WEDNESDAY on oo ons ve in oo PDemmcias c nbigG ond nownh I woels etien «w dyspepsia. _ I will be only too pleased C.N.R. Will in All _ _Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Dyspepsia Tablets not ive the I-m::lhl from ha Ll. flatulence, acidity of the stomach and biliousness, which is so much needed, but if taken for a few days or weeks they tely cure the most P l I.I.l G ‘ (Continued from page :) : ate with our city authorities . at any date next week I name. . Therafore, so as to strike while the lron is hot, I have named Wednesday, Fob. 5, beâ€" cause neither the House nor the Railâ€" way Committee will be sitting . that day (Ash Wednesday) and it is proâ€" flymomhymtlnlu got away from here for some time, "If this suits you, please confitrm by wire to me as soon . 28 possible and I will theu confirm to the railâ€" eil to have the proper @gentomtn """ ranged with to meet the railway . reâ€" presentation and myself, . who will probably get to St. Catharines a little before i1 o‘clock thet morning. Waitâ€" We are a wire from you, 0. 10 0h coenitves Adt e the city accepts their proposition and the road goes into _ St. Catharines, then they will zo through Grimsby porth of the G.T.R. â€" _ _| __|| EBPE CH RNC NCO Mr. Lancaster is doing this with & view of getting rallway competition. tor the west end of the . county as well as for St. Catharines, ‘The arrangements he is trying t0 â€"hmm‘tuvmnnafl-n- by and all the rest of the county, as n_!fllh.&ontl' P E0 CCC CCO0 0 ces arucs and Lh it 0 ooo Q’l‘.lnlunnvtoa.xmnua uvoid the great damage to the valuâ€" lllmnM“. hy _ the contemplatr4 route on thh present plans filed by the . railway, which would cross over the C. T. R. on an overhead bridge Just west . of the town and then slant _ through the thickly populated section of the town to reach the foot of the mountain. TWhe idea of the C.N.R. going north of the G.Tâ€"P. is, without a doubt, the best of the lot. o DHRTHDAY PARTY On Fridey afternoon, Jan. 24, about forty guestsâ€"amostly children, grand whildren, cousins and other relatives â€"-’ucndnmu-cdlt.l.'l Konkle, on top of the Thirty Mounâ€" tain, to celebrate his 73rd birth day. fThe afternoon was spent in music «@nd games, difter which an excell »at supper wes served. Deepite his 73 years, Mr. _ Konkle as t enc hn 1 (H0 cmd of his guests. on Anb stt "I leave it to you and your EmA se CC is as spry as a man of 40 or By Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Dysuepsia Tablets «ransaction of businecs. Fred Allen has returned to Hamâ€" Hiton, after spending a week . with frien‘« here. E. Springstein, who . purchased 9 wowindil near Dennville, moved | it Gast week and is ¢ seting it on . his property and expec« to . soon . be ready for custom work. Miss L. Pottigrew _ is recovering grom an attack o. ~ppendicitis. Dr. BicOutlough, who recently suceoeded WDr. McLellan, Caistorville, was in al~ tendance. neli_wina is the report for January of 8. 8. No. 8, H. Jr. TV â€"Lizzle Hisrvey, Ai nt CO er, Myrtic Grant, Olara Waite 8r. 111.â€"Violet Webber. Jr. 111.â€"Willie Broughtes, . Eug iBartiett, Mabel Fuirchild, ‘3p, 1Lâ€"Ida Colling, Gadys LO® bury ~nd Kathicen Marshell, Doro Dardett, 2DCC Clucl us ‘4p, 1I.â€"Ida Colline, Gadys LOcA®» bury ~nd Kathicen Marshell, DorothY Nas>, ‘ohn Waite, Lizzle Thompeon. ‘jr, 11.â€"Â¥Giton _ Clondenin, . Oscur Colling, Marcus Clendenin. First Olassâ€"Bverett Collins, Dera CAISTOR CENTRE wm'mmhm ethodist church, Bethel Appoint uu-flMuM.GO Mmelat board met for the _ regular Following is the report ited coses of stomach trouble . for 50c. you can get a box from THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA consulting with the C.N.R., sA iiatct Catharines B@ranches at Hamilton, Stoney Creek, mi e eC Ts o n nsl proper gentliomen arâ€" ‘Total Assets & * * Capital Wh-‘w byey Xr*. € ï¬,mooo Teserve Fund = 5 _; (+* _ ~*. _‘ b5, fapieve P "_: $it‘. ; #1 : 153:509:000 Yours fwithtully. E. A. Lencaster 290 Branches throughout Canada. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA > much as _ anY So Een t C000 E00 W-uum Savings wet WITH WHICH IS uNITED uubisdbrie/ptve s o4 BP TT Asjof Coopâ€" se n ns m i P incorporatED 1089 _ Rdgerton Asher is visiting friends in St. Catharines. MFAY!, _ lsaac Beattle and sister from near Collingwood, vislied relatives . here lact week. c 9h. _ Albert Sisler is spending a . few days with relatives in Hamiiton. _ _ J. D. Parke has Leen on the sick Jimt, / 3 i Allan Phillips has returned from a visit with his sister at Burlington. ‘There was a good . crowd _ at the Literary on Thursday evening. The mecond meeting is being held on Whursday evening of this week, but Port Dover. I!vmlbo held on Monday evering in the future. K 2 i x _ Mrs. Wesley Asher has . returned from spending a couple of weeks at â€" ‘There was a goodly nuimber presâ€" ent at Rev. F. J. Fydeli‘s lantern lec ture on Weduesday evening of last â€" Jas. Shiclde unloaded a car Of COTR| u. 0o of yirg road eek home of Mrs at Darling last w ‘cmlu and o mtgre e remmmmrennt COs < T enined \by Mr Names in order of merit. IV, Classâ€"Iva Annable. 8r. II1 _ Chussâ€"â€"HWelen Hadgraft, Ethel Jewcon, wisre Aiton, Margaret ‘?luulh. Nollie Hilts, Cortie Folker, Jr. III.â€"Vivian Fu::zil, Mabel Garr, _ Jr. IHI.â€"Vivian Fu::zi1, Mabel Gart, ) Cecil Hilts, Berten Sheltus, Hase! m-k. Leon.:rd Lawson, Lioyd Annaâ€" 8r. II.â€"Charlie Lawson, lh Mont womery, Clover Farrell, Gladys Bran ton. Jr. _ Jr. 11.â€"Naney Aiton, _ John ‘ï¬dm. Edward Godden, Alfred God me ““. % _ 8r, 1.â€"Bertha Downs, Rimer Montâ€" woniery, Archie Aiton, _ Lila Felker, Nora Jewson, Carl Branton, Jr. 1.â€"Moore Metcalfe, Willie Russ, Jimmie Lawson. Olive Jewron, Nettle Jr. 1.â€"Moore Metcalfe, WIITG MMUU] Jimmie Lawson, Olive Jewron, Nettle Parrel}, Gladys Sheiton. A. Classâ€"George hrni\_. Howard Montgomery, Do you know there‘s lots Settin‘ round in every town. Growlin‘ like a broody chicken Knockin‘ every good thing down? iPon‘t you be that kind o‘ grouch, ‘Cause they ain‘t no use on earth, You just be n booster Noflofl. > m ce ut 8. S. NO, 13, NORTH GRIMSRY JANUARY REPORT If your town needs boostin‘, boost ‘er. Don‘t hold back ard walit to soe If some other fellow‘s willingâ€" d SW mc this countiy‘e froe.... No one‘s got a mortgage on it, | It‘s just yours as much as his. /If your town is shy on boosters,. "You get in the boostin‘ biz. iIf things just don‘t seem to suit you, And the world seems kinder wrong, What‘s the matter with a boostin® Jigt to help the thing along. ‘Couse if things should stop agoin‘ We‘d be in a sorry plight, You just keep that horn ablowin‘â€" Boost‘er up with all your might. If you know some fellow‘s failin‘s just forget ‘em, ‘cause you know If you know some fellow‘s failin‘s _ | for several hours. Just forget ‘em, ‘cause you know n enren o That the came feller‘s got some ©004|â€"purp (UALIFICATIONS OF points, ‘Them‘s the ones you want to show. "Cast your loavee out on the waters, ‘They‘ll come back," a sayin‘ true. Mebbe, too, they‘ll come back "butâ€" tered" When scme feller boosts for you. stomach trouble has given me great 24 38 1 1004 Mc0ltbband en aeg rellef. Have taken three boxzes and uow feel ilke living «ud better than I have felt for years and 1 give your 1 have ever tried." At ‘all dealers, 25 and 5J cents, or The Fig Pill Co., _ Sold in Grimsby by _‘ all th, praise, for the* &r Stewart Drug Co. Limked. THIRTY MOUNTAIN i Mr. Frank English entertained . a few friends from Grimsby and . the meighborhood iist Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wai. Cooper und Mre. Nayroe of Gitintby, speat _ the weekâ€"end with Mrs. Whitney Groff. Miss Helen Teeter of Hamiiton | is }"mm a few weeks . with _ Mrs. Swnekhammer and Mre. Jos. Terryâ€" Beamsvilie Poir. Mrs. A. Biters spent !o'l:{.i;;_â€".;}_l. the directore Mrs. Harry E. Bye, Main St. north, ount Forest, Ont, writes: "Your A Woman of Few CEF + FIG PILLS im'--v y 7.“0& Cor Wiltia oo ons Crdar 5ts Words for all you‘re of people at . the \Fiamilton. _ Mr. Vernal Groff spent Sunday home and returned to Hamilton Monday morning. ously ill the ‘ last week, ""* °* womewhat bettor, Yr. Smith Lane purchased a M# Mellotte cream separator from _ | M"; 8. W. Woodian. Mre. Wilson Roozem, a life 1On& ©* sident near here died last Saturday. _ sident near MOr® @M9 TUDUIL Cafo Owing to the bad condition 0f “": roads this winter, people have & B# \ime to get any teaming done. . 2 C6C. ds mo 10 CIMO UO get MNP POMCCC® (ORL Mr. Winslow had the misfortune 10 get his sbouider lurt by baving . 4 ltick of wood fall on him. Mr. Robert Milor, who bas _ DO sJoing some carpenter work over NC! ©Omng POmns EANPRTNUC CCGLA! ?"nnvlllo. returned home last Satu"* _ ‘Mr. Frank Wardell and Hittle Lucl: "ll have been under the doctor‘@ cares Miss Sabrin and )!grg‘uflu:!: | STONEY CREEK | _ The Ladies® Home Club met at th6 home of Mrs. F. Clark on ‘Thursday ‘mflu and were delightfully eDfe*? tained by Mrs. Olark on the playe" Ipl..o and gramaphone. Miss Ida Cor \ man sang a solo. Four new members ui their mother. ©i ENONT MEOITTE Mr. Adam Beamer is lw-'“fl; after spending some _ time }bm\hu’. Ozcar of Bismarck, who D48 been seriously 111 with pneumonit. man wRNF & POM, MOAD CCC3 were received. Several homes of dis tress wore vizited during the weok. A social time will be held st the home of »‘tr. E. Rogers on Tnursday even ing Sunday evening when . Rev. . °/ Daniels vfllmlw'"“'l young people. | Miss Susie Corman Sundayed . with l ¢riends in Toronto. |" _ Consecration service was held !"|, the E. L. of C. E. on Priday evening. |, EESEmtg CC Es is i ‘l\‘" led by Rev. W. 5/ The reason given by the weather ‘MI“I . ‘The Two Sons" was ?. py zan for the unusual conditions is | a nmc Ml ...:’63:: lc, Gowers and Jas. Dodds. . icomplete reversal of the high . ind )l'fl-'mo Grim ‘Nr Missionary Vice will iow barometric areas. Usually _ in ‘Mrs. E. Udell, Simcoe have charge next Priday _Ihnum the "highs," as _ they _ wre| V R Maxwell, Hobon l ‘The eighteenth annual "-mnd. come across the north and|Dr. Orth, Beamsvilic of the South _ Wentworth |\5¢ "lows" the 80uth. . TROD, WHCL | ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmee =ohool Association will be In the here is a low area _ near | Niagara â€" ethodist church here . 00 |Palls, say in Northern Pennsyivania, day, Feb. 12. Everyone _|te vacuum brings the â€" cold winds Chickenpox has broken In 'M“Mn from the north and with them w. w. Ki village. 3 â€"\sometimes big _ snowstorms. _ Tais|] °* . oD ______ ‘The Rifle Club held its oy@=\ear the "highs" have been comiag ter supper in . the 1 on scro.s the south and . the _ "lows" Monday .evening. Nearly â€"v@scross the north, _ the result being Kmn F |guests were present and enâ€" |that the wind came from the . gouth & jJoyable time was spent. the jand is warm. In the _ words of the . supper a short progTam #iven eather man, "When there is a norch Li n 2 /Pn Weatba tw r. "leaster the storm is ‘.. cae southwest." M m Bible reading by ) Dos ob L TB it Pâ€"oanr ty coon 9e cWd Reading on Lyingâ€"Miss B. Gowers . Prazer meeting, led by Rev. W 8 Daniels. Topic, "The Two Sons" was taken bÂ¥ ‘C. Gowers and Jas, Dodds. ‘The Missionary Vice will ‘have charge next Priday _ ‘The eighteenth annual 0 of the South _ Wentworth Eehoo! Association will be h« Methodist church here _ 08 village. ‘The Rifle Club held its 1 ter supper in . the . Monday .evening. Nearly guests were present and a jJoyable time was spent. supper a short program ® Wwith Rev. W. G. Davis in Toast to _ he : Kingâ€"God King. Plano soloâ€"Miss Ross t Voon} duetâ€"Mesars C and a Sneechâ€"A. Marshall, President. in Selby Corman. uds 1 Woast to the _ Ladiesâ€"John Com and Jefferson Stevens. Piano soloâ€"Miss Ruby Lee. Speechâ€"â€"Reove G. W. Milien. ‘HIM soloâ€"Miss Ross." iT ‘Quarterly service will be held 08 u ® t0 M ookn : al riliage, EAp tE ‘The Rifle Club held its J oyseljear the "bighs" h er supper in . the 11 on scros the south . a Monday evening. Nearly â€"lve |scross the north, guests were present and a en= |that the wind came joyable time was spent. the land is warm. In t supper a short program given |veather man, "Wher with Rev. W. G. Davis in ir. | |caster the storm 1= Toast to _ he â€" Kingâ€"God the â€"_.._â€" FP::‘. 4 BRULIN SAW I no soloâ€"Miss Rors t Voon} duetâ€"Mesars C and . S3 , It legends be true Speechâ€"A. Marshall, k day scheduled for 4 juno soloâ€"Ofimé T (jg. flout of hls dnir to o ‘Recitationâ€"Miss â€" how Voea! duetâ€"Mesdames E. "'m‘ Selby Corman. : Toast to the _ Ladiesâ€"John Com particulariy al und Jeiferson Stevens. chance of see ;nuohm:â€".\n- Ruby Lee, m“ C on w â€"â€"Reo AWid t C lm phie '\:2 m Milien tny weathor. As : i juno Speechâ€"W. E. Corman Games and music wer Mr T C Hewitt of Grimsby, hhu* spending the winter at Clearwate Flotida, sends the following elippin showing the qualications of a sout em editor.; An all around newspaper . mil should be able to write a weigh corn, discuss the tariff, umpi a ball game, preach the gospel, be a lawyes, repurt a wedding, saw w describe a fire, make one dollat the work of ten. shine at a soiree, a dress a horticultural society, . measuf calico. abuse the liquor habit, ie \-hinicy. subscribe to charity, go wit ot'n me-ls. sneer at snobbery, we# diamonds, invent advertisements, ov¢ look scandal, praise prize babies, light pumpkin raisers, administer ! the afficted, heal the disgrantled, figh to the finish, set type, monld opinion sweep the office, move the worl scorn the flesh and the devil, be eve thing, s»e everything on this footstoo 1 1 L ul at a preach. 7 p.m.â€"Pastor, "Bellevest ‘Thou?" 2.30 p.m.â€"Bible School. Monday, 8 p.m.â€"B. Y. P. U. Bibl Study. Wednesday, _ 8 pam.â€"Prayer . a" Praise Meeting. A special offering will be made 08 Sunday for the work of Forsign M# slons. est January since 1830. ary of that year took the THE MILDBRST IN 33 YRARS Niagara Falls, Feb, 4â€"The . m« that ended last week was the Wi ©7C0s. January inâ€" 1911 established a r©â€" cord for cold weather, the . averas® temporature being only 16 . degr©‘s and the mercury going _ below #°0 Y d wmathor three times, _ The coos! experienced this year was Oth when the thermometer 13 degrees. _ ‘The snowfall of the _ past was only balf the normal sOUTHERN NEWSsPAPER MAN BAPTIST _ CHURCH ‘Thos. Raduliffe, Pastor. Sunday, Feb. 9, 1913. 11 am.â€"Rev.. R L MceDouga! W PEL mc dnb ie n _ small salary and support a family WiNS!OW ©B, OTCC Vice Preaident . «ill| t Priday evening. _ | h annual tlo® | Wentworth ndaÂ¥ | on will be in the | h here _ on Wednes reryone W b ear "",'.";. record with temperature . of 36 J« has been seris waek â€" but 1# were Indulged | ‘he â€" mon‘h ; the warmâ€" The . Januâ€" weathor on . the reached month amount. 4749 King Street East N8E Y wly tem Inches being reported. The weeipitution, 4.86 inches _ composed l( rain and melted snow was 1% inch @ over normal. Made of real good woo! materiais, and a fuil lncd-hn from 10 to 14 years; navy, C checks and plaids, and the best styiesin Canada; on #a o be cleared quickly uu--rkm $5.95 Dresses for $2.78 $4.00 Dresses for $1.98. $6.00 to $7.50 D .nul‘-:lun-'. Dressesâ€"Mude of a great variety of woo!l materials, ete.; a g od assortment ¢ $1.50 Dresses for 896 14.00 Dresses Cashmerette Dresses, worth $1.0%, for ks o adak ewa‘t rRagÂ¥ir en nexthtes e50~ + . o pfmmgys Fuksfhts in ntet wil Women‘s Coats to be Cleared Women‘s Coats $4.75â€"\ade of splendid Tweeds. Black Kerseys and some Chincbiliss, al} well made and perfect in fitâ€"tyle and quality; warsh $800, to be cleared Mto .. .0. 20000 c0es sns cer cce enc one ns n enss rÂ¥idv TR Women‘s Coats $6.50 â€"Blanket Cloths, Tweeds, Kerseys, Chinchillas, blaek, plain colors and mixtores; worth $10.00 and 12.40, heing Cleare d 008 FOF 0@b . . .. .. 2 .2 esc ee e en ce en e 6n ea s n ce enc n babene s #6 50 Wemen‘s Coats at $10.00â€"Rich Blanket Cloths, Kerseys, splendid Caraculs, Diazonale, Heavy Tweeds, etc., worth Â¥I8 to #20, bHiBg O14700 y ©M00 . . 1... 0000000 0600000660060 r ie 06 rre 0C rrr e nb rr c rrr e rrr dn + ++ > g10 00 Women‘s Furâ€"Lined Coats $30.00 Maie of ver: tine Kersey or Broadcloth she!!, lined with either Hameter or Muskrat, Western u.uoc.u-.-‘r.d. Maie of vers tine Kersey or Revers, up to 16‘ values, on raie Made of Serges, Venetians, Spring sumplee. i 4n stop fa‘ling Lair, To cure dandruff, To cure itching of the sgaip, To put life into faded bair, To make harsh bair soft and . 1ux~ uriant. ‘To make hair grow, or money back. It is the most delightful hair dress ing made and is a great favorite With ladies who desire becutiful and 14x urlant hair. _ Large bottle only 50 PW Ns F" UHane HaR. o MTBDCCOOOL as cents The _ R. T. Booth Co., L4d., Fort Erie, Ont.. Canadian makers. . The â€" W. M. Stewart Drug . Co Women‘s Vests and Drawers in every wanted weight and quality, at cat rh-:â€" $1.00 and §$1.25 for 79c _ §00 for 356 $5¢ and 400 for 250 _ 250 Corset Covers 18¢ Mr. High of We‘ Tuesday in town. Leslic Howse is visit in Syracuse, N. Y. Mre. G. P. Thomas number of her friend= We are Agents for Parisian Sage, and we Know the Guarantee __â€".___ is Genuine PARISIAN Sage. . the "NEC Mr. Wan. Hewitt is confined to his bed with preumonia. At this Wriling he is in a very precarious condition. Mrs, Lawson has sold . he? drossâ€" waking and millinery _ business !0 Hook Bros. This department with the new firm, will be under the suD9T vislon of Mrs. Lawson. BHornâ€"On Tuesday, Feb. 4. to 3 and Mrs. Jas, A. Sinclair, a #0U. Mr. Thos. Owens ‘of Bloomfleld !s the emest of E. A. Armstrong. _ _ We understand that Mrs. °. °* tord has sold the portion of he? t below the stone road. . to 29 9"! town party. Jas. Montgomery intends goink Sprague to spend the remainder the winter hunting. Bs EDLA hL00 ns BEAMSVILLE ‘ Miss Gray of Montreal was in toYn : Monday. Mr. High of Wellandport . sp®nt uesday in town. Lesiie Howse is visiting his brother : Syracuse, N. Y. Mes G. P. Thomas entertained | & ‘Xiles Macintosh of B the weekâ€"end the guest nifred Hoshal. +â€"_ PAID UP LI Geo, Marlow, Grimaby rank Michener, Red D¢ Novman Michener, Red Deer Wm. Banwell, Grimeb" L. Larson, Grimaby o the Public $3.00 and $4.80 at 75¢ Jage, . the quickâ€"acting t« guaranteedâ€" SHEA‘S LIMITED, Hamilton OUR WINTER CLEARANCE SALE A Few Hats at Quarter Regular Value Wonderfully Good Values in Un_d-wur inton and Louth took place _ 0n Payetteville, \f"â€" ir at the Gospel in the Church of Hamilton spent st of Miss Winâ€" Women‘s Suitsâ€"Two Good Bargains vn‘yu-;:-;; -:)'Lu‘l;i;n.d with ribbons and mounts, worth $2 to eer Women 80 at 75e $1.50 Women‘s Dresses to be Cleared Tweeds and Mixtures, a gn;lvm;;;(vd; and all good styles, some of them new $15.00 Suits for $9.95 §$17.50 Suits for $12.50 , W, E. Tufâ€" of her famn ) an out of Dec Girls‘ Dressesâ€"A Clearâ€"Out Jan Jan 2814 Dec 31.12 Dec 31,13 Monday e | Waiter Young, Ft : M. E. Wilcox, Be Mre. Lawrence G r . |Andy Claughley, G. C. Ingram, G 4 |Mrs, Makepeace, Waiter Young, Fuiton Dec 31,13 \l. E. Wilcox, Beamsvilie . Dec 31,13 Mre. Lawrence Glass, Grimsby _ _ Andy Claughley, Grimsby _ Feb 1,13 G. C. Ingram, Grimeby Mar_ 1,14 Mrs. Makepeace, Grimaby Dec 31,/13 Mrs. E. Udell, Simcoe Dec. 31,13 Iuv R Maxwell, Hobon July 31,13 De. Orth. Beamsvilie Dec 31,13 c OA Acd w vuh se +7 e cÂ¥ +t $4.00 Dresses for $1.98. _ $6.00 to $7.50 Dresses for $4.19 variety of wool materiats, ete.; a g od assortment of colore, 3 to 8 year sizes, 2814 Kip & Farrsu,|15¢ Post Card Kes}. Estate: and \ Framesyfor l Insurance @ _ (Taal of Private and Company MONEY TO LOAN Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Pa ‘Try our Pork and Beans Specialâ€" tirs at 15¢ each. _ EVERY HORSEMAN THE CANADIAN SPORTSMAN: The Fruit Grower and Farmer a6 NTE ORmmiRnoee T oo i wnen tR 1 > t i-‘annin'g, Stock Breeding, Poultry Raising and Bee Keeping. , s1.00 PER YEAR, 50 CENTS FOR SiX MoNTHS in ADvANCE. JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Editor, Grimsby, Ont. Full line of Snider‘s, Heinz‘s, Campbell‘s and Clark‘s Soups. JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Editor, Phone 5, A live Weekly devoted to Fruit Growing, Market Gardening, General . sdcteninziie To n on Ein on e en oL ocb ies GRIMSBY. It contains everything worth knowing about all the Trotting and Running Horses, in America, Subscribe now and get the beautiful Christmas Subscription _Prio_eâ€"â€"SZ.m per year, $1.00 for BOURNE BROS. C. T. FARRELL Every Farmer Should Read Dec 31,13 %4.00 Lrosses for $1.18 ‘The eperson .who tires of fow?! on a smail scale will not make them a success on a large scale. Hence he can quit any time with no particular loss to anyone. ; navy, cerdinal, browne and neat We offer 500 Passepartout pon;mrd frames, regular s cent value, at 7 cents each, 4 for 25 cents. ‘The colors are red, black, white light green, dark green, blue and grey ROBERT DUNCAN & Stationers and Printers Cor. James and Market Square Seeâ€"mn James street window. GRIMSBYV, ONT. 7¢ Each R. DUXCAN & C0. 8â€"10