NEW TIME TABLE ELECTRIC BMW" -cGii.Giu Iii-nu " no B. n. and I." uh “no! can“ " Mlle. I. luv-o Ion-will- " "' I. I. at"? " err "__, __ '.." Firiiiri, 'iiGiiik ". 1.. (thin I...- “ “I Mrmhuldhu'l'hhh" “I but. Faith-much." A“. [ t,1tttttt2til Id. "+ was!“ " a tatt/tr/ttit NT.'tt,t I' o . u‘lbhlJcn-vilv. i he. the lupin “an. It. luv. P. B. m. of Bulb}. 'to-ttut-ot-ts 'rdttiate" in fiiiiii coal-cues. d which hotly h (In Pundit“. Dull. an no Mill-“1"!!- - 'Y I? A I "TIRMTIKO t I T I n. - WIT! I“ ("V.) P. B. nun-on. nun-Id WM P.raV.u-- Woul. â€I“ and Unable to land "ttquo-Pt" Pul- qun In- “In. G Selby. iste and In. Baum have won " Mail than Ill tte, for Mr null-in. and ninth Chisinau work. Ila-n “In "I! Mm. t$trtstttto no unwind Illll‘ End-l partly-h. All Mr mutation Vin; been Lurumed to the use ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I Importer o! the Bonn In an to interview ber. In npl loll-o er'o â€(ion In. Straw; "id 'Grd'. L'rA'l'd' gnu! hon-mud by Dr. Willi-mt Phi " ad In my willing to in In exp-done- an an dull-d, Iliad night In brortittod. In. Banno- I-H that but.“ nod" to “by aha Ind been - tun-bind sr . unbu- oonln' In"! her lids-I . . “A _,__2_ A _Ll‘h .34 .m- tint m' w.) Ihkh. than uh (all. Ht ll tre hadnbuf -llve um niclln. I _ Former I "" Ila Ind m'W‘mL' tt, "Ill with 'lt II I y . a nu cot-[q Jud-Id and .5in nap-d :g2ape't,,ttMa'r't thi. - The um and " tq ma “In Linn. Mr. Sunle- had honou- gmlly Aland u but maln- cl bank, gt it Gl [and ttt I In - uln. mum Lulu". the, late In. Wen-r, a! i-rotrll, bad but nun-I, mick-n, n. about the - meiul I you" My in an»... than Mr Stratum bad I..." ’0va “aloud. who Ind been and br Dr. Willi-mi Pink Pilu, lt In. dour-lined to give tin-In I Mr ' When Mm. Strum beg-n tting the Pink Pill- .ln wu very thin uni her-yum bully run dawn, but l'h', taking an; “I'll; In. “no, nynptomlo pu- diu and. and the found her bum: Ind Tal', "and Ind [our - inure-nod. In. Strum in Ibo“ lay yarn ol lmd A man Inc-Icky, volume, Ind younger lookinghdy In widow an n that up. ""eeTett. . . a whim“ Pilll ind down ior'u- '"P. Mr. Shanon mid, "look " her, look at but, “ain't Ibo Ihov it," In! tho "you" could nu Inc admit (In With at an “Ith Dr. Thlluw Pill Pilk no a on tslit an to: Bil linu- mh " an tg,tlnttr, ttheat, .F l ' "utusr . " on. gvipp, In. ennui“, hunk, [lad-II, din-Io "Ydrue, "mms. up. Thy.“ also tMt tank can“! 'et" .to.Y all any... nun-II- run-u- up ur- - I’m-I M ,'mtlt,t tmeeirkU, sad all IU' hul- Inhnn, DIM The Pastor's Wife. BUS LINE. palm“ “HUI. In. A. LIVIIOI‘I'OI, -- It. Had “I Marl-l uh iri,i.rftiiiirjeiit,iifii,ri'ih5 Dr. Wink-3’ . I Nb my in bed ,ruldeyyairtedyttt.b, eil I"- D I. Willi-.6 loll-(.3 2nty.: Bmkvilk. OIL. or Suit-loud), . " “Io-II“ 50:,de but: ke " so. Thrice-I “it than pill. In to†uh I â€In. of Irv-um: coup-min- ly ileum-In n conspired with “Mr undia- or “in! mumâ€. normal. Dhnovory. 1 lennox. Aug. '.'.9.-A mama? Jinan-er, in undo on the term of who Ran-luau Company u Napalm Milk on Wetland-y. A In»; oi men were dining tor lam all, UM“ they diamond, and" lbw! on loot d ..eth,tslehtmtert. nu! or In.“ an. I - hi!- 'tukitsg In the hunt. mm, in ut cub-d hyping-guy kind at has. It. hilt In thanâ€. that " iet_iitd_i.tttett'r an. 2.1,2tSl'rgra1 but. ea. dppgn.“ in My -r, i?i5i,?.Fieiid -- Gak. nub- you! up. It“ and - Jai. "NV-W- iitetd, re G7iaTi. aG.iiiiirdoism la "n ram.- tf “wk-#1.?! I Tttt' dud-y his: Tuba m 0 i.‘ mu ,At.2ht.' and l',,','.',".','" 'dp', J. 2.80 I. I. Inc! 4.3:: p. I , trunk ileum Bunnvillu " D " n... In"! "ry Climb) to lb-tsit, 20' 30. " The Put toe II. " The Tim, M- â€I Pun-l- nl Mill-I an“ n bl mm from we. Ir. I’m-r mun liab- u- In lieu-unlo- fur " in" mur- to a. I'm br an iiiGTi, iii-Lum- “no hum-In. In ull mnn Mum-up Undcnru llll' Ik- " It“... - l and. " “Hunk. '3'!!!"th "an: to "- a! 'ee, Cm my ad has. ~M‘o Mm. not pooh? of which mulu (Io Meer: om I I Ml' Inuk- bu, I com a! wile): hum-w In far on do“. u l-ndhu "I†In no- ths-cu. lick lambda. Ind .trsntaob, duo -mlgi, and ntl Hid: of mud». and MI!" I- kmUMII M. III. h In mdlury 1,1'6'dl1'l, m- Mt unt-I'll. “In nil-1min. Mai-g- um hull. - mat-III be all but! III non-ch m- punu. Thydnnot. ll “Jill-Mun ----- _.;_. __u.|....h. I... . .n... - rG7uriaiaiaylik tbit/AU ii 'lri'4 that Ilium-III thy u- llu to uh. an" In: " dl nigh!» - P"Y-.mmm" AaiFiir _d_i-ppud‘ it’ll-3 Ilooulo “I'D, In. “no. ibu- Tubal. not and "In. "lath-cl. m In I'; nova I]. I ',it,tiial'if.s? 'eh'tt #339. 1t,f',itgt,t " 2ugrug "light-owl! by " have n lulu, city with“! mu; " n no he?" aka the “any. an “than: qt'mM,'t.E.TFEroTi'ir TGE Dr.' LA.' sax-5'51 Tax:- EifiE “gum-rm. humus-.uun *IIHHI‘“ " “Milli!!!“ PAHISOLI Tao pr. Jas. A. Ln'uvoml. an... Tara â€in" mum nu In; I“ 'ttf, ' w comp-Int. and “a you Jan- 1'dll'f of. all. -19“. we 225375337? If.“ do" linu- can». "I“ when our. â€no, Mll- Ill and. Indy-Island! '"'lar, J! Sink. Ruin m] NEATLY DONE an“ Mn In"? in kl- “in? Mouth-tho! MIN-then. Guelph, IN. My III {and in the Meer " Am line not: Le.) MN Inna, up " in inlet-On do. pin. a you an VIII" In no din Ik- In: in. It. In"; In other MI, ninth" in m ouch-i- cilk. At, initials-:1 I‘m loot-d I y In " "I " In " "I, amine- and lb, and! t,t.,tu',' to Me 2tgrmit,"rl " " inquiry into the um. I Hum, bu up“ ur- ll; any: looking into _t.,f"tr'"r.1'. VIII-on. on. Aug. 29.-0m - Mn lung in Enabling u... -.,....-. ._.- _-- - W a. u iasbk a" was“: an .a,ia,! an" Iltll the (not. be Inn [and “out Wnlht'n “up previous to u. 6min. Be funk: poi-u uuh gm: (Home ot the - It"! It. body In [and Iron the 'ltr of mum, Ilium '31!" In m’i lb! night belong. ad h knot 'adllu In: in 'rout) hm drilled on. Thu ll I “than I iq, In sdnsitq, in a» that; c " an In huh; solo “and I ma 'tem.. and hilt-cl on the trip “that "Inbound will the paid]! trbel onion-l, In ("unrul- haul. In panda- th Bst.qti" in [and nuke: opilhu " " bor at uteru- uu fellow a... tit “not KARL'S CLOVER Mor, a. - Bled grim gins M.- “d ohll- In Gullah! “I and “PM u on, to I... 01.00. m by I. in». Uri-*1- lump line " Murder. or EVERY DESCRIPTION 'm":- an uni-I- AT THE GRIMSBY L THE BELL PIANO New MIMI», only 3mm A lot Ionic. Violin. Unitas. ete., It Mlpriea. KAI-IL“ of the New Improved Edmund I Ci, Boll t Co. mwo- ion Pine-Sm New Rancid. Me And New Willi-I- Bortytt Inching and all kind- ot lid [Ml-um“. which we will euth- IotoulIItSpeeisl Prion Nowiarsetrthrte 'orBanrirt' J, C. HARM" AGENT " GNISBY. Every mulieinn in Omario uhould inploct than two gm. inhuman. HEINTZMAN & CO. TRANSP0Sr..iG PIANO W. H. ECK ABDT, STAR MUSIC STORE. ST. CATHARIND! GOOD CHAPS. Musical Marvel. The we of Sum-mt Shoo- and nil odd. and out which we have been holding tor the put couple of wall In. put no in good slap. for the coming fall undo. We no will olefin; t a Mine. of “no Ladien' Fine " and " ox- ford Shoal at $1.75 PER' PAIR." ------ .--.- .. . 1 Wu have received from an; Cuulom "min a line of ‘GOIII' hunch Ihetyt Boon. in th nigh: and "anâ€; {has an Guanine 'rtlri'rr112A12't'r'/'i'rtrgjr'p'-,h1 Illin‘ for . dren- Inlking boot. ', J. D. C LIMIF , We an new clearing out a tot or mull nil", in A and]! yidllu only, of Lndiu' Pine American Buttoned Boots, worth .6 Ind 00 per pair, for .250. Ladien' Tu [and Boot. for 31.50. _ FREN'CH WALLET... so and " King Street West, HAL/.11 'l CN ADVERTISE The I Niagara Peninsula. “NM Tubula- tNttf..?.3.l! " 1"-rT""'" With the Mandolin attachment the latent in the musical world. Allo the {amount Our Motto: Goode the Beet, Price- Right. Gum-E.“ '"'t "iitoru.b" 7 Irma: m sou. new“? m was no go 'tiett M mun our. t on M 'h' " in iitwt BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE (llill 't(ttiii,'itiiiiiiti,"i,,, 9Ee' Fil:?), ' y/it/lt, .trrCi?rC-..1' 'ftj),iitiiiii' r"ij-lii,i.,i'lrii,, '1l"tjyjritj.ilte,yl 'iitaSera.sirtth,, Cr, IF. iuieutt,t, ttgg'.! _ ', ty 'eeeAr, .. J."'l'sh"im'iiiifirtffiRt a I 'r'?d.ti,"g.r,1t11lh7iiiii . ii'ii,'t'ii'iiStlrliiii'l'i'ititit , "rAiiiirsq,trtrggrtt :31??? . 'ifitilltr; Fiiiiie My“! [IE W FAD