Amy person owning or harbourâ€" ing a dog or bitch who neglects to obtain a tag within the time desigâ€" nated by this byâ€"law (April 30, 1942), or who neglects to keep such tag securely fixed on his dog or bitch, or who uses a tag on a dog or bitch other than the one for which it was issued shall be Hable @.Mmmmdï¬b WANTED â€" By two girls, single sleeping room, centrally located. Box 20, Independent. 41/1c WANTEDâ€"Would like work tying grapes. Experienced. Telephone 941. 41â€"1¢ FOR RENT â€" Unfurrised rooms; aiso furnished rooms with board; FOR SALE â€" Fruit Farm, seven acres; five in grapes, nine cherry FOR FOR AALE â€"Child‘s crib, diningâ€" FOR SALE â€" Clare Jewel Table FOR SALE â€" Seven Tube Philco From Toronto From Grimaby To Grimaby To Toronto 8:00 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 12:00 p.m 3:20 p.m. §# pm. 7:20 p.m. #:0J pm. 11:43 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) Tickets and information At Kanmacher‘s Restaurant PHONE 486 EIGHT â€"'fl'â€"ueun_'ii Box 6, Indepenâ€" 41â€"1p andah, storm windows, storm porch, half screens, furnace, staâ€" tionary tubs, connected to gas and sewers, wired for electricity, with large English walnut trees, cherry trees, flowers and shrubs. m:lnmhxu.uaogwd . Apply 15 ‘Oak Street, miles west of Grimsby on No. 8 Highway. Apply Grimsby Planâ€" TOWNSHIP OF _ NORTH GRIMSBY m:m.g fruit dray. Apply Neale, 17. Paton Street, Grimsby, 41â€"1p ‘Top Gas Stove, 3â€"burners, good as new; also 7 piece diningâ€"room Notice To Dog Owners Kerman Ave. GRAY COAGH LINES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Buses Leave Two cents a word per insertion. Miniraum charge each insertion ents, Mmmmhmw . _A charge of ten cents is made for boxes. SALE â€" Whole line single SERVICE 141. law No. 515: FOR SALE |MAN or WMAN WANTED The Quality Tea WANTED TE A Clerk. 41â€"1¢c 41â€"1p 41â€"1p â€"1p The Department reserves the right to demand from any successâ€" ful tenderer, before awarcing the order, a security deposit in the & the undersigned and endorsed ‘Tender for Coal," will be receivâ€" ed until 3 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Thursâ€" day, May 7, 1942, for the supply of coal and te:ke fhor the Dominion Builldings throughout the Province of Ontario. A Forms of tender with specificaâ€" g.mnndcot;fl;otmn- attached can obtained m the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public wmomn:mms\zaâ€"m- ing Architect, 36 Adelai St. East, Toronto, Ont. 'mmgb&mflm orms supplied ‘Department and in accordance with departmenâ€" tal specifications and conditions atâ€" tached thereto. Coal dealers‘ licâ€" form of a certified cheque on a payable to the order of the Honâ€" ence numbers must be given when ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railâ€" way Company and its constituent companies unconditionally guaranâ€" teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certiâ€" fied cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. . Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfiiment of the contract. Notice to Creditors to "SLENDOR TABLETS", Harmless and effective. $1.00, two weeks‘ INTERIOR PAINTING AND PAPâ€" ERKHANGING â€" A. J. Hayward. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1942. "Down in the depths the subâ€" marine creeps slowly and ste..thily away from the scene of ber exâ€" ploits, and then setties on the botâ€" tom to lick her wounds. Not until after nightfall will it be safe for charge her depleted electric batâ€" teries and report by wireless that an enemy cruiser has been hit by four torpedoes and almost certainâ€" ly sunk. In the meantime officers and men settle down to rest ag if tw sivep 200 foeet under the sea is the most matural thing in the world." From We Dive At Dawn, FOR ESTABLISHED WATKINS Federal Bulldingsâ€"Province of TENDERS FOR COAL AND All persons having claims supply. At Dymond‘s Drug Store. noâ€"restrictions with Watkins due to millions invested in raw maâ€" terials to protect dealers and customers. Write The J. R. V‘atâ€" kins Company Dept. Oâ€"Gâ€"8, Mnâ€" ROUTE, steady crstomers, must be honest and reliable, have car Tered MISCELLANEOUS By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, 00| _ _ .. «.. Secretary. Limea auinhnr 1â€"7 and add 3/8 pint dnioounennphateperlonh.d| material. Attempt to do most of the spraying while the buds arein the stage shown in Fig. 1 (a) in the Apple Spray Calendar, and complete the spraying of each tree before going on to the next. 8.â€"To control Rosy Apple Aphid and Apple Scab, use: Lime sulphur 1â€"40 and to each 40 gals. of the mixture add 3/8 pint of nicotine sulphate. Do not commence sprayâ€" ing until the buds have reached the stage shown in Fig. 1 (a) of the Apple Spray Calendar, and comâ€" plete the spraying of ea.o tree beâ€" fore going on to the next. 4.â€"Toweontrol Apple Scab, use: Bordeaux 3â€"6â€"40 at the stages shown in Figs. 1 (a) and (b) in the apple Spray Calendar, where it is not necessary to spray for San _Jose‘ Scale orâ€"Rosy Noteâ€"The mixture recommendâ€" ed under 1 (a) above, will also control European Red Mite. | Oriental Fruit Moth & Brown Rot stage shown in Fig. 1 (a) in the Ontario Apple Spray Calendar. 2.â€"To control Rosy Aphid, San Jose‘ Scale and Apple Scab, use; and Apple Scab, use either (a).4% lubricating oil emulsion in Borâ€" time the buds have weached the mmannmut peach I! assist materâ€" ially in the .control of Oriental Fruit Moth and of Brown Rot. To be most effective, cultivation should start before the peach blosâ€" som buds show pink. . Start spraying when the buds are showing green at the tips and Sweet Cherries Where sweet cherries have not already been sprayed and the buds are past the stage where it is safe to use tar oil wash or dinitro.creâ€" soi, use one of the following mixâ€" tures when the bu«. :re beginning to burst: (1) 3% «wubricating oil emulsion in Bordeaux 3â€"6â€"40; or: (2) use % pint of nicotine sulphate to 40 gals. of lime sulphur 1+7. Complete the spz= ing of each tree before guin~ ~u to the next. ttums Complete first spray mentioned in the previous circular as soon as Citizens are urged to full coâ€"operation in every way. It is the privilege and duty of all to make Grimsby‘s war conâ€" tribution a model of united accomplishment. Combined comâ€" munity effort is not new to our town. Hundreds of our peoâ€" ple combined to make Blossom Time celebrations successful. The times are demanding that we again unite in deadly earnâ€" est to do everything that civilians can do, to hasten the arâ€" rival of better days. fur mer ‘instructions. Peace rules the day where wisâ€" dom rules the mind.â€"Collins | a _® _ ® He hurts me most who lavishly commends.â€"Churchill "f you have trouble controlling F. r Prylls and h«ve not applied t« ¢ mant oll spray write for OBJECTIVES OF THE GRIMSBY DISTRICT CONSOLIDATED WAR SERVICES COMMITTEE GIVEN Out of a series of public meetings held during the last several weeks, the Grimsby District Consolidated War Serâ€" vices Committee has been organized, and is beginning to functioq. The activities of the committee will be designed to intensify the various phases of war effort in Grimsby and district and to offer assistance to existing groups engaged in any form of warâ€"inspired projects. The objectives of the Grimsby District Consolidated War Services Committee may be stated briefly to be, (1)â€"To call to the attention of our people the recurring request of the King for a special day of prayer, and to suggest that every Sunday should find local péople crowding our churches. The principles of religion are the principles of our democracy ~and it is right and proper that our prayers should arise at THE GRIMSBY INDEPENDENT Spray Service (5)â€"To encourage the observance of the spirit of the law. ‘The laws, as they stand are enforced. To a large extent the obâ€" servance of the spirit of the law is voluntary and in such mat» ters as the consumption of gasoline and sugar, can become matters of national importance in our wartime economy. (2)â€"To offer assistance to the local Salvage Committee and to provide our people with information as to materials to be saved and the manner of saving them and to give emphasis to this type of effort: (8)â€"To provide speakers to address public meetings on wartime ._ _ subjects such as saivage, citizen protection in case of emerâ€" gency and other timely subjects: (4)â€"To stress the importance of economy in our homes: economy in the purchase and use of food, clothing, and the common things of everyâ€"day use, so that materials will be more abundant for the necessary use of the armed forces and, or other commodities: After the cinner the party left for the scout ha‘i which is located in the basement. of the library. A committce of boys had the hall decorated and exhibited hobbies planes and boats were the riain hobbies shown. Troop leader Doug. Bedford had his trop come to the full salute on the entry of the Group Committee and Mr. Paddon. Saluting the Scout Master he advised. the troop was all prepared and turned the troop over to the care of the Scout The patrol leaders and officers held a dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. James Baker, Main St. E. last night in honor of the new Srimsby Scout Group Committee Commisstorer of the Boy Scout Association of Toronto. missal of the troop the Court of honour met Mr. Paddon and reâ€" ceived suggestions from him as to how they could bring interest into their individual patrols. ~ It was very thrilling to ths boys and their officers to see these imen of the Lions Club take a real acâ€" tive interest in boys work. During the meeting Mr. Paddon invested the Scout Master, James Baker and also the Group Commitâ€" man, Mr. P. V. Smith and A. Aiton of theâ€"committee. ‘These members along with the Scout Master were asked to take the scout promise To help other people at all times To obey the scout laws. â€"Ass‘t Scout Master Don Pettit and Troop Leader Doug Bedford, assisted Mr. Paddon in the investiâ€" ture services. In reply Mr..Smith and Mr. ‘Matchett spoke briefly to the troop and were presented with scout button hole badges before they left the platform. After routine work was completâ€" ed, the boys enjoyed outside games, Pettit um'lh-.'ï¬ Mr. and Mre, Gunning (nee Ruth McMane) a daughter, Barâ€" will do my best To do my duty to God and the On my honour, I promise that I Boy Scout News y the rationing of fcodâ€"stuffs Born throwing articles from the salvage truck at passing motorists. It seems to be a regular pastime for boys to gather at the salvage At Moore‘s T heatre vage, rifling boxes and packages, stealing what takes their fancy, and leaving the rest in disorder, takes very patiently to hoodlum rule, but it is high time these Appearing at Moore‘s Theatre on April 29%, and 30th is the film "All Through the Night" starring Humphrey Bogart, Conrad Veidt, and Kaaren Verne, and directed by Complaints are being heard in several quarters of boys, who "asâ€" The flat below the building is covâ€" hend and shown their duty as citi addicted to gambling, at first amusingly follows a hunch for the killer, but when he falls into some mysterious goings on, decides in earnest to get to the bottom. He is up against Conrad Veidt, leader of the Nazi ring with headquarters in a warchouse that serves as a backâ€" ground for some corking suspense. Finale has Bogart‘s rival gang pitâ€" ching in to help wipe out the ring. Peter Lorre, and Judith Andéerson. there by the little fellows in inâ€" spy twist that tingles with exciteâ€" ment and played to the hilt for suspense and action. Instead of goes in for straight gangster vs. friend of Bogart and his mother, Jane Darwell, is murdered by . a Nazi .subâ€"agent for failure to coâ€" Salvage Sabotage The orders taken for packages of Cookies last Saturday will be delivered this Saturday mornâ€" ing,. April 25th. This film is a grade A example COFFEE .â€" â€" iL 39c .“’ W LARGK 29% 35( PRUNES .â€"â€"2b; 21« Ontarioâ€" »â€"| Buikâ€" White Beans. . . 3 lbs. 15¢ | Macar Black Tea .. .... Ib. "5¢ FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLOâ€" Concentratedâ€" ASSORTED SANDWICH DOMINOâ€" Jewelâ€" FRESH MEATYâ€" 2=]5. = Palmoliveâ€" % . â€"% . »Bikg. 21e | Soap ......./.2 bars 13¢ .... 1 Ib. 19¢ | MOORE‘s \TneatrE It was the busy hour of four When from the city hardware store Emerged a gentleman, who bore He has a garden under way, And if he‘s fairly lucky, say, He‘ll have about the end of May One squash vine, One egg plant, Into a seed establishment, And for these things his Spring Arithmetic MATINEE "Hop, Skip, And Chump" Maple Leafâ€" huik Pursgâ€" Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Akim FASIER TO SUILE Henry Fonda, Joan Bennett "Old Irish Tunes" "West Of The Rockies" One peck of buibs, One job‘lot shrubs, One quart assorted seeds. . "The Corsican Brothers" SD.â€"THUR., APR. 29â€"30 "All Through "Fox Movietonews" "Wild Geese Calling" EEâ€"Saturday at Z Doors Open 1:45 ts y, April 23rd, 1942. ib. 49¢ ... .1 Ib. 16¢ WHOLE WHEAT