t ~~THE INDEPENDENT . R. PYET KLisd at rhe Two of his brothers aiso enilsted aad are now overseas, one brother times wounded, is now in Englan Another brother Irwin Pystt in the Canadian Cavairy in France, is prob ably in action at the prasent time. A cousin, Walter Pyett is also at the fromi in the Canadian Cavairy. The father and mother are badly broken up over the news of the death of their son, but they should comfort themselves _ with _ the thought that their boy was performâ€" ing the bighest and noblest duty of, aCanadian and fulniling the destiny Of a true man. The young mother can tell her children that their fathâ€" CONGRATULATION® DROPPED PROM THE Aï¬ AT SIVER WE i was far better to dio duty than to live shirking Mr. and Mrs. W. J Drops coleâ€" brated the twentyâ€"ffth .-mnn‘ of their wedding on Friday last. Guests to the number of -m.‘ tiog: tweatysive Foars. age . wure ing ~t years. ago, ‘ present to offer their good 'Ill'x\ congratulations. Tes was served on four years ago. A few years ago he moved to the North West and is marrige and shitled" at hicifort mabk. When the war broke out he anlisted an* went overseas. â€" His wife and chiliren remained at Molâ€" Je nouh Terr Hrom Lenkiiy Cimg where he landed. He came back to GRIMSBY by uuto and flew back to .l‘h‘o u.m' even toast . to unmnu groom" . was . proâ€" posed by Rev. Mr. Ballard and was responded to by the groom After clreling around th¢ lawn soveral tim.s and while within. a tew feet +4 the groom, (the pHlot =~~ seen to be nome other than the «on andâ€"cthers _A« _ Uhe .. D rIDcars Tweediedee, who saves her seven Lomas‘ orchestra provided . sweet music and dancing was indulged in by young and old until midnight. _Mr. and Mrs. Drope were the _ reâ€" ciplents of many beautiful presents from ttheir friends. the famous *Snow White" pleture, sturring Marguerite Clark bas reâ€" contly directed the same star in still manother fairy tale, his time an aduptation of his own from ome ol wh Mans Anderson :H talesâ€"clas» sies for children grownâ€"upa like. The excellent . cast ; includes Riekard Barthelmess, Balsy Belmore, Wiliiam Danforth, Augusta _ Andorâ€" Clark has created one of the most winsome and whimsleal role of her sutire earreer, @"The Seren $wan«." a« the production has been named, will be shown at Moore‘s Theatre on Wednesday, August 21st. . WAROUERITE CLARK APPEARS l!i "SEVEN SWANS AT MOORF‘S THEATRE | trains jeave Toroato VROG 1606 p. m. August 20th and Hanuon visited at John‘s recently. t‘r«. Aikenhead, on Wednesday, Augâ€" ait 21. A good program is‘ in course | _ t L0 3. coun l ade atyreGiegie P vap Lo af p.~=>ration. including musiq and papers by AMra. J. B. Merrit. and Mre. J. i. Merritt Awabers are re« quested to come prepared. to con« tribute, as a collection will be takom a‘r the reliet work so soraly needed in warâ€"atrieken Europe :mnnf'mï¬ MHARâ€" ‘There is every !Ml'“'gfl“ Warvester‘s Excursions to estern Canada after August 22nd. will be cancelled. Those Intending to go Wost should leave on the frst exâ€" cursian Dates of Sale: From Toronto and camt mnu To Toronto and #tnd _ Miss B. Gower has Bafaio. after spending & L Feirhair,, General Awont, Torouto, Ont . _ Mr o and Mra. 8. Milier, Mr. uns We Walter Sheldrake ass . family and (Nir. and Mrs W. Cooper and 3. nday Director J. Searle. Dawley, who On Mondsy, Au Mr o and Mrs spadian . Nort The W wll Hast ty orth, August . 200 A west ari south MULTON Bdwar era | Â¥3. ato UBIOG Flindgo Res may 1 Soul it Moore‘s _ stnd ss0ug0r @Bpacial @tauon Broke Auguast his 81 | BREAT WAR VETS. NEETINE | doad legun part or the A comple Other feediag tests «t the Expariâ€" mest Stadon have dbows that a simple ration, like cora and waal werey, is more proftable than a mixture containing a large . autmber ot different {oeds, at usual market prices. As & eupplemest to corn . for lnying beas «lim milk may be ueat dnstesd of tambeme or mamt to the a _of returned _ solâ€" Mnmr District in lucrative positions. Carried. The ll-n-:‘h- was . carried unanimously at regular meeting of the GRIMEBY and _ District ;uotduoo.w.v.xuu August Sth, and was brought about after considerable discussion as to the benefits derived by any réturn ':I ed men in this District from the The meeting of the G. W. V. A. last Thursday night was a most im« mmmmmu the to the Dominion Couvenâ€" tion just closed in Toronto was heard with a groat deal of interest, and a great many other matters of importance were dealt with. T nc ol ‘ It behooves every returned mas in this District, if not already a member of the G. W, V. A. to see the Secretary of the local branch, at once, and put in his application; and to those who are already memâ€" h'-nh;rzt-u“a- meetings Branch _ regularly in order that they may keep better hnri- Mhmam‘ waich Ale & Associaticu relative to the we‘ltare Whes tankeg» <« good quaillty ts mofe rescily s<ailable than meat serap. it can ilkely be comblued with corn to gake a satisfectory raâ€" tiou for s ,.ng hens, conculde poul« trymen s the Ohio Experimeat Staâ€" tion wb have tested the two foads The +wo matcuale were of prawâ€" »omlly equal value in . tost AAtu.d> ::ortrtnmnvlutla wark with bram ang cora io a mash. Shellog «wora was fed twice duily in th litter to each lot of 30 hens The tammage had a slightly higher value per pound than meat scrap. It constituted 9%, per cent of the raâ€" tion und the meat scrap 11 per cent. Ordinarily tankage is a littlo choap» ar ang contains about a tfth more protela than meat scrap do«ws. Often tankage is used in bog teediog and the sume Toed cas also e used for poultry Wake Bor _i base: grovik of "aet m Reptprvetine " n "otien "aH fected by the ration fed to the cow. A good roughage, preferably a legume hay, should be fed with wheat grain or its byâ€"products to| overcome their bad effects on reâ€" production. Even with a good rough age, wheat or its byâ€"products -um! not be fed continuously â€"too Hboralâ€"| ly or the offepring will be weak I MF C MR EEABCAIEE JC C Wonk. ‘.“. way, A weak grain with whoat straw‘ losses for ration is in most cases fata!l to both| we _ sre growth and reptoduction. . It WI'M, o also produce werk or dead calves.; 80 far as reproduction is m].."d"""| o the same statement is true with a vention 1t carn gratm and â€"and weak straw raâ€") / DC _ Due to Tts !w mizaral content the overâ€"abundance of a material like wheat straw in the «ration ts an "Important factor in â€" prematurc births. + feeding of terials fallure of . t properly . â€"with or Infaction ant the . atre w tlon breeding sows duce proomatur Wenk sult fr Ration« producing early _ delivery in it ie uit omplote «,-t::‘luui cun:: da . att ngors tion. Poor . roughage, , such straws, often Jead to this sORAP Â¥#4% EN3 awrowtl dea‘ ofspring may reâ€" nutritions‘ . disturbances ul by the continued ertain â€"natural feed maâ€" nlan plant. It and r «pro will ay ak. or _ corn «hout cannot be m Ctolus> POU *h« wise . pr be . made will _ give Auction slinge pla TOr00U», â€" AU " * 'llh:.'?_'l *b the part, marrying the &n- * ;l:t ud-hm" Satur Works and Geoyse Mogarth, â€"/ Eugineer ot Higkways, “ It is now generally rscognized, by| _ Pire Wastage in the Drovince of x1 Ontario as well as ;oroughout the| , ‘ Dominion, is a serieus drain om) ! * our National Wealth sa« Resources | *‘ * It is conceded wit‘. equal) candor that something must «o done, and done in an efficient ars comprebenâ€" »:1,» way, to check lbv:'nfuu' U losses for the payment which! % we _ are all _ contributing â€" «ither| * directly or indirectly Educationâ€"of both and old.] ** muueâ€" choque for (he! in all watks of ieâ€"on Fire Ph-l' “';"‘ ‘ vention lines is of paramoumt imâ€") ‘ of Works:â€" portance. Concerted action is ought, : Lawrie, use of dray..$ i 00 be possible to .adopt . ways _ and; ?.] Marsh, cement paitarns, | mmo(‘uw. nmthullu and | 'Qal“h.umi‘:z 8 of fres, its accompanyâ€"| % le % ing loss ot life ’! Brow.. seythes, sledges thareto Dc;' Bir :â€" e are inr soeip. «t ur latter :J:'ly'll with fm 1†e« onlite covimcial way in the County of Lincoln. ‘The general prineiple followed by our Department in assumiag Proâ€" vincial Higaways is that =s 4o not wish _ to control . a _ thoroughfar» within the business or closely oc« pled portions of a tows o village as it wou‘d lead to comfict ¢* jurâ€" tadiction which would be very ob jeotionable. We will sow»ver con sider the assuming of an» +port‘on of a road within a tows hob jy :u‘-mm' or spareely ocompic:‘ and. With these thoughts to uind am callingea meoting of repre= Department) to fostor and . promots such propaganda a« shall be decided S vih o Paiioct" n ie Bs w t Oth as ro Prevention lhrm day has been aSopted by _ genoral comsent (or # purpose . throughout North Deputy Fire Marshai, Torout: later *han . August 1§th., so you may be sdvised as to the It was not a:‘ lathction aume an~ part ** a streci d Grimaby or Beameville; sod plan: indicates that we hava over any nart af a steess im ativree of organizations ~most vitaily interested, for the purpose of (ormâ€" ing a "Provincial Pire Prevention League" (which will be â€" afiliated Toronto 1918, an aorica. It is purposed * hold this mest ¢ io the Parliament . bafllings ronto, on 'rr' August . 10th 1%, and ! would ask you to ktJD â€"oporate by sending a detegat Pleasa mail reply VILLAGE vard to Yours very traly an artor aniw 11 vroute, August W. H CHAARST Mr. George F. L Gt c y () 17. Prime : Mistater it h tha at GOUNCIL yous _ ie _A ny ï¬;-. 33 OWB t © 8t aigain a Moved i: Mitcheti. secontad +*7| t | 1909, lomt the Clack asily the K.] ous _& B. Halway Company thas unâ€") rais i the ensestag at '.m reganr within tom ds & will remose the trac «m the sald strest .Cart! 4. 0-3-: Mitubail . $as* not ow‘ ons po t u0o a 7= amend the Moat Poslsr‘s By ‘ village by Mabay, . secondad m 1z > . Raycor, Haw reut....... Hillier & Sop. sunpt‘ce *out “r. shoos $ 4 l:w on....o:l- hay v&mo. danger lights f & Sangeter repairs . to mauchinory and tools.. .. & by Mitchell, seconded © by that the foilowing accounts and that the Reeve and tasus â€" chogue for the & Carried. of Works:â€" Lawrie, use of dray..$ i 00 8. Bickle Co., supplies $ 2 Powsr Co., ons Wervike... ... .... 10 Power ,Co. bara g‘m,, abare of crosâ€" n Canad4a. . Cheap ME ¢. .. ... ; 12 “Iamubw.ll In ow $ and Lignt teh Bell Canning ros., lawna mower. & Co. grass seed Yours traiy, GEO. HOGARTH ookiA . appie, . bet nto for . aik quarts Chicf Engineer seconded . hy i1 adjours to whu next moeoting #1 94 §1 §13 76 on it. than do « lu‘eon When wheat â€"â€"â€"â€"| io tho more, relial $16.45) that one hour of produce 1813 u«t ;“..imnmn yields, labor on potatoos 193 g1!8 bushe! of ‘tha worn, ons hour 0 BL4 3 not‘ce imum ExMIOiTâ€" ELGIN FELKEK O/ED OF MI§ | ION wounos With the rapid sapproach of closâ€" ing day for entries, officials of the Cansdian Netional Exhibition are jubllant uvar the prospects. "With feed so high and money so scarce : it is surprising to note the . treâ€" 00 mendou number of inquiries from new exhibitors throughout the liveâ€" stock . section . particalarly," _ said President T. A. Russell, who ts himâ€" self fitting his usual exbibit in the Shorthorn and fat cartle sections "This is an indication" be continued "of the larger number of farmers To the liberal premiums and im« proved and _ extended . classifications may be atributed to some measure at least the awakened _ interest who have been injecting thoroughâ€" brod blood into their herds and focks and is a most encouraging sign for the future of the livestock industry in Canada." Exhibition this eayr . radically reâ€" vised its classifications and . eaâ€" deavored to offset the higher ‘cost of feed and labor by adding conâ€" stderabl yto the prizes. ‘The . govâ€" erament cut down its grant by 25 per cent. but the exhibition, fealing flum"-.lo enconragement whould be given to breeders. more than offset this decrease by adding over $5,000 to the premium account The not Incresse over last year in caitle is $2,045.00, sheep $360.00, awine $748.00 and borses %40, while the dairy department, | agricult=ral industries and poultry sections have likewiso been liberaily dealt with. The increases are larger in the utility classes and in some cases there are as many as eight prizes, thus affording the smallor man a splendid opportunity . to The growing of wheat . produces !--cl:-mllt)lylnmn tood The early harvest prospscls A00) increased over the average exports the forward nature in general o('lm 19;%â€"1914 by 75,000,000 pounds :-tuï¬h:.h:h.‘t:fl "z.ul-‘ori.mn ceut.; . im shown y entry pork. (Including bacdom list but in the. increased l*ll.-n‘:nu.-â€"--- REMOYVAL _OF _ RESTRITION oN CONsUMPTION OF PORK Whereas the succeasful efforts ta production and conservation by the yeple in the Dominion of Canada and United States of Amorica porâ€" mmuu}nn being the removal of the on on the consamp« tion of pork. The Canada Fod orders : public cating piaces, pork, as . deâ€" ‘l‘t.dmmhmun! 8. dn snn iniio nc s uh tm mb on mm 1 en it. than do either potatoes or corna. When wheat ylelds 30 busheis io the acre, reliable figures . show that one hour of manâ€"labor proâ€" produce 123 busbols of wheat At (ul wheat growing. much larger) yinds can be produced. This has! been established, times without num ber, by efficient wheat growers sf Rnrope. The averag: man is . disâ€" poss« to say that Europe bad until «ately an abundance of cheap labor, which fact in itself accounts for the 30 bushei ~f wheat per acre which Ureat Britain harvests. as compared with the 8 to 20 m‘ L. Notwithsanding Lia NORE WHEATâ€"LESS LABOR Ath ons hour of wAamâ€"labor proâ€" about 14 bushels. It is obâ€" y a maiter of labc: . «conomy yov . whinat siving th»-f ctor: which on teat . growing 1N MEMORIA® awa this 3tst day oes . produ that crop. Canada Food Board L | involving an ing anything c-n-l & â€"futrâ€"t ',#â€â€"_"’mm 1 4 seast savine ap calls sn n-ri-a.‘ highty «Motent| ¢ §$,.50 Per Year 4¢ Per v.ep; BHoard got â€" inside This has! . Affuagements have been aiide for hout mum , 42 abundant supply ot fish, at remâ€" ywory _ ,f| *ouable prices, as a substitute for is / ais.| "Deat, and other foods uw..(.‘\uo coutrol . over . importation rap labor, exportation _ ot (oodstuffs is ants _ ¢or| aintained by the Canada Pnod per . more| Board sraby «old The many (rie«ds of Mr. and Mira. Pater Fu‘ker is Grimsby, North Gritwby, South Grimsby and Casstor, No particulars as yet t his parents except that it in the frst telagram tha dang~rously . wounded in und. elbow will learn with deep regret o" *he death of their ouy! son, Eigin weo died on August ist. 1918 as the reâ€" sult of wounds received on the batâ€" tie front in France on July Jist _ Hopes were «atartained that he might be able t> pull through, but these hopes wers shattered on Satâ€" urday morniog, August 10th, wham yegine . talmgrace . Announesd S hk The late Privais Fuiker was bore in the ‘Fownaship of Caistor tweatyâ€" foar years ago, but had lived with his parents in GRIMSBY for may years. For the nine years previow= to his enlistment ho was employes with bis father on the fruit farms by. Deceased was a young man of the right typeâ€"steady, reliabie and imâ€" uP bas pessing is deraly regtatleg and his passing is deeply â€"»It is & crus! war indeed that robs his friends and his country of such a man, Wut his parents, his sistorm and his other relatives have cause to be proud of him. He did his duty while at home and, when the . call came ha went to the front and 45A his duty there Uke the man he was an offence subject to heavy penalâ€" Hes, and municipalities have been wiet N*A powers io chocking sush Flour bas bees standardized and the milling extraction of wheat has been increased twice. Canats in now using 75 per ceat. of the wheatâ€"berry in its standard flour. “‘m products _ have _ been zed, and the amount of certain ingredients ba» been !tmited to prevent extravagant use, while the manufacture of other products involving an excessive use of sugar andâ€"fateâ€"tmurâ€"Tush probibited A great saving of wheat has been effected by the Hcensing and reguâ€" Inting of the trade in . package cereals, manufacturers being . reâ€" quired to substitute a . considerable portion of other cervals than whoat in their pregarations Public eating places have been reaslated and the saving of meat, 'l.lnld:lry.nhn&l\u.- port to (ireat Britain and the AlHies n-.z.\n'.m.:;mmn potable liquore \-.rw and the use of mait has also been timited. * stock in 21006 yares fhak besk. rogin in #t rogmâ€" hnd.u‘uodlnbmnn of wheat ft tor milliny purposes has beon prohibited Watse of fod bas bees made io take the ache, burn and sting tfrom ‘sm» awollen and tined foct, the best +) use ts British Army Foot Powder. It checks axcessive perâ€" spiration, the primary cause of aB foot troubles I!t corrects caftous ness and provents corns. Can be dusted on the feet and (nto _ the square. Hamiltoo _ Wesnreae mawviee C~=~ on travelling to W Uare inlds ~go by .:...n:'w.‘..‘ and Visi POR TIRED FEET stockings. 256 par can. Snd Weses" to 1 irk and Nages" 0. N R Agest wigh tickets and . ask the . legs support to to Tor harvent ount iowt