EIGHT ALEXANDER HARDW ARE Lots and Single Grmve owners in the Queen‘s unmmw;-.tmbmnldw m-ï¬u:h-"“*""‘""""‘""â€" April 15th. The Cemetery Committee wili not be responsible lu‘huï¬dsm&emm _â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"!\Hiderations. | _ _ ATTENTION | C 6. . “wwx PLEASE D8 » YOUR BVUS u-,mh.:.mmmm-mam ...Mywh-nw.undm Torts n.onlyarrhlouthhad-'lndhll Memdm'mm If y9u â€nnymflmflwmh.fl"â€â€œâ€â€œ mmmr-wm...mmmm. ‘fâ€" l1\“VIâ€--L¢=.)an Symbo! \Navy League News\ Boy Scouts e o o mraie t seect (noaiis an Reronts, far Iohows 1unmumpunwlmnwmm‘_ , the followâ€" ;Il.cto:d fl‘::t'" it wuï¬m . p*Be: ‘n provincial loin beadquarters tn:odu::s;d.:“mu: 1;‘:_ last week. _ _ \forts: $ sleeveless sweaters, 4 turâ€" % =I", and the slogan Victory First!" it w at nrovincial loin last week. Tke slogan "Put viclOry EALDT ;swwmmflfl-‘“‘*‘ mmmmfl"“ with the "I" sdded to the wingedâ€" V. Thus the emblem suggests that placed before "I," or personal conâ€" is late or crowded tle neck swenters, THE â€"GRIMSBY Meenennniin C CCC P will find my address on the front of this form. and if you care to write, I will alweys be happy to hear from you, and will answetr you. Perhaps some day 1 will get __3 A# anase Mstonle it leuve you? sunmte x tram you. Go# \bless you elways, ue A l C 0 0 K "uhe "mny.l.‘if’“m"' right, I will try to get to see YOU Mu-ndm!owld'fl“ «bout, but as I don‘t know .9yâ€" _# C COle * s lads ts 4h ‘ifmlo Wallow, ain Pestmastar, New l Thomas Asthony John a us â€" M cb n Tommy Pace in a buny to us the see is a . 1 hope to hear ‘NDIPBNDINT Een C 4 - 'l'l hw mw‘wwfl‘ scout tests during the corner perâ€" lods. Good work is being done by. these leaders and the boys &°9, 1. _ At the Ritchie 0@ boy Wer Sovings Stempt and CarMwatat Enactors. CONVERSION Of the 260,000, Beli Telephones 1. 72 per cem are dial instrumer ‘s. gramme of conversion to dial se( many cities and towns while the t continued to fow. #f On Aoiowt GSernvice Thera eng uecring . ABRd COACEARRIEN® War called » halt to this dial conversion programme. But it will resume when msierials and men are again available. uality ‘counts most â€"for that kJJ yich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use.. " °C 00. m M m $$ colled himself the leader gives the L a ky _ C L itva command Bandarliog, the snak« Walter Gibson, also of the Hamil been no interraption of service and coâ€"erdinu«ting achievement. ind;'umer is. Stepâ€"byâ€"step, the proâ€" to dial se ce has gone forward ir while the tide of telephone trafiic T B A Total Bell Telephones Ontario and Quebet .. .. %9%,113 Connecting company 4: e cait m Anlh t â€" M‘mmmmwu the leader shouted Kas, at which the monkeys froze with horror and tha Tiance continued to the end. _ “‘? w. Ap'fl “h) l“‘. "Bill" and Ted Hand who kill their winter months, when not able to fish, do a little trapping. in four “’.uflmmflifl! ln-m Nice going. 27 of ,...m_-mn_n.mmuso ‘Jntario and Quebec, Brevities e " nol-b\e A. C, Price Manager YOL. CO $19 Up