Grimsby Independent, 29 Jan 1913, p. 6

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"PATEs "" _MEDICINES FILL AN .. "ONOMIC NEED +.The lde, C:iat people stould . be practically deprived of the right to tny the medicines they need, without first hunting up a doctor, and paving im for permission to Jo so, could only prevail among those ignorant of existing conditions or whose . judgâ€" ment is warped by interest or prejuâ€" dice, Civilization will as soon . go back to grinding corn in a mortar as it will to the days of the old mpotheâ€" cary shop. . Improved methods, â€" the great growth of population with . a corrersondingly increased . demand, have .esulted in improved . methods of manufacture and distribution, and Patent" medicines . represent the snost improved method of manufactur dug and distributing medical necessiâ€" ties. To try to block progress . in this line is on a par with . attempts to block any other development which €ollows out economic laws.â€"National Labor Bulletin. Dear Sirâ€"On looking through your interesting issue of January 3rd, 1 noâ€" tice a refssonce on page 9 to | Keiffer pears. . In the first place I think I am safe in saying that canners use the Keiffer peat freely because better varâ€" ieties are not obtainable at equal priâ€" ces. * sese Keiffer nears are canued and sold as a cheap . .o«. _ As far as the quality of the fruit is concerned it 18 . puue suvsiitute for other varieties such as Bartletts for which there is a very large demand. _ It is only a ques tion of time when Keiffer pears will cease to be canned at all, or at least only in limited quantities. enough for a Canning Factory. This impres.‘on is altogether . wrong Aside from the strict Government «_ STONEY CREEK The E. L. of C. E. held its meeting on Wednesday evening, . under the Good _ Citlzenship _ Vice Precident, Stuart PFelker. 7 Opened with singing and prayer. Ditie readingâ€"Clifford Millen. Piano soloâ€"Miss Haze! Felker. Recitationâ€"Norman Smith. Piano duetâ€"Neil and Basil Hopkins. Paper on the topieâ€"Stuart Feler. Piano soloâ€"Miss Ruby Lee. Yocal soloâ€"Miss Hazei Gifford. Canning Fa(,tog Desires and Reâ€" quires Good Fruit as the demand for more choice Again in thesame issue, on page 5 containing a report on distributing and marketing fruit, I gather from reâ€" martks made that some growers have an idea that any kind of fruit is good (Frov. the Fruit Grower and Farmer) Hamalton, Ont, Jan. 6, 1913 Editor, Fruit Grower and Farmer Sixteen Icdies of the village, met on Thurcday evening at the _ home of Mrs, Cowan and _ formed _ what is known as "The Ladies‘ Home Club." An election of officers resulted as fol tows: Presidentâ€"Miss 1da Cowan. Viceâ€"pres.â€"AMrs. Gifford. Sec‘y, Trees.â€"Mrs. E. Rogers. Press Corr.â€"Mrs. 8. Corman. Your statement that thousands of cans of Keiffers are labelled and sold as Bartletts is not altogether correct, as the difference in quality between canned Bartlett pears and canned Keiffer pears is very marked. As a canner, 1 would say that a grower will do far better with Bartlett pears or other varieties of equal quaâ€" lity than with Keiffer pears for which the demand will undoubtedly decrease A short program was given Plano soloâ€"Mrs. Morris. Readingâ€"Mrs. 8. Corman. Vocal solhâ€"Mrs. A. Davoy. Readingâ€"Mrs. E. Rogers. * WE ARE all exposed to such dangersâ€"our only armor is good red Mood! Let y-rnmhboofgd digestion, your liver active bemring anim. "hhe Risr hhome ioi ong stromiive mt camaile‘t torate how, nown i mihthnamfiwnmlm-m-ulmwufiflh risecce, Golden Medical Ppiscovery over forty years, giving great satisfaction. If you prefer you can mow obtain Dr. T. am'- ':mm,, & your aize Questions of Life stt vapoze t h io wesnsergat Mn d e Bd k c aa o t ge n og To sant s umps to prepay con. of v rapping and postage. NA DRUVYâ€"CO LAXATIVES , others both in their compostâ€" tion and their effectâ€"complete evacuation without purging or discomfort. 25. a box at your druggist‘s. narional pause and CHtmical 60. or canasd, uurrco. . are entirely different mg The Mosquito :s sn mss ino mon on merbabddiHeliiiec Tittr Speiem im n e has been sold by medicine deal«ss in its liquid form for" var Another speaker has an idea that the multiplication of Jam Factories would take care of inferior fruits. The demand for jams in Canada is large, but competition is already very keen and it is doubtful if with more Jam Factories operating, the business could be conducted at a profit especâ€" ially in view of the keen and large competition from Great Britain, but no Jam Manufacturer can turn out a first class quality ¢f jam, which he reâ€" quires to do to get his goods into con sumption, unless he uses first quality of raw material, In jams, by far the largest demand is tor small fruits such as raspberries and strawherries. . It is true in cheap jaws, known as comâ€" pound iums.m;lu are used as a base but the demand for these cheap jams ‘ildccnuiuulhcouwy is growâ€" ing more prosperous, ... y supervision . ef Canring Factories and _ their products, every reputable canner Jesire: to put out strictly first class quality friits, knowâ€" ing that every can he puts into conâ€" sumption under his ownâ€"}@bel either makes a friend or aay ««cmy for his brand _ The canner t i is satisfied to put up an infemor quaisty will pat himself out of business in a very short time. Growers should disabuse themselâ€" ‘ ves of the idea tnat anything is: good enough for Canning Factories. . On the contrary they should appreciate that the canner who wishes to be sucâ€" cessful must be most particular as to the condition and grading of the fruit which he buys from the grower. «> Yours faithfully, ; J. S. Naimn, ; Dominiow Canners The Women‘s Institute hold a very interesting meeting in the Hall on Tuesday., Mrs. McTurk . gave . two splendid addresses. In the afternoon her rddrees was on "Care . of . the Eyes" and in the evening, _ on "For Home and Country." Musical program was also given by local talent. The roads being in a bad condition orl; a few attended _ the Township Sunday school convention on Friday at Tapleytown. _ 14% â€" The annual Gun Club oyster supâ€" per will be held in the Parish Hall on Mondcy, February 3. 7 * Rev. W. 8. Daniels gave a yery‘ imâ€" preesive sermon to the men on Sunâ€" day evening, urging them ‘to become preachers of the gowpel. A choir con slsting of thirtyâ€"five male voices ren dered excellent muzle. Vocal soloâ€"Miss, Ida Corvan. Readingâ€"1rs. Gifford. Meetings will be held on Thursday evenings at the home of ovg_of .. .the members. Ont Thursday evening a meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. Clark. The object of the club is to uplift the women in their (Too late for last week) The Jubllee Anniversary held onl Sunday was a great success, nluwugb' owing to the bad conditions _ of the rouds, the attendance was not nearâ€" ly as larg= as it would _ otherwise have been. . Fairly large congregaâ€" tions, however were present at «lclnl service and fully enjoyed the address | es of the various speakers. . Rev. A. K. Sharpe, who had charge . of the musical part of the program is to be greatly complimented . as well . as| those taking part. On account of the | rain on Monday evening the attendâ€" ance was very small, ts | On Wednesday evening, Rev. F. J. Fydell of Canboro, will give another lantern lecture in the church, _ on Japan and it is to be hoped that a large number will take advantage of this treat. S â€" The many fricads of Dr. and Mrs. McLellan will be sorry to hear . of their departure in the . near future. Dr, McCollough, who is _ to _ take wharge of the practice, . is already here _ Miss Maud O‘Neo!, who _ has been very il with pnenmonia, is recoverâ€" Ang. h CC mbee l (% ‘The first metting of the . Literary Society is to be hold _ on Thursday evening. . 4 e *z w _ The annual meeting of the Caistor ville cheese factory was held on Saâ€" turday la=*. ic ts "ah tC _ A. Phillips is busy drilling a well for Mr. Butler. _ ‘We are sorry to report that Mr. Wan Hoover is quite sick. _ _ ue Richard Shuter is having a sale CAISTORVILLE of farm stoc Jan. 28. Miss Dessic Bell and Miss Goilt attended . the conven Ridgoway last week as de Albert Shields and Wm. Bell / in Binbroo! on Tuesday, . att the annual sheop sale. "® Mr, W. M. G. Gilpin _ of Daoni preached a good sermon to . @ congregation on Sunday. J. Garrison and wife of North ta, fave been visiting at John Wesley Warner and Mrs. W, MeDonnell were in 8t. Cathai.; Monday and Tucsday . attei funeral of their cousin, the lat@ A plant or laboratory for thé of your medicine, ‘When my apâ€" ufacture of a . proprietary e lite is poor and 1 usm«! on a large scale ropresents that weak, lanâ€" large Investment and the advert always tired necessary to continually , keep 6 | 1 get a botâ€" product of such a laboratory y ‘l%fi'-?fl- the public represents another vi ‘s Vegetable large investment. In a way this g 0 and it investment is an insurance _ & |builds me ‘up, guaranty to the public, as no M:‘: man would imperil his Inve N me to perfect putting on the market a remedy.| \|I tw y It b‘ which he did not have impHeit K\\ piRSCA] truly :&. to He could not «afford to take a ced NY SREX)women, and 1 cannot of having his entire investment sw highly of it. ‘ I take pleasâ€" Tvas: necot *" bocomine, entanntiferent highty eneogh o6 ts 1 taue plans: J vor? ettiagont aut sagly Mrs. ANKIE CANERO, Thessalon, Ont. are very stringent and . strictly. forced, and under which a me Women who are suffering from those turer who puts out an adultovated @distressing ills peculiar to their sex miisbranded article is not only 1 shoald not lose ?t of these facts or to fiue, but to imprisonment. doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham‘s years, following from one geners to vaothur, Among people discunce iâ€"om a physician, espect witk madl" acinlcn mewnetions o ul nto4 in “Q.l('fl!l’ titutes a real w cessity. to fine, but to imprisonment. _ doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham‘s hrm;c. for obvious reasons, Vegetable Compound to restore their among the greatest users of or package medicines. many of There are probably hundreds of thouâ€" bdve beon in the saime housshoid 4f=~ds, perhaps millions of women in the ‘The leading package medicines geneal use have been in the mar for yars and have stood every t of time because they are of tried : proven therapentic value, They . propared by skilled pharmacists fr approved formulas which, in alm every case, have been the pride.; specific of some successful And these preparations, which been the means of saving many in the years during which they been used, are generally c at any drug store at . a fraction the cost of fNing a physiclan‘s scription. Feb. 1.â€"3Mr. Jas. A. l4vingston hi received Iastructions from Mr, Arthr Prreonage, _ administrator _ of . w estate of the late Melissa Personaye, to sell by public auction, the hou and lot on Main St. W., known as th Fred Schwab property, on Saturdsy, Fob. 1, at 11 o‘clock in _ the _ for noon. The house is in good shay and hbes a new verandah. Is close to car line, Terms 10 per cent of purs PARMER GREATEST USER 1 PACKAGE MEDICINE _‘ u@ _ Auction Sales Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cares Drs.KENNEDY & KENNEDY CuRrEs QuaRanyEED OR NO PAY . Ab vaitaey touncut} ASOSt Yuys, yO baseRsed "c2d t Du ie "‘g":'v_@qounu BOOKS FREE, M unable to call write for a Quertion §W" No Names or Testimon ©CONSTITUCTIONAL sLOOD bisEAsE Induiged in immoral hat rdl in urine and dr ‘aricose Veln® on both back, weak sexually, . wecelved your letter of r An reply 1 am pleased to mtn months‘ trea r myself complet have seen no signa of ®ack (one year). m regular Emission mnd am feeling fine mitogether different God for directing m Dare You Marry? Patient No. 16174. "The spots are all gone from imy legs und arms aid J feel good now, 1 am very grateful to you and shall never forget the faves your mediciner have done for me.. Â¥am esn mny mufferer. 1 am & ried soon. Thanking been an honest doctor with im THE WORLD SEENS DirrerEyt Patient No. 15033 "I have not hs sAYs Two Moxtns â€"Patlent No. 16765, . Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.,. Detroit, Mich. TAE 1NDEPENDE SECRETS OF HOME LIFE ind iwloments ry for thé hly of your medicine, When my apâ€" a:‘:.ryr we * petite is poor and I e ropresents that weak, lanâ€" the advert e always tired ally keep C 'i i l'lil“- ...'&'n’n ) ‘s cgonbl- ray this g C and it :r::u\ «hi [build me up, gives lc, as no strength, and reâ€" is Investmen! \%‘ m me to pli(:: t l.llel. ga urul ' ‘fil ::‘h l‘ ;\\\ t;\‘: nvestment sw peak highly of it. 1 take pleasâ€" mings _ en unâ€"mn to others,"" â€" i "‘:";' "W#illyrs, AxHIE CANERON, Thessalon, Ont. CURED HDL estimonials used without ksBY, ONTARIO NTARIO â€"â€" _ WOMAN‘S FORTUNE ‘reed From That Weak, Lanâ€" guid, Always Tired Feel. ingy, by Lydia E. Pinkâ€" fifi?m-zhuh-w amo‘e .'“'- :r’dud m-nm-hmfl years ago by a woman to relieve woâ€" man‘s suffering. If you aresick andneed such a medicine, why don‘t you try it ? If you want special advice write to un”l'.ruu-uu-o..(-.- dential) Lyun, Mass. _ Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confldence. re old, brown colt two years old, by Prince Richelieu, bay horse 19 years old and a mare aged. There one cow, milking, _ two fat M“'I sow, four . pigs six weeks old and eighty chickens. _ An unusually, good bunch of insplements and . rigs are in the Mst. There is about _ 25 Yons: of : blé â€"grass and : timothy Tay, about 150 bushels of wheat, about 275 Amwhels of oats. A quantity of corn and corn stalks and a quantity . of potatoes, apples and cabbage. Every thing will be sold without reserve in order to wind up the estate. Terms, & months credit. Four yer cent off for eash. Jas. A. Livingston, suction ‘Thessalon, Ont.â€"**1 cannot speak too chase price at time of sale. Balance within thirty days. The house may ’k inspected at any time by applying to the administrator. Feb. 1â€"Ofrs. Aida Grigge, living on Cibson Ave., is giving up housekeepâ€" inz and wili sell al her household turniture and utensils by public aucâ€" tion, on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 1 es:bel. The furniture consists of the tents of four bedroomis, hall, parlor, dining reom, kitchen and garden _ tools. Terms, six months credit. Three per ¢ent off for cash on all.sums â€"over K. Jns. A. Livingston, anctidneer. €ase No. 16888, Symptoms when he started treatment:â€"Ago 21, single, in« duiged in immoral hablts several years. Varicose Veins on both sidesâ€"pimples on the fass, ete, After two montha‘ ireatiment he writes us follows:â€""Your welcoine lotter to hand and mm very giad w say that 1 think myself cured. sty Varicose Vein have completely dis« appeared tor Lulte a while ang it asems a eure. 1. work harder and feel loss Tired, I have no desire for that: habit whatever mnd if 1 amay like this, wis sh 1 have every reason to believe 1 \a ‘hanking you for your kind attention." GAINED 14 POUXDS IX OXE MoOXTH. Patient Na, 13523, This patient (aged gs) had a of Nervous Deâ€" mEURUUUCGTUILL 224 was Him BHOTT TL W aimale a llity and @exual Weakness and was RETARTUMIDOO O cualire © 4 dowh in vigor and vitality. . After one month‘s treatment he reports a# fol« lows:â€""I am feeling very well. _T have gained 14 pounds in one month, so that 1 will have to congratulate you." . Laser report>="1 am beginning to fecl more Wike a man. _I feel my eondition _ t# gottiar better every‘ week." . HMis last re« port :â€""Dear Doctorsâ€"As 1 feel this in ‘:' last month‘s treatment that 1 will ve to wet, I thought at one time I would never be «mlh.b-' T put conâ€" fidence in you froui V start and you have cured me." Or at Stewart‘ ham‘s Compound. vARICOSE VEINS CURED, J restors every nervs in the body ! its proper unh-:veum.’ I".jl-llln“!' and all w;ul‘ mant ©Piice sha tamrantre lor :nyu“_n:-_. &E&llm-‘ a us follows:â€""Your hand and mm very think myself cured. have completely disâ€" ‘s Drug Store. "THE GARDEN OF CANADA" & THE LARGEST AND FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN LINCOLN COUNTY Two Banks High School Curnegie Library B..Bunkulu:"S«nery et Factory Healthful Climate Two ‘Planing Mills Two Barre} Factories Two Carriage Works High School, Puglic Schoo! Marble Works The 44th Regiment Band of 40 pieces y Two largest Canning Factories in Canada Four Greenhouse Plants, one of them covering two acres, Cunada‘s Prewmier Summer Resort, within two miles of its doors, namely "Grimaby Besn" Radiani Klectrical Co. H. G. & B. Slectric Line Grand Truok Main Line Proposed line of C. N. R. # Specialty Manufacturing Co 22 wiles of Cement Sidewalk Rest Waterworks System in Canâ€" EVERY FARMER EVERY FRUIT GROWER SHOULD READ The Fruit Grower and Farmer (formerlty The Weekly Fruit Grower) Enlarged and Improved ADVERTISE IN THE INDPENDENT Concerning the whole range of Fruit Growing, Market Gardening, Poultry Raising, General Farming Stock Breeding, Dairying and Bee Keeping Many Fruit Growers are not interested in Farming, but every Farmer should be interested in Fruit Growing. The Fruit Grower and Farmer is a paper for everyâ€" body and everybody should subscribe for it. NEW BASKET FIRM! Fruit growers would do well to see this new firm "Experience is a wise teacher." The fruit growâ€" ers know what kind of a basket A. Hewson has turned out when given a free hand. The new firm intends to make the best hand nalled basket on the market at a fair price. They solicit their share of the trade of the growers wanting this kind of a basket. Orders may be placed at once and manufacturing will be commenced as soon as a building can A. Hewson has been foreman and manager for lheGnnfi F. under J. H. Grout & Co., Grimsby Mig. Co., in. Doran and Chas. Vanâ€" HEWSON & FARRELL GRIMSBY, ONTARIO HEWSON & FARRELL be erected and machinery installed. COME TO GRIMSBY Fruit Grower and Farmer Grimsby, Ontario Price $1.00 a year in advance. wWHAT GRIMSBY HAS Five Churches Three Newspapers Cheap Electric Power The finest Fruit Land in the World The tinest Residences in the country The two best kept Hotels in Onâ€" A new Government Post Office (to be built The fiuest stocked Stores in Linâ€" coln County Unlimited supply of Natural Gas (being pip-d’) Lake Ontario on he North and the Mountain on the South. A population of 1,800, and a tribuâ€" u? population of 5,000 withâ€" in four miles of the town The Stables of the World‘s Chamâ€" paion: Chariot and Roman Standing Rucing combination. The linest Fruit imv:non the cun â€" tinent. Itis known the Worla over for its fine quality and flavor The fine«* imid out Driving Park _ in Ontario with one of the ‘ fast=st half mile tracks to be ‘ found anywhere + WEDNESDA Y JAN, arse us ien * > 4 m

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