* m > )* ol Beamsville Fair Sept. 16 and 17. Board of Education meets tonight. Town council meets on Wednesday night next, High School opened for the fall term on Tuesday, Smithville Fair and Old Boys Reunâ€" ton Sept. 16 and 17. Public School opened for the fall term.on Thunsday last. ‘ Prize lists for the Abingdon Fair on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1st are out. The ‘tax rate for Crystal Beach Village this year is 73.4 mills, Water Commission meets on Wedâ€" nesday afternoon next at four o‘clock. Edw. McMillan of GRIMSBY, has urchaged the 75 acre farm of Murray Blllh in Calstor Township. After January 1st, postage on weekâ€" ly newspapers will be double the preâ€" sent rate. That will be another blow at the struggling country weeklies. Our Coffee sales _ nre growing, there‘s a :reason. QUALITYâ€"That‘s the reason. 65¢ 1b. at the Quality Store. A. J. Esser. Our Princess Tea is a black. Ceyâ€" ::l l‘:‘u of unexcelled (QulI:y. 80e 5 you are looking for good ‘Tea try this one at the Quality Store, Fire did damage to about $500 in the help house at the Dominion Canâ€" ners factory on Wednesday afternoon last. The origin of the fire is unâ€" known. Alderman Ewd. Farewell was opâ€" erated upon in Hamilton hospital on ‘Thursday last and his many friends will be pleased to know that he is progressing very favorably. plano and theory, Robinson Street, GRIMSBY; will open her classes for the fall term Sept. Sth. Pupiis preâ€" pared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music Exams. ‘Phone 77. | On Thursday, Sept. 1st the Canadâ€" lan Express Company passed out of existence, owing to the amaigamatâ€" lon, and the new company will now Niagara Peninsula Growers, Limited have a nice display of all varieties of fixits grown in the peninsula : ex» hib:tion in the ‘horticultural building hib:tion in the ‘horticultural bailding at Toronto failr. Albert Perryberry :s in charge of ins exhibit. 4 Get your free copies of the Reunion Ilustrated edition of the Independent at the business office of this paper. Also free souvenir programmes of the big event. Send a copy of the lllustrated _ Independent _ to your friends. ‘They will appreciate it. Fhcasanty +re reported doing om.-‘ sive damage to corn, grap»s and toâ€" matoes on sevaral faring in the east end of the township. One grower counted a flock of over twenty in his corn a day or two ago. The birds are ravenous eaters and soon strip clean any good fare they happen on. ‘The Great War Veterans are withâ€" out a home. Last week they moved out of their quarters in the Inetsinger block in order to make room for anâ€" other enterprise for the town, namely the GRIMSBY Business College which opened for the fall . term yesterday. For the time being the Vets have stored their furniture. Fire destroyed the barn of H. Godâ€" den, on the Ridge Road North GRIMS BY, on Wednesday night last. How the fire started is not known. All the stock was in the pasture. Ne but considerable feed and a 490 Chevâ€" rolet car was destrdyed. The barn and car were partially covered with insurance. Why we should attend to your eYe troubles instead of anyone out . of town. 1stâ€"Service, _ We are right here to make the necessary adjustments und repairs from time to time, su-â€"«numuuu-. We _ have passed t oGvernment examinations and hold a certificate which is held by less than 10 per cent of ¢tY optometists, Mrs. George E. Bolton, teacher of Jeweler and Optometrist ‘The ‘Store of "Gifts That Last" TWO REASONS VERNON TUCK as the Canadian National â€"not known. All the pasture‘ field For Righ quality stationery, t Stewart‘s Drug Btore, â€" stt Matt Fisher has moved into new home, o-.l'.'llum street. * _A big new â€" supply of Lirsetta ocolates at sisns‘.",_ "° 14BRCUWs chocolates at right prices.â€"Stewart‘s Drug Store, Many Grimsby people visited Toâ€" ronto Exhibition on the holiday, ‘The Macassa made her last trip of I::uuonllmthlhuhonhhr w Hunter Brow., of GRIMSBY East, had a fine exhibit of their Ayrshire cattle on show at Toronto Exhibition. Niagara District Grape Growers, ‘Ltd, have started making _ carload shipments of grapes to the United States, For the ‘steenth time in three weeks the fire department were called out to extinguish a blaze on the town dump on Monday night, "Bill" Larsen, of the Bank of Hamâ€" flton, Vancouver, who has been va. cationing with his parents, Lowis and Teaves romput 104 oo Ond O tntt leaves toâ€"night for the coast city. | One Jonteel Combination Cream, 60c; one Jonteel Rouge, 50c and one Jonteel Face Powder, 75¢, this big f Tho“h;o;\.h GRIMSBY 'Conlcll meet ng w adjourned from Septem: ber 10 to October 1. .lR mh" Pe adjourned from Septemâ€" ber 10 to October 1. Reg. and Hugh Rellly and Vern Milo, of Welland, spent the week end with J. A, M. Livingston, er ee l i2 00 002. CX _T Oe We t_l.tl ull_o lo‘r !!._83( Stewart‘s Drug Reeve and Mrs Bradford, Pa., for no more ‘Wreckers razed it to the ground last week, Art House and wife who have been visiting with Chas. T. and Mrs. Farrell the past month, started for their home Moto They me mg‘ motor, were accom Mr. and Mrs, Farrell and Master air dancing.space on Frolic Avenue during the Reunion Herbert L Haâ€" £87 had the misfortune to run a bolt through his handâ€" whica has placed him on the unemployed 1st for several days. GRIMSBY Soft Ball team journeyâ€" ed to Jordan one day last week: to play the Jordan champions but when they arrived there the Jordan lads game was played. Our first fall hat is ready, ‘Whether you have set your heart on a small or large shape; plush, velvet or other material; readyâ€"toâ€"wear, tailored or trimmed to order, we are prepared to supply you on short notice and will do our utmost to please you at a moderate price.â€"K. M, Stephen. ‘The good people of this district have been so busy during the past week or so, that many haven‘t noticed the sharp advance cotton has made. ‘The advance from. August 15th to Sept. 3rd, was 40 per cent. While the mills have withdrawn prices quoted three weeks ago, we can supply you with all lines of cotton, flannelette, etc,, at low water prices, Be adâ€" vised and secure your supply now«â€" K. M. Stephen. Messrs. A. F. Hawke and Orlando Ofield have greatly helped to make GRIMSBY a "great white way" by the adding to their stores front four large electric lights _ with reflector shades. ‘These N&hts are placed~ at the top of the building . just under lbooduotmrodnduntnpm whole street below as bright as day, _ The illumination _ certainly brightens up the town and the idea should be emulated by others. Lower prices are the order of the day and there is not the slightest doubt but what our prices are the fine fancy worsteds are down, we have put our 51: down much lower than _ the in materiais warrant. We have some very smart English woollens we will make . to measure at $22.00. Won‘t you €0M4 in and let us show you Out goods? Tw buy here. 'l.: justice around" finally buy here. °B J / _ While moving a piano for the open old Methodist Church shed is Irs. Marsh motored to for the week end, and «nmmmummmmsdlit OVOT, D , posip o COment _ sidewalk East 18 the Beach Road at GRIMSBYX makes nearly . completed. This walk point. ‘ a great improvement at |Il... of puâ€" Owing to the large increm house on pils Miss Jones has rented ®t. School the top of Mountain Streciay, Sept. "l‘l{mpwlhon on Monda 1 Lo l 0 CCaTh PFE YERWernte sing at Palmer‘s 'l"h. his new show will be interested in on Tuck‘s. record, No. 216 298, at Vernon _ ara» payment Monday nisht« . w»«» "Lewit" is on Monday nights. ‘When Winona, was tsruck aim4 lm0st "‘! surety. After suffering for cight weeks with a broken _ neck, . received WhIB swimming, Lawrence Singer, son of Mr, and Mrs, James Singer, of Detroit, Mich., and grandson of Mrs, Singer, GRIMSBY, pased away last week, at the age of 20 years. The funeral took place on Monday last, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., to Riverdale Cemetery, A meeting of all interested will be held in Hillier‘s Store on w evening next for the ;PUFpOS® ganizing the GRIMSBY delegation to attend and take part in the big parade at Smithville Old Boys Reunion . on Friday night Sept. 16tth. All persqns owning cars who will be going over to the Southern village for the big doâ€" ings are invited to leave (their name with Mr. Hillier. A big declegation is urged and a big meetisng . is QMMMyMIgB:T Little Florence Boyd,, tern year daughter of Mr .and Sirs. (W.>.Boyd, winona ,was struck and‘\almost inâ€" stantly killed by a motor car, OR Barton street near the Fiffty Road on Wednesday morning last. As near af can be learned the little _girl with some other children ""'inr'mm‘ along the road and apparematly did not notice the approach of the motor car which struck her. She was picked up and rushed to the officee of Dr. Mcâ€" Lay, where she passed AWray a few moments afterwards. Coreoner Alexâ€" ander after full enquiries. into the acâ€" cident decided that an (inquest was unnecessary. Automolle thieves visitgeq the garâ€" age of Orlando Ofield, ytain street east some time. Thursday night o5 Friday morning and made o clean getaway with his sizx CÂ¥!jinder Mcâ€" Laughlin roadster. The ‘whee! marks e e ain o. en e car 6 way by hand and then started tope engine up and went East. 'run.,.,.‘.... :.o.n not Iaetho’d..:l'l.l': "ar was Il.: mystery they get t enging to run? Chief Kolky1q notified all border _ points _ 204. _syrrounding towns â€" immediately FTid2.y~ Forping but up to date no traC@ ‘of gpg car has been found. a Mrs. A. J. Baker and ot."" Keners,; * ontatie: _ *T Tt tors at the home of ;‘" Titi Mre. 8. 3. Cartner, formerky &; wou! ora, who have just moved T8 yipg. mount to GRIMSBY, havi "-m t it 21 Grasiey propert‘s purchas Street, west. Mrs. Baker "jp, ;, visiting her sister 2t KitChoner, Ont., travelled by Radial YIA ""poopneroej Church, 11 d C‘I"M. TD. m. ts and Hamilton to GRIMSBY id ~~+ Pn morning and stayed till‘ sm'flhy‘ ternoon. She was . SUTP ay . afâ€" M-au.uthhnundr‘ and of the fruit belt and in "ï¬'t::.m GRIMSBY fell/completely * about its quaintness and declar love with bidding good bye, she woula when tanly come back again. cerâ€" @u..ac c 11 @M.â€"Rev, xt a Sunday School 2.39 p.m. * Panithed mwak w D 00 4 me in fl;ï¬.â€"ï¬r;ï¬r:n' Oldfield All those who heard Fra: Vauderille DK at Palmer‘a ( Inss CndsConam oldest On Wednesday last, A Mr, â€" Sylvester Oakley, " oldest C107 MTIL birthday, havng been borf! $ist, 1833. On that same / to daily papers felicitat famous Police Magistrate, E. Dennison on having / to CAUY PICUML Cictrat mmw“, m‘ E. Dennison on having _ CO1. George birthday. attained his -,..o.n.yu-ouoll tad fourteen yeaus old and BBY as & wd here ever since. During he resti« ©Y°" 9°°*** \lzance here BC half century 95 _‘ nlorucont â€" meBs worked for but three different M#D Mslbrnnlyuuwm‘ the 1 VanDyke where he ned “.m"‘tll' blackemith; thoo lod eight years in the stone 42\ foh then for thirtyâ€"five years for the and John H. Grout. late B SCC 9T jin hale and @ed and a big meetisng is . reâ€" m for .huï¬y everning lfl-'T“ Little Florence Boyd., teim year old ughter of Mr .and Sirs. (W.>Boyd, un e 8s YEARS OLD BAPTiSP . Arthurs. Oakley, ‘UEuSt _ 2184 celebrat GRIMSBY‘8 been borf} _ his | 88th hat same 08 August felicitat date Toron« having any 1 5 Uinlion Ahitks doun ssrgete, A very suddén death occurred on Monday, Sept. 5, 1921 when Mré. Robt. Penfold, of Paton Street sucâ€" eumbed to heart . failure. She had apparently gone early to the upper \ = ‘ l / ATTRACTIONS 1 Wed., Sept. 7â€""Unseen Forces" with Sidney Franklin and a â€" Pathe Weekly. Sat., Sept. 10â€"Edith Hallor in a speâ€" ) elal "Just Outside the Door" f and a Comedy. Mon., Sept. 12â€"Harry Carey in "The ’ Wallop" _ and _ Sixth â€" Episode "The Velled Mystery." PSem Aaeme oacs A" part of the house to get some flour for baking and when her busband reâ€" turned from work at noon bp discovâ€" ered her lifeless body at the head of the garreit stairs. The doctor called declared life to have been extinct for wome hours. .. _ _ _ _ _ ‘Mrs. Delphina Ann Penfold was in her 56th year and was born in Salt« the daughter of George Oldfield Rachael Menary. She leaves to T her loss her husband and one som, George Ernest of Winona, _ The funeral takes place Wednesâ€" day, Sept. 7 to Tweedside cemetery, slept. as only children know . how. Some went far away, others stayed at home, ,but each in their own way had a most wonderful time. Now the holidays were all over and the children passing. through the doors at the "first bell" hugged and kissed each other as they met, while the sun tanned primâ€"teacher sat back in her chair and smiled. She too had been a child and to see the childrens welâ€" come brought back sweet memories of the days gone by. And so the n&m; passed . quickly . and a till twelve o‘clock came and the School dismissed. Now the boys and girls were lying once again on the sweet green grasg under the same dear old trees, while each in turn, between the mouthfuls of grub told of the things they had done and the swell time spent with mother and dad but all agreed how great it was to pack a bundle of books back _to a 2Omepe ce anmncivegys.â€"..â€".~ School again. :rmn 20, 1921â€"On this 1 will offer all the farm stock and implements of J. H. Bell on the Mountain Road, North GRIMSâ€" at 2 o‘clock sharp. Everything mus; be sold as the owner is leaving the farm. Terms; All sums of $10 g.:nhr. cash, Over that amount months credit @n approved jJoint notes. Seven per cent. straight off for eash, on sums over $10.00. SEPTEMEER _ 22â€"THURSDAY â€" On this date I will sell the entire eontents of the residence of Mrs. M. Durham, Maple Avenue North, by\ public auction. Everything will be sold positively without reserve as the owner is giving up housekeeping. Termsâ€"$5, cash; eight months credâ€" It. See‘ bills. Jas,. . A. Livingston, | PAIDâ€" UP LIST M, L. Hagar, Grimsby Mch. 1}22 CRAIGâ€"On Wednesday, Aug. 31, nnr.uumo..l.cm. a son Robert). _ j4%1 AUGCTION SALE DATES WRS. ROBERT PENFOLD the house at one p.11. on on an feland 250 miles eensiand coast to ald in the wenther. the handle of a new toy un punctures holes in a per and the resulting con» 32| You can get acquainted with your appetite in this grocery shop and you can get acquainted with a most modern method of saving money. Pay less by paying cash and carrying your groceries home. PAY CASH! More About The Reliable Merâ€" chandise We Are Offering at at $8.90. Smart Little Wash Frocks; adorable styles for children. Regular $6.50 to $7.50. _ Clearing These are smart Over Blouses, in extra quality tricolette, a variety of shades.to choose from. Clearing at 10 dozen Corsets. _ Regular §200. Clearing $1.25. All sizes in pink and white. 8 dozen Black Lisle Hose. ~Regular 75¢. . Clearing 59e pair. _ Slightly imperfect. Fibre Silk Hose, in navy, brown, white, black, taupe. Regular $1.50. _ Clearing $1.00 pair. 10 dozen Children‘s Black Ribbed Hose Clearing age pr, $2.50 Allâ€"woo! Serge, in navy and black. . Sale price $1.59 yard. P $1.25 Union Serge. _ Navy, black, cardinal, copenhagen. Clearing 59¢ yard. SPECIALS FOR MEN Men‘s Allâ€"wool Cashmere Soxs. _ Regular $1.00. Clearâ€" ing, 59¢ pair. Men‘s Merino .«and Mocco Soxs, black, grey and brown. Regular 45¢. . Clearing age pair. Men‘s Silk Neckwear. Regular $2.00. _ Clearing $1.00, 10 dozen Men‘s Fine Shirts, neat stripes. _ Regular §2.25. This week, special for ’l -†4 oCntinuing our Furniture Sale in wonderful values. Cut prices in Draperies, Comforters, Floor Coverings. We can. save you 25 per cent. to 35 per cent. on everything in Furniâ€" : ture and Housefurnishings in this store. ooo M 4 a> ‘wt | on * w o y P + t 6 We have bought out the business of Mr. Hoffman‘s Dry Cleaning Dept., and are now ready to Dry Clean, Press and Entrance in Bell & Phipps, Jewelry and.Gramaphone Parlors DRY CLEANERS CLEARING: ALL WASH qmm Dainty Organdie Dresses. Regular $16.50. SALE OF TRICOLETTE BLOUSES Regular $35.50. Clearing Men‘s Suits Men‘s Straw and Felt Hats Summer Corset and Hosiery Values as GRIMSBY. :: THE A. E. PHIPPS COMPANY PAY LESS !