Grimsby Independent (18851105), 16 May 1928, 1a

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hy There being no other> delegations before the council the following moâ€" tions were put through. Messrs. H. D. Walker and C. W. F. Carpenter addressed the council, on behalf of the Grimsby Chamber of Commerce asking for a grant to assist the Chamber of Commerce to broadâ€" cast and otherwise advertise Grimsby and its industrial sites. . Joseph Strong appeared asking for a ruling on the Wednesday afternoon closing. He pointed out that his groâ€" cery store came under the byâ€"law but not his bakeshop. The byâ€"law was exâ€" plained to Mr. Strong and his bakeâ€" shop will remain open. . ° _‘ In opening the session Mayor newâ€" son pointed out that there was considâ€" erable business for the ‘council ana he asked that his colleagues work and act quickly. This request was adhered to and. everything was carried out as rapidly as possible and the. council adjourned shortly after 11 oclock. Mr. H. Morgan representing the Toronto Globe addressed the council pointing out that they were undertakâ€" ing to run a special feature page for Grimsby : emphasizing blossom time. He asked the council to take a small advertisement to help defray the "exâ€" penses. tions were put through. ! On motion of Councillors Bourne Moved by Councillors Bourne ana and Durham C. J. Eames was granted Tregurnno that the town pay for a|a permit to remodel the front of the small advertisement in the Toronto‘ Mansion Hotel. Globe advertising blossom time: ; On motion of Councillors Bourne The Town Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers on Wednesday evening last with his worâ€" ship < Mayor Hewson presiding,â€" and all present except Reeve Fonger, who was ill. & _ A motion of Councillors Durham and Merritt that aâ€" grant of $75 be made to the Grimsby Chamber of Commerce was responsible for bringâ€" ing in an amendment by Councillors Tregunno and Bourne that grant of of $100 be made to the Chamber of ied e ampygl c o o e i e o Mn ie ) wes A There were services in most of the town churches, at which mention was made of the significance of the day. On Saturday flowers were seen in abundance everywhere. â€"Hundreds of local boys and girls, now residents of the U.S.A., returned home to visit mother over the weekâ€"end, and outâ€" ward bound trains carried many who were going to visit their mothers in their homes in other centres. Much Business Transacted At Town Council Meeting Ruling Was Asked on Wednesday Half Holidayâ€"Permit Must be Obtained Before Making Repairs and Additions to Buildingsâ€" No Action Was Taken on Firm Wishing to Rent Baymac _ Buildingâ€"Several Addressed the Council j Fortyâ€"Third Year While the councit aid not outline what they were going to from the department it has been reported that the department would be asked to take over the road passing through the town. t f It:was brought to the attention of the council that several peopie had erected additions and made repairs to their buildings without the necessary permit. ~To govern this and to preâ€" vent â€" its reâ€"occurrence _ councillors Bourne and Tregunno tabled a motion that a notice be inserted in the Indeâ€" pendent warning rate payers that they must obtain a building permit, for the erection of buildings, repairs and adâ€" ditions. ; On motion of Councilfors Durham andâ€" Wilkins the clerk was instructtd to write E. C. Lawrence and James A. Wray to: discontinue the dumping of large quantities of water in Orâ€" chard Lane, to prevent it wom disâ€" charging over~the side walk at the lane between the store of A. F. Hawke and [Kanmacher‘s restaurant. On â€"motion of Councillors Wilkins and Merritt Mr. Rumble was granted permission to run a drain under Maple Avenue on the south side of Clark Street, Mr. Rumble to protect the cros sing while work was being done and to keep the road intact. ‘ ard Bourne the accounts of the Joint Fire and Light Committee as per pay sheet No. 5 amounting to $109.97 were ordered paid. . * +On motion of Councillors Durham and Merritt H. L. Wood was granted a building permit for the erection of the two â€"houses on Robinsn Street south, the same to be under the super vision of the building inspector. THE IND The Grimsby Police Commissian held a special session on Monda‘l:r eveâ€" ning in the Town Hall to take up the matter of the dangerous corners nameâ€" ly Farrow‘s and Palmer‘s Hill. Durâ€" ing the past few months several acâ€" cidents have occurred at these places. His Worship Mayor Hewson attributâ€" ed the majority of accidents to reck: less driving and speeding. The comâ€" mission took up the matter of cutting down the speed of cars passing through the town with Chief of Police Wentworth to see if this would fot have some effect on reducnig the numâ€" ‘}-‘ber bf accidents. The Chief pointed out that he was unable to get Amercian ‘speed&rs owing to the fact that he had no means of pursuing them. He ’suggested that the town . mark offâ€" a portion of Meain Street and that he be 1_’equipped with a stop watch. The comâ€" mission then visited Farrow‘s Corner and Palmer‘s Hill and placed an ordâ€" er for the erection of flashing signals, to serve as a warning to motorists. T he work of erecting them will be rushed along and in the meantime the Chief c{ Police will summon those whom he catches speeding in the marked off area. BE The first thermometer was a toy devised by‘ Galileo. ‘ ; f Special Meeting of Police Commission Flashing Signals to be Erected At Palmer‘s Hill and Farrow‘s Cornerâ€"Chief ~of Poli¢e to Summons Spesders "Blossom Time" in the Niagara Peninsula is one of the greaâ€"â€" est features for which our "Garden of Canada" is known as a famâ€" ous beauty spot. Peach, cherry, plum, pear and apple trees come out in their pale and dark pinks and whites. The only way to appreâ€" ciate them is to see therrsljor it is the colour that is most alluring. The thousands of motory/‘passing through at this tin{g would indiâ€" cate that we have become known far and near. Above Miss Barbara Murdoch is seen peeking from behind a blossoming branch. Diâ€" rectly below is a St. David‘s home with the blossoming trees in the foreground. The upper right is an orchard near Grimsby in full Blossom Scenes in Grimsby and District GRIMSBY, WEDNI The heavy const dan is believed bi mick, Walkerville, C ed his life, and thos A. M. Morrow, C Lanspeary, all of V H. Farrell, Grimshb Grace hospital, suffe *d back. The othe cracked ribs and b An earthquake known to travel Ocean at the rate ute.~ F2 The sedan was by a light tourin girl of 16, namec her father, who w; ing car, escaped from the Rarrell | ed that ‘Mr. Farre up and was suffer other injuries. TH of A. M. Morrow this his injuries w removed to Grace rel is still in Win his daughter.. There are 620 motor cars on t Although their, over four times aft another maching, men and a residen aculously escaped . end crash on the T Ruthven. is _ iumeeroped H. Fafi%&ll Hurt In Auto Smash K ) . " rone | =~~~ 1 1 M Gouek s .‘i:gfi g f 5 mÂ¥Til7 e T Teatk f s & any local friends I?e sorry to learn uch that he was gi‘tal. Mr. Farâ€" at the home of k broadside on , driven by. a ord. . She: and ng in the tourâ€" ured. â€" Reporis last night statâ€" s badly shaken rom shock and ion of the seâ€" erton McCorâ€" r, to have savâ€" his passengers Bennett, T. F. erville and H. Morrow is in from an injurâ€" zot away with mobile turned ing struck by .Y, MAY 16th, 1928 Walkerville Grimsby imirâ€" in a weekâ€" road, west of of American has _ been the Pacific iiles a ming cBRene l abl t e un uh oc n n att heen ic e ut ho ie s en o i airc i ce n n t k ce t OeA n on 0d t it s ol i Nee t h ;‘-;:5'?;27,'tE:1:iiif:?:i:i:i:‘:ffi."’ en on . ie Y a PC e %5153?,3’:51535553:’ e es s es o o t ol o t e + s e o o oree o t s eR . ;“‘"&"fl@z P ,«v%’\a NYÂ¥ L ~ 2 NZ . 4 e m e 4 t hiy o e o oia e ie .. c agy‘ o t e eA h t ooo e n t e o oo e t o ooine s o ce o t c es o oo on Pegaie 2 1.-:,:~:§<~: oR art Mrs.~ Eleanor Hawke, mother of A. F. Hawke, is toâ€"day receiving conâ€" gratulations from her many friends on this, her 98th birthday. Freeman appeared in police court Monday morning charged /with reckâ€" less driving. After hearing the eviâ€" dence Magistrate Campbell reserved judgment until this afternon. The deâ€" fendant claimed that there was no sign on the road to indicate a turn and that he was blinded by the sun. The car he was driving did not belong to him. Provincial Constable Embleton was on the scene shortly after the crash and held the American and arâ€" raigned him in Police Court. A car was badly damaged ard two ladies slightly hurt in an accident that occurred on Palmer Hill about seven o‘clock Monday morning. The car that was damaged was driven by C. Cohen of Welland and two other occupants, Mrs. Cohen and Miss Oram, receivâ€" ed cuts about the head, necessitating stitches. The Cohen car was, proceedâ€" ing towards Hamilton and was just approaching ithe bend, in the road when an American car driven by J. Freeman of Niagara Falls, N.Y., came around the bend and the crash occurâ€" red. Driver of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Car Charged With Reckless Driving bloom. At the lower left under the shade of the cherry blossoras are the men who have been trying to tell the world aboult our blossom time. From left to right: C. J. Eames, Chairman of the Publicity Committee of the Grimsby Chamber of Commerce; D. C. Thomson,. Past Secretary; C. W. F. Carpenter, President; His Worship Mayor Hewson of Grimsbys H. G. Mogg, Editor Grimsby Independent; J. A. Campbell, Viceâ€"President and C. D. Wells, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer. The lower right shows two kiddies at Port Dalhousie getting their first glimpse of the blossoms.â€"Photo by courtesy Toronto Globe. ; wo Ladies : _ Slightly Hurt CONGRATULATIONS e o o ernogd T. . yyas y< 4 > ;5/ s $ 2x t 4C ‘~MrF.‘ H. D. Walker and C. _ W. F. Carpenter appeared asking for a grant for the Grimsby Chamber ef Comâ€" merce. Mr. Neff, agricultural repreâ€" sentative for the County of Linco:mm, asked the council to increase their grant to the school fairs and also outâ€" lined to the council the duties ana | some of the qualifications of a weed l inspector. _ He asked the clerk to ‘communicate with him as soon as posâ€" isible informing him whom the counâ€" I cil had appointed to the position of weed inspectr, so that he might be ‘notified to attend the convention of weed inspectors to be held in St. Cathâ€" ‘arines at an early date. . "One tree will make a million matâ€" ches, and one match will burn a milâ€" lion trees." Messrs. Wilcox and Allan appeared asking the council to repair the westâ€" erly portion of the road adjoining their On Saturday afternoon the fownâ€" ship council held their regular sesâ€" sion in the council chambers with all present. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting ware adopted. Reeve Oakes pointed out that thére were severalâ€" delegations present and it was decided to hear the deputations before proceeding with business. John W. Hilts Appointed | Weed Inspector for Township Township Council was in Session Five Hoursâ€"Many Delegations Addressed Counciiâ€"Court of Revision to Sit on June othâ€" Tenders to be Called for Hauling of Stoneâ€"Special Meeting to Take Up Road Programme anoum m d l Aignt Reessoune Weve ce e 6: zx O9th was set aside On motion of Deputy Reeve Lawâ€" son and Councillor Crittenden a grant of $40 was made â€" to the Grimsby Chamber of Commerce. The usual grant of 2$5 was made to the school fairs: . J § On motion f, Deputy Reeve Lawâ€" son and Councillor VanDuzer June There being no further delegations before the ocuncil the regular bus:â€" ness was proceeded with. A comâ€" munication was read from resident in the vicinity of where Mr. L. Stewart was to erect a gas pump, stating that they were not opposed to its erection. On motion of Councillors Eames and VanDuzer, Mr. Stewart was ranted a permit for gas pump. y Mr. McCollum appeared before the council complaining about damage to his property in the Beach caused by lettingâ€"dogs~ run at large. He asked that Grimsby Beach be made a residential area and that all dogs in that district be chained up. This reâ€" quest brought forth a lengthly disâ€" sion and it was finally decided to post up notices in the Beach, notifying dog owners to chain up their pets. The next article to be taken up was the opening and reading of the appliâ€" cations for the pofition of Weed Inâ€" spector. Applications were read from John Jeffrey, John W. Hilts, and J. C. Konkle. It was pointed out that while practically all the men were qualified for the position the counâ€" cil felt that the position should go to a resident of the township and a ratepayer. On motion of Deputyâ€"Reeve Lawâ€" son and Councillor Crittenden, J. W. Hilts was appointed weed inspector at the rate of 40 cents per hour and to provide his own transportation and to work under the instructions of the council| $ The passing of the usual accounts did not come up until 6:15 and at this late hour Reeve Oakes pointed out that they would not be able to take up their road programme which they had mapped ut on their recent road inâ€" spection. It was therefore decided that a special meeting be called at an early date to take up the road â€"question and to open the tenders for the hauling of stone. property. These gentlemen pointed out that this road> was used extensively by childrem attending the. Alway school and after a rain storm it was difficult for the children to proceed over this road. Reeve Oakes pointed out that the council had at their road inspection on Saturday last decided to grade the easterly portion of the road. Mr. Wilcox pointed out that the whole road should ‘be graded. Counâ€" cillor Eames stated that the finances would not permit the grading of this road. â€" "We will either do the east or the west half and in fairness to the other ratepayers which half do you think we should do? We want to do the right thing by all." Mr, Wilcox and Mr. Allan stated that, n their opâ€" inions, the township should do the west half.. a J. O. Kenkle presented his report for truancy work in the township and it was found to be entirely satisfacâ€" tory. f On motion of Councillors Eames and Crittenden the clerk was instructâ€" ed to write Mrs. Jessie MacCrae re cleaning out of ditch on her propâ€" erty in Lot N. in the East Gore to preâ€" vent flooing and damage to the townâ€" ship road. 3 On motion of Councillors VanDuzer and Crittenden the clerk was instructâ€" ed to write the T.H. and B. Railway asking them to clean out their porâ€" tion of the John Martin ditch on the town line between the township of North Grimsby and Saltfleet. o c c ppooa esnt E. ol Mess Hunter informing him that he must not cut any trees on the road. allowâ€" ance on road 17, lots 14 and 15 in the third concession." f CCRC hn eeqeonc t ho pren o comeme s 2d â€"â€" vanlZ Uaesi UIC j clerk was instrueted to write John Hunter informing him that he must In Grimsby on Monday, May 14th, 1928, Sarah Jane Clarke, wife of A. O. Bowslaugh in her 83rd year. The funeral will take place from her late residence on Main Street East on Thursday, May 17th, at 11 o‘clock in the morning. Interment in Queen‘s Lawn Cemetery. > $2.00 per year, 5¢c a copy The council adjourned at 6:30. & Died 3 R for

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