14 Levack ‘Trophy emblematic of the lacrosse championship of Ontarto. _ Senlor Champions by a score of 11 to 8. Mr. Kellcy ran in his usust hard luck, very unfavorable weather conditions ceusing only a handful of fans who witnessod the cloanest and fastest â€"o'unmnh:.fl-.m is over stepped -m:&&m adopied the same line only one penalty being handed out during the game. Weston fed the going in the first halt by 5â€"3 but Ham#iton swamped them in the second scoring $ to the visitors‘ 3. ‘The return game is being played in Wenston, on Saturday, goals to count and the winner gets posseasion of the Suturday, of Russell Kelloy‘s Tiger KELLEY TIGERS FROM WESTON The biggest upset in the seasons Floor Olleloths, at ..... 49¢ and 59c yard uu.um-.a in from All Linen Tea Towelling .. 25c and 35¢ yd. Heavy Linen Rolier Towelling, 22¢ and 35¢ Flasuelette Specials .. 25¢, 20¢ and 35¢ yd. Curtain Nets in white, ecsu, 60; values, Fine *Jotany Wool Serge at ... . $2.25 yard 50 ‘ach All Wool Navy Serge at $1.19 yard Fress Velvets, black, navy and brown, at uummuu_â€".n New shades in Kashine Flannels, 54 incls FROM THE CENTRAL STORE which has been thoroughly remodelled since the fire. ALL NEW MERCHANDISE Good News! ‘ Good News! "~ A F Hawke > a e ue 6 e 6 06 n e e 6 6000 8 09 0 69 60 8 2e e h e h e e ho 6e 6 0 6 600 n in 0 in i 6 n Thursday, Friday and Saturday QPENING DAYS FARRELL‘S DRUG ~STORES which:will be an event of unequalled savings. wWONDER VALUES IN MATTRESSES, BEDS AND SPRINGS LARGE SIZE BOTTLE, $1.00 â€"AT _ '..u. ‘The Minors win makes them |made the 8th h« the undisputed Senfor Champions of ts receiving the ouly 3 hits, while Bova was touched ‘The Niagara Peninsula Tennis club, connisting of ‘clubs at Stoney Oreek: holding a dance in Community hall, ""-""-- Priday, October 23. Bailey‘s orchestra, of Hamilion, wili w the music. Invitations are sent out this weok, ng and a« strong wind. blowing the Dopper CiiMf Miners deféated Gene Tennis League Dance Phone 261 Children‘s Fawn Ribbod Hose, all sizes; Ladies‘ dilk Hose, black, and all shades 10 Dowen Ladies‘ Cotter: Hose. Special QOutstanding values in Ciinmoisette Gloves sâ€"sssrrssss+«++ .++ 50¢ and $1.00 pair Wembley Heurth Ruge, reg. $8.50, for $5.00 Axminster Ruge, reguizr $21.00, for $15.50 Axminster Ruge, regular $35.00, for $24.75 9 z 10}%% Auminster Ruge, regular $52.50, 4 yerd wide Linoleum, $1.19 value, special A very happy event took place on I-tlrlwumla.ndlr.lnï¬n; llorhnlluun.uc."-,u_ +‘ eccasion being the celebration of sllver wedding. About forty guesta were present at dinner, including their daughters, Gertrude and bdith Ham#lton. llr.nlluh-lvg &mnmym messages and appropriate gifte. Mr. and Mrs. C. Diaicher, Mr. and Mré. G. ‘Ifl.a.&.-llu.fl.hh A. Bleicher, Miss J. Drapér, Miss L. O‘Darh, W. L«Clair, J. Groves, J. Oarlâ€" son, alt of Hamilton, and Gordon Hanâ€" mab, of ‘The Hotel Grimsby, Grimeby, __Mr, and Mrs. Esra Rittenhouse of Vineland on Saturday observed the ;lflh-hu-vd‘drnl“l family rounion marking the event. It was just a half contury ago th t "turcay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lhfhnlluu...umg_ j ‘mmmmc ullver wedding. About forty guesta ‘Mmum.uu, daughters, Gertrude and Edith ot || Hami#lton. Mr. and Mrs, Hannah were| C ‘&Mdâ€"uw + messages and appropriate gifte. Mr.| â€" _ While playing with Mr. Norman Nelies and Dr. Clark on Sunday cfterâ€" noon at Deer Park Club, George Nelio: made the $th hole in one. Mr. Nelles ‘mmen-uu conditions of lata seemingly effecting the oÂ¥Aings delsâ€" teriously. f f ‘ But this slight mishap was but a in ‘h aâ€"most thoroughly m....i GOLDEN WEDDING SILVER WEDDING of his sents much of these profits and while you may collect all of your profit, the chances are that the paper you will take will grace your curiosity abop a tow yeurs hence. The mere fact that Heary Ford has made a success by putting tagether a oar that was needed is no sign thai 6000 other aelfâ€"clected auto manufacâ€" without training and without copital, could repeat Ford‘s success. Jt has Qeon tried. Had you invested with Ford, you would have made money, had you énvested with the others you would have Jost. ‘The fict that imoney is being made in some Fiorida land developments duvesn t mesn that all wil} produce profite, nor that oll are eafe for investment. Keep stet in mind, ..â€"...... . ... ...... . .. * Fioride toda; ts the gathering piace tor all th* Wallingfords in creation, from TB Pan Ike to the Perfost Gentioman who wears a tusodo :s if he were b90 in it. ‘Theae chaps wr prepared ©: promote everything fr.im wlr TOUI0® + laris to hot dos cuncesâ€" they oreate & tw one, You car find them on ©¥eTY hotel verands, in m' sands of the b4ch, on the strost corâ€"! ‘:fl greamy eyes and eyi and . eyit (Continused from page 1) developed moreely to satisfy the specuâ€" lative souls. who have come to the st/t°, ‘are rank gamblers at the best. "True money is being m>de in themâ€" | profite are being takenâ€"but remember amounted to sonme $280. a GOréimaby Copuncil at its session iR s an offer for fl&-- on _ the head of obinson streett rad will cut for wood ;gw.liu-fl-l-hl-. it is only a sballow view which 'mmh-‘-“ Tastitstion, wiith a record behind it F"nl;oumanu-m Em--.u white or all black. It . Leaguie of Nations party are returned to power he will see that more adequate protection is given the '}‘,'mmvmum«mummhunm â€" MNN“‘.W“MUMM‘Ng tecition policy Mr. Chaplin advocates. Come in large numbers to his meeting on the For four days starting on the 15th Voters‘ Lists will be hung up at the and Grimsb:y East Post Offices. l.“-:'-l..b-hh..d-lhm mmavllhbhmht%‘ in doing so you are doing your part to insure a kannier and more prosperous to live in, MOORE‘S THEATRE Tuesday, the 27th, at 8 p.m. J. D. CHAPLIN W. F. COCKSHUTT ELECTORS! PUBLIC MEETING and its more dmplacable and other prominent speakers will address the meeting. Sopt. 19, to * HAMILTON FLEMING, Chairman Grimsby and North Grimsby Conservative Association eyes upon inaruction. to yous ‘Mis cries will be heard beyond tae ‘ Masonâ€"Dixon line. Right now there is an emborgo against tears and teothâ€" gnashing. If you get stung you are either too proud to write home, or womebody gets hold of you and feeds jyou lollypops until you promise to be rightâ€"maybe they aren‘t over piatted, over subâ€"divided, but T‘ll bet a rusty Mexican penny against a $100 governâ€" meout bond that they aren‘t under platted. Reading the desoriptive titerâ€" ature on some of this cast coast proâ€" porty your nighto are disturbad by prepared for what @*%.. ~. _ qs dony doll #s per front foot, as is, next duor to n alligator farm or a barbscue coast, you can do your ahopping in 1950 and still get exactly what your little heart desires, A gentioman who rode with me in a typics} Florida bus today observed: "The Dizie highway is the longest business stroct in America." 1 guess maybe he‘s right. You can buy bustâ€" ness lots ten miles from nowhere on the Dixio between West Palm Beacn Paim Beach, Fia., Oct. 3.â€"Today i inspected 60 miles of subâ€"divisions.. mlr-u-â€"uu'.- Plorida -:rbll“nn a homesite not get it. You needn‘t worry about shopping carly here. ‘They have enough subâ€"divisions to go around. ‘Today may be bargain day, but so will tomorrow and the next day, nâ€"'cumuuâ€-mc‘ you will have to bustle. At the rate And when the inspiration domes, they rush to the newspaper offices with glaring full page advertim rents and prepare for the proper aite tion to customer money. It is said that right now anything eould be promoted in Fio:tda from e corner on ¢oothpicks to a new Merlsan revolution, I suspect the statement is Maybe what they say down here is PAY CASH Boulter‘s Meat Markets This condition is going to exist until Lamb, Veal, Pork, Reef, Chich s%um:?xl'mmmlmx%‘ nammad l gll O _ TL P0 A Om uce uk on en sah pren, n monjur ies d fl.mhmu,-.u lo-hh"_ the order it will be *-flyilll-'bu-b 116. ... . ...\ :. GG PURE HONEY §â€"lb,. Pails ...... 67¢c (Only a few left) SHORTENING _ #, ie LE TesaGnaren c c Ali killed under government inspection. Properly handled in High Quality Meats ho* eave been sa)ectel appeal imagination, and rou took forâ€" w io it 3â€"lb, Pails .. . .. .. 63¢ SMOKED PICNIC HAMS While they last, ib. 21c ‘Q‘nn-o-lumb'. price for delivery off car. ’ I don‘t mind having a man optimisâ€" fl!._ilfl_?n--cundl-cfl 113000,00) people. He is convinced that within a few yeare most of America will be spending part of its time in Fiorida. optimisticsily today that there are 114,000,000 persons in the United States, and that only 1,000,000 have gone to Floriia thus far, feaving 113,â€" 000,000 mure to come. This particular operator ds going vight uhead with plans to subâ€"divide enough property to take care of that you can gaze upon this magnificient ‘beauty. And then, confronted by the veal thing, you seo a eprawling mass white sand, cut up with roads .cadâ€" ing to places far <beyond the eyo‘s sight, and you gasp weakty for another glass of pineapple julce with a dash of lemon. Mave No Faith in Practice By this time I am almost recenciled to the belief that hundreds of Florida real estate operators have no faith in the practice of the northern realtor who subâ€"divides only to supply a need. Down here they subâ€"divide for the exercise, for the sheer joy of t*> thing â€"m&m*mduy incidental expenses, of which there are several or many. 1 read an advertisement that stated ward with much sest to the time whon HIGHâ€"GRADE DOMESTIC COAL from Kentucky known ‘also as JUST ARRIVED! . L. EATON CO. PURE LARD k i+ iss . ... . ie Continued next â€"wooek PAY LBS§: a Car of mememnie 15