Grimsby Independent, 11 Feb 1920, p. 12

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| 1 4 (Crowded out last week,) > The General mesting of the local Branch was held in the Clubrooms on , uesday evening, Fobruary %, 1920â€"â€" at elght thirty o‘clock. A goodly atâ€" tendance was present; but it is felt by the aetive officers that a great @eal more intérest could ba \ shown, Eflkmlu:ly in attendance at meetâ€" % ne. . Two years ago when a Council was elected that was going to save a whole lot of the money that was supposedly being wasted. Well you know what they did do. Without taking into consideration the disgrace as per paper reports of meetings, lheyi simply tore to picces a perfectly good system with the avowed inâ€" tention of saving money. You also know what happened. You have paid over one thousand dollars a year more for the same work. You know wind, blow, talk, selfishness, small mindedness and a hankering for power or Vrosi‘;iion will not get us anywhere. Jt is business methods, run calmly without excitement that will get you the best results and I must say that of late it is exceedingly hard to get such men as you now have to qualify at all. I positively know that it took a lot of personality to get your present three Counciliors to stand on account of the fault finding and nagging caused by about ten persons who clog the wheels of progress in GRIMSBY. I have had a lot of cheap advertising lately from this same lot of men on account of my firm belief in helping factories to start. Now, I am proud to say that I was the direct cause of the Radiant, Hess, Metal Craft loans. Every one a success. Every one paying out large payrolls every week employing the citizens of this place. In Heaven‘s name what more can they want? _ . ‘This bunch wanted to do away with the Water Commission. You said "No." Tried it again, you said "No" two to one. Well, this is the same lot that has caused this election tomorrow. So I am sure you know what to do. y VOTE FOR CULP AND CLEAN, COMPETENT COUN‘CE.. Tomorrow you will have an opportunity to vote for a Councilâ€" lor to fill my place, I having resigned because of tht intention of some of our citizens of unseating me on a technicality. I am sorry that I am the,cause of the expense of anâ€"election but through no fault of mine. 1 simply signed on to make a harmonious council through the solicitation of some friends who were tired of the way this bickering and quarrelling has gone on in the Council. ‘ The matter of the Secretaryâ€"Treasâ€" wrer‘s resignation was again brought forward by the.President; who inâ€" timated that he .also, ‘would â€" ba obliged to give up office and active work, in the near future;â€"and it was decided to hold the nratter ‘ in abeyance until suitable arrangements could be made, i ‘ The president announced the sucâ€" cessful formation of a Ladies‘ Auxilâ€" jary and stated the Executive of that body was very active and enthusiasâ€" tic; and desired to be informed | of any help they could extend. He imâ€" pressed on th» meeting the import ance of the work that by the Ladies: and a The Executive Committee met preâ€" vious to the convening of the generat meeting; and in accordance with the Constitution appointed two addition al members to serve with It, on Execâ€" utive work; _ these being Com. k. Hope Kidd, M. C., and Com. J. E Bcott. BEST‘S STORE uENT NOC CC ODC Klfipond Herring, rOL. 250 & UM .ceee 0666609 Gold Soap and P, and G. White Naptha At ....«.«« Not more than 10 cakes to any one customer. N. P. the big bar, each We also have many other goods at low prices; everything, so come and inspect our sto Cooanie 2o afam heme rok Ae U ons n tin Tomatoes, large size a tin nfimfll Herring, rek. 20 Gold Soap and P, and G. W K ds v ®alln Klim, worth this price WhO‘ Dill Plekles, reg. 25¢ per t Tuna Fish, light and dark m Lipton‘s Tea, regular 706 1 Holbrook‘s Custard Powder, Palmolive Soap, while it lasts Pearl Syrup Misture, rE. 40 Pilchard, large tins reg. 25¢ Peas, reg. 20¢ & t ....6++++ \(j’_’ THE WINONA GENERAL STORE Has some real bargains for you this week don‘t fail to take advantage of themâ€" 6. W.â€"V. A. CORNER To theâ€"Ratepayers of Grimsby Showing at Moore‘s Theatre on Monday night, Feb. 16th. THE BEST GOODS it could be done asked that â€" no Yours faithfully, HUGH D. WALKER AT THE BEST PRICES AT The use of the Clubrooms was granted to the Niagara Peninsula Fruit Growers‘ Association for an afâ€" ternoon and evening early in March for the purpose of them holding their Annual Meeting, hereâ€"at the same rent as last year. . _ _ It was announced by the President that the drawing for the Pen used by the Prince of Wales was yet to beâ€" but he was in hopes of having the matter cleared up within a very short time. Lack of atteption on the part of those comrades who had tickets to sell, in not turning them in was the cause of the delay. _ The president, in exâ€"officio eapaciâ€" ty with Com. Schwab, as Convenor and Coms, Hayter ang Mackay were apainted to frame aset of local byâ€" laws and houseâ€"rules, to be brought forward at a _ future _1 ceting for revision and adoption.~ _ _Relativa to the Provincial and Dominion Conventions, " which open In Peterboro and Ottawa in March, it was felt almost impossible to be able to select a delegate who could give the necessary tme to the atâ€" tendance of these twoâ€"closelyâ€"followâ€" Ing conventions;â€"but the meeting left the whole mattc: in the hands of the Executive Committee, to decida as to the course of the Branch in beâ€" Ing represented, and selecting tha delegate and making financial arâ€" rangements. comrade be diffident about approachâ€" Ing them for assistance in their line of endeavor. prices; we cannot "our store yourself. Phone 40 W advertise JAS. A. LIVINGSTON & $0NS GRIMSBY ONTARIO We have a customer who has a nice house and beautiful lot in the Village of GRIMSBY and also has Twenty Acres of fruit land in North GRIMSBY on the Main Road; fully planted. He wishes to exchange one or both of these for a farm in North or South GRIMSBY; and wants to be near a school and a good road. Apply with full particulars and prices to _ The deputation was given every reason to believe that the council was heartily in accord with its obâ€" jects and whila no promises were made, there is reason to believe that if the residents of Saifleet do not soon carn the reputation of being "well read," it will be their own fault not that of their representatives. STONEY CREEK WANTS FREE LIBRARY â€"Ifâ€"thoseâ€"residents â€"of Saltfleet ~who are inclined towards literature and its educational benefits succeed in their present _ ambitions, _ Stoney Creek will shortly boast of a free library. At the meeting of the town ship council Wednesday, a deputation from the library board waited upon the council and requested an inâ€" creased grant which would place the library on a better basis as an (eduâ€" eational and social unit. The proposiâ€" tion included the adding of 4 rest and reading room to the present library accommodation, and the afâ€" filiation of the society with the Proâ€" vincial T4brary association. We in GRIMSBY do not fully apâ€" preciate the natural advantages that Me at our door. We have a climate and soil unequaled in Canada., We have a romantic setting in the mounâ€" tain on one side and the lake on the other. We have beautiful homes and we are situated on a highway over which more tourists travel than any road in Canada. ‘Then why not adorn our homes and make our disâ€" trict the most benutiful ang attracâ€" tive in the country? Prof. Buck is well annlifiad 4n a»â€" Prof. Buck is well qualified to enâ€" tertain and deal intelligently with the subject without being too techniâ€" cal. _ The lecture is absolutely free to all. The Iadies are specially invited to attend as we realize that they more fully appreciate® things â€" beautiful about the home,than does ~ordfidry | The Grimsby Horticultural Society is fortunate in being able to secure the services of Prof. F. E. Buck of the Central Experimental Farms, Otâ€" tawn, who will deliver alecture on "Beautifying our Home Surroundâ€" ings", _ iMustrated _ with _ lantern alides in the school room of the Methodist Church on Thprsday evenâ€" ing ,Pebruary 12th. _ This is the first of a series of locâ€" tures the Society propose giving and as the best talent available will be secured a great deal of pleasure and information should resylt. The Society‘s primary alm 4s to‘ encourâ€" age a love for floriculture, the beatiâ€" fying of our lawns and homs, and in that way beautify our town, and with the coâ€"operation of every citizen an immense improvement may be acâ€" complished. Come one and all and take a hand in the work. It will do you good as Pll as I!ollk a. Nl!‘lâ€";.l;r"l: pae ds t ie Remtntt ;or soâ€"called draftees. Men who joined the service uhder the Military Serâ€" vice Act, 1917, are as eligible to place their applications in the hands of the Association, and to memberâ€" ship, as men who previously . joined the forces; provided they have seen overseas merviceâ€"and their applicaâ€" tions will be and are dealt with in exactly the same manner, without discrimination. _ The nmldrl anâ€" nounced, as a matter of fact, that there were already two men belonged to the branch who . had joined â€" the army under the Military Service Act. An appeal was mada for an inâ€" creased membershipâ€"and it was sugâ€" gosted that each comrade endeavor to bring in a new member previous to the next general meeting, which will be held on ‘Tuesday evening, March 2. f _ Tha meeting adjourned. "*‘Com. Kidd, W. W., and Com. Kidd, R. M., M. C., were appointed chairmen of two seperate committees to hold special dances, upon Friday evenings other than those used by the existing Dance Committee, These will ba "added attractions" and will, in no wiso, Interfere with the present proâ€" grum of dances, Some discussion took place as to the status of "draftees" joining the association; and it was made quite clear that no broad, generah policy was in force against the admission PARKE & PARKE, Ltd. Macuab St. and Market Square HAMILTON, â€" ONT. It promotes good health in poultry and increases the egg production of the flock, MAKE YOUR MENS LAY BY Pulting them in the best Poultry Spice "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS® 25e per canâ€"5 for $100 WANTED condition by feeding regularly Hume‘s THE INDEPENDENT, GRI MSBY, of BMORA SCC0F C UU0 auata« tenarance of the Emntre‘s se ,n-upg_r.thbhmumfldm-un‘-nfiux‘ as â€"_.. . aais smm =*=Winnipes TolosTans Soules. chased the house and lot on St. Cathâ€" arines street, Smithville, from W. G. GRIMSBY. Wm. Grant has purchased the farm of 1 M. Culp of Smithville. L .R .Lanham has purchased the farm in Gainsboro of Jacob O. Mcâ€" Pherson of Fenwick. Thos. Lynch has sold the Mrs. W. B .Adams property in Smithville to Mr, Albert McCollum of Gminsboro. at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers to appoint delegates to attend the 1J F. O. Convention at St. Catharines on Saturday 28th, Fobruary, when a eandidate who it is ‘hoped will ba conversant with the Agricultural and Horticultural = requi nts _ of the County will be unnm to repreâ€" sent them in the Federal House. Lo c e o t the home of Albamy Meloche beâ€" cause it was claimed, members of the family had "listened in" on ~party lines, Justice of the Peace «Joseph White at Sandwich, Thursday, Jan. 22nd, dismissed the suit brought by Meloche agninst the company. Testimony of 27 witnesses was heard before a decision was reached. Some of the witnesses told the court the Meloche family had interrupted calls on party lines, during which strong language was used. J The court held that Meloche had violated the company‘s rules in alâ€" :rvln. his family to intrude on busy nes. A. E. Wedg@wood has purchased the Mrs. Wilson property in South "Mac" Kelso bas sold his farm to Mr. Berry of Caistor. In almost every township .in the County of Lincoln have been organâ€" Ized Branches of the Uniteg Farmers of Ontario in order to promote coâ€" operation and watch such legislation as will benefit their industry and Canada ‘as a whole. The practice of "listening in" on rural lines does more, perhaps, . than any other to lessen the usefuiness of the telphone to the farmer and his household. Upholding the action of the wich West Telephone company :‘: moving telephone . equipment from A Branch Association has been orâ€" ganized in the GRIMSBY District, and will meet on Monday 16th inst., btsriiisess B B ds i cfi As this is a platform on which all perties (men or women) directly inâ€" terested in the produce of the soil may coâ€"oprate it is hoped that all so interested will attend â€" this meeting on Monday â€"night in the Council Chambers. Your obedient servant, HANMILTONX FLEMING,: Chairman U «F. 0, (Frult Braneh); sang ROW TV79" U COs menthar father and rrandfath When acting as uncle, sunt, brother, father and grandfather to a of British scribes. ‘They think in Britain that not to have known ( of BR ETE DLE Aostaw tenaranes of the Emnire‘s seorvan Ladies And Gentlemen:â€" | 118. 8. Acd o Boic? on L200 Gan bright though aristocratle London Twain of Canada. . It claims his will yet go down to fame as havin; as gonerous with !u h:t:nr n: h: EOWE ENU TT Cals 2 UHIaK O° PEABNATUB C MOOOLL L124 dream of neglecting a royal command. _ He grata with all kinds of people in Who‘s Who, Meourldnlwhulohml‘r:d to publi his honor, Now he has achieved the sign mention in the exclusive Morning Post. It even If the League of Nations be jeopardized the C. P. R. is keeping his health and revellin 1 I CCRA OWEL3L0 Sa zes ane have got so "fed up" with durer for a change, escorting untitle Many men whose signatures c think of forgetting to send him when interesting people came to Canada to find it freshly . interestâ€" ing there _ was no bod y _ could reveal the spirit of the land to them like George Ham of the C.P.R. It is said he put Major Pond of the United States out of business. Why Messrs. Hicks & Irvina have purâ€" FRUIT AND VEGETABLE GROWERS Mark Twain of Canada THEY "LISTENED 1n" RURAL REAL ESTATE PNVL O i ucss R 41370 Wallace Road Oakville, Ontario L6L 2Â¥2 (Advertisement) Access sYSTEMS LTD , ONTARIO Phone 825â€"1166 i-v‘,'lr. Nell Munro, the Scottish author, _ 77 unti s HOOD! !mmmuuumnmvmmnmmuummmmmuu] Main Street FEBRUARY Kimonas and Dressing Jackets To those desiring solid comfort, these garments are indispensâ€" able. When you see our stock, you won‘t wish to go south. Now being offered at closing out p:lic;- to mlake ;oola for spring goods. $10.00, $8.75, $5.75 and $5.00 values for $6.98, $4.98 and $3.98. $3.00 and $1.75 dressing jackets t $2.49 and $1.49. SLUSH Maitese Cross K.. M. ~STEPHEN Snaps Children‘s Hose 25¢ and 35¢ A few boxes only of our old stock, ribbed fleeced hose, to be sold at the old prices. If you have no children, or if they don‘t wear out stockings, this will not interest you. Sizes 4 to 514 at 25¢; sizes 814 to 10, 35¢. Get your shareâ€"items like these help reduce your household expenses. Don‘t wear old rubbers or no rubbers at all. See that ali members o'l t::le {amily are supplied before getting wet feet, "ih e e i uts in h 22E T T arene ho in s 1 This name stands for the best yet produced in rubber boots. American made and guaranteed to stand certain tests of heat and steam where all others fail. While the present lot lasts, the price will be ©.2..s084 e crThcar ind as ++ 6 e se PR A e m T Cele The old reliable brand will take care of you': wan?s a:d lyou will find here a good assortment of lasts and heels. Bert Lytell. 2§thâ€""Castles in the Air"â€" May Allison. 6thâ€""Four _ Flusher" â€" Hale Hamilton. 14thâ€""Belle of the Season"â€" Emmy Whelan. 18â€""Heartease"â€"Tom Moore. 2#1â€""One Thing at a Time."â€" NOORE‘S LINEâ€"UP RUBBERS The above reward will be paid to any person giving information which will lead to the recovery of my dog, which was last seen on Wednesday 4th inst. The dog wndmelmmflfim with white on . tag marked "N.G. 30" attached to brass studded leather collar. Ansâ€" wers to the name of "Pat." Wednesday, February 11th, 1920 H. BULL To be shod woll, quictly and with dignity is without doubt an asset to the business man. Our shoes are made to meet the needs and desires of all men. They are always in good taste, correct in style, and of superior leathers and workmanship. A Business Asset $10.00 REWARD Robt. Duncan & Co. Valentine Decorationsfor Teas, Dinners and Dances are obtainable in many new styles. Cks, STATIONERS James St. and Market Sq. HAMILTON Hundreds of new designg in Valentines are shown in our displays. Some are very amusing. SHOE STORE Valentines H. FLEMING | a Phone 313 R 2 PHONE 197

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