fl Kellogg‘s All Bran _ For Livability in Baby Chicks, Use Red & White Toilet Paper ..______ 3 for 23¢ CANADIAN NATIONAL PAGGAGE Chacked. Btopovers at Port Arthur, Anustroug. Chieago and west. r“â€&â€"“dd“ï¬-u ASK FOR HANDBHLL TICKETS GoOP in @COMCHES at fares approsimately o per mile, WESTERN CANADA FRESH VEGETABLES AI."AY;B ON HAND From all Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY â€" MAY 14 to 28 inclusive Returm Limits 45 days Doi oant MBHPING CABRS at fares approsimately 1(0 per mille, :'A‘...“fl.-h-“llï¬-* MARTINâ€"SENOUR SHERWINâ€"WILLIAMS CANADA PAINT twgsn EXCURSIONS .l NOWM'S? $ THEAL BROS. PHONE 5 There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. The undernoted top quality brands of white lead. paint are now reduced in price to $3.75 per gallon. Their famous quality is unchanged. Why visk using paints of less reliable quaâ€" lity when you can have the assured beauty and protection of these time» tested brands at this popular figure? Any one of them will give you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy from first to last. arocenies FLOUR AND Gecorations, such Ls box e s, wreath$ AP" ‘stands, etc., not latâ€" *T th#% May 11, 1986. The annual cleanâ€"up of Qm'nhnwry ln':ml u.udllhtlndmv"ow'nm are requested to move &l} wintap PLEASE CLEANâ€"UP YOUR CEMETERY JUNIOR INSTITUTE MEETS ‘The Haltfleet Junior institute held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. E. Jones. The roil call was answered by " A trip I would like to take," and Miss Pearl Krick gave an interesting account of her recent trip to British Columbisa. ‘The final meeting of the institute bridge club will be held at the home of Mrs. Ivan Davey on May 20. On May 1 and thereafter, for the balance of the season motorists and pedestrians need to be on the lookout for the stop light at the corner dl Main and Depot Streets, at which‘time it is to be turned on. I A most interesting talk given by Rev. E. A. Earchman on the subject, "The Mind of the Child" was enjoyed by some thirty mothers at the Mothâ€" ers‘ club held on Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Stevenson‘s home. A social half hour was spent after which lunch was served by ‘the Committce in charge. ‘The May mecting, with Mrs. Garrett as the speaker, will be held at Mrs. L. Bromley‘s home. , !loea! organization. Upwards of oné | hundred were in attendance at the through continued illness. Artist, Homer Watson, R.C.A., are on exhibit at his art gailery, Doon, near Preston, and the public is cordially inâ€" vited to a special sale of pictures now in progress. Mis friends will regret to learn that Mr. Watson who is in his ‘The local fire departmment was called out on Sunday for the first time in several weeks to a chimney fire at a I On Monday evening last about fifty members of the Mount Hamiiton Young People‘s Society were guests of I‘hflyudwhnumm‘ here when a game in the third round of a series of Biblical baseball contests being conducted in the district, was played, resulting in a win for the visitors. ‘The devotional period at the beginning of the meeting was in charge of the visiting society, Miss McVittic, the president. presiding. A social hour was afterwards enjoyed, refreshments being served by the l-ununu-.â€"nuu raise . the funds, he was given 10 days in jail. The complainant was Mary Walski On charges of speeding through the have charge of the evening service in Trinity United Church on Mothers‘ Day, May 10th. Miss Ruby Brown, Director of Religious Education at Zion Church, Brantford, will be the speaker. St. Andrew‘s W.A., will hold a Rumâ€" mage Sale on Saturday, May 16, in the Fames Block. | Mamilton and R. L. Raymond, 102 Gerrard Street, Toronto, were each fined $6.85. The LO.D.E. will hold their regular bridge at the home of Mrs. Lawson, Maple Ave., on May 4, at 245. ‘ well as Grimsby, are expected to atâ€" An organization meeting of the Fruitbelt Softball League will be held here on Friday evening at nine o‘clock, Daylight Saving Time. Representaâ€" tives from the various teams, thcludâ€" ulflymm&b‘ by Beach, Smithville and St. Anna, as In police court on Tuesday, John R. Mudson, Beamsvilie, was assessed $14.00 for operating a car on Main Street with defective brakes.,Constable ‘Turner was the complainant. > The Canadian Girls In Training will Further particulars later. Lincoin Loyalist Chapter, LO.D.E., will hold a Bake Sale on May 23rd. In last week‘s court, 8. Kalock, binson Street was fined $12.25 Local Items of Interest JOHN H. DICK, Treasure range (oval fire pot) | Nordheimer plano and stool. 1 wici I’ Rm ETt i fire 1 & :... -E::":l-mnl.'lml _l‘.::":.:."‘,..:"...."' Schofteld, Ridge ,(M-nâ€.nam;h-el.lmu;..: mt en ateâ€"ome s mrpange | in erent oc ihamate,, 1 dlu.: 1 y ’::,"','.';_‘,* fancy clock, 2 carpet runners, 1 oak ise the 'm 1° walnut ‘fprary| ©0B#0l¢, 1 brass jardiniere, 1 red curâ€" Wednesday â€" Thursday, May 6 â€" T "THE MELODY LINGERS ON" MATINEEâ€"# "ANNIE OAKLEY® _ Monday â€" _fl:ouy. May 4 "Fox Movietone News* _ ‘The Three Orphan Kittens" MOORE‘s TheareE "IN PERSON® Ginger Rogers, George Brent -n&vd;-ruubymuuuy‘ Creek brigade to purning cars and i"fl--ï¬-Whmm ship, the Saltfic«‘¥ouncil is likely to take action at i+« â€"meeting whereby lhn-ndv.v-uwud-wm‘ be made to pay for the services of the FOR RENT = ight housekeeping reoms, heated. Ajso room and board. w_~ Ave., I»u..-m:!. Friday "An Old Fashioned Movie" WANTED A 40OB â€" bv experienced h:th-. Can also do u::;u'mu plumbing, ning ‘armâ€" Roger fl Phone 145W, or Write Box 101 Indepenâ€" "Mad o es h supet Y. m Boldier and Land Mmm Box 107, St. Catharins or phone Tud Ves 406 Pigatt Biy. 100 84. Pood 2, -h'-_l.h. Vel. St. Cutharines 798 Tol. Repuat 18Mb St. Cutharines, Oot. . Hisaitten, Out, omans im mnora Oâ€"tam@ cmes owners may nave to ray | Lakeview Greenhouses fewe... ' 28 Robinson §t. N. â€" Phone 175W Faced with haviny to for a imb o9 GeRit _ PY £9f Alour rrowens, rorteo ruants =u-, mew. Apply A. H. (first house west of Coles® Greenhouse.) it Stp En oo mm matines...... â€"__ FOR SALEâ€" New beds, floor coverâ€" FINANCE CORPORATION vnter Commme Crvicnmem Superviuee CENTRAL lhvl“l twin 73. kA: “v:d buy. William l-w."p‘..."';.fum ltp FOR SALEâ€"Cumberiand Black Raspâ€" heresd _1 throw #mall heater (Radiant), 1 smail kitâ€" _-d- range, l‘ uuu-;“ htlllr.ll bedâ€" :-"5--. Ta Im-lnnpkn.. c;: To married couples ‘%â€"â€" "bm 0 AUTO LOANS Tosingie © noustnoup 10oans troln and records, 2 side tables, 1 We Help You Help Yourself LOANS ‘OR SAL read w“‘“‘“‘ ETTE w I bessiy one year trancplants. Rea: | Sreet: ‘Grimaby, on Baturday.| May snonable price. Phone 7, Winona. 1t | 2nd, 1936, at 1 o‘cieck Sharp, the fol. Only Borrower Signs I}X‘.uhnz Nates Asthorwed uy Samalal . Act ot Domizion Pertigmneat * $50 :« $5§00 Lowest rates in Canada for this type of service sATURDAY at 2:30 p.m. FOR RENT , May 1 + 2 M TCP JOAUECTY onk . 1, oak 1 -:ua-u-..eu}.-:'"’_“.“ sommode 1 24P | bed, spring and mattress, 1 bed cover, â€"â€"â€"_____... | 2 pillows and slips, 1 Hudson seal fur ED zfl-ltâ€"‘..lï¬htd.'" and slip, bedding and towels in dresser " |drawers, 1 single brass bed, T" NG MHELP may|and mattress, 1 Axminster rug, 1 dinâ€" kiey, Full @UPC!*| ing chair, 1 dresser and runner, per. Land Settiement.| sonal effects and bedding. clothing. 1 irinâ€"s or phoM®| kitchen cabinet, 1 coal oll heater, 1â€"3 . St. Catharine®| burner coal ofl stove, 1 heatet, 1 iawn ‘fm.lnzkh'fln.lwm -M"mm"'fl'.lmw.lu-l ;.n'l’r’::uuluw“"'f“"mmn‘hc‘ #, Phone “"_,M lh-!lfl-hhh ‘ Ite 10 MAINBTREET. EAST, GRImsSBT PRONE 174 FRAEE DELIVERY TO CUSTOMERS WISHING An ORDER |, Duil s PORDCCDY T PR 1 i‘ | ateel cot, 1 heater, 3 rockers, 1 dressâ€" 'w.lh-nt.ummq-m, ‘lll'h.!'-ih‘-u.nl_l a * | fects and clothing, 1 brussels carpet â€"|square, 1 small Tug. 1 wicker chair, "/1 oak dresser, 1. oak commode. 1 .Im,«“““.g, cooking [;mt-flh&ufl cover, p| 1 ladies‘ upbolstered wainut chair, 1 â€" music cabizct, 1 large mirror, 3 sets Y | curtains asd over curtains, 1 exten ‘ ¢ / sion oak dining table and heavy cover, ;ll-nh..-uglm.u. | nut chair, 1 onk table and cover, 1 * |dining thar, (1 buifer contalutty seme AND BEDDING PLANTS. . _ Good Assortment for Mother‘s Day | n i. se h o e n CARROLLES J. G. Pettigrew, Auctioneer, Smithâ€" ville has been instructed to sell byâ€" Ketchup § lon brtin 95e Clristic‘s Milk Chocolste * Fig Bars Anze Lee Choics Tomatoes Q Ne 24 Tm 19¢â€" Homshee Sehaye .. Salmon Meins Temate No 11» 10¢g Libby‘s Pork and Beans Mclwen‘s Auorted Jelly Desserts 3 "o 14¢ ONTARIO PUBLIC AUCTION Cocoanut Pood 15¢ Sardines 2 != 97¢ No. 234 Tim Stvedded or Fine J, G. PETTIGREW, Auctioncer. 19¢ Jam w6 t« 32. 1» 91° Flour â€" »â€" b;’t.I.ITIOAP 8 Ghe T1¢ 1 SOAP FLAKES us Pis. 20c CORN BROOMS mss 27, Save the Coupons! COMFORT SOAP 4 sn 15 Costed with Neilson‘s Lowney‘s Assorted MALLOWS ady* J 6Â¥4â€"0r. Cello P Q5° Work on the sewer extension, Main fit, West, is now in progress, the proâ€" jJect having been authorized by councii hmmmml recently. BISCUITS Feo W. BRAY umiteo CHICK HATCHERY Don‘t delay â€" we‘re into May. rice tot wany ‘Then Wook your order for Bray chicks. We be. Heve it will pay you. rrapinediatis Brcomewr ced .. 3. built upon â€" low losses, high nfl::h--u-u-num- ers "advertise Bray Chicks to all the neighbors". ic "&s‘. ‘tr 28° Wagstaffe‘s Red Plum That‘s what the remarkable inâ€" crease in Bray business has been -'n'h,:" ; 70 per cent. At 4‘; months the cockereis ¢d 5 Ibe. apiece. wsugh He bought 300 Bray Chicks last spring. ‘The extras MORE than covered the losses, and he raisâ€" «d 301. At 4‘, months the pulâ€" lets began to lay, and in the high» at Otterville, Ont. Here‘s the "ovc-huho 1 am well satisfied, and will advertise Bray Chicks to all my neigh PHONE 1836 * $T. CATHARINES, ONT. Tickets and Information At KANMACHER‘S RESTAURANT, Grim BRAY CHICKS 4 TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY Day LEAVE GRIMSBY Mto smm 235 p.m. $20 pm. 10.35 pm. Eastern Standard Time ATTRACTIVE ROUND TRIP FaRrEs Torontoâ€"§2.60 Ottawaâ€"$12.60 Montrealâ€"$16.10 DIRECT TO TORONTO $7.80 Wave for $5.00 Wave for §2.50 Wave for . 3 §$3.50 Wave for .___ Coceanut Oil Shampoo and Hamllton, April 20th; 1036. marng wears 2 220CE C00 SHU. ;osu.v:u-:zmuum- ber three in the frst concession containing 95%, neres be the . same more or leas. 'nur-pnqul-nm about one and a miles south east :=m-‘..1'.:‘.d|h:-“l'l a paved road. we -t-u-u:-..m-.. c?'.m. Froperty erected a good me dwelling and a bank barn. m-flhmum.. possible suitable to the purchaser. h me i h egenr~ sn BB .i â€"'ï¬smmum at the of sale, defoult having been made in payment thereof, there will b-'lh-\m.m bid, by PUBLIC AU on the premises situate about one and a hais miles | southeast from Winsiow, on WEDNESDAY, THE 13 Day oF #'.A-Elulfldchclup‘;: following namely : Township of Gaizaboro in the Counte L OO OCCTOICT CERTUE of a power of sale contained in a certain WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1936 For further particula râ€"â€";. 5: O.K£ 3 Scowing Pade Me 14¢ * 23¢ Floor Wax Oy Kellage‘râ€"For M« . _ Phone §16, Grimsby C SPECIALS M.O.‘Powdered . 82 ""~ 10¢ WellMade sad Swong Red River SALE OF VALuABLE 10¢ V hm Muron & Erie Bidg NOMICAL 57¢