THG NEWEST rEencoy isiooo For The RED LCROS~ i. uBiÂ¥=nY, ONTARIO PAINS IN SIDE AND BAGK 10 00 10 00 breeding ewes and ram lambs, Mr. Penfold is overstocked an dmust reâ€" duce. Sale at one o‘clock. Terms ten months. Jas. A. Livingston, aucâ€" November 9 & 10.â€"Mrs. A. Couse of Beamsvilie, will offer all her hote! furiture and houschold effects at ten am. the first day and one p.m. the second day, The property consisting of hotel, garage, and store will also be offereq subject to reserve bid or mvl-nh. Terms ten months, A. Livingston, auctioncer. Nov, 12th,â€"Robert H. Penfold, liv= Ing one and a half miles South of Vinemount, will offer for sale by Vinemount, will offer for sale by public auction a number of milk “' --\ or the Vendor will allow 50 per con iik To Te nc romain one Hhko IOF three or five yeare at six cenl. per ws number Bix or any part hereor, "il, it h it part vame t h Eis id Awet, e 10*f, particuiars Panas Mess C LCCC T ‘ of i llnah\ha;'%':' “"35---':---.. n of H:.c.n"‘..'ï¬,..."i‘.."""'“s} George E. w,, .fl"" eptouresf mro'l‘l-(nu'.wn.....'.‘r-ri‘ kakd wias acoh SLi "I ME ky ) may ha i# hp P + hals _ Rven . wht may be, from tim» to time Mr. and Mra. J. A. Clark.... Mre. Bolco NeHQ®..+16««++++ Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Dridgeman R. K. W.scccee®nneceness MPW, L 1e HABDF. .cs en« +++ Mra. J, MOPFIGOM. .. 6+ se ++ ++ Oscar and Robert Beamer. .. Jos, GPMMIOY. .. .)+ «x+ +++++ C BUTRORK. s . «es e es kn k k68 Mre, C. W. Harrod....«.««++ Mra. T. BPIRE® ... 000665k+++ dohn Hunter A s David MWMIOPY .. +k e« ++ ++++ WA »[OT. .. 222 ks k k 0+ + ++# The Township Council wishes to thank all who have responded so genâ€" ersasly, of their own free will, to the British Red Cross Appesl. Donations continue to come in and it soems al« most certain that the Township will u-»um-u-&-nm.u1 to hand over at least $1,000.00 to the Provincia! Treasurer. "RORICR is nuersur oVEX mat John 1. Alwa®. of the Township of s o t en t t .l_v'-_ “uaflw l‘f-\.ï¬ theets" to Wah a 1.‘ Thompeon or the iafactnigt 1F de whedl veneht "of "hu eaplitess, 1 * _ Creditors are requssted to file their To Eyutenenctinn atien t The s810. Act on‘ ‘or belore the day of And notlce is further given. that after oo y n sets of the debtor amongst the nartins entitled uy . .. Desom $12 6% of Ramiften Bide. Auction Sale Dates A meeting of the creditors will be held at the reception room of the Grimaby Thureday ‘The Tith» day‘ of / Rovember, ove % 1917, at the hour of two o‘clock in the afterncen to receive m ststement of the affairs to appoint Inspectors and x their remuneratons for the ordering of the afâ€" fairs of the estate generally, _ _ Wited N WALTER P, IN TME MATTER OFP AN ACT MORTGAGE SALE and Mrs. J, P. Bridgeman 6. P, PORROP. . cce 6e« ++# K. W cce eererrrerress %, In Jn HABBDFE .066« ++++ ar and Robert Beamer... s O ced t C, W. HAFPROG. .. 6666 ++« Li MU WIRRNNLL . . 2 2iÂ¥ is fik‘% owiber Ap PHY Ontarie. tty will and he will not be Hable for in 6. MeCcnanu‘g, @. mon . with all o# helf yearly Y, us may be I subject torr apply teocp, WEDNXESDAY, uln’a'hi e _i: s € Goodyear Tire Dealers Nickle Plating Done YoU WILL GET MORE MILEAGE BY MAVING fl‘:l The Winona Vulcanizâ€" S Pc9 e en charges one way. Ten per cent. moun "wih Is aved aroort The WINONA VULCANIZâ€" ING and TIRE WORKS Pain or Kidney Trouble and //Â¥e/ Hike anew beingâ€"and it was ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘" that gave me back my health . Mapax ARTHUR LAPLANTE. L0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At all dealers or sent pos aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawa. O. S. Teft & Son "Fhone 41 cflmb’. % o 85 St. Rose St., Montreal. April 4th. "For over two years I was sick and miserable. I sufered from consfent Headaches, and had Palpitation of the Heart so baily that I feared 1 would die. There seemed to be a lump is my stomach and the Constipation was dreadful. 1 suffered from Puin in the Back and Kiduey Disease, I was treated by a physician for a year and a half and he did me no good at all. 1 tried " Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives ‘" as a last resort. After using three boxes, 1 was greafly improved and twelve boxes made me well. Now I can work all Aay and there are no Headaches, no Palpitation, no 2Oou Warrles and Kippote, T ury To Reutâ€"A house Kemp‘s schoolhouse Wailos of Smithvilla winter months. Rent My. for DAPMY in would tike Of the DrDANTS. Apni» tn | W. W. KIDD C. T. FARRELL Kipp & FaRRELL Real Estate® and YOUR TIRES ing and Tire Works Nat 1 don‘t Private and Company Office Main Street, Don‘t Patch a iuu C 2ZCTERnTe .p’ vuld tike good care n.g"" Abpl.‘ to Jas. A. Liy. » ‘BF me 36, GRtMeby, A house on mas, ____* _ "OF the \ uD* and a half al-n-. -“!" 1, 1944 27 lutin near