t* _ HAROLD B. MATCHETT, B.A.""~ E. H, Lancaster,‘K. C. J. W. Kennedy BEAMSVILLE AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR will conduct your Auction Sale, large or small at very reasonable rates; Also a commissioner for taking affidavits. Phone J. W. Kennedy, 56 Beamsvilie, or Independent, Grimaby, Phone 36 for information. 50. Below 50% ~â€" Norma a.m..’ Form IV â€"â€" John Ghent 70, Elizaâ€" George Spencer, Florence Sims, Helen | beth Chivers 68, Donald Smith 67, Boyd, Dick Baraniuk. Victor Cosby 66, Perry McLean 68. M.;_wmuwwwummn Robert Smith 82, o.“mwun-m'-uaunm 78, Katharine Metcalfe 78, Gordon| 62. L¢!la Biggar 60, Harvey Easson mnummu‘h-fl.muum.lm derson 70, _Alfreda Bingle 70, Law.| 60, Marguerite Sheiton 60, Irene Jarâ€" rence Faulkner 60, Margaret Stevenâ€"| Y# 50. Margaret DeMilie 58, Owen won 66, Ruth McConnell 63, Nira Pope| Patterson 55, Edward Randal} 34, 65, Lily Seiget 65, Carolyn Wilson 65,| Joyce Land 57, Lenore Merritt 58, Joan Haworth 64, Douglas Parsonage| L4093 Bull 52, Howard Etherington 63, Edith Stuart 62, Dorothy Burton| 52. Lol#s Merritt 51. Below 505 â€" 61, Kay Snetsinger 60, La Verna| John Morris, Eva Sallows. 1 Robertson 60, Mary Johngon 60, Jenny| . Form V â€" Beth Duimage §2, Oliver mummumw&’mnmmnm ters 58, John Farrell 57, Mary Stuart! Kennedy 67, Frances Jacklin 64, Wilâ€"| ! Lawn Grass Seed ..............._. per Ib. 40¢ 2 William Street and 45 8t. Paul Street, St. Catharines, Phone 769 Bubscription _ _ $2.00 in Canada and $2.50 per year in United TERM REPORT OF THE ___ GRIMSBY HIGH sCHOOL (Continued from page 1) 54, Eric McMane 55, Waliter Laba 54, Walter Hilts 53, Joyce Sheiton 5%, William Forrester 52, Francis Craig 51, James Konkle 51, Dorothy Allen J r & Propr -g':".'.'n'!_"_m from Office that we, with others, will advance prices for nur«â€" ery stock after April 7th. No drastic price changes at this time have even heen contemplated by e E. D. SMITH & SONS LTD. Nurserymen Winona, Ont. The way a mower should be sharpened Do not wait till the spring rush is on â€" avoid vexaâ€" tious delay â€" Phone us today â€" we will call for your mower, sharpen it and put in first class shape ready for Fruit Growers Don‘t Be Misled ! A good rolling will improve the growth of your lawn and make it much easier to cut. This roller can be filled with water to make it any weight you wish from 100 to 500 Ibs, Delivered and called for 50¢ per day. Now is the time to reseed those bare spots in your lawn. â€" Rake lightly, sow with Steele Briggs Rapid Growâ€" ing Grass Mixture and roll. We have it in 1 Ib. package, HARDWARE Member of Canadian Weekly ie in advance. It has come to our attention that ridiculous reâ€" AUCTIONEER C. P. BROWN LANCASTER AND MIX 6. BARRIETEARS, ETc. GRIMSBY OFFICE â€" DAILY Formerly Office of G. B. McConachle 12 Main St. W. Phone 32 SARRISTER, sOLIC!TOR, £TC. Lawn Mowers Sharpened Lawn Roller For Hire LEGAL PHONE 21 [ *\ ‘Dr;V.R. Farrell Phone 118 Farrell Block, 12 Main §t. W. Office Hours: 9.30 to 12, 1.30 to 5 OPTOMETRIST P vamdbsgprdiigh ; s a fellows to the draw. Complete Eyesight Service .n-u--mu ® Phone 326 | Other machinery well â€" _ _ GRIMSBY | °9 0 8z ®# ’l‘l.mwua-mnu Erma Jackson 56, Helen Murdoch 55, Margaret Robertson 54, Harold Merâ€" Yitt 54, Dan Gibson 53, Audrey Merâ€" ritt 51, Alice Cramer 51, Below 50% . Jack Carieton, Muricl McFariane, Allan Brocklebank, Margaret McKinâ€" ney, Harry Hilts, Colin Caverhill. Form III â€" Jean Pettit 81, Wallace Smith 72, Ross Lipsitt 60, Margaret Tweney 69, Leo Relse 69, Dorothy Bain 66, Gareth Burgess 65, Anne Seige! 65, Patricia McConnell 64, Phyjllis Sibbaid 64, Norma Hilts 63, Robert Alldrick 62, Livingstone Foster | ‘llld-a-ll.fll-m“.} Loreen Ingram 60, Dnvldu-mvu. 55, Donald May 55, muu-m.u‘ 34, Elizabeth omith 54, Klljhtal Smart 52, Marianne House 51. Below 50%â€" John Dick, Kenmeth Scott. l Gas Administered For X â€" RAY 25 Main Street, W GRIMSAY «st 36 MAIN ST. TELEPHONES: A. E. Mix Berlin, $75 and Smithville $15. A long and bitter discussion then followâ€" ed and finally it was decided that exâ€" penses of team $52.50, be paid and bainnce of 30/.50 be expended for some memorial of the victories, and a company to BRANTFORD, Smithville and Berlin for their hospitality", Sue ‘em with one hand and pat them on the back with the other, Great game. Mr. Noakes asked the Captain of the running team what disposition they wmundm-.ymu‘ Mr. Lancaster offered to do what he could on the Brantford claims for 10 secretary tender the thanks of 1 baoteifbanesmetmelffan....... MB cscend elean up. The minutes of Aug. 6th.| griver of the car which was in colli# ’“MM"“â€â€œmmmmwrn“‘l umf-‘mh‘nu«.mmmmmd““b {Muummhduwmmm' She swore that sho wyu&nflnflmlnflhï¬-‘nmtwlunfll- uvcnn-“‘no’nnlum.-m. licenso ai! during that Youngest Chief on Parade. 1 don‘t| period. "I remember passing & Car. mud.mhm.mï¬lxwm-fl“wm‘¢- at that time. Jmmmmm ‘Then I felt th« car swerve and fellows to the draw. o-p-nyumlm,....,,ww-.“g owes the band $5. Engine SUH sick:| was deteine r .. .. SECtlanenih I At July 20th meeting company acâ€" cepted an invitation to attend garden party at W. D. Kitchen‘s on July 23rd. Running team decided to go to Berlin and other members would also enter lllnlbnuluqcunuunlyw. ticipate in. Going to clean up, ch. The boys went to Beriin and Melvilie Lucas was actingâ€"Chief and H. H. was July 26th. And did band was demanding the $10 still due them. ‘Try and collect. committeo to interview Mr. E. A. Lanâ€" caster, (yes, Lincoln‘s Lan.) and find out whether our claims on Brantford ‘Tournament Committee can be estaâ€" established to proceed at once in a legal manner®. The Brantford episode must have had an effect on the local mmumaml (Continued from Page 1) $th are correct, for 1 find the follow« 'numm-fl-â€"-m keeper who had faced a similar situaâ€" tion in another town and had never noticed any drop in his tourist trade since a highway had been put through cutting his town off from the through bers thought they thoul}: recommend immediate purchase and others wantâ€" ed to have the purchase brought up nt the January election with the esta« blishing of a Public Utilitics Commisâ€" sion at the same time. ‘The opinion was also expressed that as it scema definitely assured that the new highway north of the town is goâ€" ing to be built that it is up to the town to make the approach from that highway to the town as attractive a‘ | definite action was taken..Some mem |remedy the condition. The cost of | the remodelling, about $10,000, had seemed rather high and the plan had | been left in abeyance ever since. After membars of the Ratepayers‘ Associaâ€" tion that they decorate their homes for the coromation and blossom time and another motion that the members of the executive of the Ratepayers‘ Association canvass their own wards for new members were the only other motions passed during the evening. ‘The Hydro purchase question causâ€" |stem be corrected and had absoived themseives from any consequences if the system were not changed. J. Chil. vers explained a plan which had been hn.n(nm‘flâ€â€˜ ented to the town, which would â€"â€" AWAY BACK WHEN â€" During the discussion, which preâ€" ceded the passing of the motion reâ€" garding the town sewerage disposal plant, it was pointed out that the Onâ€" tario Department of Health had reâ€" lm-nunmm-n-mv several had expressed the opinion that when it came to a matter of health, cost should be the last consideration, (Continued from page 1) fect a considprable saving and that he would present full details â€"with costs at the next meeting. f WANT CONDITION® AT TOWN DISPOSAL ___ PLANT REMEDIED Phyllis Jewson 55, Blake Marlow 53. Below 50% â€"â€" Glenn Bearss. Ham Phoenix 55, Evelyn Lealie 53. ‘ Commercial â€" Margaret Sims 85, Olena Pyndyk 81, Nancy Haworth 70, George Merritt 78, Doris MacBride 77, Elizabeth Wisnowski 74, Christine Reise 73, Gordon Ghent 71, Gladys Lunt 68, Dougias Gibbons 67, Edith Irish 64, Ruby Scott 64, Elizabeth Caverhill 62, Geneveive Blanchard 61, George Stuart 61, Emily Irish 56, Helen McNiven 50, Lioyd Fuir 58, The big day lake me out of the path in which I was driving. 1 rightt it, Then [3 mnlm«mn‘uud‘ Ihoeuldlflnlnm‘." ‘IINMflum |...‘.=. ‘Mhu-aonmm car |but I could not. 1 very definitely pulled my car to the jeft, I was goâ€" Ing 35 milks an hour or Jeas", whe awore. Following is the v<rdict: "We find Mml.lqu"‘.--†death from injurics ~ceived in & moâ€" tor aceident on No. 29 highway in township of Gainsbo»> on July 25. m&hym-.u.,;,_.-_. Hudson car in which \ir. gouirrell was caused by reaSon ©/ car d Mra. Noonan becom. "up driven by Mrs. Cai» N We find ; attracted by its front wheels wobbling badly. M‘-tnhd-.m back and forth across the road and then shot across the road right into the Squirrell car, !: was not going fast, they said. \ _ Wiltiam Urgubart, 8t. Ann‘s, said e had just turned on to the highway. Both the Noonan ani Patterson cars had just passed him. He saw the Noonan car swerving but did not see the actual crash. Ho believed wind had caught the car nd caused Mrs. Noonan to lose conrol. The â€" crash happened just as the cars emerged from the shelter of a bush which broke the force of th . Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Patterson, of 8t. Thomas, eyewitncsses of the erash. testified that they saw the Noonan car in front of theirs on the bighway just before the accident and that they were said, had swerved after passing anâ€" other. His wife had got it back into other driver, said he was in the front seat with his wife. He thought perâ€" haps the wind had caused the car to swerve or‘cise a defiated tire might have been the cause. ‘Their car, be line when there was a sudden or more the left and hit us. We thought we were safe when it turned back into line. numu.lm perhaps it was fast and out of control. ‘There was a Wind but not nn‘b_-lâ€"ny:-&lun front seat beside her husband when ’mmm "I saw the ‘mflrflmmlnul usual manner Afd I was alarmed. Tt looked to be driven by an incxperiencâ€" «d driver or an intoxicated person. 1 said to my husband to keep well to the right.» The car was going fast It fl“h_rb.wvhn I saw it. It passed the other car, cut in quite sharp then made a swerve to Mrs. Gertrude i1, wife of dead -ll:flfl was riding in front nent BeAHIG MeF hustams n Constable Wood said he had driven his motoreycle all day without the sideâ€" ear and the wind had not bothered him at all. & taken at the mecident. Je ha helped remove the injured. to t} INQUIRY INTO Pror. SQUIRRELL‘s DEATH Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp. The Home and Schoo! Club had a very successful meeting and a splenâ€" did programme. The next meeting is to be April 15th. Come one, come all. Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Reeves of Hamilton Beach spent Priday with Mr. and Mrs. end in Hamilton. _ _ Mr. L. Carson of Expanois is »7 ing three weeks at his home hore with Mr. and Mra. Curtis Miller. _ Norman Haywood spent the week Mr. and Mrs, W, P, Millwari, Hamâ€" llton and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Millward of Hamilton Beach spent Sunday with Mr. and Mro. Wrn. Vail 57« past week in 8t. Catharines v Mr. and Mra. Chas. Wardel Mr. and Mrs. Jas »pcCrea and daughter of Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent the weekend with Mrs. J, 1tâ€"Crea. The latter returned home with tom for a of Mr. Wilcox, Smithyilic, and Mr. Blackwood has ‘hired Norman Hayâ€" fl‘lm~..ï¬ Susicko of |_THIRTY MOUNTAIN | Mr, Mer friends will regret the incss of | rs. Nelson and will wish her a} Mr. J. Sobey has secureâ€"i the service (Continued from page i\ Hupmobile car rite Noonan, of ®. Curtis Miller, |_ It was pointed out by Mr. Strathy o0d spent the weekâ€"| that for every dollar spent under the , Home Improvement Pian, three dolâ€" di’-uhu.;mn-,hu-w.“mb at his home here | not receive loans. The fact that their | C. Reeves of Hamilton nelghbors improved their propertics| AY with Mr. and Mr«.| encouraged them to do likewise, } | St. Kitts Grants $1,000 | J. Williams spent! A number of municipalities are enâ€"|‘ E % Ln wind, he said. ireday also the the ting tcring enthuslastically into the promoâ€". tion of the plan, notably the city of St. Catharines . which has â€" contributed $1,000 for that purpose. This suppleâ€" mented by another $500 from the Meâ€" Kinnon Industries division of General Motors. A special survey of the city is to be made to nscertain improveâ€" ments that might be made. An invitation has been received from the St. Catharines Chamber of Comâ€" merce to attend a Home Improvement Exhibition, featuring the latest in household needs for the home, to be \ Encourages improvements ‘The fact was also emphasized that not only does the plan stimulate buildâ€" ing activities among the home owners utilizing it but also among others who are in a position to finance their own projects. They too are encouraged to improve their properties, giving emâ€" ployment to those in need of it. Dominion Home Improvement Loan Guarantee Plan, are not to be added to the assesament during the period of three years over which prepayment of the loans may be made. If dwelling thus improved is subjected to increase in assessment the onus is placed upon the assessor to prove that the increase is occasioned from some cause other than the added value due to such im« Y, ONTARIO "ITIZENS HEAR ‘‘‘‘‘PrTaINS or nour LHEVBR TRUCHKS 7 Easy Terms Through The General * Motors Instaiment Plan (Continued from page 1) from ..‘-' of ine ossures maximum power every gasoline . . . develops the mmu&-uï¬nm“ « . . is absolutely unequalled for allâ€"round economy of operation and upkeep. These big, smartlooking trucks have many sther mwumuwu distribution assure bigger loads per trip and more trips per day. Perfected hydraulic brakes assure safe, “ï¬mw‘mb"w cabs provide protection and comfort for the driver, Efllvmdnhlvflulhï¬d“fl profit by choosing Chevrolet commercial units because they give more power per gallon and lower cost per load ! The new and improved Chevrolet sixâ€"cylinder highâ€" GRIMSBY GARAGE Bright Business Outiook A number of those present spoke optimistically of the business outlook for the coming months, the steel inâ€" mm.manm-‘ Mh‘-“mm at the present time. * One of the citizens present predictâ€" «4 that by September 1st every skillâ€" ed worker would be employed. Showing in Theatres In order to stimulate interest in the nnn--n-u-pnr.m‘ uum-â€"wuumm‘ ed to do so and, to. be ready next month for showing in the theatres. Literature Available It was decided to place literature in some of the stores and places of busiâ€" ness where it would be avallable to those interested. H‘hmthAn Tth to 14th. «in Not in Position.T. So hmh--*.".u the town might utilize the to make improvements to a nuthber of properâ€" ""“'--'--!vh--:‘m. Mayor Lewis said he did not think there was any use to put_any more money into thim. ‘The properties had been offered for sale for less than the taxes. He added that the town could not afford to spend money on them.| Three had been torn down. ‘}FOR SPEEDY RELIEF USE I |PENETRO 25¢ ’ | To break up a chest coldâ€"it -" Ey relieves congestion 55 MAIN STREET East WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1937. and Mrs. Fred Duck Mre. Lioyd Jacobs and son, Conrad, spent a few days last week with Mr. People will be the guests of Smithville Y.P.8. dance. â€" This week‘s meeting is being held at the Smithville Presbyterian The April meeting of the Ladies Ald is being held at Mrs. Wri. Duck‘s home this Wednesday, ‘The midâ€"week meeting of the Church was held at Mr. and Mrs. F. Black‘s home last ‘Thursday evening with a good attenâ€" guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson _ _Miss Dorothy Duck of Hamilton spent the weekend at her home. Mrs. Wm. Yorston spent a few days last week in Hamilton. THERE‘S NO Deray when you orper Mr. and Mrs. Roland Merritt and family of ‘Toronto, spent the Easter hlh.--llh.h-'lm Mr. and Mrs. Jason Merritt. _ _Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshali, and little daughter Shirley, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Walker on Saturâ€"