Grimsby Independent, 5 Feb 1913, p. 6

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M DANGER PERIOD OF WOMANS® LIFE FROM 45 to 50 Interssting Experience of Two | Womenâ€"Their Statements | Worth Reading. | White Oak, Ont.â€" "At Change of Life when ‘octors could do no more z2d I was npopmimurunuwnmugiven up by my i > @¢] dmes, I had bearing Nekenre ies io ache and I wa . very anaemic from excessive flowing. 1 recâ€" ommend your Compound highly ari do all I can to advertise it as a genuine woâ€" man‘s medicine."‘ â€" Mrs. SyLvESTER MANKNING, White Oak, Ontario. The Case of Mrs. Kirlin Cireleville, Ohio.â€"‘"I can truthfully say that I never had anything do .e so much good during Change of Life as Lyâ€" dia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound. **Before I had taken one hsif a bottle of it I bezan to feel better, and I have eontinued taking it. My health is better than it has been for scveral years, If (Continued from page 3) Councilior Secord (Grantham) sug gested that the _ Wentworth County Council, which was keeping up _ the continuation of the _ road wostward, wmight be invited to coâ€"operate in the movement for relief. County Council Will Ask A Grantham Request. ‘ A request from Grantham township Council was presented by Counciliors Stull, Read and Stowart, who asked asked assictance from‘the council in connection with the construction of the Boyle bridge over the Twolveâ€" Mile creek. ‘The contention was that the township was assessed on . the Cataract Power Company‘s property ut double the fixed mesessment. . The bridge cost about $6,000 and oneâ€"half was paid by the power comipany. ‘The motion was presented and pass ed on an ynanimous vote, t Children‘s Ald Ven. Perry, Rev. Mr. Webb, J. D. 1 and Provincial Inâ€" spector on bobaif of the Ohil dron‘s Ald . asked the Counâ€" i1 for an 1 in the grant , to that worthy chuse, to $500. . r Chil Ven. | Webb, J. D. 1 spector ol dron‘s Aid i1 for an i all women would take it they would esâ€" eape untold pain and misery at this time ‘The Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman‘s existence. We ure pfi:ln a large scheme this year to u the Counties of Lin coln and 'clxnl.“ said . Archdencon Perry. "Thefe is no Children‘s Ald Society as such Jn _ Welland county, except in Niagara Falls ond we inâ€" tend to have one agent look after the two counties." Atsuch timeswomen may rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham‘s ‘Vq-\fi Compound. _ ‘The Council promised to consider the request. 6 C i After some decultory discussion on the matter, Councilior Moyer, chairâ€" wman of the assecsment committee, an nounced that complaints of municipal itles in regard to assessments would be received at the June session. ‘The Hospital Matter ‘The case of the . old man, . John Thompson and the trouble in connecâ€" tion withâ€"his admission . to the city bospital, which had been discussed at the morning session by J. B. Mcin tyre, secretary of the hospital board, was recelved when Constable Rittenâ€" 35 to 44, regular value $15 to $22.50, Halfâ€"Yearâ€" ly Sale Price $9.75. OoAK HALL 10 and 12 James North HAMILTON Opportunity See our north window. Men‘s Overcoats in sizes A Gzand Buying vernment house of Vineland, amhods the «oub0l for perimission to make a statement, The report of the case which apâ€" peared in the _ Beamsville Express after the occurrence, and which Mr. Melntyre sold was untrug, was . deâ€" elared by the constwblo to be quite the correet version of the afatr, and he would be willing to pledge . his 'uth as its veracity. He was asked by the editor of the Express to give the fucts of the case and he did ®o, without any desire for ntoriety. Upon the request of one of the counciliors \ he repeated the story of the case. . 1e took the old man to the hoapital with a recommendation from _ Dr. Addy, with the signature of Warden Oraise at the bottom: of ihe paper. . At the hogpital the doctors looked _ at the |old man‘s diseased lp and «alid that } it should be treated, but after walting around for some time the house docâ€" | tor Informed him that the _ ol" man |awas not to be admitted. Later . he ‘|got Into touch with Warden . Craise |and afterwards the man was . taken |in and treated. Councilior _ Dairymple . expressed himself very warmily after the consta« ble had told his story and deciared that ho was not in favor of making a grant to the institution any . more, but the county should only pay for its patients treated. Furthermore, he thought _ Mr. Meintyre _ should be ashamed of himself, and he would say o If the gentlemun was prosent. "I am sorry to hear my friend make such remarks," said Councilior Davis (Beamasville). The flame in the mat« ter had been fanned long enough and no one should be influenced by such little incidents, for the grant should be considered entirely apart . from them. _ The hospital should 5 «iven what it should have. Councilior Moyer (Clinton) concurr | ed with th> reasacks _ of Councilior) Davis, believic« thm ‘ittle . Incldents | like what transy:: «d wad nothing to | do with the considerativi of _ the grant. _ However, he thought lr.‘ Mcintyre might have been a little 100 severe in "getting after" a public nll clal in the discharge of his duty, Both Sz. Mcintyre and Constable | Rittenâ€" | house, he believed, were honest menI and there was only a slight discrepan | cy between their statements. _ _ | To UonC oo ie oo omvenire s ‘The remarks «t . Councilior Moyer had the effect of ending the . debate and the council went on to other bus! ness. Doputation Day. Councilior Dairymple moved a rcâ€" solution that set Wednesday _ aftorâ€" noon in each session ast he period of recelving deputctions. When the Council opened up busiâ€" ness Friday morning, Councilior Jolâ€" lard (Niagara) presented the . first report of the Industrial Home Comâ€" | mittee, which recommended that u:u\ walaries of the superintendent and matron at the institution should _ be: $450 and $400 per annum; that an |m! plement shed should be built _ this year at the home; that a special com mittee, comprising Counciliors . Sutâ€" ton, Secord and Collard, be Instructed to complete the work in regard . to the services of the water main to the home; that any urgent repairs . on | commicoadflantliates c AebseS ht p y m ‘The home was found in an «xeellent condition when the committee visited it on January 29, and the Inmates ap peered quite contented. The report was adopted. c d this 2 B P vas aedeae on on â€" the buildings be left to the chairman for attention; that tenders be . adver> tised for the supplies for the year. The Road and _ Bridge Committee was Instructed to secure .. measureâ€" ments, etc., of the bridges to be main tained by the county under the byâ€"law f:-’ud at the Devember session, . In 12 For the . Securities Counciliors Aikens and Sutton were appointed a comnittee to Investigate the securities of the county treasurer as per usual. fere n h ult wl e on licenses Granted | dicenses as hawkers _ and pediers | were granted to Alexander Sweet of | North Grimsby and Wn. Gilmore of | Beamsvilie, free of charge, owing lo| physical disability. Inspector Chosen I Councilior Collard (Niagara) . was chosen as inspector of the lnduurlal! Correspondence A letter was read from M. D. Tufâ€" ford of Geamsville, applying for the positicn as superintendent of the Q. « G, road. Saturday Saturday was "Getâ€"awayâ€"day" . at County Council. _ ‘The Council did not _ meet untll 11.15 owing to the meetings of ‘the various committees. _ OVBTCIIE _ ‘The committee considered that _ it ‘nu not advisable to make . a grant to the Horticultural Society or to the Sick Children‘s . Hospital, Toronto, for in the latter case . the . various anunicipalities and contributed . gifts. ‘The following @grants were recomâ€" mended: General and Marine Hosâ€" pital, $1,200; Ohildren‘s Aid Soolety, $200; _ Ningara Historical Society, $25; Prisoners‘ Aid Association, $10. An increase of $50 in the sainries of the county _ clerk and treasurer were recommended, also the raising of the sessional fee of Carctaker Zim morman from 35 to $10. ‘The auditors were asked to propare a statement _ of the exact indobteedâ€" ness of the Q. & G, and of the county apart from the road. dn the report of the Education Com anittee the following . trustees wore recommended for the . various high schools: Niagara, Jifnes McFariand; Beamsville, Albert Claus; . Grimaby, A. Mrrsh, Dr. J. 8. Morris (unexpired term}; Smithville, W. B. Schram; St. Catharines Colleglate, Sheriff . Dawâ€" son. ‘The following accounts were reâ€" | (Continued on page 7) ‘The negotlating of a temporary loan of $25,000 to meet, the /current expenses until the June session . Yas recommended in the report of the fiâ€" nance committee presented by Counâ€" cillor Aikens (Niagara). . It was not expected that this amount would be used, the report stated, but the syaâ€" tem of making overdrafts while munâ€" iclpalities wore in arrears would ts« Roads and Dridges fé]Al’wWWbm ou Curable ‘Theyenrich the earth wnd who till i. _ FertHity plays such important part in proiitable that no farmor ought to take with his fertiMizer. _ A reHable pany and a bigh grade brand full value for the money, a full ton for the crop, ‘and a full teturn barvest time. Dowker‘s Fe are soluble, active, sure, They backed by forty years of . the best materials, the best fael und rrompt service. . Suitable every crop and M,‘Ab_" L Will Stake T(l:‘tMe'dicine ts _ Acainst Your Time |}=" et%ook. We want agents in pled territory. Write toduy for und terms; this may mean & _ gooj haxiness for you if you _ a@t at Write anyway _ for our i catalogue and calendar . before buy your sprimg _ fertilizer, Wo want you to l(;ww m’ ?.. Bowker Feertlizer s wan $t., Buffaio, N. Y. Original largest manufacturers of »pecial fer tiizers. f sPECIAL AROUXP THE‘ worno ORUISE CANADEAN PACIFIC ___ EMPRESSES OF «RUSSIA® AXp "ASIA® M An unusual opportunity _ for sround the world crulse all the Canadian Pacific flag with its cos requent standard of service is with the adven; of the / great quadruple _ screw . turbine stcamships "Emprecs of Russla" "Empress of Asia." * The "Bmpress of Russia" will sall A few minutet of your time for 1 few dn'“n .::d 1 will dluou" trate ;n you, t expense ‘ that 1 have a medicine that drivs Unr‘kbAdl poison . from | the _ system a so doing cures kidney trou. ble, b{o“n tm‘ble and rhe-uugz:; FOR THE LAND‘S SAKE Use (Reg. U. 8. Pat. OM.) Idu'luk‘uaoulu my word fo it, but simply want you to let m send you some of this medicine ; that you ean use it personally. I am trying to convince sufferr from th-“lluun that I have some thing far better than the usual run « remedios, (nn-ut‘ wnd such thing and the only way can demonstrai that fact is ("n to the expense « compounding the imedicine and sendin it out free of thl?t This 1 am gis to do for any sufferer who will tal %llu to write me. Understand, wend you a soâ€"called "samp; or test uulm}l. nor will m a package of medicine a> say t you can use some of it a for the aolhlut I will send you =;ol{ free of charge and you wil : be as to pay for this gift nor w you hbe under any obligations, ; All 1 want to know is mal Jou ha disease for which my medicine is as l‘ is not a "cureâ€"all," a "I=“=mmol the “'rml symptoms 0/ , bladder and r -nl troubles. l( you notice on of these lymlmunn you need ‘medicine, and 1 will be prad to send wome of it if you will write me numbers of the symptoms you } glve your age, and your name and rx." "vflv*flm"‘ to Dr. 7F. Frank L. Ont. Y .-prrur me nothing; )Tw Ni' ing All 1 uif Ro thes Tad n rapebe, h ihel dn mnal s of yoi r + A0tistion in your own wordr. and the medicine according to t dmen en ho doarics o in tat will become widely Rnown." * when you ha ll'l.. 'lm‘u.n“'l'v.n and {rlvu -‘;;: 'i','d_ “d ||n.. k\ tones the Kidneys », mcy work in harmony with t . It l\nllnh»l- the bladder 1. that went desire to urinate an Cl :ry disorders are banishq 1t st rheumatic wohes and pains is. I.lll , _ It dissolves urie meld ery,, tals so !sl back and muscles no long., nel a erooked . Joints quic;, w ht out. 1t reconatrucis . bl ITION'I so pll you soon t., healthler and more viROrOu8, sleep by. ter eat ht}:r and have ener;, w e otmtains nothink Injuric.s \ ® lous an i:..‘?"'.é""“" Vouched for accorging‘ BSufferers from these dreadfs) ... dangerous diseases can surely afto,}\ Or at Stewart‘s Drug Store rOWKER‘8 FERTILIZERS The wife, mother -l: P rcacurities of sperdiade but to her loved ones. Joavorite stomach, liver and bey s dineases can SUTely afforg 1.- minutes each day 1'2 There is a remedy, Feny will restore haalth to wesi. mean & _ gooj@ * u _ wet at onesd® sori our . Rustratei®e:®: :. ar _ before youf}\}}"| ertlizer, Welpe «C at, _ we can do f=>>, mpany, 78 LpsffE. snn . Original andff : «7 : of epecial ferf".".,, ~Aevduted ue .. o t ds BPe vbroar i v.i| these 'hnl\-: L.;% k it | hale s e here f:dfn-. me ! B the I that m erys *â€" General d tgee tâ€" a nefIP aâ€"Pain or e @â€"Swelling ! P ferl 17â€"Paipitact mssfi in t ir |mlfl" .\iq[f â€" reâ€"pain on P ng ta 13â€"Pain of ® 16 â€"Puin or # i d 17 â€"Pain and ol 38â€"Acnte of tw « «ling. or any other weakness due to disorders kw‘:::::-’h-ll-.l urdee o heriott live and enjoy the cheerful life. We owe ve with us to live the cheerful life. We, MSBY, 0\1'\!!!) PIERCE‘S prescription smankind. 'w“mnhl-:vfi- ::"uu' "uuu"aw" im maked s can "ixrv'---rvvnu, Address l.hnln-.. The most direct _ comnection lo‘ whke for the sailing from Liverpool pril 1, is via "Empress of r..-ou.'-] rom St. John, N. B., March 21, 1913, The rate for the entire . crulse is £39,.10, exclusive _ of â€" maintenance etween arrival time in England and eoarture of the "Empress of Russia" ind ctop over at Hong Kong. The "Erpress of Asla" wili sail rom Liverpool June 18, particulars i trip will be announced later. Get particulars from Canadian Paâ€" ie Agents, or write M. G. Murphy, strict Passenger Agent, Toronto. Notice to Creditors suffering from hot flashes, nervousness, «waary 1913, the sakl executors will proceed to o. nc o c hok 0n sald aiiainbtrcter The ave hen notlee, and that / the sabl administrator -:Iw:blfilfllh:fl n-u.-."-li part ::-’Lâ€"‘:h--.hâ€"m-l--l teen To: +»1 at the time such distribution is so made. mnl!l'll Grhnaby this 16th day of January, rful Life SuTICk Is HERERY GIVEN to R. ‘,n;l»l.t « ::. ls'.“kflh- 38, and mnâ€"fi Aeu.- im Inlheg Faseotige Taus of ocÂ¥ o 2 tiianke. in the Chanty it Phouke dat experience has proven unmistakably that toler, 111. ate required to be sent Mwfl h.‘i':":;‘l‘"; thew A h. Tis, Their Pall mumes in day i Aalhe name a vl"nal: ::7-“ particulars of their claims is verifed. and the nature of the securitics if 9. held by them. ad take notlee that after the said 15th day of Sugarâ€"coated, tiny granuies. TTOOM&S’# :-4-- in the stomach. |-_r-“"-""-"‘â€"‘ 2~Pain or soreness under rhzht HP: .--l-lhmm‘._*" 9 10â€"Constipation or Leart 1?â€"Paipitation or pain « nder tbe CEun0 Win Jobnt, 12â€"patn in the hip Joint. 'mh the neck or head. 12â€"Pain or soreness in the khine?® AÂ¥â€"Pain or swelling of the Jointt. . 16 â€"Pain or ewelling of the 29 â€"Pain and soreness in nervas, t ABT TT choumatism. 1 remaina 16 days at _ Hong 47 =Pain A8C DUUILC rhoumatie ‘._W'-”W. SA CC clear n an u'.;.ml.m who send medicine to anyone ly-‘M_ P 3â€"Pain in the back, 3â€"Pain "D C dea 2â€"Too frequent desice to urinate. s â€"Burping or ebstruction of urine. 5~Pain or soreness in the bladder. recelve ARTHUR PARSONAGKE, Administrator, Grimaby, Ontarie ied on or about the Tsth day of are required to be sent post prepaid | "THE GARDEN OF CANADA" \THE LARGEST AND FASTEST GROWING | TOWN IN LINCOLN COUNTY | High Sehool | Public Sehool g::bh.Wah t:hh}&oury et Factory Healthful Climate Two Planing Mills Two Cartinge Works wo orks Radiant Electrical Co. H. G. & B. Electric Line Grand Trunk Main Line Proposed line of C. N. R. Specialty Manufacturing Co. 22 miles of Cement Sidewalk | Rest Waterworks System in Canâ€" NEW BASKET FIRM! "Abosâ€" ‘ Two largest Canning Factories in Canada Four Greenhouse Plants, one of them covering two acres. Cuanada‘s Premier Summer Resort, within two miles of its doors, | uamely "Grimaby Beach" ITwo Banks ada * The 44th Regiment Band of ADVERTISE IN THE INDPENDENT Fruit growers would do well to see this new firm before placing their orders for baskets. A. Hewson has been foreman and manager for the Grimnfly Factory under J. H. Grout 8. Co., Grimshy Mig. Co..?:a. Doran and Chas. Vanâ€" "Experience is a wise teacher." The fruit growâ€" ers know what kind of a basket A. Hewson has turned out when given a free hand. ~ The new firm intends to make the best hand nailed basket on the market at a fair price. They solicit their share of the trade of the growers wantivg this kind of a basket. Orders may be placed at once and manufacturing will be commenced as soon as a building can Our February "Cieanâ€"up" Sale offers you the , greatest opportunity of the whole year to seâ€" cure Furniture and Floorâ€"covering away below their actual value, Which means the tumbling of prices and the thrifty ones (who buy now) save a lot of money. The order of the month is **Move the Stock", s3 if you would profit, buy this month. HEWSON & FARRELL HEWSON & FARRELL be erected and machinery installed. Buy Furniture is Now Space for Spring Stock Must Be Made at Once. COME TO GRIMSBY J. W. BUCK, Beamsville. GRIMSBY, ONTARIO WHAT GRIMSBY HAS The Time to Furniture and Carpets Licensed Embalmer. Five Churches 4 Three Newspapers Cheap Electric Power The tinest Fruit Land in the World The finest Residences in the country The iwo best kept Hotels in Onâ€" A new Governinent Post Office (t« be built) The finest stocked Stores in Linâ€" eoin County Unlimited supply of Natural Gas Lake Ontario on the North and the Mountain on the South. A population of 1,800, and a tribuâ€" tary population of 5,000 withâ€" in four wiles of the town The Stubles of the World‘s Chamâ€" Standing Rscing combination. The tinest Fruit grown on the conâ€" ‘ tinent. Itis known the World over for its fine quality and flavor The finest laid out Driving Park in Ontario with one of the fa=test half mile tracks to be found anywhere WEDNESDAY, = «.4 ?""i-!';i:?) tm /:

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