VIENNA! This First Week of Our Clearance Sale Proves Phenomenal. . . . . . . . . “N ‘. I..,, GRIhlifil.11f.,,, r: A month's selling packed into six days-that's the result of o.ur July Clearance Sale to date. To be sure. we never iyefpre sold goods " such marvellously low p_nces, but. too, we never sold so much in so brief a 'time. This community shows a progressive disposition to helg itself and to go the iimrf--tiook, line and sink- ere-w en a square deal is assured and the plain truth and nothing but the truth told. . large Quantities of Whitewear to be Cleared ladies’ Mute Cunluic Gowns. WT. over and button fronts, ".35 for... Ladies' Wink: Crepe Slip-on Gowns, .lds fur... ...r..q.....................1 Ladie's White Undenkim. " inches Bmiuokkry Bourne, in.†for... Gent'g Lid, rundurchiefs, hem- stitched; imported Linen. 3 for..... Special in Hosiery-19c - .._, m.... on"... “one. regularly sold at 1 or, trGken Ladies Black Cotton 2setor.....------ HAND KERCHIEF‘S Special nlun in Trunks. " to cut the prices down to an: All leather Suit Cases, up - , up!" $6.50 tor '; Iqulavi We were quite sure P."", m-.- .. ---" no lack of buyers at the first Saturday Night "saie--the, crowd came--." saw and was cont Giered---it needed no microscope to discover . “A "4..“ The merchapdise no lack of buyers at In: H... -___,, _ tState cum tttat,, saw and Gt', chat (f/ft' . _ uer T --it n e no microscope to scover 'iii/i y, . v , rr an remarkable values. The merchandise d" T F '19 tlied $fRY) was here, and exactly as we advertised it-- 4 - .4 the prices, well we only. know that action _ T" began at the stroke of the ' otclock bell and continued unabated until closing tim One can bring a crowd with an offering of bivaalues, but one won't do bt prices match the advertisement. WE DID BUS ESS. We have prepared for the second AFTER SUPPER SALE with another grei e,ige; We Will see a large percentage of the People who came to the ri/st-tnd a cause there has been so much. talk of the p ums that were picked at the first a better come GT.upother crop is ready for those who like to buy goods at retail, stores pay wholesale. TRUNKS Atm...qNtf, JULY 'A, "" We were quite sure that there - - ,4 -= A“. 'trr" Sntur mks. We I" preered ' to rm: In Kline tines. up - $1.00 for 66°: regular "0.00 " tr.sts See '.'.' 2Se "I'll EQIPIIIII'I “In", own-o 1 until closing time. l one won't do business unless the with another great budget of bar- o the first-"and a host of friends--- ked " the first sale. So you had ...y “me. at retail. " less than most This Remarkable Sale Out-Distances all Records. qqqqqqq . The tremendous selling of the past week has re- duced quantities, but has not urset assortments alto- gether. There’s plenty Jpere sti l to lIlleaue everybody and there are reduced prices that wi make you won- der how we can do it. You see. it's our clearance time when we forget profits and have but one object-40 sell every bit of summer merchandise regardless of how much of a loss we may have to pocket. Men's Fashionable Sum- mer and Early Fall Suits and Light Weight Goods We In: setting Suits '10 fun and w chew that unless you come at once you will be disappointed. As it is, we still have I good ulce- tion leit ar......... 6S0 M8 and ISM 'Boh' ileum. grand "tue...............--. Fau- "ort in being made to reduce thie stock. Specill "tues from "art in a-piece Suits. Bor' Minoan an down in price to Regal-{08.50 fur o..........,.......:....'.-. 6.50 All our Fall Stock of Summer Conn h†been [ml in'o this ti.tlr. Trittle and four-ply goods, trom............ 1.50 to 6-50 .. H .A- ... -- ... g: m. GENUINE PANAMA um All slug-4 Any aut, 1Ut in stock. Regular "so and "so, at..........-. Ant Soft Felt Hat, Regular "so lot. o...............-.--'-. Sun Hats, Slur Hats, Others down Gents' Black Llam- nuuln Me, tor....., Spain Heavy weight the tarm use. worth MEN’S srTrrIfij.t7f.?f New“ Shirts ,,di, extra collar. or!“ pattern, regular $1.25. for......... _.., Men’s' Sweater Coats MEN’S CHRIS" HATS luv-Never before have we sold Panama Hate so cheap. Jun a few left, but we are prepared to make I cot on these. BOYS' SUITS Reg. $8.50.,I|1.5o ts.oo, for..... $1.50. tor........... kiildG " 50 lo "aso tor......-. to Llama Sos, Ill tins. gitt Cotton Sos for .nh Me, 1 MW"... 2.00 2.00 1.50 . Me 25c 25c Men's Specinl Summing regular 50c. for,....-.........---- Specinl Quality Police Braces Knee STOCK or FANCY NECKWEAR Bum-nan Ties, very stylish v................. TSe for Funcy Pattern and Plain Color Derby Tie...... $0e for Silk Wash tes, reg-1:: _ 50c and 35c............... 4 for 5mm planems in Sin Dcrbrs, tegular "e/tor..-.. a few left, good TSe for 3h Sik for MK if 4 for 1.00 rt'. 19: 79c