frmm»~ John Labatt, Limited, Est. 1832, London, Canada WEDNESDAY, SEPTENEER 18, 1917 HAMILTON PIANGO. & MUSIC CO. Nesr the Radial Waiting Rooms GRIMSBY » Columbia Grafonolas Grimsby How About Your Furnace? Does it Leak Gas? All sizes and prices. _ Terms to suit you GIVE US A CALL for the chilly evenings. I have them at a price that you can not afford to be without one, A complete stock of Pumps, Kitchen Utensils, Tinâ€" ware, Graniteware, Stoves, etc. Special attention to all repair work. Estimates promptly furnished on Heating and Plumbâ€" Are the Pipes safe for the Winter? _ Does it need . a ough cleaning? Call 320 and we will look it over and it in good working order. Special Ale You can‘t sip it without a smack of satisfaction. Its the drink of efficiency. JAS. F. BIRD OIL HEATER mnies® Special ’ I believe in keeping the stock in goo! condition. But "good conditios‘. |does not mean an overfat state. Won breeding stock is in ‘that condition they become different layers, lazy, and alt fdly about, Inviting . dirsuse. They must be kept active. They must mainfain anod health One of ibe worst Sdows udity could recelve in this Jhoaryâ€"= > clause, To breed such birds is but to |destroy their wortd, and, instead . of elevating the breed for their pracâ€" tical qualities, we won!d soon deâ€" Iumy‘)flndlhnhl-th-. _ "The standard only recently callet for weighs in the Leghorns, Famâ€" burss and some othersâ€"all of which are noted layers. Some jyours ago the standard cllowed a credit :n seor Ing for specimens above standard welight, at the rate of t=o poluls per . MGGeant®: seA is SA â€" Amageans ~ATVeeTorasc 200 In order to get specimens up to the required weight in a Imn}: of cases, undue forcing becemes necesâ€" sary. The cocks and hens have to be wade to> fat to be of much practical use. Specimens . that were very promising, that had to be for=«4 1o get the welght for the curly winter poultry shows, he*© been ruined as far as utility was conserued. it is beâ€" coming a question amakg . abserting poultrymen whether size shoul; not take the place of welght in the showâ€" room. When there is n specimen that ; has al; the required markings and : is as large in size as a specimen, a pound and a balf heavier, it Joes not | ssem right thit the beavy bird | ahourd win, simply because it bus been made unduly fat. Ottawa, September 14, 141} All rail commodity tarits edect 1, 1917, provide for an increase the curioad minimam . from 0 pounds to 30000 pounds on appler. Class tariffs under which apples trom Novia Scotia points to points n Ontarto . and Quebec, remain changed, the minimum Leing wints To PevEyT CAR â€" SHOt _ mm AGE 1N HANDLING FRUIT _ [}| «omm hn There is a possibility ~that she in ¢rease on the western movement will centralizs shipments in the larger centres and affect carload . distri tion througbout the smaler mork of Western Canada, Prevent this you can by urging customers t tinue to supply their local with carloa4 lots even under the ‘emfl minkaum sStixparp wrlcuts or . vrILTy Michao} K. Boyer It is a question :h:lor the standard weight not _ too mmmym to produce the best utility resuits. The standard welght is a condition next to overâ€" fat. A large egg record, or good, strong chicks, are not in the line of too fat hens, 1 do not believe in unâ€" keeping hene dows w ; but 1 do hold that there | u.vntemaunummnml #t one . ##und beyond that | The apple industry is called u in this way to help conserve the supply, but shippers must have coâ€"operation of the consignees. of the latter, oven in large cities, wist upon a close adherence to mum carload welghts, the result beâ€" ing an sconomic waste which reduces the efficiency of the railways. Box packs will load quite easily in nearly all cars io the increased minimy, while in burrels the larger series of cars only can be loaded to and above the minimum. Load and unload cars promptly. Do not insist on having refrigerâ€" ators if box cars will do. To increase the average carloading of ‘upples ‘by o ne ton would be equivalent to placing 976 additiona) care in service in Canada, and a car saved is a car gained. in Charge Pruit T.ansportation. ; FU_TONX Miss Viola Ngison has returnod home, after spending a couple of weeks with her brother in Hamilton. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. Waters, of Hamil« ton, Mr, »gd Mrs. F. A. Parington and son, of Detroit, motored out Wednesday and spent the day friends here. M*. ang Mre. Arthur Nelson faraily of Fruitland, spent Sunday at the home of Howard Nelson. ‘The L. A. of the Stone Churck tertained the Tweedside L. A. at Hall on Thursday last. A good ber were present and s very n u:m'-n:t.‘. Friday evening friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Halstesd ,about one hundrod in number met at their home to colebrate the 13th anniverâ€" sary of their wedding. Gueste were present from _ Caistor, Binbrook, @ ntiful suppeor, young peoâ€" Ple indulged in some games anq all departed with good will an4 good wishes for the host and hostuss. Get shi mmuâ€"m-mumw- Of course shippers cannot joad more freight than is ordered, but as many cars will move to Ontario :ohl- from points in Nova Scotla unâ€" er the 24000 pounds minimum, we feel the shippers should exceed this minimum in every cace, where. posâ€" aible under terms of sale, having due regard to the proper carriage of the fruit. If this is done the maximum use of every ~ar is obtained, and it will go a lon, way towards solving trans; ortation 4ifficulties during the congested perioa. N in old Chapel choir; Messrs. J. W. Davis and McPherson, of Hamilton; music by the Parker orchestra, Readinas by Miss M. 1. Stuart, Smithville and Miss Page of Grimsby. Short adâ€" dresses by Mr. Thos. Marshall, M. 1. A., ‘Dunnville; Rev. W. Do Clark, auspices of the Stone Churs‘ L A will be held in the Hal) on the ovenâ€" ing of Sept. 25th., when the followâ€" iIng program will ‘be rendered: #‘azâ€" ing by 8. Edmonds, Kifrida; the Rock pastor and J. W. Davis. Admission 3 ~ents, children 10 cents. rgd Mrs. F. A. Parington Of Detroit, motored out iy and spent the day ere. | Mre. Arthur Nelson Fruitiand, spent Sunday at of Howard Nelsov. A. of the Stone Churck enâ€"f the Tweedside L. A. at Phursday last. A good n present and a very n ‘ mov;ubm d Mrs. E. B. Halstesd .about | G. E. MeINTOSH, THE INDEPENDENY, Giimany the ppecimens susceptible to ‘ndigestion and various anmenis . \P3° stumgich syjest in view, the food must be quite â€"iferent fros thrt requied to make poutry fat to .._arket purposec. Feed Ing to excess opens the way uot on!y w proguce an amount of ovezfal chat stopy eggâ€"laying, but renders such 22 10 d csnls pound. 1+ was 8004 discavered W.A. uâ€"ummmu.nmwu ty merit the broeds possemsed, and was done #Way, / healthy flock of pealu7 T The king that will bring profit. To kesp a #ock in fine condition requires a good judement. The food imust ie varied and consist of such clemtnis as experience has proved will bring desired resu‘ts. If oggs are ths main: WE CAN DRESS YoU TASTEFU‘LY FRoM HEAD To rooT. WE WILLELG JoIF YoUu WILL COME I!N AND SEE AND PRICE oUR SPLENDID NEW FALL GooDS. COME IN. THERTZ WON‘T BF AiiÂ¥ DoUBT ABoUT WHERE To BVUY YCUR HAT, EITHER, WHEN ;23:5“ THE CHARMING NEW STYLES WE YoU WANT A BEAUTIPUL NEW FALL HAT. THERE!S No DoUBT AdoUT THIS. K M. STEPHEN, , ONTARIO fl'lhhlom-h-u‘* deliveries to Stoney Creek, Grimsby, Beamsvilie and intermediate Purchases made one day are usualâ€" ly delivered the next day, Customers are assured of safe deâ€" livery of every package whether large Hamilton‘s Favorite THOMAS C. WATKINS, LIMITED _____ Warmer Wealthot. _ ‘The greatest loss in preserved comes from the ts ‘ that feritic egge fowls a» o.mtanly aubjected to. It is destrabile 3# course, to feeg the focks well, but good jndgment must be coserved. The surest sign of good health in a tor is an appotite. ‘The aim should be to keep tneir appeti‘c Néen, and to #MMX * Abom.antstsb . nc nunt for pamat g Show ceadins 20 m e eariame capacity with a Oock are quite dif fore * thing* Fortile Sheald, Thereiove, Be '-g!"'_w '-r'-: provided of course you make the necâ€" essary purchases, and present radâ€" ial or railroad ticket to the umwn. When in the store we suggest that take advantage of the rest room, ce costs only 25¢ v & -- mi ht l n'"' en * . This ber connects with any deâ€" m_!nd;‘.:‘anAfl'bH-ih Telephone 3â€"7â€"0â€"0 Not Grimsby‘s Popular Priced Store In ovescoats, we don‘t take a backâ€" seat anywhere. _ We can make you look like a prince for $2499, or iiks a prime minister for $15,00 Boys® reefers, sizes 27 to 33, §650 Beautiful new style coats. made from Whitney, Chincuilis, plush and uther cloths,. .. .$1500, $16,00 and up patterns you ever saw. _ These sults are put up to look like the finest tallnred garmonts ant will ouly cost A few left from last year, valucs $12.00, $15.00 and $16.00. Choice of the lot, $10,00, Come early. 5 Men‘s Suits and Overcoats brown, navy und grey to market conditions, but we guaranâ€" tee the best values to be obtained anywhere. Dress Goods All serges, cashmere, panama m:mmnâ€"m. $2.50 per yard. Perhaps not quite as large an assortment as usual, owing 6 10 egz production amone wml:.-ullhu-n of ‘l:m-mhhuw“. tate" The Infortile ogge contain no gorm to be developed, withstand more heat, are slow to decay. and can be preâ€" served with the minimam amcent of 0ws Yard wido Pailette, all colors.$1.25 Silk Poplin, yard wide, black, rv Int at na MHms shas 1 __. ED providing at no time have been Nrought to a degree ‘:cqhu where ie To ues ie nrethiage "hey n.h.ull not allowed to get above equally as well as infertile eggs, Ladies‘ Coats Silks