Grimsby Independent, 21 Feb 1895, p. 4

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<P4 THE INDEPENDENT man in New CC CC NCw Uricans for a n dent, He agreed to moet her in Si-- elaati ar ths C, H. and D. depot. Ho gave the name of Howard K. C« velle, and claimed to owna an m eotton plantation: near Now in appesm ho mend onl n w of an ardent character, â€" His frst letter was written from New Orleans, Nov. 15, He wrote several more from the Lrescent city, The next was duted Hotel Emery, Cincinuati, and started : "My own sweet dull:nil‘- " etc. _ He wrote several more, a lull, -uhr.i “:k then came :n to u'lkt.. Finally, under exouses, he got nearly $200 out of her, and rhe decided to investig=*e through Detective Gransuuas, of Cine. muatt. It was discovered tht he war a fraud, and that he had matrried per haps 50 women uoder different aumes, and had a wife in Chicego hlg‘ug wo work tho game with him. By the shoerest luck he was arrested in Chicago and is held there, He bad names ot more than 1,000 cligible women on his amimeey rcamev‘lie anp BMHMVILLE . CRU samar, Fanavaar 21, 14986 A Marvelous Medicine JA8. a. IVIXGRTON, Whenever GI;n a Fair Trial Hood‘s Proves Its Morit. ' TIVLT onns >Â¥ Atide The following letter is from M-fihfl't;n‘m‘fl"- Street, w(.\n.fix a€, J. Haod & Co., Lowell, Mass mGentiemen:â€"1 have been PDCLD L4 se anonth HOOD MarricA "fty Women. C C207 _lom. it has 1 1 began to take Hood‘s ':‘.""m' i -1:.- creased ercasai to 168. . I think Tiood‘s Barsaparbia, 0d â€" Mood‘s Pilie cure liver """ * nn«“m- «oiverams rrorsiate a Sarsaparilla RNPTTTUORD oaar. © , ALEIDE CHAVBSE:__.___â€"â€" ~ @ilie cure liver 1!is, constipation, 102 CAE uc stan. CcURES Montreal, P. Q. Mr. J. Alcide Ko. 153 Shaw Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes left an estate appraised at $72,117. MN‘ lh:mon Robinson,of l;:i;ll:. is the aldest Oddfellow in tha Sime," U ve spripedines, ho n t * justice recently in whish only 65 cente ware involved. _ The Mayo» of * >ada, Mo., gives “""3'0 16 poor this year. Fhl sdon‘t make very much by it, for it only 8500. A recent despatch from Ottumwa, lo'"wyimaudl are light in the cit.‘y was utdluf‘ night because millions of fish had eluggzed the pumps at the power house. Ressie Saunders, who has been an inmate of the South Norfolk, Conn., town farm for several years, will cole brate her 105th birthday next March. In all bor life she has never been outâ€" side the town. xwil Armour. i"\o-ncl':lwlon l:l:--,'bo died at Lynn, Mas _ Sunday, at a great age, witnessed lr\:.\ a r'ock on _the shore at Nahant the famous sea fight between the Cheanporke and SÂ¥izwagae in the war of ISI‘E.D Jules D‘Estimanville Cloment writes from Montreal : "l'u-l-dl:r from akin disease, and after all drugs failed trie® Burdock Blood Bitters, of which three bowies restored me to good health. 1 recommend it also for dyspepsia." hnd heccmane? Adabriedicbatnd RpPPpTy V contact, nl was a man of considersb e | © learning, ability aod att«inments, H«]® had been a court stenographer for 16,$ years. S ‘Mr. Monshan was boro in Ireland, b and was a nephew of Chief Justice | Monahan, _ He was educsied at a cob | lthA.h-ilfnu-, and came to|‘ Canads from Ircisnd about 20 years ' ago. Hle came as a traveler to see the | country, and undertook & tip to the Râ€"cky mountains on bmh&....lbi‘ he accomplishe 1, bis o-l& guides being .oo-rof Indisos. fe returned to Fort Garry, aod remained there a short time _ He bad an incxbsustible fand of storics about his carly adventures on the Elslu. He came from Fort Garry to this city, where he determined to take up his residence, and being an exâ€" 3 ma‘::mguplw, -b:flly n‘l‘;t he om was appointed to i 1 | which he il!ep:-‘:il death, m He married Miss Steers, a daughter ,, | of Mr. Steers, enginee: to the Dominion w | government, and leaves & widow and five children. « >n Flody, a colored carpenter of ;:sfl.(h.h'-dhhmhy uld, Vanderbilt, Rockefelier and The annual Mn’ of the Smithâ€"| 1 ville high school boar for the election ohflic-n,m.vuheldinmdtm 1 with the H. 8. Act on the 1st Wedâ€"| nesday in Feb. at seven p. m. at the | office of the in:rfiuy, who, also in | compliance with the Act, presided at ! u..:nning of the meeting and null a notice from the county clet steting | that Robt. Murgatroyd,Feq , hod been | AMTgeNCOZ n O yrud reâ€"appointed H connty Odda and Ends. @mithville High School. council. L4 8. trustce by i Mr, *Brant wes by the | ‘ JALN We an, to the bargain ses this moug t, Thl:“-wd: are takin and you will fnd good time up masy good | waine whi wonth in the 1 affords. t the entire sur atock of 4) eorect menufact sad in of this we are to sell $1 at 600., every ¢ aod size, ‘ winter vesls, sh asd long sale price now 19 BAN;@lHs IN COTTON®. _Fine wi soft Gnish, We andl the bargain sesson cambric SGoish, foe quality, sa‘t PW this moug t, ‘l'u:nmth we Spo. "Third onality fie a fine, sale are taki and you will fad it a price 100. "These cortons are baving good ti up mamy good bar aun imm»nse sale and there is no ques: waine w wonth in the year tion but whas thy are the greatess barâ€" affords, t the eotire surplus gains in the trado, Send for samples, atock of & vorect manufacturer _ Ladica‘ Jersors loss than half price. }"‘ in of this we are able Ladies‘ fine Eoglisa ribb cashmere to sell $1 at 690., every color hosiery 19 and 25e., worth 30 and 40 Ni t eorect menufaeturer. _ SEOIE €TAME DUSOHOCCOALLL s¢5 L2 0d in oT this we are able Ladics‘ fine Eoglisa ribb cashmere §$6; Ladies‘ Cleth Uismts To) B1.99 to sell 91 at ©690., every color hosiery 19 and 25e., worth 30 and 400. and $2.50, not one ~~ wweer their value, and size, winter vests, shaped Mco‘s all woo! ribb‘ shirte 390., worth but they mast be sold. _ Ledies ons asd long sale price now 190. _ 60c. Fine top shirts 39c., wrghflc.s‘dnhllgr‘:vfl_oc.-th BA IN CoTTON8. _ BARGAINS IN LADIESYACKETS aweeds 1 25, now 806, . See ~ TFikk 14 it Auith; yost AND ULSTERS. 'lb,-'.. 4fe. . Steonad q;'.liv, We have had sn immease trade in . . ocm Ai e â€"â€" DIRECT IMPORTERS B EU EC LCE 00 e a w hCWz FINGH BRC AT TET: Tutch \agn o. pr j w s is a partidt ) ze lwâ€"n,.--a-.â€"...-‘-_"-‘.,,, former 2, now $8. LINS in pdmund coloring, regular pric 1*he, Silk curtain loops, reduced fnfm 0!-‘: to '!!-c Art eovers, two yards -;un. formerly $6, now 3.75, 21 yards i 9 25, Ifi'*“-_:‘\-mh Toug, hlnn;ml, 8.5 1 m cold mights brifg to mnd the nocess all 1 fresh ."Ifi::- of this season‘s manufact % reâ€" lown and cottonwool still i our Our Millinery Department has also some g: hats 1. rl to 50¢. . Felt hats l‘, reduced to 25¢, . Birds, hnelmdes Mantle denartment during the month of January our Our Millinery Du‘-ulmrnl has also some go hats 1. to 50¢. â€" Felt hats 81, reduced to 250. Birds, business M j Mantle department during the month of January. Now is to do your ql-r(n sewing, _ Just to hand, a large Eas®, corner lnau»- 8t., Hamilton. s wsrim 1 flunin, Feb. 21, 1895. 1 or byâ€"law went, or goes, into €1M0CL |. ‘The secretary was therefore requested to ascertain at once from him. _ A disâ€" i cussion c« to the advisability of also abolishing the fees in case of high school district pupils in consequence ::khhut the d::.l‘:’ eon'uil then r“@".h‘ the followi resolutioh : _ "%___ *% â€" Moved by Irvine, seconded by Brant, that although as individuals, we are each in favor of the principles emâ€" bodied in the payment of fees by those receiving the educational advantages | provided by the high school, as ovinced |by the fact that for years past this ,| board has required a fee of $50 per . | year from »scl pupil attending the , | high schoo!, but whereas the county ; | council has seed fit to abolish the fees in the cas county . pupils, and p | whereas it is upanifestly unjast that o | fees should in |this changed state of I | nffairs be exactid from those who have horne the etiry expense of the erecâ€" tion of the bigh school buildings, ete., while the childign of county sesidents, who have carrifd no portion of this hnilding. soald be allowed to enter | â€" Therefore, s shall not \e .\ district pupils f » | that this Act , | take effect uati t (Curther allow us i 'ms w change fo '._ly,b- made in & n ‘nutrlfd in a . "lb. best interest .‘ Carried unanim fi;lidin', .l.uM free; ( ‘ TEHBE RIGEET HOUSE i reaolved that foes ted from eleven 8. BROS. ° _A d 9 Cooomldiciersie‘t AP d Eney lown and cottonwool still in large variety, . We have just c hrmunbu-h)mrnh-hkin-hhhchu. Te 81, reduced to 250. Birds, feathers, Wl\-, tips, etc., a ring the month of January, . Just 14 of those hllr\:-ie cing, _ Just to hand, a large shipment of new embroiie Lgnll Toug, formedly 8.50, now #6. ‘bring to mjnd the necessity of warm bed coverings, and we are making & redustion . o uc‘rt lb of |li season‘s manufacture, but we find that we have about 100 u;-au than we want at this wn and cottonwool still in large variety, . We have just opened 4 of new bed pillows, making rfl-t-l has also some fun\h which we wish to clear, â€" Tourists‘ hats 1.85, reduced to 500. Beaver , reduced to 25¢, . Birds, feathers, aigtottes, tips, etc., at u!crh We have done a remarkable ing the month of January, . Just 14 left of those hllr\:kul ete udeqndmuhflvul. MB Tc sa hand: a larze shinment of new embroideries, our Mail Order Department, cambric Suish, fioe quality, sale prics Lad 8ko. ‘*Fhird onality and c ra fine, sale bala price 100. _ ‘These cottons :‘nhvhg '.n:l: l eelievat onl to. t /orcecl SE mtb cambric Soish, fine quality, sale pMO® O2"" 0 °0 ob we will sel)l at the 8ko. ‘Third onality and c ra fine, sale balanee of our stoek we will sell at the prive 100. _ ‘These cortons are having following big reduetions : 1\9th Juahere au imt»ense sale and there is no ques: #1 50, were $5; $2 Plush Jacket», wore tion but whas th<y are the greatess barâ€" $6 ; Plush â€" Jackess $3.99, wate $10 ; gains in the trado, Send for samples, Cloth Jackets $2.99 were $4.00 ; Rough Ladica® Jorsovs less than half price. Serge end Beaver Juekets $3.99, wore i t 4 n U d ore 56: Ladies® Cloth Ubmere 91, $1.99 wards concuring. \ The secretary was furthor requested to send a copy of the minutes of this weeting to ‘The Iudependent aud to any other paper that he chooses. 1), W, EAstmun, \ Sec‘y H. 8. B. Taxorers, Fob 15â€"A d.-mhumt‘ of Mootish eavairy has avrived at the town of Casea Blane«, on its way lo‘ Fez, with some ghastly trophics of war for the Saltan. â€" Those: couist. of two eurtloads of haman . hoads, which had been obtained during a receot punitive expedition against the R bamoa rebels. They have been salted, io order to proâ€" serve thhin, and will bo presented to the Saltan in that condition, They will afterwards be exhibited on the walls of Fo: Sins,â€"I nad such a severe cough that my throat felt as if -n‘â€"l with a rasp. On taking Norway Pine gmp I found the first doss gave relief, and the second bottle com» pato‘y cured me, MISS A. A. DOWNEY, Manotic, Ont. K D C cures Dyspepsia. Oarloads of Ruman Heads THOMAS C. WATKINS. 81 & 32 King East, HAMILTOIY Bcraped With a Rasp. IOuP T L IE LAEO J DCE C 18.20 Iiing West, HAMILTON w mm @4 o d â€"A detachment avrived at the , on its way to g trophics of war o eouist._of two cade, which had & receot punitive MOURNING Mude up on short notice ww up in style. * Jackets this sastn aed the BANK OF HAMILTON DLRECTORS: ‘ ‘:' “flfiW?vwrnfl: n Proctor, Wm.‘ aomantt. ... Aanbiee ts | J, Turnbul},Cashier Inspection invited by torms®*5*~ 11 y rrownt, Agont If you want the beat nd‘:nxd all wool underweat. Rannel shifts, lined kid and buckskin wloves and (milts, go to Trebles, Cor, King and Jambe siz., Nam ilton. . a Mitston Money to loan at t’l‘i‘ current rates, NP‘)"N"" suit horâ€" Real Esusl: zent, _ "gt. C ARIN No infer M NU D AOLLAAEN ‘Caretul attention given and prom pt ves Cheap Money. tal[All Patdâ€"up} rve rund * D. D‘E. Potter, WEADOFFICE, MAMILTOR. GRIMSBY. BRANCHES, wies ysnt 5““':'“.0“ t;'?:lnll I"Ill. OUTEITS . M. 8.Aieven, Assistamt 1 rignt tb

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