atie whality quies geios This is Our 0w n Norman. Â¥rom Kingston Daily British Whig, Dec. 4th The evening programme of the Con eert in Cooke‘s Church, Kingston, Dec. $nd was a specially strong one. But of many there who were good, the enterisiosr of the ovening was Norman C Melatyre, of Beamevilio, a wember €, Moluty ce ‘The Benmeville Express was effered for public sile on Friday of last week, but was héld by the reserved bid, which was made up of claims by Mr. Riggine and Nr, Bywater, It was reported later _ Mr.._ Riggine had _ closed a deal with Mr. Bywater for the paper. Mr. C. E. Hall hns secured the services of Miss Herthn Finbow for the Xmas season. The children of the «Presbyterian Sunâ€" day Senool ure busy practising for the Annua! Xmas tree. . As the veeal part is under the leadership of Mr. H. Forsythe it is gure to be a brilliant success. Miss Myrile Book, of Grimsby, is the guest of her friend, Miss Belia Wood, Miss Leanore and Norman Wright have returned from a visit at Burlington Beach. Rev. 8. M. Jonegintends eontinuing his schoo! after Xmas as he has a splendid elnss in training. _ Rome of our young men pald Grimsby a flying visit on Sunday night. Mr, Dunean Mavor has returned from a business trip to Chicago. Very fecling references were made in the different churches on Sunday last, in memory of the aad bereavement which befell Grimaby on the Sunday night previous. Mre. A. L. Conse, who has had a servere attack of Is grippe is recovering. â€" Mr. -lflu;d Nelles was visiting at the Couse House on Sunday. Mr. R. Constable, of Thorold, has returned to town, to resume work in the Quarry. Mis« Astle and Master Lotne, of St. Davids, who have been the guests of Mre. Wim. Astle have returned home, Mre. D. B. Poole has fully recovered after her recent illness. Messrs. J. Jenningsand D. Campbell, of Toronto, were guests at *‘ In verguie" over Eunday, Miss Scott, of Arnprior, is home for the holidays. Miss Jean Gibson has returned from a pleasant visit in Toronto. The town is rather quict agnin since the departury of the modelstudeni«. Engpector Irelnd and Prineipal Talbot baving cempleted the series of examinations on Triduy. * Miss (â€"n Smith, of Jordan, was visitâ€" ing friends in town last week. A number or the citizens attended the funeral in Grimsby on Thursday. Deposits of $1 and upwai M-lll:: 8 per cent |-rrpl'nl 4ate of deposit, and compot DEPOSIT RECKLFT® IM®UKD, Paidâ€"up _ $ 740,711 Relarre Pand * * i1006 Deposits 220,047 Assets 1 163 553 Open Saturday Evenings from 7 to § Sunscringo Cartran _ â€">_ + $1,300,000 Fully Subscaibed at 25% premium. The Sovereign Bank Extracts from Government Returns: May 31,‘02 Oct 31,‘02 Aurnonizeo Cartrat _ + _ $2,000,000 Ingersoll & Kingston, Barristers, Solicitors, Ete, Money to loan at lowest rates on real estate 8I, CATHARINES BEAMSVILLE, over Post Office, _ Prompt attention given to Collection ol ale Notes. C D B. CROMBIE, Managor. t. Catharines Branoh. No, 3 James Sranet. Current Accounts opened, Notes dissounted. Monsy ‘Onders and Drafts bought and sold. Advances made to Farmers‘ on their own Boamasville Express Sold Beamsville, Dec. 17. Saving Bank Department‘ Of Canada. ira 0 w tC the (a Mr, Molatyrs very 1 upwards received. Tnâ€" per anpum allowed from compounded balfâ€"yearly. who was $1,173,478 240,000 1,081,730 3,855,203 You‘ll want your stoves set up and your stove pipes over-hmx!u'.i T‘ll do the work and save you time and trouble, f ‘ I‘ve got a splendid second hand coal cook stove for sale cheap. ‘ I have a few New Air Tights just inâ€"will run off from $5 to $ All kinds of Tinware, granitware, stoves, etc. ® ‘ Repairs for any stove got promptly. Best Engine Gasoline, the only right article for gasoline engines and boats, etc., kept on hand, About Your New Cvercont. ‘ Time to see sbout your new over~ coat. That‘s what the weatherman aays and be‘s an authority who must be raspected. You rely: on us to nll‘ you the best possible for your money and we do. Don‘t misjadgo our little prices, . These we speak of below for instawnce, They are equal to those sold in the high renc stores at hall as much again and we ourselves have sold them for mors. _ Grosvenors made up in every desirable fabric with good trimmings, $7.00, (rosvemors, a special line at $10.00. Leith‘s Old Stand, Coy Bros. & Southcott, 69 St. Pav!l St., ST. CATHARINES St. Catharines Leading Hardware Store. Looking After the Drainage. _ Alderman W. J. Reid has been busy during the past week arranging for the disposn! of the water on King Street, and which will come down the hill along side of the new tramway. He bas put in sewer pipe down Ontario Street as far as Reeve Carr‘s house, and wiJl,@qrvey all the water off King Street in that direction. question of a high or low tarif! is being discussed. â€" Monest discussion is what the neople of Canada want, . It will be inters H ora The sewer pipe will be covered over so that it will give increased width to road and at the same time do sffective work as a drain. Telephone High Tariff Vs. Low Tariff. The great question before Canadians toâ€"day is the tariff. _ From ons end to the other of this broad Dominion the PFire! Fire! PFire! My Planing Mill has been destroyed by fire, but I am pleased to be able to say that a large amount of lumber, shingles, lath, eagh doors, eto., was saved, and 1 shall be pleased to have all my old cus tomers and as many new ones as will favor me with their patronage, Call on m unn‘cl 1 't& ï¬""'"'l"fln unu to the my ability. ® Vh_lllo reee ive any cn-‘uou for new building and carpenter work. & eald and Fixing up for the Winter. di G. A. Tecter COY BROS & SOUTHCOTT n Halters, Rope, Nails, Hay Knives, Prunning Hooks, Horse Clippers, in fact everything you need is here. We carry everything the farmer needs for winter. _ Forks, Shovels, Chains, Hammers, Saws, Axes, tools of all kinds. Cow Chains, Farrar, Clothier, 5 Market Square Jus. A. Hewitt, kly 4 thi ir of Montreal opp Town Hall, im por ta aIi) y lp\ni- aro invited to give their views. Farmers, manufacturers, importers,otc., "II have an opportuaity to expres: themseives, The.Family Heraid, being |a purely nonâ€"political prper, absolutely 8 independent of all political parties or |interests, is the one paper in Canada f wherein such an open discussion can | be carried on, _ With the Family ; Herald and Weekly Star‘s immense | cirealation at every post office in the I Dominion, this will be a â€"splendid opâ€" | portunity for theloaders of both partios to air their views on the tariff question, and the public will naturally expect to hear from them through the Family Herald and Weekly Star, The dis cussion will be watched und read with interests. tIP. L The Ningara, St, Catharines and Toronto Railroad Company has decided to coutinue their line from Port Dai« housie to Hamilton. Ground was broken at Port Dalhousie last week. In a interviow with Mr. E. E. Seixas, Tus Ixoepexpest was informed thit it had been definitely decided long ago to extend the line to Hamilton, but on account of being delayed with work in Now York Stato, and further on account of the fact that it was imâ€" possible to got men this fall, the work was laid over until spring. As soon an it is possible in the spring to work the ground, the construction work will be pushed forward in order to reach Hamilton next yearif possible Mr, Seixas says that the road now controls suflicient through freight to earn running expenses and he expects to develop largo frait and passenger trado along the route of the new road. The road will run closo to the lake from Port Dathousia to Jordan Harbor, it will heo atrike Beamaville, Grimshy Park Anothor Railrond. BEAMSVILLE One Saturdayâ€"only four -hopging daysâ€"remain to complete your Christmas shopping. Shop in swfe storesâ€" it is so embarrasing to give a present that falls short of one‘s intentions. This big store is perfectly safe for the moreâ€"or» lees hurried boliday shopping We not only promwise to make things right but have made sure that things are right. Shop as soon as you can, and in the morning, if possible. Every department has i1s best offerinzs to the front and the choice offered you is the beat that can be bad in the Ningara district Christmas Shopping BEargains in Men‘s Boots, This is a very nâ€:ortnm offering for men to save 50e and 75e on the regular price of felt and long boots. These are good boots for winâ€" ter wear. ‘The descriptions and prices speak for themselves. They will be on sale Saturday in the Shoe Dopartment. ~_Men‘s Felt Boots; gmhnm";“mcklu; felt lined to toes; ‘1 25 felt tops; all aizespreg price $1.75: Saturday * = * Men‘s Felt Roots; oil grain leather, felt lined to the too s] 5 a«nd felt tops; all sizes; reg $200; Saturday, _ _ â€" . â€" Wr.OO Men‘s Long Boots; solid leather pegged soles; all new sI 50 goods; all sizes; reg $2.25; Saturday â€" â€" = * Mclaren & Co.,McLaren & Co., Ebony Goods. Realbony hair brushes, direct from »Dupont, the maker. France. Best French Bnistles; $125 to $2; '“g sterling silver mountings $1.50 to $2 25 Real ehony clothes brushes, $1.25, ings, $1.50 and $1 75. Real ebony hat brushes, 7 fl'i‘h mountings $1 ; handled hat brushes, Real ebony military brushes, pair, $2.25 to $3; with sterling. silver mountings, $2 75 to $3.50. Real ebony hand mirrors, with best bevel plate glass; $1.25 to $1.75. ' Gold plated photo frames, 65¢ to é Mirrors g..:; to $1.75+ paper weights in onyx and stand, fT to $1 50 ; ink stands, $1 to "’u; Can labra, $1 to $3 ; bandled hat brushes, _ $1 25 to $1 50 ISmw‘n.'r'« metal sets, $|.ni 18 §2: metal match and toothâ€"pick holders, Cutters, 60¢ ; with railing, 7o¢; hand rail, swan nocks, $1 50. Daby‘s sleigh, soljd I-M!IL box, reverâ€" 35e to 75¢; metal canlabras, from 35e to 1%:‘ Mirrors with oxydized frames, $1 to $2. Bevel glass mirrors on easels $1 each. Hand mirrors, 10e to 85¢. sible handles, $1 up to $175° | Steel body, nicely patnted, strong steel axle, steel wheels, $275, $3. Express wagons, wood wagons, wood boxes, iron wheels, $1.19 to $2 50, Wheel borrows, tron box and iron Novelty Goods. whecl, 40¢, 750; all wool, 156. Drums, 25¢ to ;I. Whips, 5¢ to 25¢. Reins, 15¢ to 35¢. Building blocks, 25¢. Chiffonieries, desks, sideboards, 25¢. Sewing machines, $2 ‘Tool chests, 25¢ to $1. . Jack:inâ€"box, 5e to 25¢ Dishes, 5¢ to $1.50. Cruets, 20, 25¢. y Trunks, 25, 756. Dolls, rockers, high chairs, 10¢, 15¢; $1.50 ; with steriing «ilver. mount cradles and beds, 25¢. Chairs, 19¢. Metallaphones, 50¢. Horses, $1 50 to $4 50. Punch and Judy, 50¢. Magic lantern, s'-,llflo $1.50. Red, white and blue horn, 10c. Morns: 5 to 25¢. Musical toy, 10, 15¢: Tops, 5¢ to 156. Soldiers‘ suits, goe to $1.25. Man in swing, 25¢. Jumping jacks, a5e. Pop gun, 5¢ 10 256. Swords, :ï¬ asement. Toilet Sets. Printed 10 piece toilet sets, $1.50 $10. 4 ts o I’ril'l:;l 12 piece toilet sets, $7.50 to 14 Vases. _ MeLAREN & Co. mlan bise vases, 15¢ Iton vases ‘Ji;- ! ; 5o, $6. $7.50, $9, $ Toys. This store will be open evenings: Saturday, Dec. 20th, 10 o‘ciock p. m. Monday, Dec. 22nd, £:30 o‘clock p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, 8:30 o‘ciock p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 24th, 10 o‘clock p.m. Nuf $o, $10 $1, to sc to $1 go. ;J?ol 55. and §11, Tâ€"H A R LNE S. Lamps. >~ :(leccgliov,\.hmpn, S.:hup to $17 50. langing lamps, with canopy spring vory best. brass material) made by the famous Bradley & Hubbard Manufacturing Co, of New York, $4. $5.50 and $7 50. x Dinner Sets. 98 piece dinner sets $3 95 to $12z.â€" _‘ 20 inch Japan taffeta, Lyons‘ dye and finish, 30 shades, 25¢ Lnd ' 27 inch Japan taffeta, full variety of colors, éoc yard an inc‘;| visha silk, 15 shades, 506 yard. 20 inch French taffeta, latest shades.for to waists. 75e yard. _ Black Moire silk, $1, $1:25, $1.50. Cream Moire silk, $1.25 and $1 50. 3 Black Taffeta. _ 20 inch black taffeta, 50e 22 inch, 65€ 23 im-.h.lzsc ; 26 inch, $1. C eau Dnbgoi. 20 inch black Peau Soi, 15C; 21 isnch. $1; 22 inch, $125; 23 inch, â€" $130 6 A large range of ladies‘ silk patterns in lengths of 314 yards, each at $1, 1.25, 1.50 2, and $2.50 yard. Perrins "Lassalle," in black, white, tan brown. gray, navy, natural beavers; 2 clasps; gusset fingers embroid:zâ€" ed backs in black, white and self, $1. Perrins "Marchioness" French kid, in 2 .l Cl‘lp!.- .l. °-' En gpncith in Fmg:' Suede (3Iovsn in black and :uyi. pique seam, 2 pearl clasps, 1.‘50 s l’elï¬n’l silk lined Mocha, in I;h:t -s rays, 2 clasp pique seam, $1. Mgchlglovn in brown and psl‘;l,a clasps, pique seant, 81. Mocha |lorhe:P:n_an. h.'n and grays, a c pique sewn, $1.25. I'lvem’n: Suede Gloves, elbow length black, $2; $1.75. Centre Tables. Partor, solid oak, 24x24 inch fancy turned legs, brass claw lea.wg;.m Parlor; quarter cut oak and birch mahogany; cloyer leaf design; under shelf, $3. 50. rtuscil Parlor; chippendale design; quarter _ cut ouk; top 24x24; under bracket, _ neatly designed, $4.50. Wieg Mahogany; . colonial _ style: â€" highly \ polished, correct drawing room table $8. Limited. Gloves. Silks, For Saturday. 11 LIMIT FD