Grimsby Independent, 22 Jan 1913, p. 4

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Local Items of Interest Avertise Grimaby, (Patronize Grimeby. Thos. Howitt left inst week.for . a trip to Floridn. Mr. and Mre. C. 8. Nolles have re tu sed home from a visit with Mr. Jas. E. Randall, Chicago, ill. ‘Wantedâ€"A _ good . stenographer, apply at the Independent _ office, Grimaby, phone 36. Fruit Man Wantedâ€"To _ work 36 acres of fruit land; 3,000 _ trees 10 plant in spring; als> berrics. Apply to Star office, Waterford. Mr. Ham{lton Fleming has received a dheque for $60 from the Dept. of Agi. for his prize in the orchard com petitio® Mre. J. F. Beamer _ returned last week from ». three months visit with her daughter, Mrs W J. Donnelig, 141 For Saleâ€"Daled shavings for bedâ€" ding, also celery. bleached or _ unâ€" Dleached. Apply to C. J. Crooks, Beamsvilie, bell ‘phone 64, ring 4. For Saleâ€"A quantity of first class hay baled. will sell in small or large for all rooms in the house. Apply to Mre. F. Graisley, Main St., W., (next to St. Andraws church) Grinaby. ‘Wantedâ€"Eim, basswood, bard and soft maple, round, soft and straight, #ree from knots, fourteen inches and ap. Delivery _ at _ basket . facâ€" tory, Grimwby. J. W. Daiton, Limited. W. F. and Miss Clara Randall are at Woodrzock attendingat Woodstook ritengind the wedding of Miss Ethel Allen, which takes place Jan. 22, at | 3 o‘clock pam. | Mre. Will Daiton, _ Paimer‘s Hili, Grimaby, will receive on Friday, Jan. 31 and afterwards on the . second ‘Tuesday _ and Wednesday _ of the quantities to suit purchasers. . Apply last week for a _trip through the || southern States, Jamaica, _ Bermuda and the West Indies. Mr. and Mrs.| Nelles will go on to England. Are you attending Moore‘s moving picture show in Grimsby Hall, on Wednesday and Suturday nights. If not, why not? ‘The pictures are fine and you get a full hour and a haif‘s enjoyment every night for the small insignificant sum of ten cents. Cloke & Son of Hamilton are holdâ€" ing a big clearing sale of wa.l papor during this month at their store, 16 King St. W. ‘The stock is one of the best end most complete in Canada and you can get the pick _ of it att oneâ€"third off the regular price. Don‘t pass this big sale by. Mr. A. Knight of Grimsby East is offering at a bargain for _ a short time "the Home Butter Merger." This wachine will produce two pounds of fine butter from one pound of butter and one pint of milk. A clear gain of omne pound of butter for the price of one pint of milk. For particulars apply to A. Knight, Grimaby, Enst. For Saleâ€"A pair of roaditer colts rising three and two years old, good size, good tempered, well bred, will anake a splendid team. Wl price reasonable for a juick sale. Apply A. S. Tallwon, Smithville P.O. or at farm 1% miles cast of W. B. Durâ€" bam‘s corner in South Grimsby. For Saleâ€"A 32 acre _ fruit farm, situated along Lake shore. . Mostly all planted out with _ vines, bushes, berrics and trees. All new buildâ€" ings, upâ€"toâ€"date house. . Half mile from G. T. R. station. _ Wiil . sell cheap if sold at once. Apply to John Budge, Winona. Feed the Bestâ€"Wodehouse‘s _ Aniâ€" mal Invigorator, highest by Governâ€" anent analysist; fed by many . high elass stock and poultry men. _ Ask your merchant for circular, Sold hy W. M.Stewart â€" Drug Co. Témited, Grimsby; . Slingerland, _ Beamaville; Moore, Grassle; Patterson, Stmithâ€" ville; Merritt, Fulton:; Davidson, St. Chutharines. _ W. H. Wodebouse, 18 For Caléâ€"A juantity of furniture John N., Hamilton Seldom has Grimaby had offer>d such an attractive program as that loboluuonq_-flbg_mlnu:l- Mr. and Mre. W. B. Nelles, Mr. and y 2 0 lt lc y e Ar whr treasury. The old board of directors was reâ€"slocted and will meet shortly to choose officers. Very little change is anticipated. On Thursday evening, Jan. 23, a big -.,-.mml-ntul ”.." cloes standing, will be held <t the Methodist church and Macoabes‘ Hall, at Jordan Station. ‘The program All ‘be very sull and complete. Mr. Jos. Oibson of Ingersoll wil} be pros BOsv * O uf Snoncer. editor eqiiene ADICIC Buin report showed a snug balance in the 220 CWZ 2LLA af Afrastorn Jon. C N oar .-.u-ur.ull-l"“"-"‘”‘ of the Pioncer of Toronto, to deliver ...--.â€"---",,,,““'“,._,. ‘There will be somée w....nlllud program T8 957 " "lsat and other inâ€" apeakoer8 ©50 " "Llat and other U recitations, musical and other in; OR e 0 Ditana s teresting selections that . Wi" _ i0 _‘ souch to the delight of the cccasion. Dr. Graham of St. Cuatharines, visi ed friends in town on Sunday. Mr. Harold VanAistyne of Cleveland Lostâ€"A bunch of keys. Pinder mwill confer a favor by returning them to the Independent office, Grimaby. Milis. For â€" Saleâ€"A good _ serviceable black horee, sound and good driver. Apply G. W. Muir, Grimwby. at all times, but money in the bank is SAFER. command of it when needed, but you add interest from the day you deposit it. S DESIRABLE. Money can be safely forwarded or withdrawn by mail. Landed Banking & Loan Wantedâ€"A set of 240 lbs platform ales. Apply to Grimwby Chopping POULTRYMEN N. E. Cor. Main & James Sts. LOOK HEREâ€"â€"It is time that Poultry Fanci and Poultry raisers should take tgrompt an decisive action to tgut a stoueo e plunderâ€" ing and stealing that has n carried on systematically and oteodng for the past sevâ€" eral Kfinn. in and around Grimsby. ‘ e‘)oult?men are invited to unite imâ€" mediately and form a VIGILANCE COMMITTEE for the purpose of running the THIEVES down and &hcing them behind prison bars or chasâ€" ing them out of the country. It is positively known who the thieves are and their mothâ€" \ods of getting rid of the birds is also known \and all that is required now is a bunch of determined men who will stick together as a VIGILANCE COMMITTEE and help each other in securing evidence that will send the theives over ths road or put them out of busicess in \this Knrt of the country forever. | t least four men are engaged in the game and they have become so bold during the past six months on account of the careâ€" lessness of the lgeublic and poultry owners that they have been domg a wholesale busiâ€" ness in stolen poultry, and the time has come to stop the game once for all. A strong vigilance committee, backed up by the provincial detective department and &e local constables and poultry raisers â€"an do this and it is high time it was done. LARKE XECS EEREU CERO T tio w le t uo Cc A meeting for the purpose of formi Poultry Association and appoiniing a v'?fiu'. ance Committee for mutual protection will be held in the Hotel Grimsby on Saturday evening, Jan‘y 25, 1913, at 7.30. Every poultryman in the community and every sufferer from the depredati of thieves are invited. precauos pr._rierces FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION It is your priviledge to write to Dr. given free of charge. Of course That Wonderful Even lrmmu.u-»m-lu--u-. won .\ should be in perfect physical condition it is the .ne previous to "e coming of her babe. Pnd a Peat of ce aliments which should be ell JAS. A. LIVINGSTON G. B. McCONACHIE > Committee wM. M. STEWART ATTENTION | | visit _ How doâ€"you like the weather? have hbad every month in the year and presented in the last week. ‘ Mrs. > "nnrzotr"- doin‘ it, doin‘ what { Why taking in Moore‘s moving ple form | tures every Wednesday and Satur ""__‘ day nights. Prorce for advice, and it will be The Village Council will meet or Monday night next to receive mpplics tions for the position of Village Clerk Tax collector, Collector _ of _ wats rates and Supt. of Public Works. For Saleâ€"Mare and work D®"" double seated buggy and 4* Great empall ::‘:on. dhou::Q action pump, my chie house. M % mower and various ‘_II tools ; Midâ€"Winter For Saleâ€"Mare and work b@D® louble seated buggy and b8"S smpaill wagon, double action pump, colony chicken h046¢, . mower and various small t00l®; some housebold furniture. J. Kâ€" Stone Road. For Saleâ€"A registered JerseY 7 years of age, . frosh week in February, an | ‘pe. | 1 years of age, _ frosh wdh!‘r-'q.nlm ply to J. D. Biggar, Phone 22 rirg 3 For Saleâ€"A registered I n GiiMABY, Here is a straight out and out, open and above board Clearance Sale. A sale that needs no Brag or bluster, no extravagent ~ _ claims or excusesâ€"â€"â€"it‘s genuine, and it offers real savings 2390 will buy a good warm coat for & boy from 10 to 14 years. 2400 we Lave about 15 Boys‘ Coats, murked as high as $7 50. _ All going at $4.00. N* off all other price conts, MEN‘S SUITS $7.00 for all our $10.00 Suite. $10.00 for 40 Suits, former price $13.50 to $15. $15.00 for 57 Suits, former price $18.50 to 22.50. 20¢/ off many other lines. BOYS‘ NORFOLK SUITS About 25 Suits in this lot for ages 6 to 10; regular $3.50 to 400. Now $2.50. About 30 Suits in from 9 to 14; prices as high unoa";o-aam A. F. HAWKE â€" Grimsby S-kâ€" Main:Street. . â€"~â€""> > .. GRIMOPDY: _ |__ _ f "Efi]lD-WINT ER SALE & MEN‘S OVERCOATS ©16.00 UISIETS fOT, . . . 2. s se e e es snn en e en 1 3.50 UISN@T® FOR.cs c cessn nen en n #13.50 Black Overcoats for* * **** . . . . ..« OVERCOATS 1 ( will now buy our $10.00, 11.00 and 12.00 To n sensible Bridge Scores we have PIV® i alloie _ _ _( it is small, yet plain and easy to score with. No confusion in scoring is possibie with these scores. 15e a dozen 40c a dozen with poncits ilo.oo Black Kersey CORtS fOT . .ccscc en e ++# 10 00 UIStETS fOF. . . . 6 e e es sn en en e k n o y n e ® $12 00 UUTSLETS fOPcss s aa ae w ie e en en en en #17.50 Mink Marmot Sets for... .. #11 00 Black Lynx Hare Sets for .. #15.; + White ‘ri.‘het Sets for ...... 44. 50 Nack Imitation: Sets for... . #1.75 Child‘s Sets FOF. ...« se e c on INDIVIDUAL Auction Bridge )0 will now buy our $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00 Conts. BERT DUNCAN & Sintioners and Printers “'_‘“" HOYS‘ OVERCOATS l d wWOMEN‘S COATS Winter Clearance Sale S i i will For two weeks 00]’ Shoes and OVCH_hOGI will be solc at whpln:le prices. An extra cut be made i f k entirely. Hockey Shoes in order to close out this end of the stock entirely ONTARIO Before stockâ€"taking, and previous to arrival of any Spring Goods, of Winter Merchandise. We quote below a few prices, wh As a fiting windâ€"up of the modproopao\ubumm we have ever had, we will offer the balance of our stock of Wmter Goods at a great BOYS‘ OVERCOATS R. DUNXCAN & C0. meet the demand for a » â€" individual _ Auction Scores we have produced Sr; i;â€"nllvâ€"d:p;;u;;;V _Its fair, its square, its a big money saver. velous price cutting that is taking place. | Be one of the first to make pick of the many attractive bargains which are offered. Sales commences Saturday, January 4th, isb i crrviea‘ecreverreo 4.90 $13.50. Suite for ; : :. .. ...... ... oc [ t c on in e ts‘ ';:: $12.50 Blue Serge suits for ..; Men‘s Heavy Untearable Pants, regalir $# 5> _ 98 Men‘s Pea Jackets, regular $6.00 for $3 98 K. M. STEPHEN | 3 MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE A. F. HAWKE The Fruit Grower and Farmer A‘ ze Weekly devoted to Fruit Growing, Market Gardening, General Farming, Stock Breeding, Poultry Raising and Bee Keeping. s1.00 PER YEAR, so CENTS FOR Sit montus in Apvance.'u.p‘ arrival of any Spring Goods, we are putting on a Gigantic Sale quogzbelo!-hvp:ifiq"hich -illginnogeidu:fllhe-:: sirrâ€"~0§.98 i tage 2 tis SHOES Men‘s Fleeceâ€"lined, 40¢. Men‘s Heavy Wool, 60e to 75¢ Spring Ne«dle, regular $1.25. . Now 95¢. Odd lines at less than cost, MEN‘S SHIRTS About 3 dozen odd sizes, colored, hard fronts, reguâ€" _ lar $1.00 and $1.25. Now 39e Regular 75¢ for 57c. Regular $1.00 for 75¢. Regular $2 00 and 2.25 for $1.50. WINTER GLOVES 9.98 2.98 1‘39 20¢%,, off all lines of kid and woolen. MEN‘S HALF HOSE Heavy ribbed Heather and biack at 25¢, 40¢, 50¢. Boys‘ and Men‘s Winter Caps Assorted lots at 25¢, 50c and 75¢. Men‘s Fancy Vests 25 to 50 per cent off all winter lines. Men‘s Flannel Shirts A large range, clearing at } to } off regular price. Every Farmer Should Read BOYS‘ SUITS 3.â€"piece Worsted Suits, regular $7.50 for.........$5.98 Navy Bloomer Suits, regulat $8.00 for.......... 6.49 @16.00 Tailored Suits for ......... #.5.00 Tailored Suits for ......... $20.00 Tailored Suits for ......... Girl‘s $2.50 Cloth CORLS FO ... cssc seesee+ Girl‘s $7.50 Cloth CoORtS fOT, 4 . . «essm ee»e»+ Child‘s $3.50 Bearskin Coats for , . .. .. .+ Little Boy‘s $4.50 Overcoats for............. CHILDREN‘S COATS UNDERWEAR Be on hand early. wWOMEN‘S SUITS MEN‘S SUITS selections, and get the repsiren ces B11GB virFresstsssmuctrel 1498 sicrerrg e 1990 Hivisi" 1 §98k irtressts m §FM0 Free mm geg® virrisk @$0G 249

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