WEDNESDAY, JAC. 29, . i 9332322322324 233233323323232»" lgï¬&&%&fl&&&(&:&&&:ï¬ï¬ï¬‚&ï¬ï¬% ~* Beamsville ~â€" â€" Ontario ‘ Phone 5, of Groceries and Dainties is very comâ€" plete, and guaranteed absolutely fresh. Our v . ~bmen are very proficient and will cause you gz‘ l'::uo iaconvenience in ‘riq»ir v::r: i you ‘ s any ple to one, wi save time and money by’nhulm:fo it at o-u.!“ Happy PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. Grir Morris Chairs in solid oak finish or golden finish cushion« the very best of leather, $12.75. Parlor Tabies, 24x24 top, shaped legs in mahog: .@Any or oak finish, $5.00. ut Y El (ROEL: 20 P T 0000 civamk GROCER’ AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS PHONE 21 MAIN STREET .â€" _« _: GRIMSBY The Chocolates that are different. VF’or sale only by FRANK GREVES Norman M. Walker DON‘T OVERLOOK _ NEILSON‘S E. 8. & R. T. JOHNSON We Wish Our Patrons OUR STOC ppy and Prosperous ‘NEW YEAR BOURNE BROS. _ The fact that the best place in this section of the country to buy your Christmas Furniture is at J. W. BUCK, Beamsville. Furniture and Carpets Licensed Embaimer. BUCEK‘S GRIMSBY, ONT. Grimsby Members ent: 1, E. Nelso Councillors, A G. Boukter, A. is. ,ubh. aA. D. Middaug!, s The minutes of the lflw‘- read and cont.. . ~>d. Written application for PC was received from ‘I W Shipman, and for the office Of A‘sor from \\m. Kellam. Moved by Mr. Morley, §€¢909®by Mr, Middaugh, that the following accounts be paid: â€" JA A Lyston, balance due on 1912 account $20.77; F Roberts, Rfl\\ #10.40; F Roberts, Election expenses $28.80; R | Mor pt pads, 45¢; Thos. Allan, for $ value om..w killed by C . $10; A Melick, for inspectâ€" ing Allen‘s sheep #1; W J Grant for, Allens sheep #1. Carried Moved by Mr. Boulter, secondey H#:iddnuh. that J M Morley be a com‘:mu to ol:l'l" 1 Electric Power Co., regarding power for South msby. Moved by Mr. Jublke, m‘“muh. that leave be granted to introduce a byâ€"law t0 #Pint a Trustee for the South Grimsby High School, and that th¢ ne be now read a first time. Byâ€"law read a first time. t 6 Moved by Mr. Boulter, secondéd; Mr, Morley, that the byâ€"law just read be_now read a second AMcird time and do pass, the Reeve and Clerk sign and seal the 385 and its title be the same as in the motion. . Carried. Byâ€"law read a second and thitd te. _ Moved by Mr. Morley, seconde8; Mr, Boulter, that the follow» ing account be c.a Hamilton Brit) Co., $320. Carmied. Moved by Mr. umw i Mr. Middaugh, that leave be frlnud to introduce a byâ€"law to a/iPat certain ‘Fownship Officers for the Township of Suuth Grimsby f© the year 1913,: and that the same be now read a first time. Caék L !’""'. “.‘.! .»'.-‘..‘;".....“" . aeatazia. c ane arsatcakl T mt 1 Pm P en emer ces d Moved by Mr. Jublke, y Mr. Boulter that the byâ€"law just read be now red ‘a second and thil time and do pass, the Reeve and Clerk sign and seai the same Amits title be as in the motion. Carried. ' Byâ€"law read a second and [tie, Noved by Mr. Morley, b Mr. Jublke, that this Council refund E W Murgatroyd $2.80, beth; an error in statute labor tax. COaTIOEY I Moved by Mr. Morley, secondei by Mr. Middaugh, that the tender from Jas. A Livingston for $75 or the , usual Township print: ing and advertising for 1913 be actered; and this Hall be rented from J A Schnick, on the same term$ is for 1912. Carried. Moved by Nir. Moriey, seconded iy Mr. Boulter, that the follow» ing accounts be paid: D “m“sbbh. cement, $26.35, 60 sacks, $6.00, and that the Clerk be , cied to collect from Caistor ‘Township 50% of South Grimsby‘s ependiture on townline bridges between Caistor and South Grimsby. Carried. .. __ _ ; _ _ _ L O l l oonpmaaainiman ut iralic c onl PWenrt f Moved by Mr. Mi secondd by Mr. Jublke, that the fol lowing accounit re &nm?pid: M Travis, 5oc; A Daw HERE‘S WHYâ€" B!cAus: the opportunity is yoursâ€"â€"â€"nowâ€"â€"â€"£0 BCY "*®"7 _0. _ __ ) _0 (or you saving. â€"EATON qualityâ€"always the best, always satisfactory (or your money back), at EATON Sale Prices, which means ««close to cost"â€"in a wordâ€"BARGAINS. In addition to all that you have a Special Free Delivery Offer on all $10.00 orders and over. QuUICK sSERVICE! AND sATISFACTION eUaraNTEED oR YoUR MoXEY BACK TT O ecccmmmmn â€" vammmmmes Cemmmmmmemmmmmemmmmmmmmm ***~_/_ _ LLEAIFTRTY mc ho Aucdudiie{ ho2 mss ECS | ___reeigut PREPAID andâ€"look it over carefully. Have you tested its | money in THE SPENDING 4 cce values yoet? Make sure Y9U are not without "â€"â€"~ anpmommmpmesmmpeas something it may hanuolaryouâ€"-unrymmmlly. Qulckacflonlsmllyouduh hhy,humuntlmhllmmmmulsm Send along your order toâ€"day and judge for yourselfâ€"â€"the qualityâ€"the satisfaction assuredâ€"the positive saving in priceâ€"the generâ€" ous Free Delivery Offer, and finally a Sure» Safe Guarantee. A DON‘T DELAY ORDERING.â€"â€"THIS SALE ENDS 28th FEB. ___â€".-A «T. EATON COQume Iâ€" SHS Atman . "® cCcaANADA moooomeeent s .0 _ M are.y C (F j 9 \fl\ & O \L_g- | l‘l h"\- ,IG TJ 7 â€" 24 ME w ho K T mA \ 8 &Â¥ tAt * H _A . 13 1 4 Acftcctad u0 *T . EATON CSams ToronTo . * CANADA = â€"â€"â€"10Wâ€"â€"â€"t0 buy in«=AÂ¥ voUu sHoUuLD BUY NOW son, 35¢; Geo. Miller, 40¢; Jas. Atkinson, 73¢; A Dawzun, for teamag lumber, $4; Gso. Miller, 3 hours, 60¢; A Dawson, $1.20; total $7.80. Moved by Mr. Boulter, seconded by Mr. Morley, that the followâ€" ing account be paid, & Div +. 1. M Culp, 2 men .and 2 teams fur 8 hrs. @ 40¢, $6.40; \Wm. Kellam, 1 days work, $1 75; A Caughell 8 hours work, $1.60; \Wm. Bouck, 9 hours work, #1.80; A 1 Lacy, for selling walk, ls; Ww. Kellam, #1.50; K. Div. No. 5, Henty Huether scraping road #1, and for load of stone #1; Wentworth (Quarry Co. for stone, #$29.75. Carried. Moved by ‘Mr. juhike, seconded by Mr. Middaugh, that the Clerk be instructed to send for six copies of "Municipal World" for the Council for 1913, and that a grant of $5 be made to the Sick Children‘s Hospital, Toromto. Cartied. _ _ °_ _ _ _ _=_ . ! _ _ Moved by Mr. Morley, seconded by Mr. Jublke, that the ti for the collection of the taxesâ€"be extended to February 1st. Carri â€" _ Moved by afr. Morley, seconded by Mr. Boulter, that this Counâ€" cil do now m to meet again at Brant‘s Hall, on Tuesday the 11th day of February, 1913, as a Court of Revision and for other business â€" Carried of the necessities of fife at a great now 12 a eoo0 time to | BUY GENEROUSLY AND SAVE| |_money im rue srexoima | F, W. Ronkets, Clerk. $AE _**#