}1 4 tp Steady Employrment good wrimsby, Out, Also t t} best drugâ€" oo it ane o o tm ame Western Canada for a nervous, «eak, runâ€"down system Uivie, ieb fageâ€" ane 1. o _ Printed noticos fursher inâ€" h o on m~ Contract may be seen and &: = r"-dmmh.“l-‘lbu the Office of the Fost Office Inspoctor. Torâ€" ente rosr oerics IRevierona opfice SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmasfer General, will be received at OMtawa until noen, on Friday, the ith M *M7, for the conveyance of His Maca a Stait, on m proposed Contract for fau. years, fortyâ€"two single uimes per week on the route Jordan & ity. Sta. 1. T. via Jordan Sta. P. ©, from the ut.l July next. _ gihe . For tickets and information ply to W. B. CALDER, THOUSANDS OF MEN FORSPRINC SEEDING the ...‘7":;0.;“.:;;;:'\-.!:‘-“5 require alslomi support. . All 1 siyles of cursets to suit any figure. CORSETs MADE To or per € Mie us lor catalogue and memssroment form REPRESENTATIVESs waNTED >'-»-¢:-Ahi,,.!..3“. to Department A IASs CORSETS LIMITED ’ ‘BRITAIN $7. TORONTO Torento, Murch Zird, 1917, Form lhmâ€"-iahrv B, Bearss, ::: M. Monaberger, 61; V. Steward, 61; N. Drejer, 56; W. Youngtint 47; 8. Combort, 47; E. Ervine. 44. ; Form threeâ€"Junior: 3. Hoose, 67; . Stoney, 65; V. Comfort, 63; C. Moyer, 47; G. Bearss, 45; K. Moyer, 45; ©. Ingleby, 46; H. Dennis, 37. MAIL CONTRACT Miss Luclia Laidlaw is seriously {11 with typhoid fever, and under the care of a trained nurse. Mr. _ A. E. Burritt and daughter, J. Lyous is giving Bis factory coast of paint, which adds to its 19; C. Form fourâ€"Entrance: E. Boase, 73; G, Monsberger, 67; G. Inglcby, 55; E. Form fourâ€"Junior: O. Smith, 76;, x. Mertin: te; M Renwettours Loo 1. January to April As FILLED CORSETs | LATEST FHIS(TTITE] | â€" countRysipe | THE LIFTUP Low fares in effect. As Gathered By Our Own Staf" of Correspo=‘ wWEDNESDAY, Aran #, 194; A. SUTAERLAND, caurbEy semoor ing is the report ATTERCLIPFE (Pabrmied) , 67 as a result I . T9; 1. Moyer report of the _|_Mrs. W. Ross, Dundas, is YI®IUAZ |yo po paid him in the event of t her parents, J. W. and Mra. Buck. lm:'nmw of the . dis The door recalpts _ from . the posal of the assets, or stock, TD Spinsters‘ Convention, held . undtr |popoyt iniention of this pgreemes ,| the nuspices of the Red Cross of the | wity a condition is one of the bone Presbyterian eburch on Friday night|og contention over which furtbs at the Town Mall, wore in the 8@!&bâ€"| pirigation is promised. The wiaintiff f borhood of elghty dollars. Standi#®| fpoen P Morris and Edward C Morr room was at a premium and anoiber|contend that the condition of affair twenty dollars was lost on . account entitline *~~‘ %. Morris to the bact of accomdation, The . various cbar-l,.. wes velopwi, as yet, any ncters were exceptionally well carâ€"\ ay, The comn@ant clairas that the ried out by Mrs. A. G. Thomas, Y%«|have, An order of the _eal court Dr. Puirfleld, Mrs. 8. J. Wiaow _ AllM® qy faver of the plainw~s, and % Steclair. Mrs. C. H. Prudaomme,| understand thete is a probaotilty < | Mrs. . Gordon _ Philip, Miss Viola\the defendast ~utering ab . app®s | Gibson, Miss McCauley, Miss Annic| sgainst this odder. This is the pro# {A. Sinclair, Mre. Withae WuudllM_'r.fllr. future of jae remarkac "-n-. Nowton, Miss | lsabella ROF. | care Miss Cossiti, Miss Nerguson, Y *%| "{n one of the num..rous . cwunter |MeCoushs, Miss Janct Walker _ drs |claims which are a psomincat fea Robt McCaviey, Miss Nerr, Â¥i=â€" Anâ€" ‘“,. of alt the suits, H4wer? C Mor nle Kew, Miss wurlet.. Miss Rutsrig alieges that Da~i &. Mos~s #* Talliman, Miss Narissa Fi¢!*, 14 |responsible for a I6+ of about #10. Hudson, Wi, Woods, and Cars. G=â€"|gao th plantit,, _ apple . seed lutt, Jr.. Mra. Harrison, . ‘ats. Chas. | jings n Armitage farm too 124 Tallman and Miss Coc#‘.¢ also acted| in the season to adrsit of their de as accompanists. The stage was an -*uuvu %. Mogrls attractive setting of " faxs and _ ts | retorte that the fault was Pds: "0> toons of paper Lasts and the wholt | for w*. with U: affais m y wellâ€"stuged when uaked wikd me local examples . of @®> tatant. Those who ha} the entertainâ€" o of the counterclhums ®" mest in chr ‘=» as w.ll as those in in that each Htigunt charge the bardâ€"» Ating oust desersc a|the other with gor, vegeâ€" great deal of credit twr the sxcelâ€"| tables, use of of cows, lence of the entertainment, fowls, etc. Kach the . other Mrz. Morden and children, Oil City, wity having enjoyed domestic Pa., have retwrned here for a visit | juxuries at the expense o# the cowâ€" with her mother, Mrs. Mary High. |pany, when he ought to have pald Charles Moore has received the | for them out of his private purse. flv;:lmmh-lh Anyhow, the case first saw the son, Marold Moore. a prisoner|goree Hght of the Suprer» Court in for the past year in Germany. It i*|the shape of three cross actions munlu-'nh.lfll..m.uauhn Justice Mulock a‘ ‘ul!h'mr-n- part:"I . am | We in February, 1916. 1, David well. 1 am still with the horse and|Z. Morris sued Rdward C. Morris for urting on well with it. ! have been|value of two promissory notes. busy teay, (Fob, 1), bauling coal.|made by the defendant, payable in The roads are v<.y alippery, and it| January and July, 1910, respectively. makes my feot and legs tired walkâ€"|2, Helen F. Morris suco David~ Morâ€" ing, for 1 am walking at the horse‘s|ris for value of a promissory not: head all the time; we bave not got| given by him to Béward C. m‘ any sleigh. | wm glad toâ€"morrow (=|and «ftorwards cndorsed by (he lalâ€" Reeve Garlett, Cooncilior . Wilson . and Clerk Fairbrother went to Hamâ€"| Hton yesterday afternoor and _ met ; Pte. Miltsz returning from . England. There were over four »undred mu’ on the boat coming acros« and the trip occupted just twn weeks. ® l _ ‘The executors of the fne . Waltker | Hall estate, fronting on the lake,| bave decided to leaso the reakdence | for the housing of the university girls who will be hore to ald the fruit grow ers this summer, !t is estimated that ubout seventyâ€"fve coâ€"eds will find | accommodation there. | The L. A. expects to hold a conâ€" ieert in ald of Red Cross Work on ' Mr. Herman . Jackson spent . the | weekâ€"ond with his family here. | _ Mre. M. 8. Merritt made a business lm!nmnuw._ viskworst senoot i;,..." ; that mâ€"w"ï¬ Following are the Easter examinaâ€") At the present time there To semier "Tourthâ€" W iibets " Heuas, | 28 y jomtly. a _ â€" to mt 1 Annte | Johnston, | Alexander _ Brand,| C 0C 000| parpered frow : lsobe! Brand. Arnold Ready, Maryey| 80 fat as can D6 EMEMEPRL L0p Smith, Verna Marper. voluminous | evidence d Murr:, To â€"sentor . thirdâ€"James Watson,| the various ."rh::: ne â€" Cov honor«, Guilford Martin. Morris causesâ€"the Suprotme | W _ School was closed on Wednesday last, as Miss Jackson was attending her sister‘s Wedding. Monday evening next. Mrs. M. Lounsbury . visited . her aister, Mrs. C. Lymburner, of Warner last week. Iwaze and Mrs. Collins, R. . and Mrs. Bell motored to Dunnyille on Sunday and visited friends there, ; The farmers made good use of the Uine weather last werk and a conâ€" siderable amount of seeding was acâ€" |complished, a few haviny finished. | _ A. K. Burritt No auction, it is one of the z108f Â¥A!* | o hores to W. Rmerion mot"Seve | vable farm proverties in the count}: | _ There was a very good attendance: _ ThAt it is to be sold envelves a tale at t _ W. M. 8. ow Sunday evening.| â€"@ tale of litigation without parallel [ After the president‘s wellâ€"prepared !® 10¢al ristory. The serios of law» paper, Mrs. A. Lymbarner gave _ a| #Uit«, of which the sale is the eHmaX | reading. "Kider Sister," and Miss R.| W!ll long bt remomberel by the name { Scott one on "Missions and the Was, (9f "Morris and Morrb." ~tich +** | After which Mrs. W. A. Lymburner,| occupled the courts nearly 1wo year» [ of Canboro, gave a splendid talk on: The original company, Erown Nroâ€" \"Mome and Foreign Missions." \thers _ Nurserymen _ Limited, wa* Margaret Allan, -::»u-bnm’nd C fined to the house since last Decemâ€"| of the ber, was able to be moved outside | Pora C, during fine days last week. Her|C. Brow many friends wish ber speedy reâ€"| Davig I |eovery. the rem Mr. E. 1. Malstead new horse. Mrs. Start ang grondchild of Binâ€" brook, visited Mrs. K. Peer on Sunâ€" day. FULTONX Mre. M. MeDougall bas returned to MHamilton.to spend a week or twa. F. Lymburner is the happlest of mes these days, a young son having arrived on Sunday, the 22nd. dJessic, attended the suncral on Monâ€" day of his aged sister, Mrs. Swayrze, of Thorold, who has been an inyalid the past 15 years. 1 Mrs. Jennie Jones has returned from a two weeks‘ visit with friends in Mamilton, CAISTOR CENTRHE has hought Welland in February, 1916. 1, David ;m-:uumcmn ut of _ two promissory notes. made by the defendant, payable in January and July, 1910, respectively. 2, Melen F. Morris suco David Sorâ€" ris for value of a promissory not: given by him to Bdward C. Morris, and «ftorwards cndorsed by (he lalâ€" ‘! _ David Z. Morria held an agreement | "|enterea into by the whole shareâ€" ‘ ‘holders to repay him the amount of | ;[n certain reduction of salary a*| | back salary." The company of four l-uullhuru-l subjvet to a condition that this back solary . was | \to be paid him in the event of the | realization of $750% out of the dirâ€" | / posal of the assets, or stock. “'I actual intention of this pgreement | with a condition is one of the bones | of â€" contention over which further | litigntion is promised. The â€"piaintiffs | Helea P Morris and Edward C Mortis, contend that the condition of affairs | entitline **~~* %. Morris to the back | lp' wee velopwd, as yet, Any» | way. The Comsns<ant clairas that ther ) have. An order of the _eal court is | in faver of the plainw.s, and %e understand there is a probabHity of the defendsst ountering . an . appes! againat this odder. This is the prosâ€" pective future of ‘jue remarks te | case nature of the counterchums ®r found in that ecach Htigaut charge tho other with sost of gar. vege un.motm*: of cows, fowls, etc. Kach the other with having enjoyed thete domestic luxuries at the expense o# the cowâ€" pany, when he ought to have pald for them out of his private purse. . responaible for a I+ of about #10; fllln: plantit., _ apple seedâ€" lings on Armitage farm too 1te in the season to adrsit of their de veloping profitably. David Z. Morris retorts that the fault was Bds: rd‘s tor bxvin« supplied him with Helâ€" _ In one of the num rovs . counter claims which are a promincat fea ‘uhe married Edward C. sMorris and |thenceforth has been the principle | |shareholder, Finally the stuck was held, balf by Mrs. Helen Morris, forâ€" | merty ln.&-fl Brown, eneâ€"quart |or by Ner nd Edward C,. Morri®, ‘21 of the total hundred shares bÂ¥ | | David %. Morris, and on« chare BÂ¥ Jeanette Morria, David Z. Morrs‘® wife. And these Intter four . persons | | constituteg the company of Brown Nrothers Nnuc#erymen, }«*, up 9 May 7th., 1911, when . *%ey sold tht | businesaâ€"bat not the . c¢fot0, . far®m | buildings, . ote.â€"to. Chark» â€" + awd those ansoe a founded in 1899 by Brown Brother®|"‘ =as dificult, he remarkei to see | Company of fl-:‘-dn. a . corporae |>@* â€"a plaintiff could successfally \ tion existing under . American Jaw. |** a defendant for value« which apâ€" |The shareholders of the new u-i-"""" belonged as much to one as | pany in Canada in 1899 were Robert |!* other. He held the proceedings |C. Brown, Charles J. Brown and Edâ€"|* the court in abeyunce, the while Dntoull icnt stri0 n br patint w 700 G0000 _A few years after the formation of |* the â€" Orown â€" Mrothors . Nurserymen,| * 14d., of Canad, _. the senmior sbare» |!* holder, Robert «_ Brown, died. is widow in gettiing the details of . hi# |! estate took over his shares znd also eventue!t»â€" bocame . owne.. of _ the ; " shares of Charles /. Brown in 1995 ,* ward C,. Morris, who held a q-m!," Ns request, His Hon. Judége Liv» of the whole stock, respectively; | @lone was brought to the court to Dora C, Brown, the wife of Charle® °°!@ a discussion with him. After C. Brown, who held one â€" ghure, 200|b discussion, Chlef Justice Mulock David 1. Morris, who was alloted|©"e bis decision, which was that the remaining 24 of the 100 shares. |!\¢ whole of 150 matters invoived Edward C. Morris had been associat= ,'MH be submitted to Jeuge Living ed with the old firm for some year |"0%® in bis cupacliv of Local Master previously. David Z. Movris. who {0 atalyze anl report upou to tne was his brother, had bitherte been|""Prewe Court, ang gencrally to dis hokding a responsible posttion . with }4* Of as he found expeaient. the commissioners of the Mount| Thereupon Rdward C, Morris and Mope Cometery, in New York, @04 |liclen P. Morris jointly at once comâ€" was a newcomer into the compasy. jSencel a new action agairst Tavid CCCOMS,. THen on Mondny 1 M=UT| another car of thirty tone to e@ 4 The cold weather hers . stHll . hold# | oult. luymll-wufllhn‘.c'l! this country. The people say it i# ) |about the coldest they bave had 6# | \ more than . forty years, _ j show1| imu'unh-mï¬m"“‘ | 1 was at Anchen, 1 signed over |9® ’r-r month to the Rad Cress â€i parcels, and a few weeks ago (heÂ¥ | sont me & card a«"ing me if l-l““ led to reconsider my as«‘gament, 4t The splâ€"adid ‘sut farm ant estate is Pelhan, owned by K. C Morris D. %. Morris, et al., is to be soid by pub e auction. It is one of the z1ost val« uable farm properties in the county. the ROUIT FARM 1N T0 BE SOLD AT AUGTION % Morris and Jeanette 3i. Aorris juntly. Tap object of this new acâ€" Uon was, presumaoly, to prevent any disposal of the property contrary to the wishes of tk plaintiffs between then and the result -u!.& Master‘s onquiry being . known. o _ action asked for "an injunction and other relle{," and was tried without a fury, at Toronto, May 22nd. 19.6, before Juige Middleton. _ The judgement states th:‘h of affaire -hd-‘. incorporated company owned an a Nursery garden. The only shareâ€" holders were the plaintify (E. C. "asked them If they could send _ me «ne wool first. One of the En.lishâ€" ~on here will teach mo bow to . knit ‘ «wenter, if he ean get the time, | ‘*da letter from 8yd. last week, the "S 10 have had since 1 was a Thaner. Me had seen Ned KGa . sint worge Grant and Pote, and that was be frst of them that I have heard. was glad‘to hear tnat they were all ‘ell. 1 also bas a ntee lettor and a "Wistmas eard from _ Mry. Hobtden : other. He held the proceedings the court in abeyance, the white his request, His Hon. Judge 14y« then CO'operatlon © ‘Each subscriber should coâ€"operate to better the service on his line. The practices {suggested below have been found to greatly improve partyâ€"line service : 1. Bef Hing, find hether neighbor‘ ion when tho?: is ln‘lue. rl"l‘t'h. I:ang the line l: I.“u-::'.' S 2. Mb panbture ':Illl nrln.:".ll a 4. Make your calls as brief as mnftinomtat tomte ob setuineithi ::““I: 3 ‘"."'.. .'ft‘:::’“l‘“:‘"':; .__ service of most value to everyâ€" the line temporarily. anis * 3. Do allow children hers 5. & promptly when to l.::on or inurrn;:“your h:'p". ring. we" The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada WESTERN CANADA and the PACIFIC COAST o teana t iss 0 on +s \he most convenient apply * Ins. Agents, or write » L r&&mï¬grï¬n&muxm 3. E. Termate VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN Low Fares and Through Tickets "Good service * * * our true inteat." sonal _ character _ eniitling _ the elaimant to payment. T=cision â€" in favor of each plaintiff has been enâ€" terel, but nome of the humcrous and heary .counterelaims â€" ar> countenâ€" ancel. As to the cause for partition or sule, the master has ordored . the estaté to be sold, as per the anâ€" nouncement . now . bein; publety made, the government should we '; ‘l:nr;n:. The result of that action was _ »ot | & DRK. ARTHUR *4 !mhh-ury to the piaintiffs, They !v C 9 "Qyy: . omm > sys rcm._‘ entored appeal against Judge Middle| The frst question asked by thos» ton‘s decision, and this aas heard | in need of h:ving teeth extracted is in the Appellate Division the followâ€" | Can it really be done without pain ? Ing October, The outcome of the -p-l We only wish you couid be present peal was that Middleton‘s order to and hear the exclamation of joy and hold back the Master‘s enquiry till | ®urprise after we have removed from July, _ 1917, was withdrawn, and | One to thirty teeth from a pationt and Mulock‘s original order _ was at | hear them declare they were not burt once commenced . to be . carrleg|a Particle; it is most convincing, but out. Mence, â€" for many months | $Â¥en more so is the experience of past His Hon. Judge Livingstone in | baYINg one taken out painiessly yourâ€" his capacity of Local Master, has | **!f. * sat through long tedious pevring of| _ For Uie past 21 years we have used the evidence procurable on all (h«| Odontunder for painless extraction multifareous points at tssue, | and our mothod of using it i« far difâ€" The outcome of the long Investicaâ€" tion i#. we learn, a confirmation of Judge Mulock‘s reading s to the sults not being holdable {sdividually with two excoptions, viz, that the claim of Helen F. Morris vw»on David %. Morris for payment of a promisory note of §$2848.55 plus inierest is legithmacetly Ining to an . underâ€" taking np$ the affair> of . the Brown Bros. Nurserymen, 144., and that, in like manner, t*o prowi==> notes made by Kdward C. Morris to lh'i’l. Morris were also of a perâ€" Over 7,000,000 women in the United States have offered their services to °F shall ofer, and provide, management of the lang n or till the ist of July, 1 propor thing to do is to ore ference to the master for or sale under the Partition not directing the master to on the enquiry until after i July," ‘with the intention samo as soou an fs ty shall offer,‘ and management of the One Plumb proposed to parchase all the capita stock of the company . and Its assets, «xcept _ the In2#. The sbares In the company . were transâ€" terred to Plumb or his â€" nominees; and the land was conveyed by che company to its sharehofters a> 4 ne felal owperm Taey intendeg to seil the land, 4t had not beon able m do so, An agreement «igned by «. paintiffs and defendants reclted the conveyance of the land to them, ‘with the Intention _ â€"f _ selling â€" the same as soou a» frvorable opportan! Morris anl his wifes, and the de fendants, 1 %Z. Morris and i48 wite}) One Plumb proposed to parchase al To all Points in led for woth neighbor‘s conversation when the line is in use. * Make your calls as :'r.h:.:: th_lho._op- and make the pourtdt Aer, in enter up e 1st of Dr. Arthur it Cobb 268 Main 8t.. corner Eagle, The offic> with a clean w often called W‘ite Dental Twelve Specialls*s, eight asâ€" We never pull teeth we extract them. You will appreciate the differâ€" ence when we take one out for you. Dr Cobb has devoted 18 years in »peclallzing on extraction; that is hi« particular branch of the work. and if you have experienced suffering from your teeth it would pay you to cal! and have them carefully examined. There is no charge for this. While making the calt for examinaâ€" tion we wish to invite you up to our interesting Japanese tea room and enjoy a cup of rich tem, coffee or boulllon. Every one is welcome, and we make no charee for #t. For the past 21 years we have used Odontunder for | painless . extraction and our mothod of using it i= far difâ€" ferent from that employed by other=. We first anaesthetize your gums, making them eatirely void of feeling You do not even feel the © medicin= when applied. Each step is done painâ€" lessly, Then the tooth is gently loo=â€" ened (not pulled) and laid out absoâ€" Iutely without pain. ‘The Bell Telephone Co. of Cansda to improve PARTYâ€"LINE SERVICE