Grimsby Independent, 6 May 1899, p. 6

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KID GLOVES 50C 4â€"button, plain stitch backs well finâ€" f ished quality, OBly . . «. «« ++ «++ ++ KID GLOVES T6C 10 dozen of our best $1.00 and §1.25 Gloves have been redaced to this p-uhl'fl-loâ€"hllvdy-llh' KID GLOVES $1.00 "\\ Our special in black and colors, 2 dome fasteners, embroidered backs, guaranteed quality .. . . ansfiarcd KID GLOVES $1 25 This line is equal in wear and appearâ€" ance to any €1.50 Glove, has emâ€" Our Millinery °C N the Home Missions. | / A delighted crowd it was that left the basement of the Methodist church on Friday evening last after partaking of a nice Juneb and heariug the debate resolved that @Britain as 8D Empire will decline." The occasion was AD sat home" given by the Epworth League and the parties to the debate se 80 ©5° P\ uy (J, Nelson for You do yourself an injustice if you fail to see our Millinery, which competent eritics have pronounced the prettiest and most wearable in town. _ Come and pass your CREPONS 59C :gâ€"-nâ€"uâ€"umm 5e quality, on sale this week at.. 69c BLACK FIGURED LUSTRES 25C Wlfl:l:lfld.:l&vmlfi: m"nlu.................... 26¢ BLACK HENRIETTAS 50C Tsd moon se Part h mt BLACK SATIN 59C 1 piece of our new Black Satin at 780 turned hore last week. Geo. Kennedy, of Montana, is here on a visit to his brother Jacob. Geo. Tanner visited in Hamilton on Friday. Ambrose Snider and Nelson Cart wright, who went to Muskoka to take up land, returned on Friday. They do not think much of that part of the country. E. Marlatt n-lhA.‘.Akl:::.h: Che «pside nt & > week -iu:z:nd Mr. J‘M’l old friends. + Harry Couse was home from Buffalo over Sunday. Art Glover, of Nisgara Falls, wheol« ed here on Sunday to speid the day with his parents. y Mre. John Tanner is spending a fow days in Buffalo. n ies 2 ks corseTs 50c See our special line of Pink Corscts Abranam Warde Wardell, who have winter in Detroit McKay Bros. 55â€"57 King St. E., Hamilton to the 450""2 14 werd W. Schofield were for the NORMN rolforces, â€" Wiltis Merritt _ Mitf The I Miss MeArthur had q-m'. tusk in deciding . the questiOt» as al} the participants spoke | exceedâ€" Ingly well, but sns n sn itative. decided in favor of the affirmative. / U E0. wWade a wd‘ ll)d MB VCO were B Y "*C° "/j . Gillespic We@re M _ liLa the affirmative and W . Schofield were aurid .â€"-“Uil; Loudlcicatl broidered 2.dome fasteners, und is made in both hlack colors. $1.25 Siapose of it at, Thursday, May Smithville, , Wardell and Miss Enma holnnbnulwndill“” Detroit and Chiengo, reâ€" We ie & will be| in ddol‘ AI _ The many friends of Miss Maad flip-uvillngnthhul“lh‘ is agnin iL Mr. A. C. Thomas, of .Oa'fi"‘. Tex., h.hfl. ® ,’:__"llz 2 ‘;I: by n New Discovery for cured by Dr. King‘s Now Discovery for Consamption. Coughs and Colds. _ He declaree" that â€" gold is of little value in covery than. has yet been made in the Kmi‘h. For years he suffered nfi mm-imn marvellous cure;. have it, even if it cost a hundred flnnh‘h& Asthma, bronchitis all throst and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King‘s New Di covery for consumption. Sold at any drug _ store. MLduM-ul 81. Ounun‘hunorurin tefanded. Sold by Murray Fitch, Grimsby. / Mr,. A. Book has improved the apâ€" pearance of his buildings with a cost of paint. Mr. and Mis. S. Wardell has reâ€" turned from a visit at Dunnville. “â€"Ii;.-.-d Mrs. J. VanDyke, of Grimaby, were visiting at W. Telfer‘s last Sunday. _ Farmers are very busy at present seeding. iesA e x Mrs. Geo. Douglas is visi her -nhrut.thnFnlh,N.\"l..‘ Mrs. Stephen Montgomery, we are glad to bear, has arrived at her desâ€" tination. Jcinyl.uuhhlph‘ow in seeding. Mre. W. B. Darham has been visit ing at J. H. D. Walker‘s, of Grimsby. _ J. Marlow and Miss Mina Mackie, t Jericho, were visiting at J. Southâ€" David Fisher and Miss Edna Game were visiting at her parents Sunday. Mrs. Muir and Miss Barr, of Grimsâ€" by, visited here last Saturday. All the pn{k .‘::undhhn u; so busy at present t ve no time to go to“'hmu.n:: there were no at station; bot even our friend W.H. _ We under stand Mr. W. D. Brand intonds going to Leamington soon. Mr. Edward Turner aad Mr. Vinâ€" cent Jackson were in Vinemount last wook. s o ‘The concert held at Tweedside on the 25th ulto was a decided success, A Hamilton ghl Iaughed for four hours the other day without stopping She must have heen l‘-:“l' the ln:r :’;:I-?Wul'l- ‘Branod in last week‘s I «dependent; Sold at Murray Mr, and Mrs G. Shouidis, Hamilâ€" lon.\nnlhn-ud Mr. and Mrs. Watson Muir over Sunday. Mre, Wim. Crown returned home from Hamilton this week. y Miss E. Felker, ‘l'rnovu. was un...-m ‘of Mrs. R. 11. Folker last wi . Miss Edith Muir,. who hl‘b:en vl:i;iâ€";‘ friends in Hamiton CUMUB the past week has returned home. Mes. R. H. Folker was in Hamilton h.v; week. R. T. M RBWD NCC+ R. T. Miller and H. Bertram, Vineâ€" mount, called on friends here on6 evening last week. You can get your seed oats, whent and grass peas, and also '::; T PROTL COTIONâ€"a€ she What is Shiloh ? A grand old remedy for Cugh.CoId-\ and c«nnrio-; used throughout the world for half a century, has cured inâ€" numerable cases of incipicnt . coosompr tion and relieved many in advanced stages, . If you are not satiefied with the results we will refund in-r money. *‘ on ate . 5Q ets. and $1.00. whent SS BMUC CFB P American corn lorl;'d or seed at ware house hore from G. W, Muir. Price 25 ots., â€"â€"I reprosent .# large amount 0f money which 1 can lond / at 5, 5§ «o4 6 rofl. accordiog to the sizo of loan. Sas, A. Livingstun, Grimaby. Beats the Kilondike, District News. Grimeby Centre. Graasio‘s Yonge Street, W. D. Brand intends going Vinemount. in Hamilton during Fitch‘s Drug Store. era vimg_and 9 \b-hvln n-::n' little lli.'- -&|| “'Ir'n lln:l + 8 ing apparols maile: toâ€"order "'{"co‘:: C':vll;a;'l uil‘ Emr such lb!.. and only the 200C |CoRnF U 00 wolas with his work can at the |‘({‘ | m., I. G. Housor‘s orchard. _ Mrs Waiter Tufford has returned from a visit to the Western States. bought Fish poles, lines, hooks, floaters, &c. and fish farns at Morrow‘s. ~ An entertainment under the aus fi; and for the benefit of the echanics Institute, was given in the town hall on Fridsy eveming last, dsc how an Esu d Eesd C ie mc en o_ music, {.cy drill, etc., was nml-ntl{ in fine style. Results about $32.00. Owing to dental troubles Rev. Dr. Macintyre was unable to ov:nq his :lpit on Sunday last and Rev. James ackie took his place at the morning service and Rev. Mr. Miller presided in the evening. versary services will be held in the new church on Sanday, May 14th, when the Rev. Mungo Fraser, of Knox church, Hamilton, will (D. V.) preach morning and evening. _ An immense conyregation will no doubt be present to hear the eloquent rev. gentleman. 2 4o Wls eA s etaPamme t 0 Mm With a little care in giving only amounts at first, and when the cow is bungry, she will eat bean straw and soon come to like it for a While the sheep take naturally to bean straw and to the grain itself, there are many who grow beans who do not thange as well as the hay or corn staiks which are her regular diet. Bean straw is very nutritious, and as it causos wind on the stomach it should be given with caution to breeding stock, either ewes or cows, lest it should cause uborâ€" tion. ‘The refuse beans that are often thrown away may mflh ground and mixed with corn as fed for hogs They are very putritions, more to than corn.â€"Boston Cultivator. Li AQ coeadbed‘s hnd ns â€" in ter m â€"PHF of corn put it in the fire. ‘This should have been done at busking time, but some smut may have been overlooked then and developed since. If all farmers would stamp out the corn smut wherâ€" ever found the disease could soon be eradicated. Feeding it to either cows or hu.uhdmdm.h(hnullmny to send it to the manure pile, where it will propagate very rapidly Besides, it is a serious danger to the animals to \vhkhlt is fed, especially if they are bearing youngâ€" â€"Boston Cultivator. GEO. E. MILLER, Bean Straw For Feeding Cows, Feeding $mutty Corn. . ~* Whenever you edftthiraâ€"suntty car fi! UR NT PCOYCO imitor who takes pains with â€" We elaim to be: lar and the fussy la whhet N000 C009 We have the right quality of cloth tables are epread with English, Noot Canâ€"dian Cloths of high grade, and w the <kili and experience to out and curately and expert workmen to ca the work perfectly. $40, $55 and $75 LEVELAND Phipps Bros. GRIMSEY. GRADUATE OPTICIAN. onmnmsny. DIFFERENT MEN quality of cloth Our| h English, Seotch and igh grade, aud we have ence to out nnd fit nes wotkmen to carry out BICYCLES to pleaseithe particuâ€", anni We Sell Goods Cheap Just received a fresh supply of Everything in the Confectionery line Fresh, C.P.R. TELEGRAPH AGENCY. MAIN STREET, â€" â€" GRImssy T have a fine flock of Pare Bred Imâ€" rhl Pekin Ducks, imported direct rom Jas. Rankin, South Easton, Mass. ‘These Ducks are the most prolific lay: ers and finest table fowls of Duck varieties. Eggu for hatching, #1.00 per setting of 11. JOHN KERMAN, Grimaby. at the: ',m-'"“' t time, _ For further P w{luon BrrrRax. Vinemount. Culp Br(?g-s BUT NOT CHEAP GOODS CHILDREN‘S COUGHS QUICKLY CURED. Ing eoldâ€"will run out of doors not ‘bed clothes off at night. in What‘s mother going to do about it 1 Mustn‘t neglect the children‘s Coughs ‘and Coldsâ€"might end in Croupâ€"and Croup end fatally or weaken the lungs THAT BOOK AGENT. The Pastor, "Good morning, Hro. Rocerts, what makes you look so sad this mornieg I‘ Bro. R. "I have come to say goodâ€"bys, Mr. Brown, for I am out of employ ment, and must go back to England." )l:;.-dhn now qn their children Pr. Wood‘s Norway Pine Syrup. The Pastor, . ‘"Go back to England to get employment, what nonsense ! 1 can got lots of work fur a young man like you in this country." $ It‘s niee to take, and cures all kinds of Coughs and Colds more -i-l-kly and effectually than any remedy Â¥re. R. 1. Leonant, Parry Sound, Ont., writess 1 have used Dr. Wood‘s Norway Pine Syrap for Coughs and Colds of myself and also of my baby. llunn-mm-.o.u.d-hnu--' -;-o-‘-unnlnuuh&-" Price 25¢. â€"Bananas â€"Oranges â€"Lemons â€"Maplo Sugar â€"Gocoanuts â€"Peanuts, Eto. Bro. R. ‘Well, I have hunted high and low and ean get nothing, so what am I to do!" ‘The Pastor, _ "I tell you what you can do, Bro. Roberts,take an axency for a good book, for there is money in canvassing." Pekin Duck Eggsâ€" â€" Bro. R. ‘‘Do you think 1 would stoop to book canvassing !" : The Pastor, (Somenhat warmly.) . "8toop to canvassing ! Better wmeu than you have eanvassed. 1 put myself through Colege with a book prospectus, and 1 know many successful men who got their start in life as canvassers, . My youngest son is canvassing now, and he makes enough at the busincss to pay his way at the Univessity, 1 induced a man who failed in business, to take up can vassing, and he made cnough money to start business again. . I gave the same advice to a young mechanic, who was out of employment, and he is now a prosperous Publisher, _ Why, PILLS offects, 25. at all druggists, . 25¢. at all druggists, FOR SERVICE. lnllol-o?mouumh-mh- DC DHA_Will ean aut of dcors not some of the biggest men in history have been book agents ! . ‘Stoop to canvassing! ; you are very fortunate that you can step up to it. 1 advise ‘- to write to the Bradleyâ€"Garretâ€" son Ca., Timited, Toronto, Ont., for this firm publishes, 'l':'oi'-lh-r"'i;i' and I know ma :'bo are doing well in its :l'h[ ® ,..':..,, EM En te i k Bro. R -'f.. sorry for 1..‘“[ as I did, for 1 was certainly wrong, 1 will write The Hradleyâ€"Garretson Company and see what they have to offer, ulnl will postpone my deâ€" jorture in the meantime," fe. Ev “!“h. just nul-nlln.fil:'fl-“"' we been placing large orders for Spring ::l Summer Shoos, l:"' "‘"“"“. |.I..y offer many lines now im thel a° B CHEC PMR C OO NncES filfi-h*hfl‘n‘-h new On one table will be placed a lot of Weâ€" men‘s Oxford Shoes, ranging in price from You can have your choice of these for $1.25. On another table will be placed a lot of Women‘s Buttoned Bonts ranging in :bl from §3 to §6. You con have your of these for $2. Also on this table will be found a line 0f" Girls Round Toe Buttoned Boots, price $1,60, for 1. c:':un-nld:-b'h we ve ,"' "iyy ce Mz aevertment of Men‘t e en fl-lh-bm in any store in g._.hhpunulhfil- and other fines J. D. CLIMIE, LEGS ENTIRELY RAW From his feet to his body,. and ran a blood tinged, irritating wateor. Mrs. A. Keirstead, Snider Mt., N.B., toll how her little boy suffered, and how 30 & 32 KING ST., WEST, HAMILTON .'.&quw and cured for The TMT , but, mark you, eight years ’“n,rh“.-:-'#m m There is not m s mother in this land who has a child suf~ hdn‘-h-*h&- will thank Mro, Keirâ€" N.B. :'“““l.‘a .B., P thoremarkable man~ l Preday s oarck \ , was of one of the sever= rarbor keimereap, ¢st and most tortur» I.“:‘&h‘huul by the use of Burdock Bitters ; and not only relieved and cured for the time letter :â€" .7.,‘%1“ itude 1 can testify to theâ€" wroniong roiinet | motens af Durdenis Blood Bitters. it years ago our MB nl.l‘uldy.'m“'fl“"‘. and was in a dreadful condition. His legs, from the soles of his feat to his body, were entirely raw, and ran & bloody water, which appeared to burn and itch until he was often in great agony» " After several remedics, we reâ€" soived to give B.B.B. a trial "You can imagine with what delight and gratitude we saw our boy entirely WINONA NURSERY and y PB BA OROL eu-::\.:‘rfln,mwllcu"!lfl“ the second. We gave him the remainder ninnenin in naieageg « never had a sait rheum or a sick day. . You "‘5“‘ wonder that 1 think there is no other -odkhlcnqulwimlllm Wymwflhflupmm strength." Full line of stock, both frait and Ornamental at ver{ moderate prices. Send for price list and cnt.loq\uo. Those 'hhiuf to buy will find it to their interest to see one of our agents. or eorrespon d at oncewith For a Good Shave or a Good Hair Cut THOS. E. STONE, Opp. store of Wim. Forbes, A new stock of new seasonableâ€" .m_dld_sll!hll_lt Morrow‘s. Call and sae for yourselves. B.8.8. cured ET AST" MANAGER wWINONA, OnT W. SMITH for A Select Stock of Cigars, OFFERS FOR SPRING OF 1899 Razors Honed, 15¢. the Parisian Steam Laundry G rL M EY .

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