TWO It costs money to bring water to you and if you use it needlessly you are not doâ€" ing the fair thing to either yourself or neighbor. ; s you. Notice! Notice! Notice! _ This notice is made necessary by the fact that the peak load in the summer is very heavy and arrangements have to be made to suit all users. Use water, but do not waste it. j Every gallon wasted is money lost to watering at any other time is illegal and is subject to penalty. £ 12 acres fruit land, beautifully located just outside the Corporation limits of Beamsville. 400 feet frontage on the Highway overâ€"looking Lake Ontario. About six acres of grapes in bearing, and balance mostly peach orchard in bearing. â€" For Sale Cheap This property offers one of the most beautiful building spots between Hamilton and. St. Catharines, and is a genuine bargain. For particulars, apply : â€" _ All who water lawns are notified that the hours for watering are from: ’ 255 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. 37 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario. GRAHAM, SANSON & CO., LIMITED: RANGES+FURNACES Happy Thought Ranges have been the choice of Canadian houseâ€" wives for 40 years. Happy Thought Heaters make rooms wonderfully comfortâ€" able in the stoveâ€"heated house. DAVID CLOUGHLEY MADE AT BRANTFORD â€"CANADAâ€"BY 8 to 9 in the forenoon 5 to 8 in the afternoon FOR SALE BY GRIMSBY. _ This is [Real Combort â€"zero weather and a gale outâ€" side, inside the warmth and glow of summer all around. No draughty spots, no cold floors, no frigid corners, just an even flow of warm, moist air throughâ€" out the house. This is the principle of the Happy Thought Furnaceâ€"the scientific application of ascending hot air and descending cold air. A Happy Thought Furnace insures the utmost in warmth and econâ€" omy, burns all kinds of fuel â€" it is easy to install â€"simple to operate. For the larger homes, Happy Thought Combination Hot Air and Hot Water Furnaces insure id â€"~al distribution of heat at minimum fuel cost. Forty years of experience in the application of heating principles are behind all Happy Thought products. . s , 15 .There would appear to be a strong probability that under certain continâ€" genc‘es the findings of ¢ the Gregory Commission may never be properly and officially laid before the people of this Province, and as it is very imâ€" portant that the truth should be known, I am going to present some of the remarkable evidence given before that Commission and to comment upon it. 1. Chief Engineer F. A. Gaby adâ€" mitted in his evidence that $11,000 had been spent for propaganda purposes for which no legal authority existed. In defending this expenditure, he statâ€" ed that Sir Adam Béck had told him to go ahead, as he (Sir Adam) had been assured ‘by the Provincial Govâ€" ernment ~that an Orderâ€"inâ€"Council would be passed authorizing such exâ€" penditures, but as a matter of fact, not only was no such order ever passâ€" ed, but the Government had already expressed disapproval of the spending of monies in such a way as proposed by Sir Adam Beck. 2. Some of the evidence of G. T. Clarkson, the official auditor, was very illuminating. He testified that the Hydro Commission frequently used funds voted for specific purposes for other works. . Dealing with specific instances where funds voted for one purpose had been used for others, Mr. Clarkson ~said $1,100,000 had been spent on Hydro Radials. (No wonder Hamilton cannot get its Bonds reâ€" turned).. Provincial Hydro funds had also been diverted to the Central Onâ€" tario System. Mr. Clarkson expressed his disapâ€" proval of this diversion, but said that the Commission had power under the Act to pay back the money. It was pointed out by one of the members of the Commission that that looked worse than spending money on radials, as the Hydro did not own the Central Ontario System. In reply, Mr. Clarkson said he did not attempt to excuse such action. He had reported the diversion of the Cenâ€" tral Ontario funds before they amountâ€" ed to $1,000, but the Government had taken no action. There was no proper coâ€"operation nor proper understanding between the Hydro Commission and the Government. Mr. Clarkson said the accounts were well kept. Everything was checked and counterâ€"checked. There was a great deal more evidâ€" ence along similar lines, quite sufficiâ€" ent to show that the Hydroâ€"Electric Commission propaganda funds were not used for promoting the legitimate business of the Commissionâ€"the sale of powerâ€"but for pushing a project the Commission wanted to saddle on the people. The use of public funds for such a purpose is entirely illegitiâ€" mate, and the Government is responsâ€" ible for not pulling up the Chairman sharply. Indeed, there is abundant Continuing, Mr. Clarkson said $4,â€" 000,000 had been spent on the Chippaâ€" wa development that had been voted for other things, and this amount had not been repaid. Such a state of things as revealed by the official auditor goes far to corâ€" roborate the bold assertion of another witness that the Hydro Commission was a law to itself; that it had set up an autocracy and by the methods of its administration of Hydro affairs had the effect of destroying responsâ€" ible Government. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT EVENTS BY PETER PETERKIN Seven automobiles came to grief at this point on May 24th. â€" Grimsby got a most unenviable reputation last year on account of its impassible roads. I hope the town is not going to repeat the performance again this year. *) d Everywhere I go I am confronted with the same cryâ€"â€" High Taxes. Formerly the kickers against taxes could When the new H. G. & B. switch was put in at Maple Avenue, the north side of Main Street was blocked and has remained so for several weeks. This throws all the traffic on to the south side of the road where two autoâ€" mobiles can barely pass at slow speed. You can imagine the jumble that existed all day, May 24th and all day, ‘The artist or architect or engineer who drafted the plans for the railing posts on the sides of the bridge on Main Street must have been ne compis mentasâ€"E Pluribus Unumâ€"hic, hac, hoc sic Semper Tyrannusâ€" or else he was walking in his sleep when he laid the plans and drew the designs for these prodigious posts with night caps on them big enough for Goliath in his most palmy days. 8 It‘s another case of men tackling a job that they know nothing aboutâ€"save a penny and lose a poundâ€"Penniy wise and pound foolish. € t * It is too bad that the travelling public are forced to jump the street car rails at the end of Maple Avenue on Main Street, when a few loads of gravel or fine broken stones would have made the road reasonably passable. Sunday, May 27th. When the men went to erect the posts, they found that when a row of posts was placed on each side of the sidewalk, that there was no room left for pedestrians â€"all the room being taken up by the night caps. e * FANCIES FACTS FRANK FAIRBORN THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO AND A LITTLE TALK ON THRIFT By S. W. Straus, President, American Society for Thrift p While there still is much unrest in the world and economic conditions generally have not become stabilized, it is well to keep in mind at all times the part thrift must play in bringing about more propitious circumstances every where. ES To speak plainly, it is quite clear that the talk @about millions being saved the people of Ontario by Hydro, is all right when it refers to bydro powerâ€"not the Hydro Commission. Ontario has benefitted greatly by Niâ€" agara Fallsâ€"not by Sir Adam Beck. In fact, the benefits would be much greater had the Chippawa development beef carried thr0ugh At 4 reafonable cost as compared with developments by private pital which the Hydro commandeered by means of legislatâ€" ive pressure. Remember, the power users in this Province have still to pay for Chippawa.. : Marriedâ€" Man (to friend)â€""You bachelors don‘t feel comfortable either at home or vi,'hen you‘re away. Get married, and you will at least feel comfortable when you are away." evidence to show that the Drury Govâ€" ernment, so far from being hostile to, or oppressing the Hydro Commission, was far too lenient with it and overâ€" looked things that no Government should have overlooked. A schoolboy was asked what he knew about Solomon. He replied that all he knew about Solomon was that he had 300 wives and 700 cucumbers. It is natural that the man who owns a home, who possesses a savings acâ€" count or who has the products of his thrift judiciously invested, should: be an avowed supporter of the orderly forms of law and government. His every instinct is toward progress and upbuilding. He is against destructive tendenceis because he recognizes in them a danger to his patiently obtainâ€" ed possession. Therefore, his influâ€" ence may be counted upon as a force against any trend of thought or moveâ€" ment that is contrary to the proper safeguarding of the prevailing social order. The possession of savings, investâ€" ments or a home foster proprietary sentiments and awaken all the inâ€" What Oof Saps _ ' aEuut-FEAR BY INFERENCE And the emphasis is on the word YE. And there is an inference that is almost as important as the direct statement.. The facts are these (read them in the 28th of Matthew and you will get them in full): â€" On the first Lord‘s day morning, two women approached the sepulchre and saw an awesome thing; an angel with a countenance like lightning came down and rolled away the stone from the tomb. Now notice, "and for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men, and the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye; for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here for He is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." Are there any people today who are trying to prevent men beâ€" lieving in the bodily resurrection of Jesus? If this should fall under the eyes of any such I pray you read this account in Matthew, with special reference to the words, "Come, see the place where the Lord lay". Then I pray you remember the fearful inference of those words of the angel, "Fear not ye," and then stop and think if you may not some day be among the trembling enemies of God. It is almost as though he turned and said to the soldiers, "Keep on shaking, you enemies of God, you may well tremble, for you have sought to prevent the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ." *Mat. 28:5. io has benefitted greatly by Niâ€" Fallsâ€"not by. Sir Adam Beck. ct, the benefits would be much r had the Chippawa development carrie&?x‘&fl@â€˜ï¬ at 4 Freagonable as compared with developments ivate caApital which the Hydro andeered by means of legislatâ€" ressure. Remember, the power in this Province have still to pay ippawa.. . s 6 k * t n® hours. Wash the dishes used at three daily meals for ten days. 2 R2 Brew, in ‘an electric percolator, two and a half gallons of coffee. Supply an electric heating pad as a bed ‘warmer four nights. 7. Run a kitchen buffer and grinder for half an hour every. day for a month. { Operates a chafing dish two hours. Operates a foot warmer five consecutive hours. Make one hundred slices of toast. A kilowatt hour of electricity will do this: Launder soiled clothing corresponding in twenty sheets weekly for two weeks,. * Run an ironing machine (gas heated) four Operate a sixâ€"pound electric iron two and Drive an electric fan four hours a day for nearly a week. $ They know how to do things in England. When Premier Bonar Law resigned, some thought that the government might be effectedâ€"yet in a few days Stanley Baldwin was chosen Premier and the new government was stronger than ever by the addition of several very strong men. Many men of many minds, many birds of many kinds, many fishes in the sea, many men who don‘t agreeâ€"on politics just now. Run a sewing machine twenty consecutive hours. Clean oneâ€"tenth of an acre ofâ€"carpet. Operate a fifteenâ€"candle power lamp for nearly a month. A Men may come and men may go, but the Provincial debt goes on for ever. * R for "Tom" be cuunted on your fingers, and those were mostly chronic grouchers, but today everyone or nearly everyâ€" one is a kicker against the high taxes. The fact of the matter is that many people find it very difficut to pay their taxes, and they are kickers because they feel the p nch. E This being the case, it is up to every councillor and every legislator in the country to put forth earnest enâ€" deavors to cut expenses down and keep them down. Cut to the bone, should be the order of the day.. How are you going to vote? Why, I‘m going to vote "Fear not ye."* 0 <mm> 0 DO IT ELECTRICALLY _ In gall the efforts that are being made to bring about more settled conâ€" ditions, the very important part which must be assumed by thrift should not be overlooked. Anyone who is encourâ€" aging these practices is helping solve the grave problems of the world in a most practical manner. It also is to be borne in mind that the man who is thrifty is prosperous, for the real meaning of thrift is thriving. And the man who realizes that he is getting on in the world, that he has something back of him for the days of emergency and who sees his possesâ€" sions, small though they may be, slowâ€" ly increasing, is most apt to judge social and econom‘c problems on a basis of fairness to all. His mental outlook is normal and healthy because his life is right.~> He is not biased in his views because he is under no unâ€" due pressure of any kind. Pss stincts for the preservation of property rights. GLIMPSES OF CURRENT EVENTS s â€" IN MANY COUNTRIES The Mexicans are said to have shortâ€" er feet than those of any other naâ€" tionality. â€"In France roses and carnations are named ~for the celebrities of the country. Draft horses in Belgium are enorâ€", mous in size, some of them weighing a ton each. It is estimated that 60 per cent. the antiques now being shown London are "faked". France now has approximately 8,â€" 500,000 fewer people than it had 100 years ago. Russia has 1,680,000,000,000 paper roubles in cireulation with a total value of $50,000,000. The Eskimos of the Pribilof Islands I‘ve in igloos made of concrete instead of ice. Mexico is planning to buy ten torâ€" pedo boat destroyers from the British government. _ There are no snakes in Bermuda. Gambling and public lotteries are proh‘bited in Switzerland. Boxing has been forbidden in the public school buildings of Berlin. _ Canada has 106,000 Indians on reâ€" serves throughout the Dominion. o. Oneâ€"fourth of all the coal used in the world is mined in the British Isles. A million and a half people in France are employed in the growing of grapes. § Copyright 1921â€"J. A. R. hours. _ one half bulk to of in ® lb., It is all right to lay up treasures in the next world, but don‘t forget the insurance policy in this, suggests »‘"Stoney" Kidd. Henry Ford has bought a glass facâ€" story. The public hopes he intends to make some of his small trucks out of glassâ€"maybe it will induce the grocâ€" ers‘ delivery boys to back out of an alley more carefully. f The world probably. isn‘t gett‘ng wiser. It just seems that way because there is less reverence for oratory. It takes a lot of nerve, however, for a~country strangled by red tape to scold a country strangled. by red theories. f One consolation about the longer skirts. The mosquitoes wor‘t have such an easy time of it thisâ€"sevmmey~ "If the simpering, snubâ€"nosed, tightâ€" skirted, faceâ€"bedaubed, tittering little ninny, who stuck her gum on the street car seat last Thursday evening, and permitted me to sit down on it, will call at my office, she can have the gum back. It is on the southern front of my spare trousers. If she can‘t get the gum off, she can have the pants, too. : "Street car plunges off the track" So ran the headlines bold tonight. Now that they have got it back WELL, BY GUM! The manager of a Tennessee eloectr c railway claims to have rece ved. the following letter: In a small town in Ontarioâ€" there afte very few things more important than the committee on refreshments. Most summer hats are trimmed. The buyers always are. WHY GO ON A VACATION WHEN FOR THE SAME SUM OF MONEY YOU CAN BE EQUALLY UNCOMâ€" FORTABLE AT HOME? Sins disappear as conditions change. There are fewer Peeping Toms in this era of sleeping porches. The reason ideas die quickly in some heads is because they can‘t stand soliâ€" tary confinement. _â€" MAN IS THE ONLY CREATURE ENDOWED WITH REASON AND A YEARNING TO DO THINGS HIS REASON TELLS HIM ARE HARMâ€" FUL. $ The meanest man in the world is the one who is too honest to praise the possession another man delights in. Ri‘ght in the faces of the new graduâ€" ates, Hi Henry says a college man is one who studies Greek and ancient philosophy for four years and. comes home and works in his father‘s grocâ€" ery store. â€" "SELECTS RACING CAR INSTEAD OF WIFE"â€"Philadelphia, Pa. Ledger. This may also turn out to be a flivver. When a profiteer sings his national anthem, the public is expected to stand and deliver. T You may well grin at the speeder who throws dust in your face. They‘ll soon be throwing dirt in his. Howdy, folks! "Saved by a hare", said the little bunnies, as their mother hid them from view. Hi Henry says when a man begins to talk enthusiastically about the old days, what he really means is the old nights. Correct this sentence: "These bisâ€" cuits" said the groom, as they began their first meal at home, "are the finest I ever tasted." * s Looks like the courts are going to take "Shiloh," jack and the game from the bewhiskered Beniamin. Troubles and thunder clouds usually seem black in the distance, but grow lighter as they approach. TO GET TO THE TOP ONF USUALâ€" LY ~HAS ~TO=.GET â€" IN ON â€" THE GROUND FLOOR. Maw Creek says: "Pa has always pouted a lot. When we was first married I could make him happy with kisses, but now it takes fried chicken." A narrow mind is one that has not had wide experience. If you think your work is hard, how about the bank clerks who count other people‘s money all day? asks ‘"Benny" Spencer. OFFICE D06 Just where did the electric light? James, Proctor & Redfern Ltd. 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, Sewerage Systems, Hydro Electric Power Plants, Incinerators, Facâ€" tories, Arbitrations, Litigation, Phone: Adel. 1044 Cable: JPR Co., Toronto OUR FEESâ€"Usually paid out of the money we save our clients Land. Surveyors, Civil Engineers James J. MacKay, Ernest G. MacKay William W. Perric Phone Regent 4766. 72 James St. N. Home Bank Building Hamilton 4 . Ontario Dominion Land Surveyors, Ontario (Recently arrived from England), pupil of the late John Kennedy and other emininet European Masters of Voice Production, Elocution, 6tc., tg now open to receive a limited number of pupils for Singing, Elocution, Pianoforte, Theory of Music. Highâ€" est local references. Terms modâ€" erate. â€" Apply, 3 se Heintzman & Co., Hamilton _ or J3 P O. Box 157 Grimsby. Phone 238w. Dentist Officeâ€"Corner Main and Mountain . Streets. Office hoursâ€"9 to 12, 1.30 to 5.30 Phone 127. Grimsby, Ontario MacKAY, MacKAY & PERRIE HARRY HAMER 86 Keith Street "C COUNCIL CHAMBER, Grimsby : O Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 45 Federal Life Building. Hamilto:; . t Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers Motor Hearse. Office Phone 72. Night calls 333j Residence, Ontario Street, GRIMSBY ONTAPITA Noillses Road Orders may be left at 1 dent Office. Classes are held every W e day and Saturday, at 2.30 p M Collective treatment 1s 81 without charge of any kind. . All are welcome. _ f COUE CLINIC OF At PLIED PSYCHOLOGY Mr. F. P. Macklem, havif been _ authorized by Monsiet Coue, to teach Autosuggesti has opened a Free Clinic at ! White House, Grimsby, Ont. . «1. ARTHUR PAYNE &â€"SON We shall be pleased to call at: your home and give you an estiâ€". mate on repairing and upholsterâ€" ing your ferniture. R You will find our prices moderâ€" ate. All work guaranteed. â€" _ _ Phone 72. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Money to loan at current rates Officesâ€"Grimsby and Beamsville BUSINESS DIRECTORY Barrister, _Solicitor, Notary, etc. Office: Main Street, Grimsby. . Phone 7 _ Established, 1901 Office hoursâ€"8.30 to 6; 9 on Saturdays. Buys a nice new bungalow. All conveniences. Good location. _ PHONE 7. CALDER & _ HAZLEWOOD â€" Real Estate. Money to Loan. Insurance I. B.ROUSE _ (Globe Optical) Optician 52 KING ST. E.. HAMILTON Wednesday, May 30, 1923 G. ARTHUR PAYNE & SON Furniture Dealers _ . Issuer of Marriage Licenses MRS. W. E. JOHNSON HENRY CARPENTER C UPHOLSTERING FUNERAL DIRECTORS (Late of Royal Engineers) CIVIL ENGINEER MARRIAGE LICENSES G. B. McCONACHIE GILBERT RAYNER A.M.E.ILC â€" W. F. RANDALL ROY C. CALDER LAND SURVEYOR Piano Tuning, $3.00 DR. D. CLARK PIANO TUNER OPTICIAN Phone 440]J DENTAL $3600 MUSIC LEGAL The Indepenâ€" GRIMSBY ONTARIO Hamilton 830 to Grimsby Ontario tf Ontario tf t tf