Grimsby Independent, 6 Aug 1919, p. 2

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* "It is the mm& kind of nonâ€" sense," said "to ask those girls to go to the poll and vote and perhaps kill the votes of * Lx w . | [ _ rrne _\ V HE INDEPENDENT P‘Q p, _ _._@_= CA Lel NCPE N P THE PEOPLES Pappp ESTABLISHED 18s; u&m.*t Owners and Publishere, “L.-M“&_ h~.a,mh-.~‘m\h‘~ Telephone 36 semmmmmmmmmmemes,.... _Sae | aecaiterlt Pm on to ‘address or to T 1 telag ontg o m io ivah \ A man said to me last Saturâ€" day, "You are absolutely â€" right utds ht rek mon i. M about t liness of the Ontarin Governâ€" ment in allowing all sorts of women and srh to vote on imâ€" portant q %." Continuing his remarks, he said, "I have three girls. ‘They are good workers in their own line. ‘They are as imellirm and bright as " any girls. But the whole three of them put togethâ€" er do not know 2s much o&u! public questions as a kitter." _ W P. y i ul s e dErig . MCCE OVE â€" ue ‘This man is right. minority an‘ could not ca on B#3 444 , the Govern: »nt without m"uykrl:‘ I have no hesitation in saying a corrupt dea‘ with the Irish that ninety perhum‘.“ol all the National in:.. o ‘ young women this country; * * °® °* | are + absolutely without any Roads=â€" | knowledge, _ or â€" any _ serious| The Stone "toad from the top lhocght of any kind, about the of the GRIMSBY Mountain to public questions of the dayâ€"and Adams‘ Corner, through North they have no way of pollinr an, and South GRIMSBY, stll reâ€" intelligent vote except it is as mains aÂ¥.ost impassabie and no somebody else tells them. move is being made, to im‘ e yfe 4e it or get it in condition for trafâ€" _ 1 have no hesitation in sayâ€" fic, 1 business men who know how to vote and what they are voting I have no hesitation in uy-' ing that seventyâ€"five 't:r cent. of the older women of the Province! ‘This latter class of women that are done being of a most probably constitutes twenty per doubtful nature. ‘ cent. o(vall the women. voters,! s‘yite‘» * udthe‘{nrelheotflym Think it overâ€" who will know what they are snn wommnmmmememmemmemmmmen voting on, or what they are GRIMSBY DISTRICT REPAT. casiiny their bailot for. | ~ RiAfiON coMMiTrEE â€"women of fiity years, or over â€"have no thought or care on‘ public questionsâ€"and have noâ€" thing to bake their vote upon exâ€"‘ cept what somebody clse tells a met® i N L i Street was in "-m!huno w'm..‘,..h“..‘m_ tation in saying that fifty per ers and business men who have cent. of the women between the a great deal of traffic 10 the ages of twentyâ€"five and fifty Grand Trunk Station wished to have no real Imowl# or inâ€" see it repaired, but were afraid formation on the ic quesâ€" that it might be tied up and in tions of the day and have no a rough state right in the fruit eare or thought about those season. questions and connqmll{ they % *a‘t ie are unable to poll an intelligent‘ _ Superintendent of Works Ran vote, and if they vote at all will dall took hold of the road ; stonâ€" simply vote as ‘somebody else ed and rolled it; dusted it and tells them to. | watered it; and finished it in a w t t 0A ‘few days, leaving it ready f ‘There are a certain number Of, trafficâ€"and now it is one of women who will go to the polls the best roads in the Village. ‘The women of Ontario uvcr" would have had the franchise extended to them ai this iwime,. | wW, STEW/RT DRUG €C0, LIMITED m dicrb GBGGD divcite dnb id Fone 9 * 07 t 000 t ‘There are a certain number of women who will go to the polls to vote with a delinite idea in their minds and they will know why thye are voting, and what they are voli:{l forâ€"Most of these women will be faddists or fanatics but they will poll an inâ€" telligent vote according to their aeReit w VC C 2C e l l the above dissmes. . Ther will them from Aimedy them and drive thom from took had only . i.':‘:w"""i'..'i'c'i ..'Iflm:p.-n we‘l flLID- mhm-,v.'ihblufl- peem® CC CaCC ETY ~Aalen catoâ€"because it is ectaroly false. pleton‘ Rhoums‘. Captules, asd is reâ€" mua-'dl-&h-:lh. A yeoa* or so later Rheumati« aympâ€" toms .fi What does he 2t« Redinataly concludet That it is his old AUhenaver . Temploton‘s . Rhowesti w are given a fair trial they Coit e aiith Rearaighe, or "any "of oc diadred moneg ®"~ " * *‘ ‘RO.‘s wou‘t make you immune PLAY FAR. ag 23 New Secretary. 2 reastt a / erâ€"Bivuch Bencficial Piacing of . Sir William Hearst felt that he hu.l‘uku nno‘u:!nir and dis loyal advantage is own narty and of the men of Ontario, _erally, and in order to hold‘:t; | position and beat out the men lwho are opposed to him, he _granted to the women of Onâ€" tario, the franchise in the hopcl that they might be n::!o“ into m:flomn. him his| fool l'? tion on a sympathetic‘ or sentimental vote. | If the officials of North anc South GRIMSBY do not know how to repair a road proâ€" perly, they should come down the Vi‘lage of GRIMSBY and take a \ook.n: "Dq.o: Street. \ & If North and South GRIMSâ€" BY would finish their roads like D not Street has been finished the farmers would get some benelit for the taxes they m instead of bduaa driven their roads during the whole summer and then <the crepairs that are done being of a lwul ‘The Chairmen {aformed . TMC -m-eli:" that Mr. Rromley ludl handed him his resignation from| the position he occupied on the) Committee, as he is compelled to be away from the District alâ€"| most all of his time, and . cannot carry on the work _.u.h;:l _'?u?_'d o 20 e SBetoond like to, and requested that h: resznation be accepted and s successor appointed. | Sir. J. A. M. Livingston acting as Secretary, informed the Execu tive that a resolution relative to the Sccma?'-‘l‘nnum"l nmn- cration would have to be passed, a great deal of traffic 10 the Grand Trunk Station wished to see it repaired, but were afraid that it might be tied up and in a rough state right in the fruit s€ason. had it not been for Carried on for Some ncommp“. |_ An informal discussion then‘ took place as to the diration Of| the existence of the Commit and it npg:-m to e the general orinion that i should be kept effective organization for the ance of the Summer season, least, and for about i>ree months abter the official cessation of deâ€" mobilization ; and should this tend beyond a reasonable «ime. be dissolved by a public mue of the Committee at the disgre» ‘llon of the Executive. ‘The work done in this c=criet| | by the GRIMSRY District Repati have the free use of the. V. A. Clubrooms as an . the first payment to be ; month ending March ganization, it was felt that he would be best able to handle the position, being in constant touch with the returned men of the dis= trict and their ml:‘ilnmm“ in the matter of positions, etc., and it was moved by _ Mr. Farell. seconded ? Mr. Fleming, that Mr. T. A. C. Jones be anpointed Secretaryâ€"Treasurer of this C mittee as from July 16, 1 at the the same salary as Predecessat. Carried," _ _ DÂ¥ and halt b‘ the ~C North GRIMSBY ; and The question of a successor: Mr. Bromley brought up candidate, in the person of Mr. T. A. C. Jones, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer of _ ‘the _ GRIMSBY District Branch, G W. V. A. of C. and owing to his position in that or« mation cmmiNlce bas been A most valuable asset to the Disâ€" trict at large and the reis men in it, during the past mâ€"aths and that value will continue be fslt as long as the Coâ€"mmitte@ is in existence and the cost upkeep has heen so small, com paratively speaking, that & uiss idA cuidihâ€"acdrd iess l (m Thursday evening, one of \the must popular contests ever| r;tntdoa:‘da;ee floor will g; staged a aged proper! ‘M‘lm Finkle .J it w‘l he | well worth going to see it; if | you are not inclined to dance vend take part. _ _ aols % North GRIMSBY Council has not done a thing towards securâ€" ing relief â€"The matter has not even been officially discussed by that body as a Council. The Reeve has expressed his opinion and that lmm':‘ls goes for the Council as a whole. At the last meeting of the Village of GRIMSBY Council the matter was taken up by the introduction oÂ¥ h motion by Coun. Mitchell to the effect that were ‘hl:c:" nle:f 7 “‘by mA not rep! into effect ust 1, application be made to 3; Dominion Railway Board for Whether it is downright careâ€" lessness; fear of bnkiin-.". prlv-' ate corporation; or simply anâ€" Ts Porminicd. hC porerageg % eat t 'T;‘i.“' 7 l‘lh‘ bm"z?e" '?:lm] able to te! ut ‘ Situation is today exactly as it was a month agoâ€"except that n-crybo:‘y is a L.; more sore and disgusted over the rates and zones as they are. Yet nothing is done. _"What is ev bo‘:'l business is ‘% b:ztu «mhlyii does apply in this District on every question affecting the pub : lic interest; and that, presumabâ€" Iy, is the reason nothing is ever| done to improve the conditions)! at present existent in the Disâ€" ‘ tict along many lines, _ . _ |@ l(n:;er Finkle of _ the GRIMS®Y Beach Dance Pavilâ€" lion announces the following g;s(nu-e of special attraction this and next week : Aucust â€" 7â€"Thursdayâ€" Block Party â€" Contest . and Balloon Dance. u4‘ we to 12 M : Pavillion pices of We Under omens‘ In Ausâ€" |. L ment Society, on Friday | hl:"::;“g. or two later, while on Eveni | sigh o his . office, on On | Friday â€" event [ Chipping away Ure ndmirions: "“ (hesk, August evening | of _ thi ]'{lt N dorns <or the Bull‘ Improvemtem steicty \ o. thit! East wall of the _ iorost ies BÂ¥ Beach witl hold a . GRIS| ings ol in Ond +d ‘b'“ :ueo h' fll“:u a llb.edp_i ing ;““";"W.:d‘ a kind :“B‘g:- (eceal" recaring is Ts yur. ohg i6 Sapor reanes o ts i Nich to “";,g" nds m m;: Solicitor to find to the Tikve under on the work that “.')G done" and mfl( "if it T ickers are n in the p they| ty B ‘it could not", as the ed o ira‘|4 mlamopnteare tha‘ptoperty of Ts i altos fwa" en on n aeroaet Don‘t leave i he wl ign, 2| ments, d i recations: mngrove eut ‘to d t until the last E:) be ts, 4.,:::“ ce ®, i!l\m'e. wmw‘: go but b,"er_c“”"" by the: eéc., to e Grang Marth ahic nany| edic P urachn wen: Jorm an commence _at March which will ""'r:«;i‘"‘d sealed and gorh t m an evening cightâ€"thirty : ll" sen by accredited Ci duly deâ€" nre, t tightticy "â€"and | tiniance of the orv City Repreâ€" Mrs. H. F. "intoaght apon c muel nevoe poieg Mrs. Martin® Burkholder, buirs ht l the. fan" molk Te saie of popers 1 o each nave| what lond i is sar nc is come Eo ickes in hand, ""** wiges, hn feieepsen hoh PANCE PAVILLION PrRro. | wall of ";""K.bemp'l:es.'a o h GRAMME Iweewsd. To mark the me . i s old meat mlri'et)f e site of the Tickets are now on sale at one dollar per _ couple; and m( and old, alike, \:m find a enjoyment in attending. Don‘t leave it until the last mom ent to decide to go but buy ‘avorite Spot RIMSBY P m'fl: ;-yoln:hl ©ames NNE PR0C" And on a waek from this l"rl-l day «ening a Grand Masquer= ade Carnival will be the event| to "QRIG for : f=ull particulars of| this will be arnounced later ; b_utl take it fre=. mouuaks n d a hummer ":n @â€"»»mmmayâ€"a, Masquerade Carnival. 1 have a Smail House on good Corâ€" ner, Price $850.00. Cash down $200.30 Balance on easy ! tallments ® rs will not notice the l-m"a it at all; and yct beve Jas. A, ‘PHONE RATES to get t cir sostames out & BARGAKX 15=â€" Friday â€" Grand| abâ€" |PIEK CC CCC l e ad. as Editor and Chief Magistrate if he continues in both avocations. Not lon u‘-'o his Honor _was presiding L ourt on a B. T. O. A, case and in giving sentence !m the statement that he would not believe ane of the ; Crown witnesses because of her repyutation and the fact that she had had a little wine, at the time the B. O. T. A. was committed. County Crown Anon‘{ challeng ed Elson‘s attitude, c mikngxdl.l‘t "“l‘l'l.u bcartaitds. d it arinesâ€"NMayor â€" Elsonâ€"who i lmmsnm. hno;-co--flnxw t :fluvuRMQ of the colml"" |in the newspaper ©mq with | us | is Mm own troubles these | the poor chap is going to be able ‘ _ Immediately ensternation and | confusion was apparent in, the |(ionllly Buildings. and â€" amongst | 'null\omi::l thereinâ€"and an ©MErgency call was sent forth to |all glgmbgy- of the Committee ze Cus HRAREOT w PRA at e 4 C no evidence had been submitted derogatory to the lady‘s reputaâ€" tion ; and in the conuoven:z gor the Chief Magistrate to mit that he imbibed of the wine when it was red, a little, himself, at times. The endâ€"up of the afâ€" fair was a statement by the Coun tv Crown Attorney to the effect that he would take no more casâ€" es before Mnyfiu' El-on. while he was prnidlu n Court. This trouble had ML been sideâ€"stepped and passed into the p::t wlm':'a .:ln came bd;m‘ the Bene! upon open! Court Editor Elson dinovuaf that the principals to itâ€"it was an assault case, presumablyâ€" were his own City Editor of the "Tournal" and a former City e P Te Roccd s e to save his reason and . survive the trials and tribulations, WOtâ€" ties and troubles of his dual nlm Editor of his employ, but now of the rival paper the "Standard". Editor Elson thought deeply and arrived at the conclusion that he could not, in all fairness to both parties, try the case, and it was adjourned until Judge Campbell returns to his duties.. A _ Staggering under the troubles he was enmnm in both molding public mion _ thm‘h his publication, and administerâ€" is moborn io td m son wn':brougln up allâ€"standing. MAYOR ELSON _ HAS ownNn TROUBLES := ne next move has not nsen knownâ€"but it will evident 1y some from the City Fathersâ€" "Asent. q. aâ€"t "UUU C0, NPMBy, Grtmebr, | Ont zm-“h St #, l‘.'.‘.!.“.f.."r‘. T. 'teo‘":fi"u'-'fi nd ‘The Chief l-*bflf i _ of _ our o _ County Town St. Cath WX. STEWART, pey Sote "Agenis U "UH_DRUG Co, was =®| GIRLS WANTED Properly drain this sub nyâ€"lnd’it :: |:e .f:- :fly o o oo n wl ap i 8 8 a ':f"o_;’efly situated alogn _tnc; as the Cou‘nnlz Council have simp ly "quit" are awaiting reâ€" And before anything more Li done in this matter, we would bring to the attendion of Coun. tli'llchell Clnd llj‘l co':l.lnnnh ‘:n m ‘illa ouncil that whi \buildf:g of a subway duire‘;:‘ [him. on Depot Street, would ably relieve the Village and Township of a quarterly expendiâ€" ture of in the â€" neighborhood‘ of eightyâ€"five dollars ,as their porâ€" tion of the maim;:uce of &‘: present system ; t value to the nnpenm and South of the tracks by the building of this subway would : bem n:y -a-et‘h ing not .ee:rul ownersâ€" and the distance the entrances tarms. ‘his place will suit a workâ€" ing mm who wents to get a home L house sad lot in a good locality in GRIMSF ?, electric l‘ghts, . city water. V.ry reasonable price, 257 sults. CT:: Chk{u')‘ldfll‘h of S atharines no easy we sympathize deeply 'I" him. wmm‘u ‘Trunk Tracks and Yard Acâ€" commodation a Great Inconâ€" ‘venience to Fruit Growers and Other Trafficâ€"Route Should be Changed Some weeks ago Coun. Mitk chell introduced a motion in the Village Council calling for the Council and the Grand Trunk Railway to confer upon the quesâ€" tion of the erection of a subway under that Company‘s tracks, on WDQMS":eeL:I llll early dn“e.ut‘o the level, gat crossing that is now .m;â€"n & to date, we have no record «‘ anything further l‘l:,u__n:'e' mere and run a road allowance through the present fruit yards to Depot Street;â€"and there you are. It is a pretty hard thing to go into detail about, in a short artcle; but the idea is a sont, and we hand it on for the «»«.idera> tion of the Council, sand. the backing of the citizens who have the future prosperity and welfare of the community at heart. and the distance the entrances w::’ld be l.d';z from lhemfi‘l.l: s wou! so t lynconveniutee -oulft: increased instead of decreased to vehicles having business therein. _ _ passing of Coun,. Mitchell‘s moâ€" tion having been done. â€" _‘ _ _ We would suggest, therefore, that in considering the more efâ€" ficient planning of the Grand Trunk yards, and entrances there to. in conjunction with their Enâ€" S'nm. when he arrives in RIMSBY, the Council take into consideration the future needs of the District; an endeavor to preâ€" vail upon the Railway Company to extend their yards on <the North, to.the West, embracing what is known as the 3ell Lot, just North of the Elizabeth street subway. s . _ **= * e 'hi;h_ PeC thejts or eals Hamilton = Short howr+â€" with Satumtsv be A NEW ROUTE INSTEAD OF SUBWAY MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Clean, airy, THINK IT OVER ! J Gaand L4 A. LIVINGSTOX +. gunlit v s 4?â€"horr. ho U( hntidey Aveuar 4 19 |".'m ca + with Mitâ€"

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