Grimsby Independent, 26 Jun 1917, p. 7

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Wlfiom that there that are working in harmony with the : benefit of the whole country, but are rather s turmoil and internal strife. a o e o & ® ® These WO CHISU, 7 D Cmas and ar mumefluummuohm.uenm all the blessings O% ZTMT lqu‘Mucuvlluuloanmt‘drhfl‘Md“mâ€" uumdnblmaum.lnm-m-,mmwmmuum *> manadatan citizens and at the same time enjoy the unresponsibility of mm,flmmmmld“llmmwu'm- -wm"udmuummm,no-uum-mm establish in Canade. ......\ Mwummumm_â€"n.m.u mumu&n‘h.mdw-&muflww wall "- e e o e e 0 ® wmmd-._uw-w-rum.a-wuma um-mnmm«oflmmflbmw mummwmmmu«mmm-uc umunu-mmm«om-mm.-m and jot it go at that. 'l'lo.-omu'uldhnu‘u-‘z:tln-w 1 L. -â€"-â€"mâ€"h.iumoafâ€"llnl not been Germis MDCCTC O 000 ET Tlounltdtlllhlntnunhcnnhwom:ou mflhmmnl-“dmmnmew Mldu-l'hmhmwomldumflu“uwthq Muneflhmbfimw-ul‘nnvduhm .uramm-uuumlsflu-m-u. uw'hhnm-flbm!brmnflm.ud mhnwwwnmflmhn”’u‘lm _0 OWSL esAE Still Carrying on the w‘“#“n‘hm Ducks per Wpukk kn ++ *** 4 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1917 per week, and there was a deficit of, $3,000 made up by the Y.W.C.A. This year it must be run on an economic basis, and a number of things can be done by the growers to help. Such as drawing the supplies, otc., from the station and purchasing local supâ€" plies in the interests of economy." Miss Perry (Y.W.C.A.) said: "The qrestion of _ sanitation caused a great deal of trouble in some cases. Local associations might provide kitâ€" â€" MWiss Christle: "The girls who work two months must receive enough to cover expenses and something over, Miss Jones of the Y.W.C.A. said: "We are keen to do all we can to help make this a success. _ All we charged the girls last season was $4 chen accommodation; ailso cots, and a #ange or stove. A cottage with five or six rooms and tents grouped round it was all that was necessary. Camps dast season. The most of them covâ€" ered their expenses but some did not. They are anxious to come back but must do better than last season." . will Miss Phillips: _ "Girls expected to SWAYZE & BROWN KE citizens of peopleâ€"French and Germanâ€"‘ m the conduct of certain it there are clements in our Dominion ith the majority of the citizens for the nthormkinstnlllngnutlmuol Cabbage, 10¢ P®" as everything is first class and must work a shorter day, except in the rush season, and then must be paid for overtime." Miss Collins: "We are asking for a mineâ€"hour day because we are not physically fit for more. We will by this give you a better quality of work. At Winona, the Y.W.C.A. had to pay the rent. A central house with tents is enough." W. H. Bunting in reply said: "One \o( the most serious matters is the influence this will have upon the perâ€" manent belp of the farms, both male and female. Last year the weather conditions were most unusual." ‘The following resolution was then moved by W. F. Bunting, seconded by C. W. F. Carpenter. _ Resoived that this meeting of the Niagara Peninsula Fruit Growers‘ Association called to consider the results of the offorts put forth by the Provincial Government and ladies of tre Y.W.C.A., to supply suitable help to the fruit growers of this district, beg to most heartily exâ€" press our appreciation of the services of the young women enlisted in this work, which in the great majority of cases has proved very satisfactory inâ€" deed. We also express the hopo that this work may be continued. In order that details may be worked out that will be mutually satisfactory to all parties concerned we would suggest i ‘opresentative committse‘ of fruit growers be appointed from each secâ€" iermanâ€"while living under all the blessings of British ir fair share of the responâ€" wich to enjoy the benefits country is "comâ€" 15e per do Work WA ) " ED N September and Octohber during the rutting season the buntet occasionally hears the sounds of terrific combat between those rlants of the forest, the bull moose . With their formidable autlers these huee creatures can seap a youne birch tree like a plece of matchword. and although it is only rarely ‘but the ull moose will attack a man. if he dres do so the man has little chane» unlees he is auick with nis bie‘ powered rife. The other dar on S Ignace Island, twontyâ€"one miles sout of Rossport, on the C, P. R.. « pair n‘ *ncked maose horne was fonnd as th: tragle record, of a combat. ‘They â€"24 evidently been fightine when the antiers became gnnv‘wkl‘u-l. mflo oo JP _ db utirens"vign to extrieate each other the two antâ€" mals died there of starvation, their Save RH T72 77°°° O inanare an rubbors and rags, newspapers and magazines umum‘l‘h“ Your newspapers by themsclves #¢â€" curely in bundles. Tio up your AF~ azines in bundles. Put your old scrap paper, tubbers and rags in separate mmmunun-lfld & PaS® 450 "iue bring them to the BHgh 2000 uoc certain ‘quantity bring them I0 | C Independent Office. Enguire for the w.“mn-hmm""' where they will be kept till there is a car load. Awwlflhfll"’"" N,gun‘hl'm."a_ tunds in this way. AMW.&‘M little paper each week will m PC U _ .n tha Red Cr Fund in the year. DON‘F WASTE A BIT OF PAPER CEU C W lulsulars abply to Ed. Lawrence, Jas. / of the ladies of the tute. NEW wINNIPEG TRAINS ' ‘Travel between Eastern aud Westâ€" ern Canada is alway® heavy in _ its winter months, particularly during December with its holiday season. To meet the requirements of the public, therefore, & spocial daily service beâ€" tween Toronto and Winnipeg is 8D~ nounced by the Canadian _ Northern Railway; Westbound, Dec. 3rd to Jan. 2, 1918 only; Eastbound, Dec.\ 1st to C009 0o â€" only. Théereaiter meet the requwrems""" °* 77 is ba. therefore, & spocial daily service beâ€" tween Toronto and Winnipeg is 8D~ nounced by the Canadian _ Northern Railway; Westbound, De¢. 3rd to Jan. 3, 1918 only; Eastbound, Dec.\ 18t to Jan, 5th, | 1918 only. Thereafter sumed. A through touring . sldbping regular triâ€"weokly sorvice will by reâ€" ear will also be operated daily \ beâ€" tween Toronto and Calgary on of the above special service and C clion will be made with SAVE ALL _ YOUR OLD PAPER NEWSPAPERS, AND MAGAâ€" LINES FOR THE RED .‘"mmrol‘m.mcm RTCUTUETCUUOLNNams/and 2O Whapk DCE Women‘s Instiâ€" remains being |.cked epeeitont pempenmis iop bears who prowl around it forests of Ontario, duily trains between Wl-'n,: and Edmonton. Service between and Vancouver remains triâ€"weekly as at present, leaving Toronte Mondays, Wednesdays further part Agent, W. AN_IMPORTANT_MEETING_OF E EIITT:WW[IISIE RUVE" TUO.m nmwumlhli akvilie, Ontario LOL 2Y2 Phone 825â€"1106 access SYSTEMS LTD MAU use An important special meeting _ 0f mwmumm‘ Association was held in the Coutrt MTS T70 100. \an the afterâ€" were. 5 V"2 CC __Staeme ket. 2, The employment and acâ€" .â€"u-unlumn.u-â€"lm Girls for another season. westion In regard to the former President Fleming said that Mr. Hastâ€" |"‘“‘ his report uunwn-m.muwn to Ottawa where he had seen the Wruit Commissioner who was artaDF" ing a meeting in Ottaws of all the busket manufacturers to discuss the question. & Mâ€" _ ____ saes have agreed to a question. The growers here have agreed to a basket quarter inch higher than the present 11â€"quart basket and with the flare considerably reduced. ‘The firm of Lundy & Scott, Ningara Faile, Ont, gave 2 demonstration of a collapsible basket made of waterâ€" proof corrugated . paper in various sizes. Considerable interest was takâ€" en by the fruit growers in these basâ€" tou.udn'll-dnllvlr.oa- Tss“;-"h".:i-nd u% Preâ€"Cooling. Plant at GRIMSBY and reported on at the next meeting. Carâ€" THE CHILDREN OF THE ROAD HE conductor may have his ® transcontinental train and the sleeping car conductor his traâ€" ling: hotel, but the section foreman vith his six miles of roadbed aud ieel track and switches has someâ€" thing that these others must envy as llqn‘:lhimhddntv â€"he a home to which he come back every aveming to the e and kiddies. A trim two storey (1) Section House. (2) Prize section of C. P. R. track. ouse it is, with & garden on the life keeping the track in good renp=ir, ight of way alongside on which he| properly spiked and jointed, wito an raise his vegetablee and keep a ditches weli proscrved and drsined. ow and chickens and pigs. The wife, lle must keop the righi of way clear # a rule, looks on the garden as l.vlol weeds, and look after farm cross> ource of vegetables and small fruits. ings, test the crossing alarm belis it twice a month she may travel on where such exist. and generally po pass to the nearest city to make|lice the track, watching agains: posâ€" k‘nrc!l-u she requires. . @ sible danger from irc.cts or fir. elean .ny the IOTU" A . ~hatwaen King and Hamilton, Ont, between King and ) 1 Oe se NELUU * __~â€"La ava doora north Muin Streets, and five doors north of the H. G. & B. Ry. line. Henry Carpenter Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilton iRIMSBY Moved by C. W. F. Carponter, s6tâ€" onded by A. Onslow, Niagara, that the report of the basket committeo | be wovuuumnm-uu-cfl- places where bouses rre difficult to obtain, and wany ot%>> privileges are also allowed. Bection foremen, for instance, sre permitted to us« old tes ar fr=wood. so that theis fu costs them nothing. Many of them become so attached to their six mile stretch that they would not lesve it on mby mecount, but the mors amâ€" bitieus . may become roadâ€"marters. The section foreman has a huey life keeping the track in good repsir, properly spiked and jointed, wito ditches well proscrved and drained. He must keop the right of way clear A general discussion then enaued uulb-’h!-tdflwlfl'- Ficoe Girls the coming season, and it w-mflbwmufllm wholo their services had been satisâ€" Iactory and that both the pay and acâ€" ..:.u-uuauuhw _A deputation from Toronto, C098 $s ing of Dr. Officesâ€"Grimaby . and Beameville. Money to loan at current rates. E. HANSEL, Dentist, B. MeCONACHIE AUCTIONEER Notary Public ONT foremen who show the greatest imâ€" provement om their sections, and these are eagerly competed for, the men u::{ extraord!;.zry Interest in their . Many of them began work upon the road as cnsual laborâ€" ers, but mow sith t*>‘s comfortable houses and their $3.00 to $90.00 a month (and ten dollars a muth more in the cllica». witk lrllnl when they reich the age sixty, with ?ree focl and gaâ€"den. and with a faimily pars once a year over any with ?ree fosl and garden, and with a family yars once a year over any part of the lins, they consider themâ€" selves the "Children of the Read,"* and its chief support and on):siny. Just now they have particu}s:!v good reason to feel satisD>d, as t\> scale of pay bas been reudjusted In their ‘avor by an arbitrailon bosrd :o am extert which is eostlng th> €, 1 R., for Inciaace, over a wlllive dolore & McKay, .“.! !._!2!.“ James J. McKay __ â€" _ Ennest 0. MeBer * Arfwiam 6. Webster Telephone 4766 607 Gank of Hamilton Chambers HAMILTON, ONT. ackae Sbev w e > ® Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 pm. and 7 to 8 pm. Main Street Wost. ‘Phone No. 1. Grimsby. Valuator for The Hamilte: Provident and Loan Society Provincial Government; some of the -.m-uumv.w.c.A..-u.m of the National Service Girls themâ€" nlvu..”-nlidmtho.nuu. Dr. Riddell said that he was glad to hear that their work of the past season bad proved satisfactory. ‘The mbh-ahrdm-luwc: 1. To induce a largo number of llrl-wuh-.lhhmt. _ 3. To make a satisfactory agreeâ€" ment with them. RTWT NCP 00 0_ dLLnld he will ment WE ATCC 3. Mmm“h'fl Ing to employ such girls. 4. That the Y.W.CA. matrons asâ€" (Continued on page 8) _ MmMoNnEy TO LOAN n real estate security. . Bo ivate and Company funds DOMINION LAND SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS CiIVIL ENCINEERS Dr, R. A. Alexander Main Steet, Grimsby

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