C000 Ee eoeoy K THE PEOPLE‘S PrApPER ESTABLISHED :885 JA8. A. LIÂ¥INGSTON & BON8, Owners am! PubMshers ..\ Phere are a good many things the ggig.uuag-m:mhg the ‘Giobe‘ to jump on the members of the Cabinet and force some one of them to introduce the bill quickly? ‘The ‘Globe‘ Beats the Pistol! ‘The Toronto ‘Globe‘ ts jnto a new game. It is abusing the senators at Orttawa for vetoing a bill wnich has not yet been introduced jnto the House of Commons, ang may never te introduced. But the ‘Globs bas taken occasion‘ 10 jump on the scnators and state that the senators wre in favor of whiskey and would veto the bill If it 1 ised the Comwons. A better plan would be for the ‘Globe‘ to jump on the Commons, take the members of that body by the ne#. and force them to vote for the bil. oeâ€" cause it must be passed by them beâ€" fore it cen possibly reach tbs sonate. Ywo The ‘Giobe‘ is so keen for probibiâ€" ton that it is abusing the senators for voting against prohibition even hefore the bill comes before them; before it has been brought up ia the Commons, and possibly before it has even been drafted. Last year the Dominion zovernment passed an orderâ€"inpcouncil forbldding tho importaition of any intoxicating liquore into any province which bad vnacted a prohibitory law. It has peen talked about that at the present session of, the governâ€" ment, an act m.ey be introduced enâ€" dorsing . this orderâ€"Inâ€"cou‘cil, and keep it in jorce for another? your, but, up to date, no such bill hus been luâ€" troduced Ctreets, F&-u.mnmmumnn «pics, prohibited the use of|@always been maJmost a tis. 1 have vodkaâ€"mow there is no Czar in Rusâ€"|known when there was only four of uis, apd the rest of the people are |& majority, one way or\the other, and flm"'mwmm‘fl“hmcwmnm vodka or not. nine of a majority. What was the o a e e e e majority for the Conservative candiâ€" Weane hana! an the ° date in the late election?â€"333. St. Catharines Election. ‘The ‘Globe‘ has made a statement -mmhlhnu-tolseuu‘: St. Catharines, which 1 consider impossible for that paper to back up. Or would it not be a better_plan for For AF your children‘s injuries nothing is equal to Zeomâ€"Bukâ€"it ends ram so quickly! ChWS ow this MWnt willery toohagain t angined will cry for it a. J;. T. D. Ruston :rlhe Children‘s Aid Society, Belleâ€" ville,Ont., says: " We never use anything but ?nr-l!uk ‘The ‘Globe‘ starts into this arguâ€" Mothers THE INDEPENDENT starts to abuse the poor, old «very JAB. A. LIVINGSTON, General T. J. A. M. LIVINGSTON, Busin Wednersday from the Ofico of Publishers, Main and Oak like the Editor of kes a country ripe FACTS AND FANCIES @Y FRANK Faimdorn Telephone 36 Ho far, so good. But the ‘Giobe‘ goes on to say: "This statement is absolutely untrueâ€"as far as the St. Catharines election is concerned. Had it not been for the support of the Liberal farmers, many of them vhm‘lnbu_ whose interests were at | It was, first, the Labor men, and second, the antiâ€"prohibitionists. There "m. possibly, five hundred men in St. Catharines ang Merriton who votâ€" wd against Parnell simply because he was supporting a prohibition governâ€" ‘I_.__'.ulghg[!!_m'.- ment by saying; ‘We are told that the electors, amongst other thing», cenâ€" sured, by their votes, the probibition measure, and the Liberals have not come to the help of the government in sufficlent numoers to make up for the defection of opponents to prohiâ€" bition.‘ CONSZMIWISIS whose intorests were at one time believed to be adversely ;(’ fected by temperance igislation, , Purnell would have been defeated.‘ it knows nothing whatever as to how the antiâ€"probibitionists voted in the St. Catharines election. It is simply assuming _ something to be a fact It is quite platn to me why the Libâ€" erals of Niagara Township voted for Mr. Parnell, ang 1 think the reason is because they were afraid of Labor Mwmumw e Illo.t’hmultg came , ':"-Uï¬mul:':t what Labor was going to do, t the "armers, both Liberal and Conserâ€" vative, combined together to elect 2nollluw-lllohhrennl- te which may not be a fact at all In the city of St. Catharines, and in the town of Merriton, a very heavy vote was polled against Parnell. Dut who polled that heavy vote? Now, can the ‘Globs‘ by its method of reasoning, explain why there was 333 of a majority for the Conservaâ€" tive candidute? In my opinion there is only one explanation, and that is ‘the farmers were afraid of, Labor.‘ Magistrate Jelfs Pulls a Bone. ported, in one of the city papers, as stating that he would not be bard on defauiters under the Military Service act because he said the government had instructed Judge Langlier to be lenient with them. F Magistrate Jeifs, while sitting on the Bench, in the Police Court of Hamilton, the other imorning, is reâ€" * e e * a & 1 do not think that Magistrate Jelfs knows whether the government in« structed Judge Langlier to be lenient with defaulters, and there has been nothing yet revealod that shows the government gave Judge Langlier any such instructions. T My opinion is that Magistrate Joifs was lying when be made that stateâ€" ment. o instructions from the government, but in due time, that was proven to be a lie. ‘The fact was that a Polic« Comâ€" wissioncr, or some other official bad mnclm!uulhullnh\c constables giving his instructions. Judge Langlier got nold of this leaDlet and stated it was sont t> him from Otâ€" tawa, but such was not the #=s* As far as the ‘Globe The Police Commissloner stuted that be made up the instructions out of his own mind, and that be had roâ€" celved ro instructions from Ottawa. Therefore, when Police Magistrate Jelfs comes out and atates publicly mmmmdui:fl Latglier to be lenleat, 1 think Julfs is wekin« a false statement, and one that us crond$ prove. As us matter of teet, t.o sovernment has fasucd an orderâ€"Inâ€"covacll, along the followinx lines: "Deserters trom military service are to be dealt with more sternly It is understood that the govera ment has passed «» orderâ€"Inâ€"zounâ€" ei] placing the winimum f‘ne to b¢ imposed upon such . doserters . at $250, and the masimuin fine . at Judge Langlier said he had roceived WOBs "It 1g furthue anderstood that this aï¬bnom:n wil! be retro» active, thet is to say, ther +. do« serier who has stready stven him« wolt -:;.:u heer lot off with a fint loss $250, can be reâ€"arresied and r:'-m-.a at lcast (:mfln s.ll!;‘z. wu xed In the now h iur mean lLl 't'-Jnao o’r Quebec voto in St. * is concerned, at | at | elause in the Bill PFetiw io s apmasdad i notice very little has been sais ow the two pressing m?ï¬ day. And _ that _ the a! ot the Liquor Cozirot Board, @ stricter ang more thorough BB of the Foog Adulteration Act. I think 1 am "?x‘ll on behalf of army of workers when 1 say thut serious bardships and being brought about by the of the Liquor Control na‘li. 1:.' in hours of opening, P the drink _ sold _ when . and mm i5 #â€" prices, '?':-'17.'. the uï¬ and last two years. ‘.r‘,.'," she Now that the war ‘ts removâ€" ed, vom“h.:htu-' to something preâ€"war ._ as recompense for what we done to win the war. 194 Mr., Lioyd Georges ays; We canâ€" not make an A1 nation out of a C3 population. 1 give him : We cannot raise Al men on Governâ€" -e;..nmuuuu: k quor Control played lnblhh&dwfl brewer, and made a and infuriateq public. The has opened and shut his at any hour he pleased, sold pnleas garine We want beer made malt and hops and we want i unâ€" adulterated food. We win a enâ€" forced by law. and we wane tors to go round getting food and drin ksamples for snalysis. ‘The Food Ministry should take _ mat« ter in hand, and enable to get redress when they have been "bad" in their purchase. d % . ‘The Government must wake up to the fact‘that pure Crink and good. foog make sound bodics and healthy und coutented minds. Give us good, soundâ€"bodied ale, plenty of good, rough food, and enough wages‘s> that we can have a fow shillings in our pockets and there will be no strikes. or wat io ts C hars" Pabarnon to cay who appear to have quite a considerâ€" able say in our drink arrangement:, and to teh grave Mr. Roberts, who is now responsible for the Food Control ‘They may not altoether appreciate the homeiy tuth of It; but /1 don‘t thicsk there is a working man of woman in DBritain who will desire to disagree with a single of :t. We have had enough of drink and 05 vietuals and A1 lt‘ may be impossible substantlally to reduce the cost of feod v»* _ -u‘ bat it is not impossible to reduet the \mdmw: and . it is eertainly hot impossible to take smeasure® which will prevent adultcration and extortion on the part of producers and retailers alike. Mr. Clynes has jast been tetWng us ‘that the Coverniient‘s fallure : wdorn the Peace Conference with reâ€" |p|muu'l|n of the 1 L. P. is Wkels llo breea Rolshoviam." 1« my opinâ€" \tonproity woll all th. Rolsboviem in "E A is good ted Soid only in sealed packagea penReos® m anne crey time" d _ . |GRIMSBY ced imat» J _ â€"â€"â€"__â€"_â€"â€" breaks in F. HANSEL, no of| Office and residence, looks a| South, between King and on| and five doors north « Ry. line. e from‘ malt! _ Hamilton, .u"llllm-â€"m of persons of enemy alien birth in Munitoba, as well us all persons who ean not read or write English, is unâ€" der consideration by the Manitoba government. anaw 4n mers "20 ~disapâ€" Wb'm'\,â€"'m““. pear at oPrce If ;. ««<boritigh â€" the work to deal drastically food and drink vemps. gon‘t mind m'“"h‘“‘m‘ norkfoE ame they dogenable Dritish Mâ€'..."‘"“"“M at â€" the Tare you 10890 pareâ€"faced and merey of ¢. system of "*** deliberate $luaâ€"or, EC "a2 +‘ They said that might made "“*-‘:N-unuu*m "’"“"fllfl.Ҡur" courte God war on the side of the rl‘fllll: mu.l..‘ll.‘ be. lb-nlmhum-. against a the mue is m fieaper, mnprepared. 88 _ clear when ocean liner strikes a smack. Yot. strange to say, m"'.;":,f,... Ta human Matase 202 CCC w Noarristor, Solicitor, Notary Pubtic 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilton 7â€"7'7"ï¬â€"'ï¬â€"â€"i"â€"‘ ENCTRTUENy EI0e fiee, ~Spectator Building," Hamiltor. McKAY, McKAY & WEBSTER esns s PC 807 Bank of Namilton Chambers WAMILTO®, ont. anCCs DPRCCO‘, Notary Ful ‘Officesâ€"Grimsby and Besmevi Money to loan u’-n..; rates, Ne DR W. A. BROWNLEE DR. R. A. ALEXANDER . MAY DISPRANCHISE ALL ILLITERATES HENRY CARPENTER wnaTt wox Ta® war; entario Lanp suryEvors CiviL ENGiNECRS over J. C. Farrells Shoe Store G. B. McCONACHIE JAS. A. LIVINGTON AuctJoneer and Valuater LAZIER & LAZIER lours: 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 pm and 1 to l'p.. Main Street West. ‘Phune No. 1. Ortmaby. AUCTIONEEE NEDICAL LEGAL toor) Ermest 0. Meke+ the Street the â€" uniâ€" g Thinking About Shoes ‘THEAL BROS 3 ‘PHONE 1 f : GRIMSBY, oNT nmllmm“m“m“lumlm DOMINION INCOME To WHOM APPLICABLE. Wike 8-! wepron who in l:'ll ni“: "\nd-“,"' fh&-w corporations and joint stock “-__L‘-:â€"â€" wHo sHOULD FILE RETURNS. L,0__. withant denendent 3. E eorporeHOn AZZ 27777 70324 in 1918. &m’u‘ the fscal year ended in 1918. emmmmmmmmmee meee pomuronsnu.xnmmnrm FrORM Ti. mumm-uhâ€"'"""‘" FORM TIA. formers and ranchers. PORM T2. By corporations and JONt 906 SOPDIT Slzes and assignees. FORM T3. By trustees, executoms, C ‘ut Te to make mdï¬-â€"-nddm ror . ty y ..-uumc-i"â€"“"-m""‘_-...‘"u or more in salaries, bonuses, commission or tion during the calendar year 1918 sociations FORM TS. By corporations, joint stock combabitt paid qflomm-humdulm-‘ bonuses paid To sharehoiders and members during 1918, Idiviguals comerining partnerships must fie returns in LEST WE FORGET ! All returns must Le 5 Forms may be obtain of Taxation and from the Returns should be A! YOU will require some repairing, hose, noztles and stopcocks for Inspector Assistant Ins it Our complete stock of repairs for SPRAYMOTOR, GOULD and AYLMER pumps is now in and ready for use. Our heavy prossure hose, guaranteed for 300 lbs. all season, is worth your consideration. We hae teh latest modt! in spray guns at a considerable reducâ€" tion in lats year‘s price. See them before you buy. Grimsby NOW Is THE TIME h1 21 0. M â€"5 on caninetftyltinins 2B without or widew of Every unmarried_pertion or widow or @Â¥dowet; mUPOOL Oifyest Al The Season‘s Newest & Best Footwear Productions for Men, Women, and Children. JINO. C. FARRELL Main Street Your Spray Pump Our complete stock of repairs for SPRAYMOTOR, GOULD and is in first class working order. Postage must be prrpaid on ‘hmd'rul!.i?. THE STORE OF 1001 THINGS Addresses of Inspector Now is the best time for repairs. Get your pump out and see CLEARING SALE of WINTER MITTs Then you should think of us. Wo have prepzred a most wonderful shuwing of Wray‘s Hardware .. cAE TON, Ont of Taxation, as PER CENT. OFF REGULAR PRICE BUY NOW IT WILL PAÂ¥ vou GRAYâ€"DORT AUTOMOBILES DEERING FARM MACHINERY AND OTHER LinxEs GENERAL INFORMATION ust be filed w * "HARDWARE MERCHANTS® AGENTS FOR HAMILTON DISTRICT from the Inspectors and AMUTIAN® AEMPMIEE atmasters at all leading centres. hnlvdhltll. 4 on ictters and other documents forwarded T wation for this District TO GET YOUR GRAPE TWINE Ausistant l’mp'd of Taxation, & o ATHARINES, Ont. Inspector of Taxation. Assistant CAYUOA, One. wEDPNXESPAY, MARCH 5, 1919 Telephone 130 F.aml..dnn ing centres it