| ‘PHONE 130 LOOFZ!â€"One Second Hand HAPPY ... THOUGHT RANGE.... .... ..._ These Heaters are all nicely t nickle and are very reat in appearance market. COLD WEATHER COFFEE (the best) 1 1b. The cool fall evenings and mornings are here when you need HEAT. CORN FLAKES, 3 for POTATOES, 15 lbs. for ONIONS, 10 lbs. for _ CHEESE (First Class), per Ib SUGAR 10 lbs. for MATCHES (4â€"11.44), 4 boxes for |_â€" CORN (Arm Chair), 2 for PEAS (Atlas Brand), 2 for 2 TINS sLICED PINEAPPLE . VALENCIA RAISINS, im Nearly all of us to economize,â€"but we oft lacy the information Muu;?o enable us to choose bm.:duc-"“' at the same time avoid @xtrav@gance. Low nesa." i ""488 °C particularly deeaius. _ "OH® k UUACAnE 1 and ... .;_ °CC ‘ime avoid m‘?‘l“.w ~noese mh':'.'.',‘,', e biends is Hicke knows . oo Somparative strength of diffe@nt flavors or aromas, consumers, and they rarely com most e ¢ tests prove the bestcoffee to be the economical and we cal} c Execlâ€" sior" Blend, because it wilt ; ",""" YOU" attention to "Exce ' uâ€"-’-â€"-.“flvmmm"" "'-:'"wuo ;-"-i"-y' ‘Mnr- t‘ and enjoy the ‘ double from ‘drinking che best coffee ,,,“:“‘“‘"“ '°:: SIMS HARDWARE ‘ "THE HomE OF QUaALITy GROCERIES o # 4 LARGE SIZE MEKDIUM SIZE The Heaters are portable and can be used in any n. It will pay you to have one. THEAL BROS. ATO SOUP (Van Camps), 3 for SERVICE AND QUALITY Is OUR MOTTO KINDLY HAVE ORDERS IN EARLY. "FIVE SPEAKING" Economy In Coffee THIS wm' QUEBEC HEATERS "BUY IT IN GRIMSBY" ‘»... 106.) xppuren J. P. ROBERTSON Fri. and Saturday Specials arRIMsBY _ MAIMST. W. SOLVENE, 2 Four y' Quality Grocer, Grimby it lin11c 33c 60c B5¢ 18¢ the inmnm Hockey Clcb wishes to «ts that there is no conpection . betwe the danee being beld mext week ‘n t Village Inn. by the Ladies Hock Club, and the one to be neld the t« lowing week by The Ortmaby Fock [Club. It i« the dotention of T Artmaby Hoekey Club to hold a dan In ‘he Inn the week of November 24 in hona» of .ne Canadiens and Bask toon Sho‘k®, the exast date of whi will be announced io a couple of day ‘This danee Major Kidd clatms wil} the ME““ one nx held in Gries) as many apecial attractions will | part of the evening‘s entertainment. | _A very large congress.tlon turned out on Sunday morples «t 8. Anâ€" @rews church _A .omorlal service was held for those ‘«ho sacrificed their lives in the Great War. Rev. J, Allan Ballard, rector of the church, bad charge «; ine service, and before starting nis cevemony extenied . a hearty welscme to the veterans ad expros» d his pleasure at having them jJo‘n the congregation on an occasion lof this kind. His sermon was . made up on the words, "Lore your aelghber and love your God" Asthems were rendered by the chol*, with H. Sueling : as soloist. The inmates of the Lincoln county Industrial Home recevied a highiy apâ€" preclated surprise on Thanksgivine Day in the form of candles for ‘ae ladies ana smoking tobacco e the men. Each of the womer .eceved a box of candy and the mer each a half pound tin of tobacco,. The gifts, aeâ€" companied by suitable Thanksgiviag cards, were sent by the Hamiltoa Hindoo Koosh Grotto, which hae nearâ€" ly 100 8t. Catharines membe« The old folks will long remember .ae kindâ€" ne«s of the Grotto in makir 4 the day more merty. The annua) Armistice Masquerade dance at The Deer Park Golf and Country @lub on Friday evening last was a huge success. There was a very laske crowd in attendance and the costumes were many and beant‘~ fuu. Miss Mills of Hamilton and Miss Phyllis Roberts were awarded the ladies prizes while Theron Woolverton and Harold Woolverton won the genâ€" tlemens prizes. A dainty lunch was served at eleven o‘clock. Norton Orchestra provided the music. #:03 prmu. Leave Toronto for Hamilâ€" ton at x7:60, x8:25, 9:15 a.m.; 1:00 x3:15, 5:00, 7:00, 7:45,.11:10 pm "x" means daily except Sunday; "a" means dally except Saturday: «l others are daily. A mwew Canadian PaciGie railway time table has been issued dated Nov. 1. According to this schedule, trains leave Hamilton for Toronto at 6:40, 7:15, x8:35, 10:35 a.m.; x12:33, 4:25, 7:35, a%:10, 8:30 p.m. Leave Hamilâ€" ton for Niagara Falls and Buffalo at x9:03, 10:28 a.m.; 2:13, x4:30, 6:18, The Guild, this year, will have -l Homeâ€"made Cooking Table at their‘ â€" Dazaar in the Parish Hall, Thursday,| November 20. They will +have for | «w sale, homeâ€"made bread, buns,. doughâ€"| F nuts, ples, cakes, butter, also all Nn‘ol_lll of . vegetables, cooked meats and | ‘Ph¢ chicken salad, _ canned fruit u‘""‘ p‘ckles. _ Remember the dateâ€"and ®i placeâ€"Thursday, November 20 at m‘= Rarish Hall. Residents of Fruitiand claim that & flery «ross was seen on Wednesday evening on the mo«atain brow east of the village. The hazy atmosphere prevented the people from having. m clear view, but they are of the opinâ€" ton that the cross was about the same size as the others which have been seen recently in Stoneyâ€" Creek -l‘ Winopa districts. dent; J. Ramssen, first vlcn-pmlï¬.'. 11. Phipps, second viceâ€"president; Mlichener, secretary; D. Allan, treas» urer. after a program of musieal numbe‘s, dancing completed the eve» ning. Nov, 6, when the final accounts ‘E the installation of the heating system at the pamping station were discumme «d and passed. ‘ The. Hgh School Literary society held Its elections on Friday night last. The following oifice:s were elected the year; Marold Whewell, presl= Majo® It. H. Kidd, #ecretary of the musical program. s Grimaby Arena opens for the s@aâ€" won on Wednes.ay night next with a pro hockey game between the Canaâ€" glens and Saskatoon. Thursday night will be the first skating night. c A meeting of the town water mission was held cn Thursday Nov, 6, when the final accounts A Thanksgiving chickén suppe® and conce.t will be given in the Thirty mountain Union church on Tharsday, Nov. 13th, at 7 o‘clock, under the ausplces of the Ladies Ald. A byâ€"law providing fo> nominations being rece.ved on Dec. 23, and municlpal cleciion on Jan. 1, in v township of Saltfleet receives Im reading at a meeting of that at its last meeting. 1 An afternoor tea in ald of 8. Albana chu‘ch, Beamsvilie, is being uu,w afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. An« drewes, Lakelands. There w.!l be a musical program. ‘ The Beamayille Mcethodist chwrch Ladies Ald is preparing for the annual BHazaar and Tea on Thursday, Dec. 4. M*. and Mrs. G. W. Sibbaid lew days visitng friends in Â¥ anu also at Port Credit and Clarkwon., The Ladies Assoclation of the Beammville Presbyterlan church will hold its annual sale of work and cafe= teria tea on Friday, Nov. 28. Lots of people never cast their bread upon the waters unless there i% a reporter around to make a note of it | Local Items Of Interest Town council meet tonight Christmas will soon be here Send in your news Items P Clob wishes to state connect‘on . between held mext week ‘n the the _ Ladies â€" Hockey e to be held the folâ€" The Ortmaby Kockey intention _ of _ The Club to hold a dance ek of Navember 24th, "anadions and Saskaâ€" THE INDEPEN date of wh‘, DR. 1. A, ALZXANDER, Phone 3 ring 3 FoR kitchor evenin 66 ring fremh J; chicken chicken FO sillgâ€"â€"A quantity of sugar beets; slso @ quantity of dry stoveâ€" wool. F. s, Curpenter, ‘phone 55 ring fite P . 8 pm., under the auspices DT The Bgesi. arrie" Foung *Yabites _ MR, w. 1. HEWLETT, MU®S Bag, of Costenary Church, Hamâ€" MJ FOlt W11 ve no doubt noticed tising in regard to ; ‘le. 1 wish to imâ€" your minds that I ing out of business contnue after the gi.c you good serâ€" 11 lines as before; particularly in the 1t nEMODELLINGâ€"PFur . coats \ )'dl ha my adve Auction . press on am not g« THURSD \v, NOVEMBER 20th LOST AND FOUND MY FRIENDS MY CUSTOMERS MI8SS y (JORIE TAYLOR, flad Soprano, MISCELLANEOUS iTCHING done at 45 Livineâ€" \: the Golf OInb masonerade «vening last, a tortoise », â€"Spanish . style. _ Please rajred; murfs. made Into rlees _ reasonable. Velour : _ hat@‘. reshaped. . Miss Cb jh" street . (Over 3. ‘s score). Hamilton. ) â€"â€"About 25 acre.fruit farm »mod house, must be elther iot water beated. Apply 8. L. R. 1, Freemar, Untario, Tuesdays wbe Pridays of ing weeks until further one 108 us 4 !‘-:;Q‘o; mavilie Clder MHI will be 1.&â€"â€"Plppin and Spy apples: y cow; 12 White Wyandotte also chicken _ wire and ie . *Phone 439g, Grimaby. Thew ALEâ€"Registered _ Holstein freah milch with calf at . Johnson, ‘phone 14 ring lum slze, nearly new; also ‘inet. ‘Phone 180w, or call 26 Eim street, Grimsby. rogrammes . may . be E i;\ member of the :t the Postoffice. «Wes. developed pullets, inghest market price paid. agston, Grimaby, _______ Hton, asslated by ‘*NANTED GRIMSBY. ONTARIO n Recital TO TURFORD, :y being a holiday h of late advertise» into the office on hy good articles are in leswe, esbyterign Church, { Torento spent the â€" parents, . spent 1. Ockenden spent Children, 850 *, Me, verrie" is spase finlo? Nobulae: gaseous, plen=‘ss, splral~what they revea‘ . The spectroscope and «bat it teachos 5. Some Observatorles and their great teloscopes, mavoting stars, met@orites and comets, dead . stare. The lectures will be ulnmu.q. from time 10 Uibe und ob clear nights the enc be wsed and the chief consteDations deing bolated out. The series of jecturas on Modern Astronomy to bs given uader the auspices of the Grifashy L. 0 D. K. in the Village Inn every 1in,day, wil! be made as popular and" inswructive as posslbi«. _ They . will sncluae: Nur place in the uaiverse, â€" Relagvity is menning and significance, Some Incts about onr Bolur system, Life in other worlds, Rclipses explained, Th zul werse of sits, Are there other unlâ€" vervie® Is spave (finl? Nobulae: C,. $. McGillivray who has bsen i1 Grimsby vff and or all season is flu‘ nection with the dehydrarion gnt reâ€" turned «o the Village Inn on Tuesday | from a tour in the Maritime pryvinees. A. M. Mubbs hese alio wi‘y this m-l roturned frow a yisl to his in Pleton. The Toxis buys of 8. Andrews church mutored to @mirhville Monday afterm=on to bold en athistlc meet with whe Toxia soys of the Angilcan church shere. Mr. Gibh« ascompanted the Grimsby boys, who won most of the events. The Independent has »een informed that the Burgoyneâ€"Stephen real estate transaction mentioned last week, has been called off, Mr. Stepheir retaining e Stephen Block and Mr. Burgoyne | his property on Maple avenue. | Dr. C. Trasies McTavish oi Toronto| will give free lectures in Oraz>« hall, on Monday aftersoon and evenias. Nov. 17, under the euspices of the| Douglas Inslitute of Toronto. The afâ€", termoon lecture is for women only.! Hand bills azo beiug distribated. | The Guild of 8. Andrews ‘Church will boid their annual, Bazaar and Sale of Fancyâ€"work and Homeâ€"made Cooking, in the Parish Hall on ‘Thursday, November 20, commencing at 230 pm. Tea will be served durâ€" ing the afternoon. George W. Mabey, an old _ Grimsby boy, now with the National Cash itegâ€" Ister company as head of saies departâ€" ment at Windsor, has sgain won out In the October salemen‘s contest of that company by leading sl! Canadian agents. Mrs. James Furrell has been visitâ€" Ing her brother Jonas Merritt in ‘Foâ€" ronte the past two weeks. Mrs. Farâ€" rell is in her $2nd year, but needs no ussistance in her travels, Ivan Servais, son of N. and Iu.l Bervais of the Village Inn, was home from St. Michaels college, Toronto, for Thanksgiving. _ He was accompanied by Walter Yates of New Liskeard. The Ladies Ald of the Baptist| church will hold a Sate of Homeâ€"made | Baking, Candy and Plain Sewing, on | Saturday afternoon, Nov, 22nd. in the j store lately occupled by Moss Bros. The marriage is taking place today In I iphia . of, E. Gilray Itums, won fof J. D. and Mre. Ituss, Ridge road. Grimaby, to Miss Mathilda Spark of Philadelphia, _ . Tickets are being soid for the Ladies Hockey Club dance to be held at the Village Inn on Thursday, Nov. 20. The tickets are on sale at Hilâ€" lier‘s and by members of the club. held on Friday, November 14th at three o‘clock. Everybody welcome. News despaiches #ay that a man in Burlington drank a pail of water and was then locked up. Probably they thought he would run away. The Ladies Ald of 8t. Johns Presbyâ€" terlan church are holding thei= anâ€" nual bazaar and cafeteria tea on Friâ€" d-yi. November 28th, commencing at 3 a‘clock, A J. M. Lawric has taken over the management «. the billiard room of the Grimsby Club and it will be open to the public after Saturday. Be sure to see "Mother Mine" by the Windermere Dramatlc Cluh of Toâ€" Fonto. Secure your seats at once.| They are going fast. I The Literary meeting of the Lincoln | Loyalist Chapter, I. O. D. E. will he! The Apron and Candy Booth will have their usual supply of good wares at the Guild 'r-r. in the Parish Mall on Thu y, November 20. spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs Calder, ‘% I Don‘t forget the "Mother | Mine" at Moore‘s 'n.u:?’u rru-yi evening, Nov, 14 at 8 pm. Tickets at Veznon Tuck‘s, i Eugene Stubbs of Toronto spent! the weekâ€"end at the home of C. T. and Mre. Parrell. Arthur and Mrs. Boos of Hespeler spent the weekâ€"ond with friends in town., Robert Kerman and »*¢* of Toronto :.l.l the weekâ€"end with friends in own, & & O-uh' r and _ Mre, l’:yl n:l‘ !:h- mabe! spent Thanksgiving wit ias, A. and Mrs. Livingston. M. L. and Mrs. VanDyke and a party of frends spent Sunday with Mrs. i. W. VanDyke. and Ms. Kirk, cavedgly COOmE 00. OM EPUR Thanksgiving at his old home in Grimaby, Miss Laura Hamilton of the Public school staff rl Thankszgiving | at her home in Waterdown. Miss Horty Lee and Miss Lilian Phillips of the High school staff apent the holiday at their homes in Toronto. K. 8."Johnson ha u"chased the Mrs. Arthur hmu.ho:ucnd lot on Ontario street. Miss Margaret Mughes,. Main street west, returned on Saturday tfrom a visit to Vancouver, B C, M:. and Mrs. John Buchannan of Toâ€" ronto spent the weekâ€"end with C. H. Mrs. Geo.Neal spent the last month in Wooditock With her ron! and Mrs. VanDuzer of Toronto Windsor _ spent old home in W. B. 60:. Wick | Oukvilte, * youngest son of K. Hendershot, living on the movniain side o* tme / fourts mln.nu east of Beamsvilic was electracuted on Sunday moraing SeRvide. ferme y of Hallabury, Robert and Nroâ€"! erman of Toronto Misâ€" Besslo al. R. KNpatrick and Miss Frances H. Grant of Toront, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKinley and M;. aad Mra. T. M. litster. of ‘Toromts, all spont 'nunu and the heliday at the vnm. hm Chester Mendershat, 33 years old 4 STORESâ€"â€"4 StRrps SLHITHVILLE (2) GRIMSRBY . BR PAY CASHâ€"PAY LESS We are aiming to give the people of Grimsby and surâ€" rounding district,. the best serviceâ€"with your coâ€"opcration we can make it a suecess. _ Kindly ‘phone your order in before 9.30 o‘clock. FOR THUR., FRI. AND SATURDAY Round Steak | Boston Butts "** / ........ 206 | vp im be Pc 29q Cut from Prime Steer ‘Fam.."~_ _ _ 250 Rolled Boneless Per Ib, Freshly. ground . fpâ€"ibs. 25¢ | DairyFegPork | "THE BEST PLACE To SOP AFTER ALL®. GRIMSBY [+].} Delicious oven roast and $1,00, Sale price.... .... .... ..s> * C * MEN‘S SILK AND WOOL SOCKS; al shades. Sale MENS NEW BELT HATS. Si¢ price Ԥ3.45° MEN‘S FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRTS, Sale price ‘;;é.'.'.-‘x...n.. «x «+ .i..’Y.J-A.-..‘..'.. 16. eAÂ¥ e * M CR rve OVERCOATS;.... .... @ rVavuP """":: s soc Regular 75¢ MEN‘S HEAVY WOOL sOCKs. * /s 50e * 75¢ SMALL BOYS FLANNc.. AND C JERSEY SUITS. | Sale price. x M SMALL BOYS‘ OVERCUA1®. Former ! 12.00 to $15.00 _ Sale price.... .... .. BOYS‘ WOOL JERSEY3, navy ‘and brown. §$2.25 to $2.50; all sizes.... .... .... . ** One lot of BOYS‘ ODD SUITS. Reg. fl $12.00 to $15.00. Sale price.... .. > â€">> Attractice Prices in MENS @19 &A k.::. u.. 1086 Hamburg Steak ALLâ€"WOOL NAV1 bimwez tor Dresses Sale PHIKBEYs cref «xiÂ¥ (y@%) «. HEAVY WEIGHT swein. beiGE §6.50 to $12 hats. Sale price.... ...!! . §4â€"in. FLANNELS, new shsucs. Sale price SCOTCH TWEEDS to: »rceses and Suitings. CHILDREN‘S WOOL JACKETS. Regular CHILDREN‘S PLUSH HATS, soft rolled brim. Reg. §2.25 to $2.75. Sale price. MILLINERY CLEARANCE. Regular wexk sea6 seek w eas sns "“"""“.“‘ll“hl’ .00. CHILDREN‘S$ WOOL PULLâ€"OVERS. " * “ The A. F. Hawke Co. CHILDREN‘S NAVY PLEATED SKIRTS ||..., .. sole tops. Regular $3.25. Sale PMC#: gare price CHILDREN‘S FLANNEL MIDDiIEs. "** * .. $140, Gale pHQG.... ceee «es snn ns *n wuss $UF WOMEN‘S AND MISSES COATS, plan . ,,,. .. 19 ODD COATS,.last season‘s styles. Foi . , ,,., price up to $20.00, _ Sale price.... .â€"»> â€">>> and CHILDREN‘S DRESSES, new shades, Gannels , ,, Sirloin HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS‘ WORTH OF MERCHANDISE AT PRICBEs 1 Hal |._. â€" > SAVINGS THAN EVER b.. waud LADIES‘ AND MISSES‘ NAVY SERGE L« ., . LADIES‘ GINGHAM ALLOVER APRu«, ... FOR MANY MONTHS WE li..\. * FOR OUR USUs u. The Store of Service . _ forme» y and Nros| 4 on t 2Up Stewing Beef TiE A 6. dOULTER & sns stopgs ~ Porterhouse November Sale MEN‘S FURNIgHINGS : opo suits. ®«.â€" $8.50 " $11.175 ‘mews 519.50, $24.50, $35 mesees! Hydrm w were repalng the line , young Hetlersop that th, flangers and he too 11, the houe so it couid not . wh® B then returnad ; CUNOUK adto wharso oo cce on m# C h in Join. ‘Por j Smoked Side Oak Bra;la Butter Quality mpreme. Per 4 "Witkexs sayy" Silced, Per 1b, Per N3 4 to 5 lbs. each 44 or whole sides, Per Cottage Rolls Sale pr.ce Picnic Pork Chops $1.49° and Bloomers. ko GRIMSBY rHoNnE 24 $6.75 ° November 12, â€" ®s*‘ $1,00 «_ $19.50 Bacon BEAMSVILLE N PREPARING D _ Wite. Workmen ® line and had told that the wire was t00k his dog back to 4 «o sameer d C ard eciden ty the Wire was ONTARIO â€-75 $7.50 $1.49 $1.59 $1.69 $7.50 $1.98 _. 15e $1.50 27¢ ALL YER