"""‘*‘“h,‘ the figure of the Te by fiowers, Candelabrs, etc. wmmmudflnm- regation of Bt ‘Willt‘e on 12 thurch activities . He offered PSYZ erqfflw"m Tn closed by giving his BishoP® biessing to ©11,_ _ __oufg; service In the evening ‘""LCC / Ainge &6 DE Eastern Star Peat reserves nB Mdn‘“.' eiro, Brazil, will soon D° swm;ay,llhplll- Suggest ordcring *"** "** ’/ £0 oUR cUsroMe®* Your COâ€"Vl" the past * when you‘r _ fuel was 0 great‘y apprC While the are likely t customers their Class 4 wRRMaEA * W mants durins ~*~ ~___ months. In order to avoid any appointment in this cof tion, we would strong!! commend that YOU ] "+_~ for your l| uouson & 508 | your order 4", 45 requiremen possible in ord Aistribution 0 1 _ may | availab Marriage .. Gaughter of Mr. and Coal Dealers , in Livingston United Benedict eoâ€"operat10n * _ Bt wlnter mon es Â¥" tl'“‘l ..tylge not available !8 npreciâ€ed' j may : to . with ring fuel early t / 7 for yO ents AS * eondition® continue fOl’ we anticip8t® supply, O4% y 40% . O" fuel reauire~ the summ‘"* bhe P \Presentaâ€"tion To Py Rev, Taylorâ€"Munro oy . â€"that a“ @I the hill guppli® mde. earl» gonn onths _ev | Y ‘s Club, sponâ€" On Frigay evening, April “u".;.\:"m People m‘ the corgregation of St. m..w Ol'h.,yuu.q:‘“ nc oot o Enthared t a | ormaby P08h Sohad,. "Takl Farewel) uet anu social evenâ€" '“lhhmmdgmm.u mmmulr.m.l'rgylu.lm- e charge of a new fieid in "Goqg‘a| "!T20800 for a great many novelty r reâ€" lace 44â€" 18â€" °> 7 _ many organizacions outside of his charge in Grimsby. His cum-lhmmdym“g will be greatly missed. Mr. D, C. Thomson occupied the camit. The following contributed to the social part of the evening: Mr, Jack Ansell, Mr. Harold Jarâ€" vis, Miss Isobe!l Stevenson, Miss Joan Murray, Miss Jean Durham, Mrs. Tweney at the piano.â€" AS {fall Rev. G. Tayiorâ€"Munro was the recipient of a well filled billfold, donated by the r<en of the congreâ€" gation, and prescated in a most able manner by Mr. William Sangâ€" ster. Mrs. Sam Harris in her quiet, amiable way, peresented a well filled purse to Mrs. G. Taylorâ€" Munro from the ladies‘ orgamzaâ€" tions, also the young son and two daughters were not forgotten by their Sunday Schcol playmates. Mr. and Mrs. Taylorâ€"Munro both respon:d very ably, giving an inâ€" vitution to any of the congregation when passing their way to call in and enjoy old acquaintances. ~f Toast to the Ladies given by Mr. A. C. Price, responded to by Mrs. Sam Harris, President of the Ladies‘ Aid, Mrs. W. H. Morris, President W.M.S., and Mrs. D. C. Thomson, President of the Beaver Club. Rev. Dr. Neil M. Leckie, and Rev. J.&W were present, taking in the program. _ _ The evening closed Save the King. ‘The Easter Thankâ€"offering meetâ€" ing of the Women‘s Missionary Society was held on Thursday afâ€" ternoon, April 13th, at Trinity Hall, with Mrs. Burgess presiding. A very interesting part of the: mmeundm of talks and readings by Mrs. Watt, Mrs. Wilâ€" kins, Mrs.. Snyder, Mrs. Caton,“ revealing the fact of the Wideâ€" spread +xtent of the Christian \m Tt is said that the Allied nl“lmthl'lrhlnm to many strange pIaAces, . eeeet ORRRC C CC" I I’I l' m they hl†ioll_fl_fl a1s Biilinnine Isâ€" Some know no other as the Island of Sa _ M °... Apammccrmameiine itcP Friji Islands. A chaplain on & Pacific Island writes, "Out here ®@ find the Christian religion the ©:08" dm“u",,mmm ## "frs H. A. Boyd4, Smithvwille, W2® the guest speaker. In NU |" . __ mmnfl.-mn"'“"“l',“â€,, E. esting outline of the Te To‘ of the Christian Church, bt, .hmgoooyufllc"o“" eading up to the present trem"" i In,mbc:n‘w" Hnmmdmw‘dm‘ in day. C +. very fine Easter Offering Wal neelvod..ldlfl"mc pea ncoting. a social huif hour wa® 81 cuBBiNG on o“" rr‘m m‘n‘v 24 ex~ cited yourg ub® from he "he old Wolves, set ‘“m the Hit h Schoo! and walked to the T oint. on reachinff the moiuntain Pup the le Circle Was ‘Ofl‘"‘ and the Crand Howl €Y€" °0 s PP .o \harine: A.B"- pon o. ol C o0 ob Antvremdld C® *9"®* / the Mâ€md hgoé in the wiuwls #C i~»~ Sixes had & «câ€" but L120X ‘ Trinity W.M.S | t« in knot enyoyed tired D tnip to gik, N* jlector‘ s Akela $ cuatls P had A ! gollow sing *° arp) long . Indies and Pacific lands around the M a M P ; theif en | but to the ernitt pra® a §re4 widk â€" son0k °0. Boy Scouts AowD sne NCA / t thrilled # he Jungle: t Anderson., 6 p,...n“‘ L and the A*t %C wiC +h ro guipment tic€ thie + wpeÂ¥ the C x {ON it 3# / ubs the Philippine Isâ€" lia, Irag, Iran, the v i m ® Instt , hars U"" " mmw‘ After Junch and stelling mb,,.mmd a with the which pS, :‘cofl‘ "":". Iwm aa will bay* ® Pa k } k‘ w mflufl' mf‘m" 1e of Dodk® st puction like Lld â€" aroun‘ In her charmâ€" Mediterranâ€" of Africa. * time o the junch £ turned n their Or? vAs rormed yer in trae mt who ost mml‘lf afu‘sy that Inoe ,".:dln‘ B‘ truck» mnolh ‘.m.. Badgs 2@ M Grimsby Young‘ _ _ People‘s Club White have s have beforé recely how. Splendid music will be supâ€" plied by Tommy Horrachuk and there will be a number of good prizes. Hot dogs and cocom will be served and will be included in the 10c admission price. ~â€"â€"This wasâ€"toâ€"be .our last party, but plans are being made for anâ€" other and a more formal type of dance, with a Big Name Orchestra. Also organized sport getâ€"togethers during the summer months. The Executive had intended to restrict the ages from 16 years, but owing to the interest shown by so many of the 15 year olds, we are very pleased to invite them to come along, col» The and sa 11 pF® the THE _ GRIMSB Y by MOORE‘S TneartrE Algo," "ip, f1 ARE YOU? There are some Canadians who arew‘t! Some men and wone;ll'bo ';" '::‘. ukin theis J# m mg:le for lf,..&::â€"who haven‘t even bought as # Victory Bunds as they f sacse oi ae 29e shom put filctory FirST FRL â€" SAT. APR. 21 â€" 22 l "Around T he World‘ _ _ It‘s nos ton late! ZLero hout is near, but there‘s still time to get in the Aobt! Kay Kyser, Joan DaV‘i®, ""****** Auer "Flicker Filashbacks" "Sports Parade" m.‘ 6 € Saturday at 2 p.9â€" T uce e ies "‘ON. â€" TUES., APR. 24â€"25 i "Texas To Tokyo" Every man in 64 . squadron is mn=sy! Every _ § ...i.:belomuohamd land and air is ready â€"waiting for the last, BIG PUSH! "Tom 4A40!" /s Mar oo e wED.THUR., APR * "The Good Fellows" | Richard Quinne us who think we AT., APR, 21 â€" 24 mfl_ agent at * passed | FOR Railways, Hamilton, sALE _ One ann‘ ’Ound The away at his home, 5 Weller ave., wood stove; dining ub:: w ] d" Toronto, quite suddeDly Monday :;H"- and rocker; two | or morning in his 63rd year . He W4#/ | an Tok Apply evening r, Joan Davis, Mischa || born in Paisiey, Ont., and throughâ€" n e oponnanidet Auer out his life had had 42 years‘ reilâ€"| FORSALE â€"â€" Large bot ¢ +4 _Prape Baby BuggV. koer Fiashbacks" Grand Trunk, the Canadian North | #»!iPstorm cover. | G Prunls 46 CO08C Eh lional| 4thn. APPY 19 Ads Thumb In â€" wie Woogie crson" 26â€"27 St. John‘s Presabyterian Women‘ EE“"_".M Tet for thew . _ WAry society met for their mmmm.m mm«wmn, April 14th. Mre. Morris presided, and opened the meeting with prayâ€" er. A Hymn was sung, and the Mmmwbym“ Eangster, followed with Prayer by Mro. ‘Taylorâ€"Munro. Miss Isobel Mu::.wm" by Mrs. Dick. ‘The minutes of the mmmm»m SBecretary, Mrs. Burke, and conâ€" duced the Guest Speaker, Mrs. Donald Munro, President of the Mmmmnnn most inspiring address on the Misâ€" sion work in the various fields. She told of how our Canadian soldiers in Africa and in the Pacific Isâ€" m‘mâ€"mâ€"w most unexpected places from naâ€" tiven, who had been taught by Misâ€" sionaries. ‘These examples refute the remark "Mission efforts are fruitless" so often heard. "Go4 ‘Iovuluglym-vny". INDEPENDEN T St. John‘s W .M.S.| On behalf of the Society, Mrs. Little thauked Mra. Munro for her very fine address. The meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah benediction. Trinity Service Club will hold a Rummage Sale on Saturday, April 22nd, in the Bob Hillier store. Members kindly leave their donaâ€" tions at the store on Saturday, ‘The Beaver Club of St. John‘s Presbyterian Church will hold their annual Spring Tea at Mrs. Andrew Smith‘s home, Mountain street, on April 26th, from 3 to 6. Group will ho!4 a Penny Sale at Mrs. Marsb«)"s bome, 36 Murray Street, on Mconday, April 24th, at 8 p.m. The Contral Circle Red Cross Group meets on Friday afternoon, April 21st, at the home of Mrs. Hawke, Main Street East, in the form of e quilting. A large atâ€" tendance .s hoped for. # + # The (Alexina Rebe‘kah Lodge will hold the last card party of the season or Tuesday evening, April 25th, at £:45 in the Masonic Hall. Prizes for Bridge and Euchre, and a Lucky Door Prize. # # # The Women‘s Institute will hold a card party of Euchre and Bridge on Wednesday evening, April 26th, at the home of Mrs. Woodcock, 32 Oak Street, for both ladies and their escorts. Proceeds to go to the West Lincoln Memorial Hosâ€" fund, ____.._______ on Saturday, April 20th, at """ Bob Hillier Store, under the ausâ€" p.mdeomen'nA-odoM of Trinity United Church, The store will be open Friday night, AP"“â€â€œ" to receive "m that might be brought in. Former Grimsby Resident Passes AARAPAEIE C COERCCONC e CGnees w freight agent at the Canadian N&â€" tional Rallways, Hamilton, passed away at his home, 5 Weller ave Toronto, quite suddenly Monday morning in his 63rd year . Me was born in Paisley, Ont., and throughâ€" out his life had had 42 years‘ reil« Grand Trunk, the Canadian North» on and the Canadian National Coming Events Raliways He was agent at the Grand Trunk aD wu Norflnl’fl struction of a line worth to the end of | Wce 2s 0 sorth to the end of stee He served as agent. and Toronto and at U solidation was made " Whe general agent at T tzen served as agent â€" Toronto and Hamilton. Puncan McGregor, Cl o nc e 4e will be a Rummage Sale ; and was with the ern during eon» line through the at Grimsby and was wi ume of conâ€" aesistant 19 Toropto. He at wwv pqpul‘ll’ at Sudbury at Lions Celebrate ‘CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Sixth Birthday m Pays Vldtwâ€".ll:i:; School Cadet Officers E6xâ€" tend Thanks For Band inâ€" m‘m“ their 6th birthay anniversary at the Vilâ€" mpnwm.m WaiparFisher, of Niagaraâ€"orâ€"theâ€" Lake, vstrict Governor, paid his annuajigit to the club. Ie brought speci« good wishes from St. Cathâ€" arine Lions, which club had spon sore the local unit at the :ime of its srmation, and stated that the gt, ofbarines Liona vere more m,»nd‘mhun wonderful PDV uy coGhilts conadibtim w the locaiClub. _ Mr Fisher gave a very graphic «ul ______ _ k ____ on ; P ____ _ them up with Lionism and |~w‘qomrrkmt£n!: Coviceeole ha years to ome. A pleasPE feature of the evenâ€" :.m..peehlvllltpddtome ab during the evening by Major Andy Fulton and the officers of struments, FO.t SALE â€" Police Dog. Good watch dog. Awl%'l‘lylor'n Autoâ€" tel. prone 267â€"W. â€" 41â€"1¢ FOR SsALEâ€"â€"Medium saized Su"""" kitchen table. Cheap. Apply Box 50, ‘The Independent. _ 39â€"tfc FOR SALE â€" Girls‘ and Boys‘ Bicycies, large and amail. Telcâ€" phone 201â€"Wâ€"3. 41â€"1¢ eS e en oo o d o. FOR FOR SALE .â€"â€" Cedar Posts ang Steel Anchors. Apply Geo. Marâ€" fei, Grimsby. Telephone Winona 46â€"). ie 25 cents. Cash must accompany advertisement to guarantee inserâ€" mAMdme.hquofbau FOR SALE ,.â€" Piano, Baby‘s Crib, Oil Stove. "Apply evenings. Mrs. L. Runmery, Grimsaby B‘eu:h FOR SALE â€" 200 ft. used garden hose in excellent condition. L. A. Wade, Main East, Telephone man 41â€"1¢ FOR SALE â€"â€" Convertible Baby Buggy. Bone color,. Good conâ€" dition, $15.%0. Telephone 26%â€"J. 41â€"1p FOR SALEâ€"Hay, manure, gTAY®" and cruahed â€"stons~â€"and â€"cinders for driveways. R. Hails, Phone §47â€"J, Grimaby. A0â€"4p FOR SALE â€" Three year old pure FOP SALE 4â€"yenrâ€"old Cow. due to fre&ien in May. APPY Mr. Mat Mesdek, Nelles lldoan;l. ~2p tor FOR SaLe â€" Horse, 0 yYOu!i black mare, 2 miles west Grimuby, Stop 123, Pnone 2â€" AAASWppupAPPa PC C n FOR gsALE â€" One annâ€"»*x coal and woodstove; dining table with six chai and rocker; two beds with sprigs. Apply evenings, 1 Dorâ€" an Ayvemnue. A1â€"1p MW.‘!“ FORSALE â€"â€" Durant Fngine sult« mable for spraying; steel trucks forsprayer; in good condition. Ably J. J. sowslaugh, Phore + w7+.21 â€" Winona. 41â€"*p n SPRRIE 0 P CC &0 E bred Jersey Cow. Due to freshâ€" en April 25th. Telephone 8. J. Smith, 70â€"Jâ€"4, Grimsby. 41â€"1¢ o e e W C FOR§SALE â€" Horse good for siMle and double, weighs 1400 Ib# 12 vyoe;» old, also harness, dry. Apply between 6 and 8# pim. 52 Robiuson Street, North, Grimaby. 41â€"1p en t ds FR SALEâ€"Three plece Chenterâ€" B4 Suite; dlmw suite; kitchen tmle: dining table; buby‘s rock» er Baby‘s bed; and chest ol drwers: center table. Ap=‘" Me, Walter Buntive. 12 Oak L GOimaby i1â€"2g io‘nh:rh;tlm-â€" Qrcg!:' & â€"Dâ€" ahman ne pu Pnp, morated -ucllu ‘V'â€'ip ail in pl'lr run! tion. Apply R. m.’l’cmwnc 35, ased with the wonderful nd the stable condition of FOR SALE Medium sized square Horse, 6 years old manure, gravel Orchard _ Sprayer One mt »#C, ‘wo’ Reveraiâ€" ycle Crank®®} Onf q gallon preUti te. " Al} good o4« r. â€" Good conâ€" n Engine, Bean mwrated on 8" Ail in first class Adelaide St. 41â€"1p bone colour» @BN. t Woat 41â€"1p y George Winons. 41â€"1p 41â€"1â€"p the Figh School Boys‘ and Girla‘ Cadets who came to personally thank the Lions on behaif of the m\bw;oformdrklodduu- tion of funds for the purchase of bugle band instrumentsa. The inâ€" struments were on view at the ffinâ€" ner and Band Instructor Wally mmmmtuglnm information. ‘The new: organizaâ€" tion will got under way this week. A prosentation of a brief case was made to Rev, G. Taylorâ€"Runro and to Dr. Ben Rogers was preâ€" sented a plece of poetry wherein Lions promised the gift of a plece of surgical equipment as soon as it is procurable. Bean Midl ple 41 Car, be seen by appointment FOR SALEâ€"Reversible Team dis W yeRrtiimg CCA AnpZ o PP t C CC ie FOR SALE â€" A quantity early Alaskn Oats, 1042 crop, weigh« lngmtle-u:nnmlh-.tome measured bushel. Apply Peter Graham, Phone 78â€"Jâ€"2. 41â€"1p M FOR SALE â€" Coal Oil Stove, Perâ€" fection make; Oneâ€"Burner Oven, KFive Foot Step Ladder, Coal Oil Heater, â€" Galvanized Coal Oil Tank, Contains 41% gals; Screen 4 §# FOR RENT â€" Three large rooms and booth, with witter. Lights and Gas. Appy 153 Main Street West. 41â€"1p FOR RENT â€" Three large rooms and a large garden. Am.lrl- Nina Deans in the l;ln. 41â€"1p in good condition. Chea horse, also others. Apply chuk, Ridge Road, West. FOR RENTâ€"Four room flat. Apâ€" ply Box 300, !n.lo!cuhn!. 30â€"3p HELP WANTEDâ€"Night man for greenhouse work. Apply L. Hyâ€" sert, Kerman Ave. 'l'clq‘thono WANTEDâ€"Used furnitura, stoves, | _ ERMANGING â€" A. J. Mss xard | Phone collect, 240, Bem. 1 jle, | FEATHERS WANTED â€" ers and feather beds * seriptions, . Highest pr Write particularn to Qu« Feather Co., 23 Baldwin ‘ ronto. WANTED TO BUY â€"â€" Electric Washer and Vacuum Cleaner with or without attachments; Cash, Phore 62 ~J, 8t. Catharâ€" Ines, or write 10% Queenston 8t., St. Catharines. 22â€"tfe Doors, Wash 8tand, Willow Clothes Basket, Buck Saw, Saw Vice, Garden Tools, Watering Can, Carpenter‘s Square, Meat Chopper, _ All in good condition. Phone 2â€"Wâ€"2, Grimaby, or cal at Hugh Hunter Farm, 2 miles weat of Grimsby, North of Queen Elizabeth Highway. 41â€"1p _ MIBCELLANEOUS _ PAINTING AND PAPERHANGâ€" INTERIOR PAINTING ANM PAP. Private Sale Telephone 179 Daytime; §51 Evenings. HUNDREDS OF UNSGLICITEN TEST‘MONM!ALS R E C C Mâ€" MENDING KLEEREX, "A Quick Healis@ Saive" Zor Eezema, Peorâ€" ie a}% l'!ryU saesky lmpeu‘o, Itch, Boils, Chap:. ete. 50¢c; $100. (Mediurs wid Strong), SBold by Dymond‘s Drug Store, 41â€"18 450â€"R. and farm implements M. J Swibb, King St., Beam»ville, Phane 230. A3â€"tfe Apt. €, Phone OOw. _ 48â€"6p AUCTION SALE Saturday, Apr. 22 Furniture 1 O‘siock Sharp, at the rear of Red Cross Room, Beamsvilie. Complote rOOnl LII" Roirigerato Radic H. M. & R. A. Saundersa, Proj FOR RENT WANTED reator, Washing B Vacuum Sweeper Ltig THIRTEEN Cheap; work Apply M. Daâ€" Auctiont nta of a seven udinyg Klectric shin@ Machine, 41â€"19 41â€"tfc Feathâ€" all de« 4 pald. en City lp