Grimsby Independent, 7 Sep 1921, p. 6

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Canada Rug Com, y,. Onm?:n Ntreet, in the Village of Grimsby, has been sold to the undersigned. _ Alt rmll having accounts due to them by Lee Sing are called upon to present same within one week from this date. _ Dated at Grimsby, the 6th day of September, 1921, CHAS. LING. U INE'flm-v n- can Promote a Your Use Murine Eve Remedy TOUR EYE 3 UtsMurine Ee Remedy | Nee Yone Eyee Clean: Ciear toa malay. | -â€".b-l-u.u-unâ€".u-m /. M. STEWART DRUG CoO,,| LIMITED | DON‘T THRow YOUR OLD CARPETsS AWAY They make new reversible _ _ _ "Velvetex" Rugs Cellar and Barn Floors, Cisterns, Foundations, SidewalÂ¥s, Curbs, Septic Tanks, Having purchased the cement business and mixer from Jas. A. Wray I am now prepared for all kinds of cement work. W. M. STEWART DPRUG €CO. LTD. Anythinge in Cement. Estimates Promptly Given. Prices Right. CEMENT WORK Send for Velvetex Folder 34 Hay â€" Fever SUMMER COLDS, ASTHMA, spoil many a holiday. RAZ â€" MAH ’ult'lv:ly stops these troubles ! Sncezing, weezing, coughing," t C CCONL O LALAcGAwe_. weeping eyes aren‘t necessafty~ unless you like being that way, Mess PPR MTC NUIILDC C an wribe | .03 24 braodumnangl wevees~ >7% Fold L $1.00 at your dl‘.fi'l. or write ‘Templetons, Torento, for & free triak W, M. Stewart Drug Co., Grimaby ANDREW CLOUGHLEY GIVE Customers have orders . in not lnter the morning. MacPHERSON‘S WeWR CC Nest Door to 1. @. & B: StiiSh ulc peccute * m‘“. NOT | C E MacPHERSON‘S > HEADQUARTERS by South . GRIMSBY, ONT. uUs YOUR NEXT ORDER BUYERS OF are requested For Delivery . ! MEATS belivery . sent 10 o‘ciock in & rom .. __i~* 0f much in. | torest. This rol} contained the namey Of all the boys from GRIMSBY anq North GRIMSBY that had given up their lives in the Great War, A picâ€" ture of the first counell of GRIMSRy Village and also one of the last counâ€" ¢ll of the village were looked over with interest. ‘The first councit conâ€" sisted of John H. Grout, Reeve; E. J. Palmer, Ewa, Loosely, B. R. Nelles, Wm, Forbes, Counciliors, ang James | 8. Randall Clerk. My. Palmer is the only living member of this body of men. The last council of the village whowed H. H. Margh, Reeve; Edw. Farewell, Arthur Hewson, Dr. 3, F. McLiay, John E. Scott, Counciltors and W. F. Randail, Clerk. A strange coincidence in connection with these two pictures is that Jas, §. Randall, the first clerk of the villege and W, Â¥. Randall the last village clerk were I flres annelas only ueus, _ °K: Mr. Patmer is only living member of this body men. The last council of the vil thawad a» ue 18 [ F. Randall the last first cousins. i P0 eR mmnte The Committee still have a few oll the Souvenir Programwies left on hand which citizens can have free of charge by applying at the INDEâ€" PENDENT Office. The 1NDEPENâ€" inieaie q c on n 202 CC se tov ty 210C SADEPEN® DENXT also has on hand a large numâ€" ber of their issue of August 24th conâ€" taining much historical dope as well as the iMustrated section of the paâ€" per. ‘These papers will also be given away free to any person desiring them to mall to their friends or to old boys and girls at distant points., Old Pictures One of the features of the Reunion that was enjoyed very much by many of the old timers was the display in the different store windows about town r&om pictures showing scenes about this district taken many years ago, also pictuges of men and women well known in the district in days gone by. the whole reunion.still there was one little feature of it that has made nol‘ only our visitors but our OWn tax payers sit up and blink their eyes in amazement. _ That feature was the little card that hung in the middle of the exhibition announcing {hat during the year 1920 there had been paid out in GRIMSBY by the different factorâ€" les $381,500 in wages. ‘That is a lot of money but still it does nOt cover the pay lsts. Mr. H. D. Walker only secured the approximate figures . of each factory‘s PÂ¥ voll at the laSt \nmmnl and they totalled $381,500, while the real figures would well run »nother $100,000 over that. . This exâ€" hibition was & wonder in many WaYs and, only went to show why GRIMSâ€" and, onlÂ¥ ®e""> * """%a and no bread Free Papers and Programmes es Seqnedt CC oc aas f money but still it does nOt cover the pay lists. Mr. H. D. Walker only secured the approximate figures . of each factory‘s pay roll at the last moment and they totalled _ $381,500, while the real figures would well run mnother $100,000 over that. This exâ€" hibition was & wonder in many WaYs, and, only went to show why GRIMSâ€" BY has no unemployed and no bread lines. This exhibition . will be the cause of thousands of dollars . worth of orders to come to these factries which means . more . Mn employé® and more Wakes paid out. ‘ No t \ BWYE Mr. Lesliie J. Parroll, General Secretary. Old Boys and Girls Reunion, Grimsby, Ont Dear Sir:â€" Permit me 10 express mMy than! for the . Yer> satisfactory . Arrank ments yOu made with reference _ the exhibit of the work of the patien Iu this Tosplts1 during the Old Do and Girl® Reunion At GRIMSBY. It enabled these patients t0 dispo |of a consideroble amount . of _ th work as patients and . your servic | in connection »~Ith the same are V$ much l”nfll\ml. gincerely your®, ‘Thos, Morrison, Medical Superintezdent Brant Hospital, p. 8. C. mevi®k 0002 Many people who witnessed the biz porades on Thursday and Friday and ihummuu-nunynlvlo were in the big crowds at all times 11 Moving â€" express my lhnh‘ satisfactory . arranE®" le with . reference 10 he work of the patients 1 during the Old Doys _ avweny. L 1 irls Reunion, \brlnu RETTTOCCCS Gravenhurst «..>>> 0 **** .,Sept. 27â€"28| Stirling /_’..“ Straffordvi ress my thanks streitbville .+>> factory . arrange ;unrgfon Falls th . reference to |"hnd ork of the patients gundrldgt.~>~ > fing the old DBoys 'i‘nn at GRIMSBY. mavistock +«> c patients 10 dispose | ‘Teeswater .>>> / amount . of lhelr; Thamesvllle +>> yq _ your services | ' mhedford «>>>** the same are very| Thesealon +> + yours | Kill themn 20 apocket m:...:.u ‘.mcel’l =+ Nrucogi Lrocel Cors )P8.) .ving pieâ€" ENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO ag (Can. tE CCC 00000 0.; m Pevi t e 0 w ow 3( 0. . â€"Nat) . Aug .'u. Wilaicll . ......‘ :fl“ Â¥ikkkk 048 Mary$ ..«0+ ++ “nh fikire + fl-h Reserve. .. Sanit Ste Marie .. Schomberk .+.« > ‘nnmmh Sheguindah ... . Shelburne .. >>> Smithville .... > 8. Mountain . .>>> 8. River ...< >> Spencerville ... .. Sprucedale .... : Stirling â€"â€".> > > Straffordville ... Cre Nat.) .. .. Oot. 4-5\ .Bept. 27â€"28 .Sept .22â€"23 .Sept. 15â€"16 ... .Sopt. 28 .Sept. 22â€"23 .. .Bept. 21 Sept. 19â€"21 Sept, 19â€"21 ... Sept. 21 Sept, 20â€"21 .Sept. 27â€"28 Sopt. 2030 Sopt Sept. 26â€"27 .. .Get, 4=5, ... Oot. 4=5 Sopl. 20â€"30 Sept. 26â€"27 Sept. 26â€"27 .Sept. 13â€"14 Sept. 19â€"20 v +s +200bA Sept. 1516 27â€"Sept. 10 .. Oot. 11 opt. 20â€"81 . Bept.6â€"8 Walter‘s Falls .... Warkworth ....... . Warren .... .. .+ Waterdown .... .. Waterford...... »> Welland .... .. >« Wellandport ...... Wellesloy .... .. West McGillivray Weston .....}.+++ Wheatley ....««>>> Wiarton .... .>>+ Wilkesport .....«> Williamstown ... Winchester ...... Windham ...... . Wingham ...« .. Wolfe Island ..... Woodbridge .... . Woodstock ... + Woodville ., ./... Wyoming ...« +« Wooler .. ...« ++ Burith \...00e00 0+ RephyP .... ols CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE "Grimaby Welcomes You," such the sign That greets the passing travel eye; Quickens his pace, stimulates mind, Although some wag has added "Dry Butâ€"to the working man who . seek A place to settle down for lite; Sweet is S‘m messagze that it speaks It tells | rest from stress / an __ strife. Far from the city‘s crowd it lies, Aggressive wealthâ€"acute distress; ‘The "happy medium" one descriesâ€" "Live and let live"â€"it seems to bless. ‘ A cosy home on the moyntain side ‘ Commanding a view of lake and sky; With "the heart of the fruit belt" streiching wide + Compels a deep contented sigh. An ideal place for the mon who loves â€"_ $1.00 to enter. _ N stables, hay and straw. Public School Drills, $30â€"$20. $5 to each school in parade. % Best Dairy Herd, any breed, $30, $20, $10. See list for:â€"increased prizes in all departments. Bring: Your Baby to the se ROBINSON BABY SHOW. N. M. BARTLETT, Sec. (This district produce honey) And with his flodk o dottes The writer next year some money. ‘The prospects to and good, Tho‘ calamity howlers _ their alarms. He has called his new home _ _ "Lakewood" And Grimsby h: en armé. PREPARE FOR BUSINESS Sept. 5th, 1921 LINCOLX AND WELLAND SCHOOL FAIR DATES Patham ....... . .. .September 23, 1921 Pelham ...> Thorold ... Smithville . Beamaville . Vineland .. Louth .. ..> Grantham . Welland ... Queenston . 2.08 Class.... .. .18 Class .... .. Bertie ... Willoughby Stamford .. Wainfleet . Abingdon . Bismarck . All the work in a Colorado Springs grocery store is done by electricity, the bins being opened by magnets and hl‘lo scales being electrically opâ€" crated. TTECT For its telegraph and telephone Hities the British postoffice has adopt ed insulators with slotted heads, inâ€" to which wires are attached with «crew caps. n To y es L oAtaffhcct wrt The receiver of a telephone set for the deaf that has been invented in Germany is small gnough to be hidâ€" den in a person‘s ear, while the trans wilter can be carried in a hand bag or fastened to clothing. ROTHSAY E. CLEMENS C Bookk Ste and T; ompetent eepers, l:-nuhr_- ypists are Let us fit you for a good position and secure that posiâ€" tion for you. 7 THE *WELCOME" SIGN BEAMSVILLE FAIR MAY WE SEND YOU FREE LITERATURE! x+ kEA 027 .. ... September 26, ‘..... September 28, ......September 29, ....October 5 and 6, ..........October T. ..... . September 14, ... . . . September 15, ... .. ,Beptember 16, ... ... . September 19, ...... . September 20, ..... . September 21, SEPTEMBER, 16 â€" 17 produces the finest of flodk of White Wyanâ€" xt year hopes to make i:u ‘welcomed with opâ€" passing traveller‘s Coroner Mughson & Main Sts. him looks bright . . ... $gooâ€" 2.40 Class.. .. ... .. $300 Running Race stimulates . his .. $300 Running Race ..... ..$100 Nothing retained from winners. Free IRACES â€"Uncle Bob. shout . forth Ly name "Dry". seeks 1981 1981 1921 1981 1921 102 1021 1921 1921 1921 1021 1921 1921 1921 is Wednesday, September 7, 1921 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in certain mortgages, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction ‘A‘l' MARKEY‘S HOTEL, JORPAN, IN ‘l'li CoUNTY 0P LINXCOLN, MONDAY, SEPTENMBEER 26th, 1921, At THREE o‘clock in the afternoon , FIRSTLY:â€"All and singuiar that certain parcel or tract of land, sitâ€" uate, lying and being in the Township of Louth, in the County of Lincoln, and Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of lot number Eleven, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of Louth, better known and c(l)gcribod( as follows, that is to say: MMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of the road alâ€" lowance, between Jots numbers Ten and Eleven, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of Louth, said point. being distant one thousand, llw hundred ‘and fortyâ€"six feet and five inches, more or less, measured Southeriy along the Westerly limit of said road allowance fromâ€"the Northâ€" erly _ limit _ of _ the . said _ lot; thence Westerly and parallel to the Northerly limit of said lot a d{â€"tance of one thousand, four hundred and eight feet five inches, more or less, to the Westerly limit of said lot; thence Soytherly and along the Westâ€" erly limit of said Jot a distance of eight hundred and thirtyâ€"nine feet six Inches, more or less, to a stake; thence Easterly and parallel to the \Northerly limit of said lot to the Westerly limit of said road allowâ€" ance; thence Northerly and along the Westerly limit of said road allowâ€" ance eight hundred and thirtyâ€"nine feet six inches, more or less, to the place of beginning, containing by adâ€" measurement twentyâ€"seven and twenâ€" tyâ€"four oneâ€"hundredths acres be the same more or less. * mt SECONDLY:â€"All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land, sitâ€" uate, lying and being in the Townâ€" ship of Louth, in the County of Linâ€" coln, and Province of Ontario, and beâ€" ing composed of lot number Eleven, in the Fourth Concession of the said ‘Township of Louth, which may be more particularly described and betâ€" ter known as follows, that is to say: COMMENCING at a point on the Westérly limit of the allowance for road between jots number ten and eleven, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of Louth, said point being distant two thousandd and eighâ€" tyâ€"five feet, eleven inches Southerly along the Westerly limit of said road allowance from the Northerly limit of sald lot number Eleven; thence Westerly and parallel to the Northâ€" erly limit of said lot, a distance of one thousand, four hundred and five feet one inch to a stake; : thence ‘!bllhrlr and parallel to the Westerâ€" ty limit of said road allowance, a dis« tance of three hundred and ten feet one inch to a stake; thence Easterly and parallel to the Northerly limit of said lot a distance of one thousand, four hundred and three feet, nine inches to the Westerly limit of said road allowance; thence Northerly and along the Westerly limit of said road allowance three hundred dnd ten feet, one inch to the place of beginning, containing _ by admeasurement ten meres of land be the same more Or I'“' L L201 MORTGAGE SALE OF PROPERTY ‘Ten per cent. of . the purchase m(ohuldnlheumuulo and the balance in thirty days or the Vendors will arrange to accept a mortgage for not more than fifty per cent. of the purchase price at seven per cent. per annum. T. PC COR Nes £2> AMavad â€" tor ef C900 P27 T00 Cl The property \will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. For further terms and conditions, apply to the undersigned, JAS, A. LIVINGSTON, AuctJoneer, i‘ ieto @. B. MeCONACHIE, | _ rimaby, DWe uJu_c_xr.g::b';.' PRINCIPAL TERMS: 6th day of

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