mun-n. It“ 5 - V Announcen - -- “ FOR $15.85 Men's Winter Overcoat; $21.85 Mesh Winter Overcoat: $15.85 m Wttmtgt OWATI MADE UP m Till â€mm cmnm OR UM! mu: m “INCH mu Port In" on YOUNG KIN WORTH UP TO 'esat THâ€! COATS All IUITABLI POI m. wan. AND WOULD ADVISE ANY ONE â€RIDING A COAT FOR NEXT 8“" TO PURCHAII mu: AT OUR BALI PRICE. YOU WILL IA" new " DOING IO. BROWNS. OKAY! . '1 I an“ All THB PRIVAILINO ms; “-18 um AND YOUNG mm W." OMAN mama UP To “5.00. m VAN’JUI common. man. ITO- THISI ARI “OHM 7H! - coaN m on .700! AND WILL 00 ON CALI “1' HORNINO. TH! EARLY PUI'JHAIIB " BOUND Ttt 031' A M 31.3mm IN rim GROUP. mu " Ttt - THE interior of the OAK HALL Clothing Store will be fitted with Modern Fiktures by the 1st of April. Our stock at the present time is altogether too large, so we have decided to make this Sale and give the people of Hamilton and' Vicinity, Real Bar- gains in Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishings during the month of March. watiii our advertise- ments during this month. We do hot intend to put all lines on sale at once, but from day to day will put on lines at Special Prices. 5 - These prices will be interesting to every “IIIin in this District who are requiring Wearing Apparel. 'ttt can count on us having exactly what we advertise, but ybu will have to be here prompt to secure the Best Bargains. , . IO a 12 JAMES Street Nam. PRICE $21.85 OAK. . " 001. In - CU" “MUG“ mm. mm 0mm PATTB5tNB, LIGHT IPDIUI AND on! "(Al)“ 0. “LI “WWAY HORNNO. mu: All "n ma GOODS CUT FULL AND IDOIY. mom I. "I. [ROI u re tt%. p not Ill-I men mun-um: mu new was All. mu. “corms. m mom Dunc: m 1113 m am: am numb AND "rAgtAettttt-trwtla. am mmu “mam-ton. mu m 10 u. was: an MADE new»? m up m "In mu. " can. to “mow mom PRICED AT 16c " PRICE $1.29 Men's Black Socks 16c Buy Shirts at $1.29 ---" HAMILTON. ABrtttiet%-.tMth- M III-Muham- 'tanne-et-ttnr-e"'- Alt a.6atathR, might-chap 7:71.. to MUiist "'w-"" ifs-m in“. i muslin-clans than I. “me- M'M‘ Intact-n at at w. a no maul-Mirna...“- t_ati-b--'Bett_ HIMâ€. it'd-(u- (In nus-roman“ w thaw an!» I." n- manna-gnu“ " W Maui-Ind hub. an.“ by no“ a I muon- hr 't-tm..reueh,-eet-, â€Nymm uea'ItSe'uteeetCette' (tqettreetA.Br$tlt.tit-t.- ;lh0..lllom!|u.'nu “manhunt-l.“ - “you. Inn-unanimous..." â€we..." T “lithium am.“ milieu-II... ‘i'n-tcucnuuny In.“ chm-on? ‘mmummuu inï¬ll!“ 'Y-er-IA-e-Me" was.“ in: h... I I‘m-Ilium. mull-mum.“ "uiltita.ts6.- â€mama-nu“;- maul-IM“ "rr-et-r-en" Who-{- ulhu than no In - -t.attM.-t-r, T lat-lu- -t-tera..t. l haw-m #eeyl". nah no! "tIt.-- “burl.- _nu",',TGhlu%uraTii- mun-amumuu [_, QUINN", _., ---= oâ€! . Dunk-3Ҡand - Mm- - m In“. Mummy-u...» mun“! “slim-und- only-wanna a. a. ta-r-at-rot.-. nun-u. 150“de n. has...) 'qt-gear-M" I. â€Off-t Idaho-mull!- MunchMt-nnoh Inâ€! WI-mmI-uunlum Manama-u human-twill.“ te. aunt-â€Avila! Mpgdldbohltmn-p WWI“!- uni-Immuno-Ilh mad-mummy...» chi-IMMI-ul‘cano ,.dqrrtm1-t9to.te Tum" infant-1"" "nu-Hum m In... an -. - M'_'_' - “9. "etty. “a" and. '"urarg'Ptaht',t d men-din“ v.1-.__-- _- if - “I.“ In a. dh-Mere-ba-es In - h mmumd nut-.0. notion-Mal In to is do h oqMtatretttmt-oteth- Tttq-ah-tBeet-qt- d cam-hummus."- 'gtr="s.'dtu'tt,ttg'l . n “I tt','lg=."3NI'l."JJifd tte-eta-mar-V Man-HI m - - mug-ullnumm mun-Imago! In. - It tg.rgta'tetptg S/ttttt '"" who. a “I. 1'flt'An'lfd'dl',lllrl1"dr1'lt mnnohhhhthroui. "','"ttttet/t.eettiee,r I tr,'tPr'mllNgiiiratttt-ws mun-all. “I.†I. ham-d outnhnmh in Incl-‘00. M can! III dd. ... m- Itl'at"L'tt - um I In batmlummaoluh. ormmMIl-uhrlolb Ill‘o TI! on" MIMI I! “who I. II. “It a I. am - or MT, all an In" a can». to " a up! "it. A mun-r. â€(I auiiwbi. -- '7 7:5.“ " ud-glgnyl m. " "" H