\â€"CHOOSE THE BEST Feltolâ€"Rugs in all sizes. Oillclothâ€"In 1 yd., 2 yd. and 214 yd widths. +4 mimkm. Congoleum and Ollcloth. Cocoa and Matting and Rubber Matting 1 ED PSDERIT ll-lvv zes of bordered and borderle w_ e .““_'" 1'_ yd., 2 yd. and 3 yd. widths. J. W. BUCK COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF LINOLEUM, CongoLEuM, rn;:on. &umu;:;.om.m Linoleumâ€"heavy quality in 1 yd., 2 yd. 4 yd. widt! Inlaid Lincleumâ€"All 2 yds. Wide. _‘ _ _‘ = V BAB L s&';?""‘ F.h Rn' Silverwood‘s MILK 28 oz. tin 2 for 19¢ 5‘ b’ 3 for 25¢ NAVAL ORANGES .........}..« 27¢, 39¢ and 49¢ Doz. JUMBO LEMONS .........}>l lssn s 0e 20c 02. 28¢ Doz. FRESH VEGETABLES ALWAYS ON HAND., Last year F. C. Biggs & Sons, Dundas on April 18th, put in 500 chicks. They kept records to see if they would pay. By November 30th they had 219 pullets clear of all expense after charging for cost of 500 chicks, brooding and all feed to that date. These pullets laid 14,625 eggs in 100 days, an average of 10;;. They were raised on Purina Startena, Growena and Fed Purina Layena. Infant Delight The Owner Serves â€" â€" The Buyer Saves Tall tin .. 10¢ HAWE‘S FLOOR WAX ........... MAGIC BAKING POWDER, (Cash and Carry) .... RED & WHITE ORANGE PEKOE TEA, 4 lb. .... GOLD MEDAL STRAWBERRY JAM, 82 oz. Jar .. 29¢ GOLD MEDAL RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz. Jar .... 2%¢ CVE B. MARMALADE ......................... Me Notice is hereby given that the list of lands liable to be sold for arrears of taxes or rates in the Township of North Grimsby hlmmuhtwwummmmth the zumx 17th and 24th of February and the 3rd. of March, 1934. In default of payment of taxes as shown en such list on or before Saturday, the twelfth day of May, 1934, at td“h-mmmlmmwutmwnmm Chambers Grimsby, proceed to sel Public Auction, (ale loguiher with the charges t nergon i Tawi mee may ‘The copy of said list ma be seen at the Treasurer‘s Office. s 4 Dated at North Grimsby this 5th day of February, 1934. + » THOMAS W. ALLAN, Treasurer. PEA and VEGETABLE Golden Spray CHEESE 2 phgs. 25¢ KOLONA ANGLER SALMON 2 for 11¢ 5 for 23¢ FLOOR COVERING WEEK Treasurer‘s Oale of Lands for Taxes Township of North Grimsby, County of Lincolin. NEWMARKET $4.20 BARRIE $5.75 OSHAWA $4.15 MONTREAL $16.10 (Subject to change without notice) Tickets, Timetables and All Coach Travel Information at KANMACHER‘s RESTAURANT â€" Phone 466 INIILAL PRVV: & MEATS «y" FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY J. W. BUCK & SON THEAL BROS Pork & Beans CORN BEEF RED & WHITE BEAMSVILLE C. W. BUCK PLUM JAM BRUNSWICK 2 for 25¢ 5 for 23¢ Large Tin AYLMER 37c D. 40 oz. Jar 25¢ 12 oz. 10¢ 88 TUTB â€"am â€"am m ~me + also in ‘The High and Public Schools will reâ€"open on Monday next, following the Easter holidays. The Financial Report of the Ton|" /y TTER of Grimsby for the us Pocny ko i ie w€i year 1933, duly| public Works Act being Chapt :"““'d mwmm'-‘wmamm 102 appears on pages 2 and 3 of this isâ€" INTHE:.I.AM‘O:" Cw l:fl'.l m.n:’um as ntymfl only to those who miss the unusual concert to be given in Trinity Hall at 8 p.m. by the choir of Trinity United Church. Mothers who brought their children to the first preâ€"school clinic are reâ€" minded that the second toxold clinic will be held on Tuesday, April 10, at 10 o‘clock. 5 ‘The I. O. D. E. Literary will be held on Monday, April 9th in the L O, D. E. Hall, at 3 o"clock. Mrs. W. H. Cline will give a paper on the recent book, "Anthony Adverse." _ There will also be a ladies‘ chorus and some readings. l Moving pictures showing how the Bell Telephone System is operated and the widespread character of this esâ€" sential service in the community, will be exhibited in Trinity Hall at next Monday evening‘s meeting of the Young People‘s Society, of Trinity Unâ€" ited Church. Mr. LePatoure, district manager of the company, will be preâ€" sent and address the gathering as the pictures are being shown. . ‘The meeting is open to the public. Albert Axworthy, a popular memâ€" ber of the Grimsby Fire Dept. was taken to a Hamiltor hospital, on Wedâ€" nesday, where he will undergo an opâ€" eration. His many friends will extendâ€" sincere good wishes for his carly reâ€" covery. Water pumped at the Grimsby Waâ€" ter Works for the month of March toâ€" tailed 8,238,000 gailons, March 5th beâ€" Ing the biggest day when 374,000 galâ€" lons were recorded. ‘The average numâ€" ber of gallons pumped per day was 265,742. ‘The increase for the month over 1933 amounted to 2,062,000 galâ€" lons. ‘The average increase per day over March, 1033, was 95,549 gallons. Leslie Bradt, of Vinemount, who was arrested by Provincial Constable Robâ€" bie a few days ago at Dunnyville on charges of breaking and entering on No, 20 highway was sentenced by Maâ€" gistrate Campbell to three months in jail on Wednesday. He was afterâ€" wards turned over to Detective Speakâ€" man, of Hamilton, to face five charâ€" wes there. The Easter Thankoffering of Trinâ€" ity W. M. S. affiliated organizations will be held in Trinityâ€"Hall on the ev» ening of Thursday, April 12 beginping at 8 o‘clock. There will be a devotionâ€" al service, some special music, and an address on Christian Stewardship by Mrs. Jas. Darber, of Niagara Falls. Refreshments will be served and a soâ€" clal half hour enjoyed. Everyone welâ€" come. _ (Continued from Page 1) Schwerk had seemed perfectly normal and had not smelled of lquor. . Dr. Ballantyne, who performed an autopay on the body of the deceased said death was due to peritonitus brought on by internal injuries. The right leg of the deceased was broken just above the ankle and he sustained a compound fracture just below the knee. ‘There were also superficial cuts and bruises. Dr. MacMilian stated in his evidence that Scatch was delirious priorâ€"to his removal to the Hospital. Trent saw Scatch outlined in Schwerk‘s headlight but though he did not see the man hit had heard the impact. It had been proposed that Scatch be removed at once to a hospital but a truck driver who was passing refused to perform this office so the injured man was brought back to Grimsby. He, Trent, jJudged the other car‘s speed to be norâ€" mal. NO DIS8COUNT ON AMERICAN MoNEY NOW Money exchange between Canadian and United States colnage has ceased to be a problem at St. Catharines, American money is now taken freely in the stores and even by the Post{ INQUEST HELD AT GRIMSBY The Burlington council has approvâ€" ed of an expenditure to advertise the merits of building in Burlington. Citiâ€" zens of the town enjoy all the privilegâ€" es of a country home, with the added advantages of having the services of a large metropolis close by. Home bullders will be encouraged in Burling» ton. Local Items of Interest Crown Attorney Lancaster afterâ€" wards intimated that it was improbâ€" able that any further charge would be laid. Friday, April 13th, will be unlucky THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO |\Improvement Act, being Chapter 394 \fmm Revised Statutes m . _ AND IN THE MATTER OF ‘The |Public Works Act being Chapter 52 \Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1927. . EXPROPRIATION hereto. TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation the County of Lincoin requires and vill take from you under the provisâ€" tons & The nm-y Improvement Ac ma The Public Works Act, for \ w P t mm, Road System, l{l your right, title and interest in and to thr Iands as set forth in the desâ€" criptiin contained in Schedule "A" IN THE MATTER OF The Highway ANDFURTHER TAKE NOTICE that aPlan and MW the said lands were “l‘“l, Officr for m:r Division of the Count of Lincoln on the 5th day of AIL and SINGULAR that certain parcd or tract of land and premises, mun.mmwumun'rm- whip of Grimaby in the Counâ€" i. vuthining y admessurement.. 25 to, admeasuremen hundedths of an acre, more or leas, beinga Part of Lot 9 in the Second Concesion of the said Township, and which said parcel or tract may be more particularly described as folâ€" lows COMMENCING at a point in the westerly boundary of the Road Allovance between Lots 8 and 9, distint therein northerly, 580 and 3 tentls feet from the northerly boundâ€" ary the Road Allowance between Concasions 2 amd 3; THENCE North T0 dgrees and 36 minutes west, 80 "’:‘.....41"'“" iey of the Orimany Mosn: terly! Mounâ€" tain Road, w -ld';:lnt is the igedp %CE b‘ cribed property; North 79 d«-gmudalmlmunwmlohd:‘ | THENCE North 7 degrees and 4 minâ€" |utes East, 72 and 9 tenths feet; THENCE North 5 degrees and 13 minâ€" Ium West, 178 and 9 tenths feet; l'rn!:lCE North 8 degrees and 14 |minues West, 331 and 8 tenths feet; ; THENCE North 2 degrees and 36 ‘m-;rh"n.t;mcmm; ‘ North 7 degrees and 0 minâ€" |utes East, 388 and 9 tenths feet; THENCE North O degrees and 41 :ulul:nwut. 101 feet, more or less 0 thesou boundary of the town ololmm Easterly in saidlast mentioned boundary to the wmrlyhmnh%u. Grimaby Mourain Road; Clloul-a in sed last mentioned boundary, 1 rml:onorh-wmï¬md... K » AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tist any claim to compensation for wch expropriation must be filed in he Office of the County Treasurer in he Court House, St. Catharines, withâ€" h 6 months after such registration of wast Plan and description. * DA"ED at Bt. Catharines this 26th day «& March, A.D., 10934. « A. W. MARQUIS, Solicitor for the Corporation ‘ of the County of Lincoin. "PARTLOT 9 IN CONCESSION 2, TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GRIMSBY" A. Biby, Deceased, The is Schedule "A" referred to in the Totice of Expropriation attached Tr the Classified Column of The Indwendent. You will get results. NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION Monday, Tuesday, April 9, 10 "DESIGN FOR Living® Miriam Hopkina, Frederic March, ogirv Cooper "Parade of The Wooden Soldiers" “Nd:.ym On Parade" "Rumba Rhythm" Tw Executors of the Estate of Jane PEER MASHTELAR, ‘Township of North Grimsby, y nesday, Thursday, April 11, 12 "son or kona® Robert Armstrong, Helen Mack "Fox Movietons News" "What For® _ "Gay Gauche" $90.00 to $150.00 All sold with written guarantee. Several nice fruit farmers horses One real nice mare in foal, and op beautiful Hackney Mare. mwmmm to fourten hundred, Prices PEER EDMOND Friday, Saturday, April 6, 7 "MR. SKITCH® HORSE! HORSES! HEATr E w lll Rogers, Zasu Pitts "Statie" "A Gypey Fiddler® "Kid ‘N Africa® South FOR §SALEâ€" Underwood Typewriter, Good condition, will rent or sell cheap. m&aflw Office, G s 3tp PROCURE YOUR NURSERY STOCK NOW â€" before it is too late. 8. Young, Box 502, Grimaby Beach, Phone 177r14. 3tp FOR SALEâ€"A quantity of red clover seed. App!& Gordon Etherington, It. R. No. 1, Grimsby. _ _ Stp TOR SALE â€" Nearly new, frame semiâ€"bungalow, 6 rooms, recently inted and decorated, Fireâ€"place, :mm floors, threeâ€"plece bathâ€" room. Fullâ€"aize cement cellar. Furâ€" nace and blower, water, gas, clecâ€" tricity, sewer. Veranda, lawn, garâ€" den. â€"Fine residential street, Grimsâ€" by. W. H. Cline, Grimsby Beach. tf FOR RENT â€" 7 roomed bouse with all conveniences at 23 Oak St. tz gly Kisie M. Drury, Phone rimaby. t ite 'OA. u:'r â€"A-Ham- on Pnrg Road. pply Mrs. reenwood, Grimaby Beach, Phone 114â€"râ€"4. 3tp FIVE ROOM HOUSE TO LET â€" On Robinson Street South, available 15th April, all conveniences, some fruit. _ Apply 22 Robinson St. FOR RENT â€" Houses on Elm St. and Main St. Apply 23 Mountain St., Grimsby, Phone 201. â€" Ite WANTED TO RENTâ€"One large or :::l. -.nll rooms, unfurnished, with on 40. indopendent orfice. * Iip FOR RENT â€" 7 roomed brick house FOR RENT, 3 or 4 roomed Apartment all conveniences, also garage <and use of good sized garden. Posseasion May 1st, Apply 5 Adelaide St. 1tp Wanted â€" foot sufferers who canâ€" not get results from pads to use Cress Corn or Bunion Salve.. For sale at Dymond‘s Drug Store, Grimsby, Ont. |Q’:|’°:'WA:=I'=;.â€"G to 6 weeks old, te . _ Apply T. 0,..Baer 151. grimby, _ _ _ MJ 16 MAIN STREET, EAST South, Grimsby with a . All conveniences, 7 Paton m 432, Grimsby. 1te CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FLOOR WaAx 1â€"lb tin 429¢ NAPHTHA SOAP ~*â€"">~ *# ban t CASTILE SOAP AMMONIA FOR SALE CLEANSER _3 cakes 14¢ H.O. Powdered FANCY LOBSTER large tin 25¢ FOR RENT Marshall‘s Kippered HERRINGS 2 1g. tins 35¢ Chef Brand IRISH STEW First Choice Freach MUSHROOMS 6Vzâ€"01. tin 15¢ Speeds Washing With Floods of Sude! WANTED Ig. No. 2 tin ] e SPINACH mommmsmemmmmmmmmemene _ FREE DELIVERY To CUSBTOMERS Wisuinc an ORDER Fancy Quality tm Womhing ‘| LiEAAA NE 18 ) Eomatopeants .. 1 F _ eds Washing < P 20 | CARROLL‘S | : is 20°¢ * ‘â€"__“7-“'â€â€˜ “â€"_â€"â€"_â€" 4 plgs. 25¢ 2 tins 25¢ 5 tins 25¢ WAX BEANS APRICOTSia) SALMON No. 2tn 15¢ | (2 40. um 25¢ TOMATOES Waystaffe‘sâ€"Red and Stonclessâ€"Mark the big jar! Your choice of Nature‘s Best or Tip Top Brands PURE LARD PROCLAMATION Pursuant to Byâ€"Law No. 723 of the Town of Grimsby I hereby proclaim, under authority of the Council, passed the 14th day of March, 1934, that no dog or bitch shall be allowed to run at large in the town of Grimsby during the period from April 1st, 1934, to November 1st, 1934, save and exeert such dogs as may be seâ€" curely leashed and under the control of .some competent perâ€" PLUM JAM Grimsby, March 24th, 1934. RESPECTABLE Woman wants work of any llnd.zdny or week. Apâ€" ply Box 99, Independent Office. itp FRED & HARLEY, 36 St Paul St 2. No. 2 tins 23“ Maple Leaf Bran St. Catharinesâ€" Upholstering, Furâ€" niture Repairing and â€" Refinishing. We are in Grimsby and surrounding district every week. Estimates and 40â€"o0z. jar Town Of Grimsby A wonderful value, Ladies‘ celanese hose Size 8% to 10. . GRIMSBY DRYGOODS 60. gl?k,sm.‘Or«n. Wmm shell, 6€ $1.98 to $2.98 HICKORY GIRDLES $1.00 ANGEL SKIN SLIPS Lace trimmed and shaped. Blue, Green, Wine. Extra Value 1â€"10. pis. 1@Q¢° LADIES‘ TWIN SWEATER SETS WATSON MePHERSON, Mayor. No. 2 tin 7 * 39¢ pair SILK HOSE SILK BLOUSES $1.00 ia 93° Ladies‘ Full Fashâ€" toned, all First Qualâ€" ity. All shades and SILK HOSE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1934. Friday, April 6th, 1934 W. C. Mackie Jr. President DANCING FROM 8.30 P. M. Music By NELS DICKSON‘S 10 PIECE RADIO ORCHESTRA Dress Optional A Different Diet An apple caused the first downfall of man, but peaches have handled the business ever since.â€"Orillia Newsâ€"Letter. ANNOUNCE THEIR SECOND ANNUAL The NEW SPRING MILLINERY Stylish_and Upâ€"toâ€"date. (Dancing, Cards, Refreshments) â€"to be held in the â€" MEN‘S FINE FELT HATS _ Newest Shapes. _ â€"â€" EVERYONE WELCOME â€" RAYON CURTAIN NET "AT HOME" $1.98 to $2.98 $1.75 to $3.50 TVB FAST PRINTS Libby‘s Fancy Robertson‘s Fauy®* *5¢ MARMALADES 3 No. 2 tins 95 Fancy Santa Clara € LARGE PRuUnNES School Alumai Nature‘s Best Choice CHOICE PLUMS TOMATO JuiCe 2 big No. 214 tim 19¢ TABLE FIGS CHERRIES 2 No. 2 tim 27¢ 29c yard 14b. tin BEAMSVILLE 15¢ yard of Pure Cocon "Pure Perfection" COW AXx‘s Libby‘s Fancy $3.98 $ No. 2 tims 29e 2 No. 2 tim 19¢ 1602 ir 17¢ 2 lbs. 23¢ PHONE 174 23¢ 10¢ Tickets 506 plus 5¢ tax