WEDNESD A y & 78.3 I seesee3ee333e333e3>42323‘ EVERY FARMER EVERY FRUIT GROWE sHOULD READ The Fruit Grower and Farmer Concerning the whole range of Fruit Growing, Mark Gardening, Poultry Raising, General Farming Stock Breeding, Dairying and Bee Keeping The Fruit Grower and Farmer C m workmen are very proficient and will cause ye.. very little inconvenience in sepair wovk. a Should you have any plumbing to be done, you will save time ind money by attending to it at once.; PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. Grir P MW‘-‘, As I am buying at reduced prices I give my patrons advantages of reduced prices, a8 follows : Rolled Oats $1.50 per hundred or $29.00 ton Bran $1.20 " § ** 23.00 ton Shorts sW " â€" * «* 25.00 ton Whole Corn $1.40 «e s * 27.00 ton Chopped " $1.00 © ;. . 27.00 ton Cracked " $1.490 «e *‘ 27.00 ton iny Fruit Growers are not interested in Farming, ‘ every Farmer should be interested in Fruit Growing. mAANMMMYN : «_ 0 . S. WARDELL, Grimsby are different. For sale only by FRANK GREVES Beamsville â€" Ontari ‘The Chocolates that Norman M. Walker 3 WNEILSON‘S PEB uit Grower and Farmer is a paper for everyâ€" body and everybody should subscribe for it. Price $1.00 a year in advance. (formerly The Weekly Fruit Grower) Enlarged and Improved Fruit it Grower and Farmer Grimsby, Ontario Good Plumifog W | Is Not a Luxiy @ | it is un absolute neâ€" cessity, if you would eare to take thle full enjoyment of living. \\":ou- install every plumbing need, or Correct Faulty Grimsby Ontario® 23.00 ton 25.00 ton 27.00 ton 27.00 ton 27.00 ton Market but 1 ‘“MIM"‘: coul&oc:elrï¬!t |“t'-lâ€ï¬‚:“>|l (Continued from page 1) vis, J. A. Dairymple, D. H. Moyer, Collard. ;. o onl % Amsessmentâ€""). H. Moyer, (J. A. Dairymple, W. H. Secord, M 3. Smith, 1. Nelson, R. Carrol. { Educationâ€"F. 8. Johnson, _M. B. There are several appiications . for appointments as. suditors, those after the positions being James Brodie, D. W. Nicholls, A. R. Thompson and A‘ D. Sturtzinger of Tintern. _ Harvey Fawell of Jordan, asks to be appoint ed superintendent of tho Q. & G. ro:d e RRo ie mm CC o oi _ David Howse of Niagaraâ€"onâ€"the: Lake asks the Council to discuss land texation. Other counties have beneâ€" fitted by taxing land values only and the reeves of the various municipeliâ€" ties in Lincols, should give an opinion on the question. Dr. Jessop, M. L. A. the writer says, is opposed . to the present system of taxzation _ and 2n offort should be made to learn what be intends to do in the matter. Take Over Q. & G. Grantham ‘Township ru m comâ€" mumication urging that deputation walt on the Ontario government . !0 represent the peculiar nature of the traffic over the Queenston & Grimaby stone road and ask that it be taken over as a provincial highway, in the event that Federal aid be given to the Province, and, in any event, to C quest an amendment of the Highway Improvement Act so as to relieve the county from the interim cost of main tenance of this international hAIlh':l MB RERWNTUTD C MECabn. Cen@no® OP M MAAIORTQS C A8 ‘The Ontario Good Roads‘ Agsociaâ€" tion wrote urging that representaâ€" tives be sent to the annual convention to Toronto, Feb. 26 to 28, with a T¢* aninder that the fee for membershi? for counties has been ralsed . to $15. \um for towns, . village and . t0®"" whips to $5. MRSL S 02â€"b Ranvened Pumps Tlat Will Run All Day and Every Day Built with t Troubles left out. Not Only to be Sold but to be used Not the kind Generally Sold that Balk | when Spraying Conditions are Favorable. ©ATRT CC n When the County Council convene Thuraday morning at 11 s‘clock, J. B Mcintyre, seoretary and H. E. McSloy, COMORNT CCC 10023 Macine ABolmepr®, POCIUATT O2DDL022a M treasurer of the General and Marine Hospital, asking for an increase in the grant of the Council to that in stitution. in. AOLC TCO s p lt > bLo Mr. Meintyre WeRt YCUU "** o amed whe case of the _ old man name! ‘Thompson in regurd to whom . §M difficulty was experienced last . 80 mer, ind gave the hospital‘s side 0i the case, He also pointed out that as ‘The most powerful pOWeLPSp mag. "t hree cylinders. g Will spray 9. gals. & MIMW: 1 35,. pressure, if desired. Will supply four lines of hosâ€" Operated with 2} Of 3 DP tmgine, Niagara SPRAY PUMPS went very fuily into AESTT Giant AL NIACARA BRAND SPRAY CO. LIMITED J. H. $Mi3, Winona P. FalcoDindge, Grim R. J. MoY®, Vineland 4 hospital was permitted to charge ©:y one dollar ‘per day for _ county Jwients, and the cost of maintenance I“u $1.49 last year, the hospital had Tally lost on the transaction. va _ "I am not here as a suppitant askâ€" 1 for favore. ‘The hospital is a puâ€" bic institution and the people in the wnty should be as interested in it l;.â€u».. in the city," _ declared Mr. ntyre. & O 0 0w atiep tuitland , Winona »dge, Grimsby It Canada Cement Company Limited Be sure §14 Herald Building, Montreal Tt hn c Ruuntinreatt o every bag. Peartpnsraage â€"1 A 3 cylinder pump of large capacity and high pressure. Light in weight. Very compact. Operated with 24 or 1} h. p. engine. Niagara Triplex mmn-yfumq:'a:fl. SEW® P0X Cal ind dwzwym‘u'w:mdz"“‘.h“ ..,.auu...m-nlh'.-auu..u. T idresy, cate U these prejudice $. M. Culp, Beamsville Jordan Coâ€"Uperative, Jordan W. P. Richardson, St. Davids D. Cole, Southend «WHAT THE FARMER CAN DO WITH CONCRETE] * wl l 4_2% has shown thousands of Canadian farmers he OoNCR ETE wateringâ€"troughs and feedingâ€"floors help to keep your liveâ€"stock healthy. tion that the Council would give the request serious consideration. Health Matters ‘The Council also heard from Dr. McCienghan, medjcal officer of health for No. 3 district, who asked for the coâ€"operation of the municipalities in Lincoln county for the safeguarding of the public health, He pointed out Eue ooo oo e c many matters to be given careful con sideration, such as the prevention of the spread of diceases, pure water, sewerage dicposal, compulsory notifiâ€" cation of tuberculosisand medical, inâ€" spection of schanls. When the Council assembled in the afternoon the committeo on printing and building reported that the . jail had been visited and overything found in good condition and recommended that a hot water boller be installed. For the County printing two .onâ€" wers were recelved; that of the Stanâ€" lun Printing Company was accepted, it being the lowest. AHBP... 2t 4. 3hactiec Pheckis ind Car ‘The lAncoln _ Farmers‘ Institute, the Fair Manager‘s Acsociation and the Niagara Peninouia Fruit Growers‘ Arsociation were granted the use of the Grand Jury room for their meot» iIngs during the year. The Grantham township council and the Cold Storâ€" age Co. are ealso to have thix priviâ€" lege upon peyment of the usual rate of a dollar a meeting. Action in regard _ to_ the registry was doferred until the June scosion, Payment of accounts for the follow ing. supplies vere ordered; _ Court house $12.60, _ registry office $13.75, i-horll- office $36.50, committee fees $3.40. e ue We PCAAA $8.97. "That owing to the fact that the Q. & G. stone road _ through _ Lincoin county being the great thoroughfare for automobile traffic between Toronâ€" to and Buffalo and other east=‘t parts of Canada ard the United States and the enormous ontlay on _ sald road which this county is in consequence called upon to expend yearly and <ae high rate of taxation for Q. & G. road purposes which this county is P m LA 2218 cand under 700 andcian iindicsige Pberepaneie P on and realizizg that the said road UHCW RRNOE EN ENCY DWR P O0 Mn ulc | action of corrosi.2 sprays. . All parts are easily accessible and ed with tank filler and rotary agitator, . Mounted on low down, nadian Contuy. pressure. . LATTLE GIANT No. 70â€"A powerfal hand pump. their large capacity, high pressure uniformity of pressure, of the barnâ€"yard. eat it. . Concigit Mhand-'.m better health and save feed. Burlington, A 2 cylinder pump. Medium priced. Very durable; lArr capacity, . High pressure Will spray all day at 250 lhs. Adapted for any orchord. Very simple. Very reliable. ANY discases of \ â€"feeding ‘.--.'.1*,3_““:*;.: foot rest, tool box and stramer. . Equi Bean Duplex i scinn h io nftcer es sODe EeA because the grain is trampled into the e a condition that not even a hog will two of scores of valuable, everyâ€"day is steadily deteriorating, . we as a council are of the opinion that _ it is unfair for us as a municipality . to maintain eald road for such through traffic as under present conditioni. . EARE Y CC es nosowl "Be it therefore resolved that the Wirden appoint a comtmitteo to walt upon the members _ of the Ontario Government and urge upon them the justice of our claim for their _ taxing over the said road, we to give a cash payment yearly equal . ‘o the maintenance _ of said road as under previous conditions." ‘The foregoing resolution was adopt ed by the Lincoin County Council on ‘Thursday afterncon. The mover was Councilior Wills (Louth) and the seâ€" conder, Councilior Moyer (Clinton). ‘The question ot government afinâ€" tenance of the big county road was introduced by Major Roberts and A. H. Pleming, who on behalf of the North Grimzby township council preâ€" wented a petition for the County coun f cil to bring the matter before the Pro | vincial Government. To Mevcso h ‘This manner of feeding is also the crain is trampled n:o the RERsT SRsmmtot‘s "The government should . fairly tax automobiles travelling on . this road," declared Major Roberts. "Auto owners who cannot afford to pay for the use of the road whou!d not have ll| auto, and 1 am an auto owner, mMy~ self. L o cailad PROIPNEL the money contributed by each muniâ€" clpality to the maintenance of the road which had become an iuternaâ€" tional bighway, could be expended on the good roads in the townships. M TORUE pAbrripbinde veaiet UoP We Femaiasa c Councillor Moyer (Clinton) though that the fact that the Q. & G. was an international highway wa® _ a strong point in favor of the government tak Ing it over. U ROR LCCA OODAICINET »Pannle L id "The Q. & G. road is the County white clephant," said Councilior Sutâ€" ton (Port Dathousie). "Every locality feels the heavy burden of it." "It will be in the interests of the county to do anything to curtail the expense of the road." declared Warâ€" ieo- Lymburner. (Continued on page 6) Roberts _ also pointed _ out , with concrete swillâ€" ‘They keep hogs in ï¬t‘fl'a‘