mm _ ccess sysTEMS LTD 24970 WAE‘-M WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1917 "oghne 1: (+% sls 0 s SA anhembnnitGucnum . _ d 14 " 0 in tr J "The Big: Store"; &fPhones â€"â€" [ :GRIMSBY E. Hoshal & Burgoyne fomet PAPERE (1!â€"1............ uen * & TETLY POWDERS and FRUIT CARROTS PICNIC HAMS :\ PUDDING POTATOES NEW;OATMEAL (RrOdb) .. ee 0000 ++ 6+++ $EEDED,RAISINS COFFEEE i(lfl' 1 1b pAOKOU) ... ««««+«++*** BROKEN SODA BISCUITS TEAS;. OE LIFuE Of AMMR. ie sis? :.: 1. ks eserdar es e esns s. o+ ONIONS SPECIALS Friday & Saturday TURNIPS CABBAGE SAUSAGE CANNED MILKS: OLEOâ€"MARGINE BULK CEREALS]| «* gie « +906 wa »»¥® For REDDED ui ced 64 69 ECC asas s oba e# + ** 60 Tb BAGB............ccee sesssss66 «es 6668 Gunpowder........ ..«++« (Â¥ellow Danver®)........>+ > Standard Oatmeal (.nuhul)...l Tos. for 2¢ o s oi "to t s L be . .. 1. db ie for Sihe r High grado CORO@. .. Jecese es reen se n en «6e 666 6++ Purity, 24 DG.....â€">«««****** UÂ¥ YOUr _____ GROCERIES «: kh ‘I li & Wv Corn Wisbfl All a Happy @4 [NEW YEAR _ ves es e e snn en n e eb aas 3 a wl +# .. o a a you w 4 2900 sooneke® wWHEAT s a» sif ee xB e Nnd sesecree serarseaee6 e se e 666688888 L4 e ce e e en e 006 68 608 senssces sseets0008 PPPP L ud es oo ae ce e 6 600 +9 L000 066606968 ENo us y w you w +200 + ++ + * Leeeseec6 6666 dn en n en ee 66666 f sessee eesssccs®s**es aeeevese cce reesecs aee**** 4) ....80¢, 40¢, 50¢, 65¢ and 75¢ per Ih se ue se es# 698 Starch Puddings weÂ¥e‘e # +# 00 ’nnuu-uu..‘ esee 0 se 00 80086 seceeeee en p0 6 6088 608999 00 â€" on se e e en 66 86068 PPP PE TTA aAahdiahdibd ...........Bbe per peck se k e 066666 ¢ sese k0 es 6#0 65# seeseee en 0086898 .... . & tos, for 25¢ Assorted ..8% Ibs Sor 25¢ .... .& Ts. for 25¢ .....8¢ and 10¢ ....8 ®s, for 25¢ 4 rolls for #5¢ ....8 ®hs, for 25¢ .....8 for 2e ...8 for 25¢ 18¢ and S5¢ 2 for 25¢ e m Flavors eve 10E | IHE CHURCHES (CPREsBNTERIAN _ MINISTER, REV, L H. CUIUR Services 11 a. m. and 7 p. 8. Soloist at morning service, Jeanle Lyons contraito soloist, United Presbyterian . Church, . burg. &A Young People‘s . Society, Y 5 L2 cadlassbctm Night S 11 p. m \ $OF nV ts snn Ing liquor within Canada will be pro hibited on and after a date to be deâ€" termined upon further investigation und consideration of the actual conâ€" ditions of the industry, "As above mentioned, the prohibiâ€" tion of importation becomes effective on Monday next, December 24. "The regulations to carry into ofâ€" feot the other provisions above men: tioned are being propared, and | as soon as approved, they will be enact> ed under the provisions of the War Measures Act. & ‘The foregoing provisions will To main in _ force during the war . and for twelve months after the conâ€" cluiion of peace." Hss 4 Jan. 4th.. Leslie M. Wiloo 21, miles . south west of B will offer all his farm stock plements and household Sale at one o‘clock sharp. To months‘ credit. Jas. A. L Auctioneer, "(1) Any liquor or cof= taining more than 2% per alcho hol shall be regarded a ting liquor. "(2) ‘The importation of into®icatâ€" ing liquor into Canada is ted on and after December 24, 1917, unâ€" less it shall have been actually purâ€" chased on or before that date for imâ€" portation into Canada, and unless, having been so purchased, it is imâ€" ported into Canada not later than the 31st day of January, 1918. The final determination upon any question reâ€" specting such purchase . shall rest with the Minister of Customs, This regulation shall not apply to importa tions for medicinal, sacramental, man ufacturing or chemical purposes. "(3) ‘The transportation of Hquor into any part of Canada wherein the sale of intoxicating liquor is iMegal will b{ prohibited on and after April 1, 191 "(4) ‘The manufacture of intoxicat sentedt o CcE "The subject has beon sideration by the War C the Cabinet, and the foll clusions have been reac Auction‘ Sale * Dates Dee, 28thâ€"J. H.__ 8 Road, North GRIMSBY, of his farm atook, . Im houschold furniture, HSEL Sn of his DC 7 02 m household furniture, . sale at sharp, terms nino months‘ credit A. Livingston, Auctioneor.. It is essential, and Ildifl the efficient conduct of ‘ wasteful or unnocessary @ whould be prohlbited, and urticles capable of being ut foog should be conserved. I yond question that the « naffects adversely the this purpose. sources necessary to nc ks Worship Goodenough â€" 10° .. in goodenough for Mayor for 1918. He umru»-nm vight place and goodenpugh for anybody. What more does Hamilton w 1 ml-llbua-unumhn. nnn-mn.u-â€"ou-u be proâ€"Germanâ€"aint it? Nlmu-pnu.-lfllk has got ‘em all on the _fily. Even _ Pairâ€" ’ " CC0 U baktans â€" Rirzins sOLILOQUTES BY_AB. TUFPORD, WAMILTON _ may scon go too, to camp. Ottawa, Dec. 23.â€"Official announce ment was made by the Prime Minister on Saturday of the prohibition of the importation of intoxicating liquors in to Canada after Monday next. The uly.uouolhlnthauâ€"d purâ€" chases made before that date. The transportation of intoxicating liquor into any part of Canada where the saie of such Mquor is Megal is proâ€" hibited after April 1 next and it ip al so announced that the _ man ture of such liquor "within Canada"f will |he prohibited on nnd nftor & » to he determined upon. The . an noeâ€" ment reads: d "On December 17 the guve to the government 3 bl mandate for the vi t:m EmL s of the war and ng People‘s Society, Watch Service on Monday 318t Inst. at TEXT OFP PROHIBITIONX THE INDEPENDENT, GRINSBY, odenough _ Booker Mayor for 1918. He Alway, Ridge ny, will offer all implemonts . and H. CURRIE Wiloox, Beamaville k and Lo furniture Terms nin Livingston fi'J\HereaWe Are ! x Here We _ oth Pittsâ€" living Miss N. 4 " t gor of of Our Experience at your Service.‘ about it." Phone 130. "Z~.= GRIMSBY,! ¢_ _ Aluminum kettles and other aluminum }ware is almost as cheap as copper owing to the amount of copper beiniused'; for war materials. _ The following are some of our lines: No.!9 tea kettles, at $5.00; double boilers, 1 gt., at $2.00,. Electric goods make useful lgifts for any member| of the family. Toasters, at $4.00; hot plates from $3.50 to $15.00; heaters at prices ranging health= Ea L. on Â¥ j 0; An electric beating pad with three hbeats fron;)es isse(()i tv?rit?lll())t.)ofear of water spilling ?n the nigbt.{ T his ca(l)l is full of labor saving devices for the homeg jWhy not a ;e eiectric power work for you when it is so cheap. F.lectn:’ merit sweepers and!|electric|washing machines save labor _ an suction sweepers and! CCC UTC | 7 ©222 095000 o. _ _ (~~ M f "I*= 1 to Laborâ€"Saving, 1imeâ€"savIn A.Free Demonstration; AQ‘LiE_PD’- A Few Timely Suggestions THE Saving, Timeâ€"Saving ApparatuSk JAS. A. WRAY Iighten work tor mother;â€"to Rhow it her gift this Xmas would make her happier every day in the year? Wouldn‘t it now ? ; Well, think of a range that does away with the hardest part of bakingâ€"the constant stooping to the oven. Isn‘t mother entitled to a range like this? Shouldn‘t she have the most modern equipment to save her back, to lighten her day‘s work ? Because the Lighter Day Range has lightened work in many thousand homes, we stggest it this year, in all earnestness, as a most lhoughl?ul gift for mother, . And we believe that nothing could make Mother‘s Christmas merrier than to have her Lighter Day in time to cook the Christmas dinner. Wouldn‘t it "ELECTRICE SHOP make. everyone glad ce emmrtorrtar mt Titr~.C~â€"~a@â€"actinns_ . E* ‘bsa | of these goods. Call 130 and ask Are ! * OnNT. vszns