YCU PAY WHEN CURED s Wmfllmw 4 REANDER: matter reated e ounest opinion Free Charge. “hâ€"flhww"‘:mumm?-b““dl‘ QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY o"c: All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" eeeeppmmesmmem . meutin Windsor, Out. 1( you desire to see us ty call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sce and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory sor Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: §W" NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN NONSENT L43 4 __ DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ost. Write for our private address. WRAY Corrugated Hose (no kink) $ Ho â€"Valves Bamboo rods anything WRAY ;3 a & tn P o lie U & hm :q? § s sA < ’ 2lX 4 / M .A ) [‘\J’ \‘ 7 ‘A, o poe 2 2l 0 CGred hy the Ne Wiathel Musoan e eit We have the following stock of brick ready for sale at pricesiquoted F. O. B. at our works at Beamsville. C 8 #14 ner 1000 Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Apply to House Furnishings Our Spring shipment of Linoleums, Oilâ€" cloths, Mats, and Matting are . now displayea, 4 yd Inlaid Linoleum oi .c tokr oi r on avec is 4 yd Block pattern Lingleum..........: .: 5003 2 yd Inlaid Blue .and White Block for Bathrooms.................................85c 8 Jap Matting . Ein ce S ore in e 1x trve +s Py vean e Bd Jap Mats ... s}}}}» Ariecrr iess c arveie ns meege AY Furniture and Carpets â€" K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS Beamsville Brick and Terra Cotta Co‘y. APRIL ,Ey:celsior Brick Co’_y_._“l.ilPited ®, 118 SPRAYING REPAIRING M QIJICI(I..YA“E W__RA_! by the New Method Treatment BUCK, Beamsville J BOCK MEiicvce ce crr k9X E6681822 0000090000 J Brick @to cce en 12 4 ol BriCk At, . cce 15 h ied Britk ucce en 12 6 t Brick Ati cce ere en 12 * e verebe en err edeaa¢iet en beeant 664 *** 45 °*4 Hose guaranteed 300 lbs power nozzles ing and everything to contain . water. Funeral Director GRIMSBY, .baV;csqyd .... 56e sq yd .... 85e sq yd ...... .. I5€ yd WRAY 25¢ each #14 per 1 nozzles 200 Dr, Ross. | ‘The program consizted of repor® from the various departments Inter~ | eperse@ with music and reading®. _ | Mr. A. F, Hawke presented the re‘ port of the financial _ standing . of the church, which was found to . b¢ in excellent condition. . Other report® were presented as follows: ‘The Quarterly Board, by J. W. Fa: toh, recording steward; the Sunday School, by W. B. Calder, superintendâ€" ent; the Epwoith Lengue by _ Miss Cora Marsh, President; the Woman s Misslonary Socioty, . by Mrs. W. B. .\ Calder, President; the Ladiea® Ald by Mrs. Hogh Anderson, President; and the choir, by H. Measeit. . Th# report of the Missicn Band, . under } Mrs. Ferris, was presented by Mrs. Calder. § 3 ht : METHODIST ChHURCH CONGF.EGAâ€" TIONAL TEA Notwithstanding the downpour of rain all day, the Congregotional 6@ wid in the Methodist chureh last ‘Thursday evening was a decided 84¢> cere. From six to eight the Indies of the church presided at the _ tables where bounteous refreshments Wer® The Dr. R en Iuct Readings _ were given by _ Miss Weeks and IL Messett; a _ solo bY Rev. Dr. Ross: a duet by Mesars Eaâ€" ton and Baldwin; a _ quartet . bY Messrs Eaton, Baldwin, Forman and Wrightman, The choir of the church under Miss Burton, organist, renderâ€" ed two anthems in excellent _ style l-ml altogether, the _ evening . WA# much enjoyed by all present. K. G. SEAVER PASSES AWAY ‘The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at Smithville, of E. G. Seaâ€" | ver, a man for map» years ldentified with police woik i.. Iincolw county, He hbad been a familiar Agure . 5t the high courts for a long time. Beâ€" | fore Smithville had rallway connets tions, he drove the stage coach and carried the malls botween St. Cathâ€" arines and that place. He is survived by a widow . und daughter, Mrs. D. R. Swayze of Winâ€" ger. _ He was a !ifeâ€"long Conseryvaâ€" tive and a devoted member _ of the Church of England. |___PORT COLBORNE TO HAVE _ | HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER ‘ . Mesars Jeffrey and Zimmerman, en gineers of the Hydroâ€"Electric, were in Port Colborne last week ascertain Ing the amount of power used for power purposes, street lighting and private lighting. They stated . that lv.ho prospects of Port Colborne secu? ing Hydro power were of the very | best, providing the couricll applied \for same and that the _ amount of | power consumed now, without fur= | ther increase, was sufficlent to wWar rant them coming here when desired, This matter is worthy of the . counâ€" cil‘s immediate action. Other places have managed to make satisfactor® llrnmnu with the other . com» panies where Hydro has been um- | ad. The cust for power under | Hyâ€" | dro would be much leas than w are paying today, For house Night now pay 7% cents per kllowatt in Welland the rate is 2% cents :n & | der Hydro and it was also . sti "|that the cost for streot lighting an power for pumping would be comsid | erably leasened. The town At pres ent pays out $1,500 annually . {o power,â€"Port Colborne Times, Eo Poe oi e e k Mester Maurice Hill of Grassl« vielting with his parents. Mrs. A. Schram and . Mrs.> A. Lean visited friends in Smithvill ‘Thursday. ____ _ o ST. ANXNS ‘The many friends of C. will regret to learn that improving in health. _ The W. F. M. S. met at the MOTC of Mrs. J. M. Snyder on Wednesday. ‘ Miss Rhena Dawdy . bas returned home after visiting friends in Wel« Iandport. U o SSR t" whntane â€" af ERTTUUCCY â€" Mr. and Mrs. Eraie _ Wilcox of Grimsby, are visiting at A. A. Suyâ€" dor‘s. Surtis Book is on the sick list. Mrs. Percy Trembly of Wanitobs. is visiting her mother, . Mrs. Fd Book. Mr. Harmon Daw*y made a trip t Wellandport on Friday. Mr. Jacob Upper made a busines trip to Smithville on Friday. Mr, John Ross made . @ trip t €mithville on Friday. ‘The weather man seems (0 hay lost control of the weather altoget er 61. Mr. A. K. MeDonald of Hamiltc special officer of the T. H. & B., vis ed Mr. and Mrs, John Burch on We nesday.. r RVER ETL L4 wan ing old acquaintances day and Friday. der. chalr ‘i'h:ill.l.l-l; .é;-yzl'cr of visiting his brother, 3 ‘The friends of Mr B. A., principal of ! mTOY PCOAE pleased to learn he has been API ed Inspector of public wchools Sagkatchewan:â€"Huls a former w of the Grimsby High #*shool and the Hamilton colleglate institute. is a son of Mr. Henry Raleton, of cnster and grandson of the late Barr, Valley Grange, N. Grimaby @itute, â€" Moontmin Dr. de Van‘s Female Pi!!s betas uces talls.. T D# -B‘u'l?ilunur of Moulton, Was Saturda) ‘Or at Stewart‘s Drug Stort. taken by TWE TN3 »RP.JNDEXT. crtmsRry,. OxTARIO the â€" Rev. the collegiat© Sank.. will XMr, 1saa In town Grimsby he is M of Well ERRT 3 T0 ie are sold a‘ m-v addre! mes, On4 Snyder er pu and iE NOW BELIEVES N "FRUTâ€"ATNES® appol Int Tayrorviui®, Ont. | "I was a sufferer from Fearful Meadâ€" hes for over two years, Sometimes, 1 ey were so bad that 1 was unable to otk for days at a time, I took all . nds of medicine, was treated by phyâ€" clans, but yet the Headaches persisted. A short time ago, I was advised to try Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" and I did so, with I must dxllt-‘.( vny‘ llul-b?l::. But after I wl taken theim lNdlyl.Il "ulavllrrl were easier and in a vn{ wey left me. After I had takez a box of these ‘blets, my headaches were qnue-‘cu-l. ly af ite was alwa and im wnmlcymmlâ€"lnd no-"‘.np;:'p‘nm {n pleadid and my digestion excellent. 1 had become thin and weak from the oustant HMcadaches but now not only ntacties: bet ty dnenptit is nremiog lea * my strem in n;\:nce more and rh-l llfc a -c\--u5 BERT CORNKIL. Take "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives", 50e a box, 6 (or $2.50â€"trial aize, 25¢, â€" At dealers or irom Eruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawa. Because He No Longer Suffers With Headaches Ge I Ontario Liquor License Act License District c f Lincoln Notice is hereby given that . the Board ot License Commissioners for the License District of Lincoin will meet at the License Insnectors OfMâ€" ce in the City of St. Catharines, 42 Geneva St., on Priday the 18th, day of April, at the hour of 2. o‘clock 1m., for the purpose of considering wollcations for Liquor Licenses for «6 License year 1913â€"14. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. Dated at St. Catharines this 1st THIRTY MOUNTAIN | \irs. Lambert bas returned . from : extended visit to her daughter Kendal, New York. Mrs, Charles Groff and . family ive _ returned . from Brantford mere‘ they were visiting the . forâ€" or‘s parents there. Mr, Charles Perkins officilated at » church here on Sunday . afterâ€" on SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be .0 celved at Ottawa until noon, 0n Friâ€" day, the 23rd May, 1913, for the conâ€" veyance of His Majerty‘s Mails on a proposed contract for four Years, slx times per week, over Rural Mail Route from Wellandport (via Elcho LXA Warner) Ont.. from the Postmas lay of April, 1913. There is to be held in reon ‘Thursday, the 10 times per Wets, 07"" _ ""00 picho Route from Wellandport (via Elcho and Warner,) Ont., from the Postmas ter General‘s pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro m contract, may be . seen and forms of tender may . be obâ€" tained at the Post Office of Wellandâ€" T. TNADTOOIDNCAL 4h: atich fashioned Male Sugar Taffy Pull large turnâ€"out is anticipated. Adâ€" sion, adults 15¢, children_10¢. rs Clara Batty, of Bellevilic, is Iting Mrs. Jas. Swackhammer, m CORITMONICICN OO 1 forms of tender may be obâ€" tained at the Post Office of Wellandâ€" port, Elcho, Warner and at the offic> of the : Post Office . Inspector at ‘Toronto. & w o awdarann: the POST OFFICE Mail Serv Ottawa, April 5, | sYNOPSIS Any person who of a family, or aD years old, may ho? section of avallab in Manitoba, Sask berta. _ The applit in person at the Agency or _ Subâ€"ag tict. Entry bÂ¥ P! at any agency. 0 tlons by father, N tez, brother or 8| homesteader. LC Sodomnbr Dutfesâ€"Six months‘ . on and cultivation of t each of three years. A may live within nine ! homestead on a famn 0 acres solely owned and him or by his father, ? daughter, brother or a! In certain districts a }In good standing MaY quarter section alongsi( stead, Price $3 POT ° MAIL CONTRACT OeR OE CCC homestead . of . Preâ€"oppio® w25 months in each of six years from | date of homestead entry (Including the time required to eat" hammcul‘ {:m) and cultivate fifty acres ex-‘ A homesteader who has exhausted his homestcad right and cannot ob~ tain a preâ€"omption MaÂ¥ enter for purchased homestead in certain disâ€" triets, Price $3 per acre, Duticsâ€"â€" Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a bouse worth $300. ‘ w. w. CoRrY, Leputy of the Ministor of the Interiot, N. B.â€" Unanthorized pmbiication k BePRU U nt will not be maes Cl of this acvertisoment erson who is the sole Neat! mily, or any male over _ 18 d, may homestead a quartet of available Dominion land toba, Saskatchewan 0T Al«! The applicant must appear n at the Dominion Lands or Subâ€"agency for the disâ€" intry by proxy MAÂ¥ be made | agency, . 01 certain . condiâ€" y father, mother, $01, daugh ther or sister of Intending or â€" DOMI®ION _ LANP [ REGULATIONS \| J. W. King, Inspector. G. C. Anderson, Superintendent NCE DEPARTMENT, Service Branch, 5, 1913. mths‘ realdence UD m of the land . in { irs, _ A homesteader nine miles of is farm of at least 80 ed and occupled bDY ather, mother, won, r or alster. ul the church Inst., _ an Tafly Pull ho has exbhausted ; and cannot obâ€" may enter for @ d in certain disâ€" » nere. Duticsâ€"â€" sole head pon _ the tion . ®!X ears from (Including homestead wcres €Xâ€" ze I | \ @ 4 1 7 , |Jf familiar w ; |JJ . their own. E| r T‘ i § | Tho: * \II thrown 07 Wall Paper Wall Paper From 2¢ a Roll unpwards Greves‘ Fancy Goods Store Beamsville =â€" Ontario L. s td (i‘\"‘ljrn;'.‘:,l cembl, / J Every farmer wants to provide for his sons, but seldom will the old homestead, developed with toil, suffice to meet their needs. The boys have been brought up to the land. ‘They are familiar with all the pbases of tarming. . They should have land of theiz own. _ How is the farmer going to rieet this emergency ? ‘Thousands of acres, Civided into 160 acre farms, are bemg thrown open for entry by the Dominion Government ..long or nest the lines of the ‘The land gives a wide choice. There are some plots on open prairie and others again in the wellâ€"wooded, weilâ€"wat districts in # Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta A large number of these homesteads are particularly mixed farming. Write or Engquire Toâ€"Day Any agent of the Canadian Northern Railway, or the undersignâ€" ed will be glad to send, on application, full information as to the location of these homesteads und the way to secure and reach them. Write for "The Bread Basket", "35,000 Free Homesteads" and our Peace River Booklet. You wili be interested. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The Logical Answer is Western Canada Adorn your.home with the latest designs of paper, We have for your inspection a number of sumple books of the very LATEST DESIGNS of Wall Paper, which we can deliver to your home for you to choose from. Quality and Values are unmatchable. All orders promptly filled. Phones: Office 146; Residence 275 Contracting a Specialty Anyone contemplating building Houses, Etc., consuit Sranch nmmmmuum Plans and Specifications furnished free on application. Canadian Northern Railway Muthoritea®" ... . . * § 26 000000 it raudup ... . : 1}500000 Capital '-M|r y o1‘ . 12,500,000 sc k as"t,."‘:.‘.‘. / ©100,000,000 290 Branches throughout Canada. ts asel o We THE TRADERS BAKK OF CANADA Give Your Boy a Farm en t CC esnt C wwuullm WITH WHICH is UVNITED R. L. FAIRBAIRN, m=~ _ LAaaven i INCORPORATED 1069 ZIMMERMAN General Passenger Agent, 68 King Street E., ‘Toronto,‘0 : are some plots on the wellâ€"wooded, weilâ€"watered NEW yORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar Sts. GRIMSBY adapted to