WEDNESDAY, _ OvEMNER 19, 1913 Sb n ammemmemmenmccc iss 2 c cute _ 204 _ 101 NATURAL GAS A CERTAINTY (Continued from page 1) ance, and present it to a meeting of chizens. to be held .on ~ Monday evening, Nov. 24, 1913. Carried. ‘The public meeting then adjournâ€" La in /meet aguin in .. the . Council boa l ds tntMie an nae t Di ins Chambers, on Monday evening, Nov. 24, at 8 o‘clock, to receive the . reâ€" port of the committee, ‘The committee appointed by the pmmmvwh the Council Chamber and appointed ‘The committee then went Into: a careful estimate of the cost of purâ€" chasing the leases of the four thor sand acres of gas territory _ south west af Winslow and the seven flow ing wells which have been drilled. ‘They also estimated the cost _ of tweive miles of four inch pipe from ‘mn.umnmmmnl Grimsby Stone Road. It was propos ed to bring the _ gas muin in . & straight line north, from . the , $A8 flelds (hrough the Townships of Cais EmE C702 C B2 Avimehy straight HNC MUUY""" us af Cain fields through the ‘Townships of Cals tor, South Grimaby, North | Grimgby and come down the â€" Mountain at whet is known as the "Harry Baker Side Road" a mile east of Grim@by Villege then _ up _ the Queens and Grimsby Stone Road to the Vil. lage and down the Queanston NO TUCT AOca 4n â€" Grimaby Grimeby Stone Road . to â€" MMMTCI Bench and Beamsville. An estimate was also . made of the cost of openig a trench for the taving of the pipe and covering it again for the twelve miles. An estimate was made of the cost of laying a twoâ€"inch pipe from the trenk line to the Village of Smithâ€" ville and the cost of service pipe and invtallation in Amithville. An estimate was also made _ _of the cost of instailing «pive on the streets of Grim=by and the cost of meires for Grimsby, Snithville, etc. Then the matter . of estimating the possible sale of gas in Grimaby and Smithville, was taken up, and ar eetimate made of â€" the prospecâ€" tive annval receipts, also an estiâ€" mate wa« made : of the . cost _ of me‘ntaining and runnin=« the Plant. 22 D cAants had been tive annun‘ MUURDTD NOC ase mate was made of the cost _ of m»‘ntaining and runnin« the Plant. After a careful eattate had been mede of all possible expenses . it we« decided by the comniittee . that It would be necessary to sell ffty thmeand dollare wortth of stocok to purchase the «=s field and instal) a gecvice in @nithyille and O y, avd _ If the line were extended / to (ir‘mwby Beach and Beamsvilie,/ a !« dittoral capital wopld . have to be neenred. B U Y P R IN T S Got pick of Importing House. â€" Best new Velours, Beavers, Felts and beautful trimmings all at half price and less, . We pass the bargain on to you, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats (no old trash, remember) at MILLINER Y B R O O M S HALF â€" PRICE Less than a dozen left gâ€"stm. * druoms worth 50¢ Who geis ‘hem 2 Women‘s ... ......+ Misses‘............ Children‘s .. ....... RU B BE RS T O W E L S 300 Bath: Towels, very fair size and a decided Snap at each was then decide 5o splendid Skirts go on Barga I c Went Intoâ€" a Balance 20 pairs Men‘s Long Rubber Boots. Lion Brand, choice i BETB :: +.A New Box Kip Lines MEN‘S c sercrcrrr n c 0i‘ B Women‘s............. ‘Id MinbEY +ss o. ... soveer / Bui Children‘s ............ 1. stock sheet _ at once _ and â€" allow Mesers. Hill and Melick to take it hoine with them and commence sell Ing stock right away, and report their progress at the next meeting to be held in the Council Cambers on Monday, Nov. 24. Mr. Jas. A. Livingston was . inâ€" stiucted to have Mr. G. B. MacConâ€" achie prepare stock sheets immediâ€" atoly. ‘The name of the new Company will be The Grimsby. Gas Company. The amount of capital will be _ a hurdred _ thousand dollars. _ ‘The aniount to be subscribed immediate ly will be fifty thevee=4 dollurs. Messrs Hill and Melick bolieve that they can secure twentyâ€"five thousand dollars of stock south of the Twenty, and they will look to the citizens of Grimsby, Smithville, Reamsville and the surrounding country to . supply the other twentyâ€"five thousand. If sufficient . stock is . subsceribed within the next week, a charter will be ayplied for and the work of _ purâ€" chasing supplies and . ‘laying . the majns will be commenced just _ as quickly as possible. The public is cordially invited to attend the next meeting on . Nov. 24 and all those interested in the proâ€" gress of this part of the country are invited to subscribe for -ug‘t Il Po The stock enmeets were _ prepared Tuceday morning and Messrs Hill & company, to PAID UP LIST Miss McClatchie, Grimaby Dee 31/14 Anuts Teoft, Winslow Dee 31,13 Frank Voll, Wilcox Dac. 31,14 H H Oarpenter, Grimmby . Dec 31,13 ‘Thos. Chadwick, Boamsville (Dec 31,13 A I. Poole, Grimaby Dec 31,/14 M Dennis, Winona Dee 31,13 Mrs. A. E. Zimmerman, Buffalo |_ _ _ Melick took them home with them. Revival m;;u!- are being conduct ed in the Metbodist . church with special interest. . Rov. Mr. . Appleâ€" 1. 2B is aee OS en ner? oo â€" 7 garth of Hamilton was present F da: evening and aided in lllm UBS CTET HDOP EP A. C. D;‘-tcl‘ held an auction wale at the J. B. Waiker farm . on Thursday AMATBWnd + Mes, Homewood is very il! at her home here, sufferimg . from blood polsoning of the hand. 3. C. English and wife and . won Willie are visiting in Rochester, Rev. Mr. Kelly occupted the puipit on Sungay evening and gave an am on Sunday ©VUW pressive sermon. Table STONEY CREEK any amount which they 1.19 WEW MOBBERLIN ELECTRIC $10® @UIPLS you A Nobby : Overcoat Is Appropriate for Xmas Canada is a country where l‘lll value is received from a good, warm overcoat. An overcoat is not @lurury, it is a necessity. The trend is Wonounced for Heavy Fréize, f‘hlnchllla. Wooltex and Fancy Heavy oolen Coats that are as warm 38 fur, far more comfortable, and cost about oneâ€"fifth as much. Let u8 show you a sample with the popular shawl collar. & We have turned out some Hobberlin Overcoats that have been conspicuous for their style, appearance and air of prosperity. Let us take your measure now and Bave it ready for you before or at Xmas. Many of the moderate ced cloths of best .:-nem are exhausted, and the firm have reduced best lines $5.00 on each coat, so that you can now get a grand coat at a decidedly moderate price. Elbert _ Hubbard_ says of A LegaliBond and Guarantee House of Hobberlin, ‘Toronto Hobberlin‘s : _ "You have the ; of cvery ;o _ are the, largest _ tailoredâ€"toâ€" finest stock of materials that I "_‘ the poclit of cvery Hobljcrlm measure Clolh:s Organization ever saw gathered together under _ Coat and Oycrcoat as to Cloth, _ in Canada â€"K. M. STEPHEN, one roof." Fit and Entire Satistaction." Kepresentative for Grimsby. NOV. 20 Elbert _ Hubbardâ€" says of Hobberlin‘s : _ "You have the finest stock of materials that I ever saw gathered together under one roof," SWEATER COAT S Dee 31/14 Dee 31,13 Dec, 31,14 Dec 31/13 18 only _ Women‘s White Sweater â€" Coats, Penman Make, . pure wool, knit to fit, beautiâ€" ful Coats worth $3 and #6.â€" Choice onannanraromrrcr o s . | $A#emepmoms t\ "A |B Ar o a in * IF STEPHEN SAYS: "A ; . 114 $2.98 . M. { GRIMSBY BOY IS MAKING GOO A few years ago a young man wu! ed out of Hawzke‘s store, . Grimsb where he had been working for sev al years and made the announcem that he was golug to Chicago, I11 214 whift for himself. ‘Thae; youg . tof awas Maicolm M. Secor, son of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Secor of Grimaby, ter known in Grimgby as "Mim" as today he is the proprietor of a larst store for women in _ Whusau, Wis, one of the biggem and busiest citi«® We nee by the _ Wausau, _ (Wis) Daily Recordâ€"Herald, that "Mim" ba8 acquired complete control of the big @impson Garmet Co.‘s store in wat city ard that he will conduct it along broader and bigger lines than eve‘ ‘ "Mim" went to Chicago when \¢ left Grimzby and for a time was c0n~ nected with thebig store of Seig!« Ccoper, but left there to take up & n:flon with a big store s Kankaâ€" IIL., as chiof buyer, later . goin to Wausau, Wis., where he was chict buyer for the Simpson Co. and latet par; owner and now he is the sold owser of the store. _ F "Mim‘‘ Seeor, is Now th Sole Owner of the Simp son Garment Co‘s Stor in Wausau, Wis. in "Mim" is only another case of Grimsby boy making good. He \ done so and with a vengeance. Congratulations from _ all< 30 ¢riends in the "Old . Town," "M und miay you continue to promp®r Bring in your boy Saturday or a~J day next week and ge, the full bene fit of the economies offered in nnn‘ woek‘s specials, The values are uo ty wonderful an it means money Im your pocket. Boy‘s "Junior" ove"~ cont, fits ages 8 to 18 years, minde !n brown and grey tweeds with Invert= ed pleat in back. Some have. imita« ‘(Ion fur collars. Special value . at $4.95. Boys‘. Russian overcoats, !t ages 3 to 9 years, button up elose 10 neck. velvet or plain collurs, special $2:98, Boyw‘ sweater coats, plain greys and reds, Norfolk styles . with bell, ft ages 2 to 5, a snap _ at 29. ‘Boys‘ Sweater conts . and swenters iwith pookets. plain wroy and red and blue trimmed with combination colâ€" EeB es sls Smd ore, worth regular 75¢." All sizes, special 486. Awenter coats, double collars and pookets . worth $1.50. Special Snturday ar 89. Desk & TT NOWPrtie t as i Cam uh: MOTHERS AND _ FATHERS 38â€"44 ‘James _ St. North, Short Sweater| Men‘s Sweater cCOA TSCOAT S For : Women, . abb: 50 Penman Pure \ Coats, short, h fin without collars; ipo« Assorted ] $2 5o to $3.00 'l-f- of lot" ~. ME 'mma;\â€"i;u:‘ \\1:' 73 Men‘s s, short, h fnj | Sweater â€" Co out collars;ipockc:. | assortment c rted patt g | all Penman i o to #4.00 AChgice | only have co ... ce I ' $1.50 to $4 C $11 . x! slp‘ â€" en s GR ome ‘hh and if all. your * ."M@m" IB| He has SiuiusBy, ONT. A VICTIM OF THE CREAT LAKESSTORM Mail Matter Post Marked From GRIMSBY, Found in Detroit Post Office For One of the Victims. ‘The monstrous _ burricane that ewept he Great Lakes, on Sunday, Ne%.â€"9, claimed many victms, . one ot. whom at some time or other lived in Grimagby or was known here. ‘The Government has taken chorge of ull mt suatter that was in _ the post offices‘ at the different | ports aleng the lakes nddreswed co the peo ple who were on the il}â€"fate! stcamâ€" In the Detroit post office . was found a couple of letters addressed to Miss Oindrelia Egan and postmarked OGrimaby. After _ interviewing . Postmaster Forbes and other prominent men in Psn ns bdÂ¥n unable to locate anyone of that rame in Grimgby, or unable «o fnd out If there ever was anyone by that name in this district .. A1 en eo t stt ‘The lady was one of the crew _ of the glant steamer, the Jumes Carruâ€" thers. z Any information will be gladly re celved by the INDEPENDENT. ‘"Come l‘.g.†me the Auld Scotch sangs, i‘ the braid Seottish tongue" LECTURE 7 entitled A Nicht Wi‘ Buros (HIS LIFE AND HIS WORKS) _ will be delivered in the Public Hall, Winona, on Friday, Nov. 28, 1913 _ Pianist, Mr. Cullingford. Tickets 25¢ â€" Reserved 35¢ Presbyterian Church, ‘j"l'iddl may be had from: W. H. Sillars, Winona; V. R. Winona; The Store, Winona, J. \ W. H. Sillars, Winona; V. R. Ellis, Winona; The Store, Winona, J. Wray‘s plumber and J. T. Lant, jeweler, r Grimsby. Car Leaves Grimsby for Winona at 7.40 pâ€" 75 Men‘s Allâ€"Wool Sweater â€" Conts, large assortment of patterns, 1ll Penman make. Few only have collars; worth #:.50 to #4 each; each (The Talented Scotch Lectun Soloist, Mrs. D. Ramsey Si antes‘" = ~ (BY § Mr. James Deans, llustrated With Songs BY y, the INDEPENDENT | has 7 alee To‘ Talented Scotch Lectwier) EEST TAILORING 1N CANRA®® vr 18 a BAroain House of Hobberlin, Toronto are the, largest _ tailoredâ€"toâ€" measure Clothes Organization in Canada â€"K. M. STEPHEN, Kepresentative for Grimsby. office . was X M A S GIFT S ‘This week we are making our first showâ€" ing of Xmus Gifts, See large centre . window. Good time now to make best selections. _ Scores of articles for men, woâ€" men and young(people NOV. 26 Mrs. Frank Mingle went to Hamilâ€" ton on Saturday. . Mr and Mrs Harmon Dawdy visitâ€" «d Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Lazopman in Calstor on Friday. Mrs, m.’l Konkle of Beamsville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snyder. Miss Margaret Johnston of the Tra vellers‘ Ald Association of Hamilton, was the guest of Mrs. John Burch a couple of days last week. Mivs Jos. Fister and Mrs. W. E. Swarts and Mr. Obas. McLean and Mr. Abert Morley were all in Smith ville on Wodnesday. Mr, Jacob Upper‘s horses â€" ran away on Saturday, causing a . little excitement but no particular damage was done except demolishing . the wizon that was attuohed to them. Xirs. W L Felker went to Hiamilton o+ Thursday. 1 ‘Those who went to Smithville from this place on Saturday were: _ Mrs. Jacob Upper, Mrs. John Taylor, Mre. Arthur McLean, Mre. Stephen Morâ€" ley, Mrs. John Beamer, _ Mre. . B4. Swartz and Mrs. O. R. Jones, ANOTHER PAPER TO BE PUBLISH ED IN GRIMSBY M \ At 4.30 on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1913, the first number of another pamper seâ€" cured by. the INDEPENDENT office, G:imaby, namely THE _ CAN@DIAN POULTRY NBWS, was run off. ‘This paper was lately purchased by Jas. A. Livingston & Sons trom the former owners in Wiarton, Ont., PW Ne netn l and will be publMished in Grimdby In the future. _ / 7C ..._rn;;.. four papers which are published in the office of THE GRIIS BY INDEPENDENT, as follows: _ ‘The old roliable, GRIMSBY JNDEâ€" PEXDBENT. THB _ CANADIAN . SPORTSMAN, the only horse paper in Canada. THE PRUIT GROWER & FARAER the only weekly of its kind in Canaâ€" dn. ® THE _ CANADIAN POULRY NIWS, devoted entirely to the . sulâ€" try L“.‘..".""’:........m naniy anme RPSTILCUCE! THE _ CANADFAX _ POMLARY NEWS will bo issued ¢wice a month during the winter months and once a month durb‘g the _ balance of . the year. L0 o onl ns * ‘The subscription price will be fifty conts por year ja advauce, or une dol lar for three years. Au\ orders for the Poultry Paper should be addressed to the CANADLIâ€" AN POULTRY . NEBWS, GRIMSBY, Mr. 0. R. Jones made a trip to Fen regular $1 BLANKETS Manufacturers must have Mantles cleared in October or carry thein over. We made a straight offer of half price on a whole factcry clearing. It was accepted, and we pass on bargain to you MANTLES U N DER W E A R * Liberally _ Cords _ for Women, Men, Boys and Children. None but the best. Keduced HALF PRICE B U Y Men‘s Work Socks in Wool, reg. 25¢, for...19¢ Apollo fine 50c Cashâ€" _â€"Plain and fancy 25c METEsssiccc..6. To introduce our splendid stock gloves and mitts we‘llsell 100 pairs Leather Mitts, woolâ€"Yined, at ‘I"Il_nmlem_ll_lniï¬l, 10 x 4 size. â€" Best qualities, Any Keadyâ€"made Suit in our Store, yours choice 98c 25¢ A grand concer; will be held _ in Snctsiniger‘s Hall, tomorrow _ night, Thureday, Nov. 20, by the Allâ€"Star Coucert Company of Hamilton. ‘The company is composed of Mr. Royden C. Milis, soloist of Central Presbyterian church, Hamilton and considered one of Hamilton‘s . best Miss Esther Horne, contralto solo ist of Central Presbyterian . church, HamiMon, is claimed to be one bost contraito singers in Caninda. people as he bas appeared here . on sereral occesions at band . consert@ and we feel sure he will please again as he bas in the past. & _ Miss Clara Salisbury is au elocuâ€" tlonist of merit and comes to Grime by v»>y highly yrecommended. _ . _‘The planist, Miss Haze! Burton is well known in and around Grimaby, as sho has been _ orghnist of the Grimeby Methodist church for . the past three years. Something exceptional is being ofâ€" fered in the way o€ an . entertainâ€" went by this. coypany and . they should be libera!ly supported. All sesfs are reservgd at twentyâ€" fire and thirtyâ€"five cents. Plan at Milier‘s. Avetion Saleâ€"Mr. G. W. Gatacre, living one mile east of Graszics, on what is knowin as the old _ Matthew Biancbard farm, has docided to give up farming and move to the city and he will ho}d an auction sale of ‘ull his farm stock and implements, ‘hay ard grain, on Friday, Nov. 28, 1913. ‘The bills will be out in a fow days. Sag. A. Livingston, quctioneer. Mr. H O S 1 E R .Y Hundreds of pairs for Women _ and E.‘Iildm Best qualities fall and winter. _ Reduced SUSPENDER S For this week we have a new .line of medium heavy Police Suspenders, 25¢ quality 19c GRAND CONCERT #%