Grimsby Independent, 15 Jan 1913, p. 5

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csaces e amner H. G. & E. MAKING IMPROVEMENTS CARS ARE ON GOOD TIME WEDNESDAY, car with his awitch bar _ and after hitting them a few. times they would This coninned at every stop until Stoney Creek was reached, when thy crew went at and fixed the troubic, delaying the car for some conside able time, but they made a fast rt and mnnaged to reach Grimaby only ten minutes Tite. “'n- i. G. l-‘B. are not aware llu{ °y are not giving proper accommo, dation, yet the * "* _ arriving. . ten minutes late, to. 1 a large crowd of people standi : on the sidewalk in whe rain walt & for it and the waltâ€" tmg reou! slom! "Imcse peovle . @ to stand out in the rain, on a chily, dirty, wet night and walt for a late car ‘‘th the com pany‘s walting room s...~«l, and yet the companq say tho* thay enn‘t see there way clear to do any more than they are doing in th. way of accomâ€" We notlce that . the H. G. & B., when backing cars . through . the streets of (irimaby, have a man on the rear end of the train _ to give warning. t is " Whe man can generaily be seen with his feet on the stew under the side of the car and hanging on to the rung further up. This is a rather dangerous place to oe _ riding . and certainly contrary to law. ‘The cars are running on pretty fair time and this is one thing we do have to give the < «mpany _ credit for, but, how long wili it last? ‘There are only about two freigits on the line now, how many will be on next Augusi, It !s * ~af, bot to say five, and with five freights on the lins loaded to more than their caâ€" pacity, the passenger service is going to be just as rotten next suinmer as it was last summer. kacah The H. G. & B. heedn‘t think that by giving a fairly good . service in the winter that they can continue to give a rotten service in the summer. ‘The time is growing shorter when this wonderfully managed _ company will be asked to explain a fow things to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Another thing that we must . give the H. G. & B. credit for, is the plac ing of a a cluster of lights at _ the whailey at the foot of the Woolverton Mountain. The _ next _ thing they should do is place a light at all imâ€" portant stopping places. On Saturdsy night in Hamilton the same old story was heard about the H. G. & B. car, Nobody was able to tell where the car was. . Nobody could be found who could give a par son any information. _ I asked a con ductor on one of the other lines and he didn* know, so 1 wallored around in the muck and grease till I found it." Fine system, so fine . that you can‘t see it. In our issue of "HE INDEPENDâ€" In our issue of "HE INDEIIENEâ€" ENT of Nov. 27, Mr. Frank Fairborn, writing in Facts and Fancies, spoke about the rotten s=~ice given by the H. G. & B. betwees . Grimwby . and Grimsby Beach and ;. ‘nted out that the service was co bad chat the peoâ€" wu-nmwn:m:u«:(&lvhs or wsiking to the Beach _ insead THE VILLAGE AND TOWNSHIP â€"â€"â€" â€"~â€"â€"LAWMAKERS HOLD FIRST MEETING (Continued from page 1) | Fresbwater be appointed Members of the Board of Health and that . Dr. . Alexander, M. D., be appointed Medâ€" ical Officer cf Heslth at a salary of w..-,w,mnml’ll. | Amos Freshwater and Jos. Graisâ€" ley were appointed Fence Vlevon' for the year. I Moved by Bourne, seconded . bY , Mitchell, that this Council do and hereby constitutes and acts as a| Board of Trade for the purpose of EMReme T MMTOC OOOO T odS W promoting the interests of the Vil~ lu-o(oflmflvlnmnyolutur-‘ ing Manufacturing Concerns, by way of loans, if necessary, or giving sites for plants, or meeting proposed ‘ocaâ€" tors on any roasonable terms that seems good to this Courcil for _ the advancement of this Village, the Idea being to increase the population of Village and to increase employers of ekilled and unskilled labos with . the ultimate view of increasinz tax payâ€" M And, that ths Councii appcint _ H. D. Walker as their Pablicity OMcer in the capacity of advertising, corres jponding and visiting proposed . locaâ€" PC TOILCSIP nevice ‘the omone E02 TL CIP Te tors, with permission of having the read, 00 977 °""° °/ Ond that the Reeve or any or all of the Couneilâ€" , third time and do pass and that the | men to accompony him on any | trip Reeve and Olerk sign and seal the | which would seem to be good busiâ€" mu‘noudobcnlnmomo- nees; all offorts and work done _ by , tion. Carried. the said H. D. Walker to be gratis | _ Mov~+ by Plaming, seconded _ y except for travelling and advertising | Sutheriand, that leave be granted to expenses, and that this Council _ do , Introduce Byâ€"Law No. 206, to raise pow put $50 at his disposa! for “.;m-m to meet the current vertising purposes, for which vouchâ€" | expenditure of this township _ for ers for any part or all monles u.inflllu year and that the Byâ€"Law be ,..‘.‘.mumm,a, ,n'udalmuln. Carried. ‘ ‘The chairmen of the different c0M Moved by Adway, seconded by H. L mittees were nppointed as follows: Roberts, that the Byâ€"Law just read Fiance: Bourne. hnvnolnml‘udtflriun Fire and Light: Mitchel!. and do pass and that the Reeve and Board of Works: Randall. | Glerk «ign _ and seal the same . und Property: Walker .::‘uuo be as in the motion. Carâ€" Counedl adjoura««l to meet on Monâ€" t 4 Moved by H. L. Roberts, seconded day night, Jan. %0. by 3. H. Alway, that the Dominion NORTH GRIMSBY CounoIL Power & Tranimission Co. be _ reâ€" mmo.-.vrmcou quested to submit at the _ earlicat 1 Gnim®® **""" 0 °s on |possible moment, it‘s -'? .: Te mene TCO CCR » eil met in the Councll Chambers Monday. Pieeve Smith, Counciliors .AÂ¥ Sm CO2C000A0 Tol present. m‘-...mhdnr- ation of qualification for office, the" proceeded t business A petition signed by Miss wene (Coutinucd from page 1) JAN. 15 f Ia-tnln-l“'""""' hapâ€" .::‘umh-ll“'m'-c"‘ on Monâ€" W'H.LMWM by J. H. Alway, that the Dominion NOIL Power & Tranimission Co. be . reâ€" hip Coun quested to submit at the _ earlicet bers on |possible moment, it‘s figures pet smole C T0 t a line ~ of waiting for the care and taking . a chance of not getting there at all or else getting here away late. . . 2 He also pointed out that when the company ran a specia. car, that the service was worse with it than withâ€" out it and he was pretty near right. car was lars. Mr. W the spec different | the car | on and . \ ‘\ll.flllll | and eve 1 can U Wwlla a Now then, we have something . to say about the H. G. & B. service ne tweâ€"n grimaby and Grimsby Beach. plint We s0 0t Msm id hests y tA Bc Idvravcldconlbd ds cad ic by say about the H. G. & B. service n-‘ Moved by Sutherland, seconded DJ | tweâ€"n grimsby and Grimsby each. \Fleming, that the petition signed VY | \« the year 1910 the wri«r _ was | A. C. Grabam and three others, s:"‘ press agent for Grimsby Beach and|300 feet sidewalk on Robinson S« in a confer ace with Manager Wylio\be received. _ Carried. | of the Beach Company, decided that| Moved by Fileming, _ seconded _0% in order to get all the people out of | Sutherland, that whereas the mu«l'i» Grimsby every night in time for the| ment of the H. G. & B. Electric Ra Ameare, it would be policy to have| way Co., according to their m“:‘ **>~ M. G. & B. put on a special car,| of June 1 and Dec 28, 1912, to . ©}°} to be run at 7.20, 7.40 and 8 o'eloek.| resolution passed by this Counell for| and to run between the Beach _ un@ the _ comfort _ of . passengersâ€"O2«| Grimsby until all the people _ were| whereas the management . #aÂ¥y th¢" | carrled home after the show, _ This|can do nothing better than they %@*/ car was to be run besides the reguâ€" |oo|.¢ at the present timeâ€"this 00"3 lars. | ell coâ€"operate with the people . @1 Mr. Wylle made arrangement for|various Village and Township Coun the special car and on .two or three oils along the line, in _ baving th3!"| of Mr. Wylie made arrangement for | the special car and on .two or three different occasicns sent the writer tol the car to see how muny people got on and off, as he (My, Wiylie) had to guarantee the company _ $20 each and every night that this car run. I cannot state positively that Mr. Wylie over had to put up any guar antee for any of the cars, because I was not particularly interested _ in the H. G. & B. at that time, but I do know that their asking _ Mr. Wytie for a guarantee of $20 per night for the car was nothing short of robâ€" bery, and was _ as . highâ€"handed a plece of business as was ever pullsd off in this country. _ The byâ€"law with _ the Village of Grimsby governs the running of the cars to Grimsby Beach, and the com pany had no business asking _ Mr. Wylie for a guarantee _ and _ if Mr. Wylie had to put up any money . to make good his gurrantee the . cotnâ€" pany eimply took it from him without any right _ Nawn y Byâ€"Law 108, between the Hamllton Grimsby & Beammville Railway Comâ€" yany and the Corporation of the Vilâ€" lage of Grim«by, was _ passed . in Council on the 20th day of July, A. D. 1896, and was signed by Jas, Doran, Reeve and Jas.â€"Brodie, Clerk. In this byâ€"law was a clause govorn | ing the running of _ cars . between | Grimsby and Grimwby Beach . (Then Grimsby Park) and the company have. never lived up to it. \ ‘The clause :s as follows: 1 A special car shall run continuous y between _ Grimwby _ Village and Grimsby Pork from 6.30 a.m. to 10,30 p.m, each day from the first day _ of July to the first day of Septomber in each and every year, . provided tie said Company run any of their cars on any part of their _ lines during thoge Lours, the trips each way not to be more hour apart . and oftener if the public traffic "is suffâ€" clent to require it. _ Grimoby . FPati shall be understood _ to mean . th wouth side of the Grand Trunk Rail way track at Grimaby Park Station. During the balance of the year the Company may run gf!_ car service to the Park as they deem the conven lence of the public requires. _ Pm e ied Wt We are willing to bet a bushet . of peanuts to a cour apple that the H. G. & B. give a special service to the Beach next season and _ they son‘t ask Wylie for any guarantee elther. crvnudumnmmdnl.nk ing for a better road and footspath along the Ridge Road, . east from the Grimsby Mountain. Several applications were recelved for the positions of scale . inspector and road superintendents. Samue! Parker gave notice that 2e intended to fence in the path runâ€" ning across his property, known . as the Mountain Trail. A petition signed . by . A. _ C. Graham and three others . was rsâ€" ceived, asking _ the _ Council _ to build a cement sidewalk, three hun / dred feet long, past their properties on Robinson St., S., they to guaranâ€" tee the usual terms. Moved by Sutherland, seconded by Fleming, that Counciliors Alway and Roborts be Finance Committee for 1913. Yeaâ€"Sutherland, , Fleming, Roborts, Smith; nayâ€"Alway. Carried. (Moved by Floming, seconded by Alâ€" way, that leave be granted _ this \ Council to introduce Byâ€"Law No. 205 to appoint Township Officials for the year 1913. Carried. : Mfoved by H. 1 Roberts, seconded w9Rl AAIED S Ubctveca Moved by H. 1. Roberts, seconded by Sutherland, that the Byâ€"Law just read, be now read a second . and third time and do pass and that the Reeve and OClerk sign and _ seal the mu‘no_uhhnlnmcw soree T CCU0 Sss N s dinal Roberts, that the Byâ€"Law just read h.,.".‘.m.-lllldum and do pass and that the Reeve and Clerk sign and seal the same . uand wum..umm-.c:r- geennde C200 cake o4 possible moment, it‘s figures . PST light for power to supply a line _ of 8, 60 Watt Tungsten burners for the purpose of lighting the Grits ,,-,..u-hd:-uno(-hflll'- 60 Watt Tungsten burners for . the purpose of lighting . Grimsby -.#.M:‘“'“""*“ it 720000 00. heenors for purpost * 000C nA a line 0 -..‘..,.‘;ul-lhodfl'l ‘..“mmm for it. â€" Grimoby â€" Park the purpose of lighting the Woo!y®®: ton Mountain Road (if the comp"! extends it‘s line westwards); if t¢ municipality _ of _ North _ Grim#b" should decide to erect any or all 9‘ these lines. . Carried. Moved by Fleming, seconded _ NJ Sutheriand, that the petition . sign:d by Itrene Orow and 42 others _ re th¢ making of a waik on the north sil¢ of the road running from the {!0? of the Grimzby Mountain, east, . * recelved. _ Carried. _ wA a bndbindBlate d db onl hcwni Oe Een 29 t Z | reasonable requests laid before the \fntario _ Railway _ and _ Municipa! \ Board. _ Carrield. Moved by H. L. Roberts, seconde! by N. R. Sutherland, that the Townâ€" ship Council _ of _ North . Grimeb7, through their Reeve, urge upon Ui° County Council of Lincoln that they | take united action with the Counts Councils of the Province . to a@A!N| bring to he notice of _ the Ontario Government, the _ conditions arieing from the state of the main roads 0f} lau province owing _ to the damaz®| caused to the same by the increasio¢ heavy automobile traffic on them. . | | ‘These roads, in spite _ of the trt~ mendously_ Increased expenditure 01| them, _ are rapidly _ deterioratink, | which will mean another increase 0f \â€"JctDb FG&o &Sar wFole _ .! T23 county rates _ although _ these . a* {atready ro high that the | Township lcounclll do not feel justified in rais~ |ing the township rates enough _ to \ provide for progress in the Improvcâ€" iment of local roads. . ‘The rural community feels that 1| great injustice exists in that the au~; tomobiles which are largely responâ€" sible for the Increased cost in no way | contribute towards the upkeep of the roads and that in fairness the autoâ€" mobiles ought to pay a reasonable ta% | which should be devoted to the upâ€"! keep of these roads, thereby freeinz| sufficlent funds to enable reasonable | progress to be made on Jocal romds | without placing an undue burden on' the rural community. | We feel that this would be best acâ€" complished by the Ontario Governâ€" ment assuming the entire . maintenâ€" ance of these main roads. Carried.. Moved by H. L. Roberts, seconded by Sutherland, that a copy . of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the Township Councils _ of Lincoin requesting similar action at _ thelr earliest opportunity, C # Moved by Alway, seconded erland, that Book Bros‘. . off o place 100 cords of crushed stone :n boxes at their quarry at . $4.50 per cord, Counell to furnish and _ mov« ~rusher, be recelved and laid over to next meeting. . Carried. ‘Moved by J. Alway, seconded by !! 1 Roberts, that the _ following acâ€" counts be paid: S. Walker, W, Rd. Div. .... Election supplies, Municipal WoRIG .. .. .e +++s W. J. Drope, 30 loads gravel Oraid Trunk Railway, Grimaby Beach crossing for 1912, 15 wer cent of total .... .....> Election expenses for _ polling fbooth, 1913 ...« «. k« « ++ ++ «++ Albert Cole, moving crusher 4rom Bowslaugh‘s to Grimsby E OuaEey OE T. :: hi csl..â€" Council fees .. Carried. Moved by Sutheriand, seconded >‘ Fleming, that Roberts, Fleming an| Alway be a committee to intervio® claim against North Grimwby Coun cil and if possible make a settlemen with them. Moved by Alway, seconded by H. ! Roberts, that this Council do now s journ to meet again the 15th day en PC February, 1913, at 1.30 pam. Carric are all signs of the systom beln% clogged. The Liver and Bowels a* Inactive and the Stomach is wesk from undigested foods . â€"nd !*"‘ the g:l“ fruit remedy, _"" you feel like a new person. Ubnteilinisiend uu'-h--- g, June 2 mipeg, June 27. Aiter tuking three boxes of Fig Pills for stomach _ and troubles I feel strong and we! able to do my own work. Mre. A. H. S Sold at all dealers in 25 a» gent boxes or malled by The Pill Co., St. Ont. Sold in Grimsby _ by . The W Stewar* Drug Co. Limited. Mr. Jo'h'nâ€"""iitiif : Bfi‘;‘:‘"’l;'l'flu'l only human . natt ‘te a very interesting add: | i nothi | 1.;' church here on lnnfi!'_i um w;l 'mph'_â€"â€"â€"â€"-hm“ w C Acusilhcaod Apcaliniptane . W.l O 0_ O omemmmm JC k: 30 MB3 i listtrpn ‘ Mre. J. Bwackbammer and Mrw. Wâ€" Groff visited Mre. J. Waiters, Grime« by Beach, on Monday. Mr., Obris Groff is seriously M at time of writing. Mr. and Mre. Inoac __!n:tfl( lshll“ y shu Mn and M Sais > Mrs. Geo. Reid and Master Fimer Reld (Lower Thirty) spent the week end in St. Catharines. Mr. Frank Hurst bas beeu appo!S!~ THE _ INDEPEXDENT: GWsty, ortimo SALLOW SKIN Circles Under the FIG PILLS MOUNTAIN will â€" make by the $111 34 Dark | v 0@ to understand, 12 short man always asks the tal ,, [sky scraper for ber hand. | ; 0 the man who‘s six feet in bis socks| â€",. |will wed for good and al! | maiden who is passing falr, but _‘:“ only four feet tall. \ 13. The brilliant girl who takes the prize ;â€"ir_ fand outshines all the school. wnâ€" 14 more than apt to cast her fate in ‘*"\\ Imarriage 'ilrw-e fool. . 1. The learned man who knows his books | ;'-:': and has a sober mind ‘ t likely weds the dizziest ng | damsel he can find. | prettiest of all the girls will wed i' | |some crossâ€"eyed gink ark| Who doesen‘t look as though hel knew enough to even think \The homely . girl most likely hooks eing| |the handsome millionaire: ':.": frivolous maid weds a man who‘s ""j_ (loaded down with care. lh pious girl is apt to draw $Ome | jold nigh, prowlin‘ skate wake! Who doesn‘t think that 3 o‘clock is 4911. anywhere to late. your| The pastor of the church may draw a liver| social butterfly. | Who thinks more of her new fall bat ;"““5"‘- than mansions up on bigh. ‘ piz| The more you try to solve the thing, the less you really know, v. M.! Philosophers all gave it up some Cen | Auries ngo. | The mystery is fathomless, as much |_now as of yore, Y\!!*| i(s only human . nature, PUTC and 47°49 King Street East ed Road Commissioner for the Town ship of North Grimaby. «> Ur, Wolfenden has had . quite . A sucessful season in placing his cut flovers, tomatoes and greesLouse pro du«s, the supply in Toronto not beâ€" n nearly equal to the demand. ver 1000 of them take part in this wonderfal sale _ A coat to suit everybody, every want_d color and a great variety ol solor combinat M wizes, 54 to 42 _ E it and fresh from the factory, on sale t 20 conle oo t . . i i hP it so40" 2400 Goats for 81 95â€" €5.00 and 8.00 Conts for $3.50 i 68 Waist Sale, thequantity we never attempted before at this season of the year, and values we never could attain for you until th a y l:flll Wlnli.M.:.hSot and Lace Waists, lfll‘lm :m-plh Waists, Delaine Waiste, Luster Waiste, Cashmere Waists and Cashmerette W leas t n e o -'.I'-\O WI‘;‘I w."fim w‘;:o‘ 'lhl‘l.fl"-fl $1,00 Waiste for 2.40 $5 to 6.50 Waists for $3.75 P. «t very much veduced prices. _ : _ _ 25e:Vests for 19¢ 25e Corset Covers for 15¢ 35¢ Vest and Drawers for 25¢ 50¢ Vest and Drawers for 30¢ T5e Vest and Drawers for 50¢ §1 and 1.25 Vest and Drawers for Equal ‘Reductions in Children‘s Garments. Women‘s Warm Underwear Splendid quality of Vest, Drawers and Combinations at every wanted price. _ A grand cvllection of them and on sale Mill Ends of Flannellette, all white, 1 to 10 yard leagths, 15¢ values, per yard Striped Flannellettas, 34 to 36 inches wide, 12 1â€"2 to 15¢ values, per yard..... Milbends of fine Bleached Cotton, 36 inches wide, 12 1â€"2¢ values fOrirci. :s +s White Sheets, extra fine fimeh, 2 x 2 1â€"2 and 2 1â€"2 x 2 1â€"2, on sale $2.25 values for $1.50 ty $2.50 val e mmp]mscvobe is a bird that‘s Flannellette Hlankets, on saie, #1..0 value for $!.27 Bed Comforters, all filled with pure white batting, silkaline covered $1.35 for $1.99 $1.75 for $1.25 $2.25 for 81.80 ur Winter Clearing Sale Our Jazuary Whitewear Sale A Wonderful Bargain in Women‘s Sweater Coats is only two cases of small~ the village and both are geotâ€" nicely, The form is a very e and no fear is held of . its l BEAMSVILLE nd Mr#. Frank Riggons of iborne _ spent Sunday . in The Biggest and Best Mantle Offering of the Year are at This Sale Staple Department Bargains HITCHIN® BM UP : Children‘s Sweater Coats on Sale $2.50 Conts for $1.75 $1.00 Conts for 49¢ 7t The Biggest Waist Sale § cases of smallâ€" SHEA‘S LIMITED, Hamilton Are wonderful steady layers with me. 1 have had remarkâ€" able success with them and they certainly surprised me both as winter and summer layers. l raised over 200 pullets, some of which have been laying since August. 1 will sell a few good Pulâ€" lets at $3.00 a piece. 25 _ §2.25 for $1.89 _ $2.50 for $1.98 _ $3.75 for $3.19 JAS. A. LIVINGSTON °_ Grimsby of our subscribers quite a long time ME Oa h ANCONAS ‘Take care of them and they will tak» care of you. Nervousness, Headaches, Sleoplessâ€" ness and Dizziness often puzzle the best physicians. Wine times out of ten Eyestrain: is the cause. When doctors disagresâ€"Consult an lo-t'lhl can effect a permanent oure that does not remove the cause, That is what our scientifically fitted glasses do. Mave you: children‘s Eyos examined before starting their school tife. If you cannot call at my office, mail your broken glasses to me tor REPAIRING. | EXAMINATION and CONSULTATION Your Eyes Are A. D. ARMSTRONG Op.D. ___ Optometrist and Optician (Moner Graduate Philsdelphia Optical 3290 East King St., HAMILTON 8 minutes walk from Terminal Station Rebate on car fare to Orimaby pationts Your Breadwinners $1.75 value for $1.20 <4~ / /~" UREE.> SATISFACTION GUARANTEED $2.50 value for $1.89 $1.50 values for §1.19 \l Notice to Creditors and values we never could attain for NOTICE Is HERKBY GIVEN pursant to R. n.n.:‘f.l ap. I:l:-.,l.‘ .â€".ruu. that persons w claims w estate of Narah A. Patterson. deceased, late of the Vi: lage of Smithville, in the County of Lincoln, de: :â€"n-l. m“:-h:‘;lw:hfltyd retober, are requl sent vrepaid \or delivered to m’:‘-hnb-'. «a -:":r..- the soth h‘ of Juurh.\.lt.. 1003, their full numes and Addresses and full particalars of their elaims daly verified, and the nature of the securities if |lz. held by them. »i hn the ant ter the e 9t es io i w ore distribute the assests of the sabd estate the ru\h- entitled thereto, baving m:l% he elabus of which the sakd administrators tave then notice, and that the said admintstratore I-Ill not W said assets, -" any part of 'hn' nvel-h: m not m celve at the time such distribation is o made, w};;\'l ED at Grimsby this 30th day of December, W, A. Patterson, talwand Adkin. | _ Te Conte for 30¢ Lang Villa Fruit and Poultry Farm J. LANG, Proprietor Choice Birds for sale in the Barred Plymough Rocks Single and Rose Comb Lakenvelders S. S. Hamburgs See prizes won at Hamilton, Bran‘ford and Beamsville. THE NEW | FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STORE I have opened up a firstâ€"class Fruit and Vegetable Store in the building next to Rodgers & Greenâ€" away and solicit a share of your patronage. o 1 carry a full stock of Fruits, Vegetables, Candies, ‘Bacou, Ham, and Fresh Meats, Give Me a Call. J. WESLEY YORK Bell Phone No. 24 ring 5 Main Street _ + â€" _ GRIMSBY â€" _ sPECIAL CRUISE _ . AROUND THE WORLD Empresses of "Russia‘ CCCE 00 Wasifie Sitoam NC e oricoes pool April call at G . Vilefranche and Port Saill, proceeding via Suez, Colombo, uns oc Anr ids + dnc hoi . * C aaicl vemaits 16 days at Hong K Empress of Asia will -l-h'-.u" Mhaansks Rets ant Tokohamasarriving Van: is via "Empress of m!m"‘l. = RATE FOR ENTIRE CRUISE $639.10 time h.'gu.u ?u\-:'-‘l * Empress of Russla® stopover at 11 _ Get particulare from w Agents or M. 0. MURPHY, D. P, A., C. P. Rp., Toronto K. N. CULP, Agent, Orimaby Exect ... .. 8 1â€"te ....10¢ " and "Asia" i4(z

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